


Alexa is coming to PCs, according to numerous reports. Acer, ASUS, and Lenovo are all working on computers with Alexa support built in, meaning you’ll be able to ask your PC a question the same way you ask your Echo.

据众多报道称, Alexa即将进入个人电脑领域 。 Acer,ASUS和Lenovo都在内置Alexa支持的计算机上工作,这意味着您可以像询问Echo一样向PC提问。

It makes sense: Amazon’s Echo has been selling very well, and it’s natural for OEMs to want some piece of the virtual assistant market. Adding a third party tool is the best way to get this done, because it’s not like Microsoft added a virtual assistant to Windows back in 2015.

这是有道理的:亚马逊的Echo一直卖得很好,而且OEM厂商自然希望在虚拟助手市场上占有一席之地。 添加第三方工具是完成此任务的最佳方法,因为这与Microsoft在2015年向Windows添加虚拟助手不同。

Oh wait. They did. It’s just that no one uses it.

等一下。 他们做到了。 只是没有人使用它。

OEMs are adding a third party voice assistant to PCs because they think that’s a feature that will help them sell computers. That says a lot about how much confidence Acer, ASUS, and Lenovo have in Cortana.

OEM正在向PC添加第三方语音助手,因为他们认为该功能将有助于他们销售计算机。 这充分说明了宏cer,华硕和联想对Cortana的信心。

微软推硬Cortana (Microsoft Pushed Cortana, Hard)

We know that Microsoft really, really wants you to use Cortana. The evidence is right at the bottom of your screen.

我们知道微软确实非常希望您使用Cortana。 证据就在屏幕底部。

The Windows 10 taskbar is among the most valuable billboards in tech: it’s seen by hundreds of millions of users every day, sitting at the bottom of the screen pretty much constantly. So using this space to promote a product is no small commitment for Microsoft.

Windows 10任务栏是技术上最有价值的广告牌之一:每天都有成千上万的用户看到它,并且经常坐在屏幕底部。 因此,利用这一空间来推广产品对Microsoft而言是不小的承诺。

Since Windows 10 came out, one feature has dominated this space. Look at this:

自Windows 10推出以来,一项功能主导了这一领域。 看这个:

The Cortana box is given the most prominent space imaginable, sitting at the right hand of the famous Start button. It’s also huge, about the space of six regular icons.

Cortana框位于著名的“开始”按钮的右侧,具有可想象的最突出的空间。 它也很庞大,大约有六个常规图标。

Microsoft is aggressively using its most valuable real estate to promote Cortana.


And it goes further. Cortana is now the face of the Windows installer, asking users questions directly during the initial setup. Microsoft even named the assistant after a beloved character from the once popular Halo franchise of video games.

而且进一步。 Cortana现在是Windows安装程序的代表,它在初始设置过程中直接询问用户问题。 微软甚至以曾经广受欢迎的Halo系列电子游戏中一个受欢迎的角色来命名助理。

It’s obvious Microsoft put a lot of energy into promoting Cortana, but when’s the last time you actually used it?


If you’re like most people, you gave it a shot, and maybe even looked up a few lists of things you can do with Cortana out of curiosity. But ultimately, you probably ignored the thing, and maybe even looked up how to hide the Cortana icon entirely to free up some taskbar space.

如果您像大多数人一样,可以试一试,甚至可以出于好奇而查找一些可以使用Cortana进行的操作。 但是最终,您可能会忽略该问题,甚至可能会查找如何完全隐藏Cortana图标以释放一些任务栏空间。

And that makes sense. Cortana just isn’t useful enough for anyone to consider changing their habits. Reddit and Twitter are littered with examples of Cortana refusing to answer a basic question, or otherwise getting things wrong.

这是有道理的。 Cortana不足以让任何人考虑改变其习惯。 Reddit和Twitter上充斥着Cortana拒绝回答基本问题或以其他方式弄错事情的示例。

Wish Win 10 would use Win 7 search function. Cortana only makes it more complex. When you can't "find" an installed app that is UX #FAIL

希望Win 10将使用Win 7搜索功能。 Cortana只会使其更复杂。 当您无法“找到” UX #FAIL的已安装应用程序时

— JeffNoricks (@JeffNoricks) October 25, 2017

-JeffNoricks(@JeffNoricks) 2017年10月25日

@theresa_may When u forget to change your profile pic #Microsoft #Cortana #CortanaFail @satyanadella @BillGates

@theresa_may当U忘记更改您的个人资料PIC #Microsoft #Cortana #CortanaFail @satyanadella @BillGates

— Mrinal Sinha (@TheMrinalSinha) October 7, 2017

— Mrinal Sinha(@TheMrinalSinha) 2017年10月7日



— Jason Heiser (@breaker119) September 22, 2017

-Jason Heiser(@ breaker119) 2017年9月22日

Microsoft put everything they had into promoting Cortana, but at the end of the day, it’s just not useful enough for people to actually use. Microsoft seems to know this on some level. Some features have stopped working, including song recognition, suggesting the service is no longer a priority.

微软将所有的精力都投入到了Cortana的推广中,但是最终,它对于人们实际使用而言还不够有用。 微软似乎在某种程度上知道这一点。 某些功能已停止工作, 包括歌曲识别,这表明该服务已不再是优先事项。

Microsoft has also pursued an agreement with Amazon where Cortana users can ask Alexa questions, and vice versa. Apparently PC makers would rather skip the Cortana middleman and connect their users with Alexa directly.

微软还与亚马逊达成了一项协议,Cortana用户可以向该协议询问Alexa问题,反之亦然。 显然,PC制造商宁愿跳过Cortana中间商,直接将其用户与Alexa联系起来。

It’s probably not a bad idea. Anyone with an Echo will have access to the same assistant on their computers, without having to clumsily ask Cortana for permission first. And Alexa can do a lot more than Cortana in any case. So OEMs will add Alexa to PCs, and users might actually use it, all the while ignoring or hiding the massive Cortana eyesore on their taskbar—just like most Windows users have since 2015.

这可能不是一个坏主意。 拥有Echo的任何人都可以使用其计算机上的同一助手,而不必笨拙地先征求Cortana的许可。 在任何情况下,Alexa都能做的比Cortana还要多。 因此,OEM会将Alexa添加到PC中,而用户实际上可能会使用它,而无视或隐藏任务栏上大量的Cortana眼睛,就像大多数Windows用户自2015年以来一样。







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