Microsoft Outlook中的“提及”列是什么?

“Mentions” are something you’ll be familiar with if you use communication tools like Slack or Confluence, or social media apps like Twitter or Instagram. You type the “@” symbol and then someone’s name, and they get a message saying you’ve mentioned them in a message/post/article. Mentions have also turned up in the latest versions of Outlook, so let’s take a look at what they do.

如果您使用诸如Slack或Confluence之类的通讯工具,或诸如Twitter或Instagram之类的社交媒体应用程序,就会很熟悉“提及”。 您输入“ @”符号,然后输入某人的名字,他们会收到一条消息,说您在消息/帖子/文章中提到了他们。 在最新版本的Outlook中也提到了这一点,所以让我们看一下它们的作用。

Microsoft’s latest versions of Outlook are Outlook 2016, Outlook 365, and If you’re not using one of these versions, you won’t have mentions until you upgrade.

Microsoft的Outlook最新版本是Outlook 2016,Outlook 365和。 如果您不使用这些版本之一,则在升级之前不会有提及。

Mentions work in Outlook in much the same way as they do everywhere else you’ve used them. Type an “@” symbol in the body of an email or event and then start typing a name and any matching contacts will appear for you to select.

在Outlook中,提及的方式与您在其他地方使用的方式几乎相同。 在电子邮件或事件的正文中输入“ @”符号,然后开始输入名称,所有匹配的联系人都会出现,供您选择。

Keep typing until the right name is displayed, or use the Up and Down arrows on your keyboard to select the right name from the list, and hit Return/Enter on your keyboard. The mention will be displayed, and the mentioned person will automatically be added to the “To” field.

继续键入直到显示正确的名称,或者使用键盘上的向上和向下箭头从列表中选择正确的名称,然后按键盘上的Return / Enter。 将显示提及内容,并且提及的人将自动添加到“收件人”字段中。

And that’s it, at least from the sender’s point of view. You can mention as many people you want, and then send the email when you’re ready.

就是这样,至少从发送者的角度来看。 您可以提及所需的任何人,然后在准备就绪时发送电子邮件。

As the receiver of the mail, a couple of things are different when you receive a mail in which someone has mentioned you. The default folder view in Outlook (in the versions we mentioned at the top of this article) now includes a “Mention” column.

作为邮件的收件人,当您收到某人提到您的邮件时,有几处不同。 Outlook中的默认文件夹视图(在本文顶部提到的版本中)现在包括“提及”列。

When you receive a mail in which you’ve been mentioned, an “@” symbol will be visible in the Mention column.

当您收到一封提到您的邮件时,“提及”列中将显示一个“ @”符号。

You’ve also got an additional “Mentioned Mail” filter you can choose if you want to see just the messages where someone has mentioned you.

如果您只想查看某人提到您的邮件 ,则还可以选择其他“提及邮件”过滤器。

So, what’s the point?


Well, in all honesty, not much, as far as we can see. The whole point of using a mention in Twitter or Slack is to bring someone into the conversation or alert them, but you’re already doing that in Outlook by simply sending them the message.

好吧,说实话,据我们所知,并不多。 在Twitter或Slack中使用提及的全部目的是使某人加入对话或提醒他们,但是您已经在Outlook中通过简单地向他们发送消息来做到这一点。

If we had to guess, we’d say Microsoft is just laying some groundwork for the future—most likely for some kind of integration with Microsoft Teams. There are plenty of people who use Microsoft products at work, but not Slack, Twitter, or other social media. Microsoft is heavily pushing Teams for its enterprise customers, and—no surprise here—mentions feature heavily in Teams the same way they do in Slack.

如果我们不得不猜测,我们会说微软只是为未来打下基础,很可能是与Microsoft Teams进行某种形式的集成。 有很多人在工作中使用Microsoft产品,但没有Slack,Twitter或其他社交媒体。 微软正在大力为其企业客户推销Teams,而且(在此不足为奇)Teams中的提及功能与在Slack中一样。

It might be that Microsoft is just getting people used to the idea of mentions, but it’s more likely that they’re planning on some integration between Outlook and Teams (and probably server products like Exchange and SharePoint) that we’re just not seeing yet. Time will tell.

可能是微软只是让人们习惯了提及的想法,但他们更有可能正在计划Outlook和Teams(以及可能是Exchange和SharePoint之类的服务器产品)之间的一些集成,而我们尚未看到。 时间会证明一切。


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