谷歌云端硬盘下载文件_如何使用Google云端硬盘中的Microsoft Office文件




Microsoft Office files are still very common, but if you’re more of a Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides user, you can still edit Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files in Google Drive–if you know how.

Microsoft Office文件仍然很常见,但是如果您更多地是Google文档,表格和幻灯片的用户,则可以在Google云端硬盘中编辑Word,Excel和PowerPoint文件。

On the desktop, you’ll need to use the Google Chrome browser and an official Chrome extension to edit Microsoft Office documents, using Google Drive’s Office Compatibility Mode (OCM). You can edit them like that, or convert them to Google Docs format, which will provide more features. (Don’t worry–even if you convert them to Google Docs format, you can re-download them in Microsoft Office format later).

在桌面上,您需要使用Google Chrome浏览器和正式的Chrome扩展程序才能通过Google云端硬盘的Office兼容模式(OCM)编辑Microsoft Office文档。 您可以像这样编辑它们,或将它们转换为Google Docs格式,这将提供更多功能。 (不用担心-即使将它们转换为Google Docs格式,以后也可以重新下载为Microsoft Office格式)。

You can also edit Microsoft Office files using the Google Drive app and the Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides apps on iOS or Android. We’ll show you both methods in the guide below.

您还可以使用Google云端硬盘应用以及iOS或Android上的Google文档,Google表格和Google幻灯片应用来编辑Microsoft Office文件。 我们将在下面的指南中向您展示这两种方法。

如何在PC或Mac上使用Google云端硬盘上的Microsoft Office文件 (How to Work with Microsoft Office Files on Google Drive on a PC or Mac)

Let’s start with the desktop. If the Office file you want to edit and share is still on your PC’s hard drive, you can easily upload it to Google Drive and open it for editing in Chrome using a Chrome extension. Open Chrome, go to the Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides extension page, click “Add to Chrome”, and follow the on-screen instructions to install it.

让我们从桌面开始。 如果您要编辑和共享的Office文件仍位于PC的硬盘上,则可以轻松地将其上传到Google云端硬盘,然后使用Chrome扩展程序将其打开以在Chrome中进行编辑。 打开Chrome,转到Office编辑文档,表格和幻灯片扩展页面 ,单击“添加到Chrome”,然后按照屏幕上的说明进行安装。


Once the extension is installed, drag the Office file onto the Chrome window until you see a copy icon as shown below. For my example throughout this article, I’m going to use a Word/Google Docs file, but the procedure is the same for Excel/Google Sheets files and PowerPoint/Google Slides files.

安装扩展程序后,将Office文件拖到Chrome窗口中,直到看到如下所示的复制图标。 对于本文中的示例,我将使用Word / Google Docs文件,但是Excel / Google表格文件和PowerPoint / Google幻灯片文件的操作步骤相同。


The first time you drag an Office file onto the Chrome window, the following dialog box displays. Click “Got it” to close the window. You won’t see this dialog box again.

首次将Office文件拖到Chrome窗口中时,将显示以下对话框。 单击“知道”关闭窗口。 您将不会再看到此对话框。


The Office file is uploaded to your Google Drive account and opened on the current tab. There a limited number of features you can use to edit the Office file in your Google Drive account. However, if you convert the document to a Google document, there are more features available, and you can share the document with others.

Office文件已上传到您的Google云端硬盘帐户,并在当前标签上打开。 您可以使用一些功能来编辑Google云端硬盘帐户中的Office文件。 但是,如果将文档转换为Google文档,则可以使用更多功能,并且可以与其他人共享文档

To convert your Word file to a Google Docs document, select “Save as Google Docs” from the “File” menu. If you uploaded and opened an Excel file (.xlsx or .xls), the option would be “Save as Google Sheets” and if the file is a PowerPoint file (.pptx or .ppt), the option would be “Save as Google Slides”.

要将您的Word文件转换为Google文档,请从“文件”菜单中选择“另存为Google文档”。 如果您上传并打开了Excel文件(.xlsx或.xls),则选项为“另存为Google表格”;如果文件为PowerPoint文件(.pptx或.ppt),则选项为“另存为Google表格”幻灯片”。


A dialog box displays while the document is converted and saved to your Google Drive account. You can stop the conversion by clicking “Cancel”.

文档转换并保存到您的Google云端硬盘帐户后,将显示一个对话框。 您可以通过单击“取消”来停止转换。


Once you make your changes, you can download the Google document as an Office file. In my example, I select “Download as” from the “File” menu and then select “Microsoft Word (.docx)” from the submenu. There are also other formats in which you can download the Word file, such as .rtf, .pdf, and even as an eBook (.epub).

进行更改后,您可以将Google文档下载为Office文件。 在我的示例中,我从“文件”菜单中选择“下载为”,然后从子菜单中选择“ Microsoft Word(.docx)”。 您还可以使用其他格式下载Word文件,例如.rtf,.pdf甚至是电子书(.epub)。


The name of the original file is used by default, but you can change it in the “File name” edit box. Then, click “Save”.

默认情况下使用原始文件的名称,但是您可以在“文件名”编辑框中进行更改。 然后,单击“保存”。


Another way to work with Office files in your Google Drive account is to upload them to your Google Drive account using the Google app for Windows, which can be downloaded from here. If you’ve uploaded your Word file this way, you can access your Google Drive account from within a browser, and then open the Word file in Google Docs. For my example, I’ll open my Word file by right-clicking on the file in my Google Drive account, selecting “Open with” from the popup menu, and then selecting “Google Docs” from the submenu.

使用Google云端硬盘帐户中Office文件的另一种方法是使用Windows版Google应用将其上传到Google云端硬盘帐户中,该应用可从此处下载。 如果您以这种方式上传了Word文件,则可以从浏览器中访问您的Google云端硬盘帐户 ,然后在Google文档中打开Word文件。 在我的示例中,我将通过右键单击Google云端硬盘帐户中的文件,从弹出菜单中选择“打开方式”,然后从子菜单中选择“ Google文档”,来打开Word文件。


The Word file is opened in a new tab and you can edit the document just like when you dragged the Word file onto the Chrome window previously. You can also “Download” the file as a Word file using the “Download” button in the upper-right corner of the browser window, or share it with others using the “Share” button.

Word文件会在新标签页中打开,您可以像以前将Word文件拖到Chrome窗口中一样编辑文档。 您也可以使用浏览器窗口右上角的“下载”按钮将文件“下载”为Word文件,或使用“共享”按钮与他人共享。


At this point, the file is still a Word file and you’re working in Office Compatibility Mode (OCM). To convert it to a Google Docs file, select “Save as Google Docs” from the “File” menu, just like you did after dragging the Word file onto the Chrome window.

此时,该文件仍然是Word文件,并且您正在使用Office兼容模式(OCM)。 要将其转换为Google Docs文件,请从“文件”菜单中选择“另存为Google Docs”,就像将Word文件拖到Chrome窗口中一样。

如何在移动设备上使用Google Drive上的Microsoft Office文件 (How to Work with Microsoft Office Files on Google Drive on a Mobile Device)

You can also open and edit Office files using the Google Docs app for iOS or Android (for Word files), the Google Sheets app for iOS or Android (for Excel files), or the Google Slides app for iOS or Android (for PowerPoint files). However, you also need to install the Google Drive app on iOS or Android. When you select an Office file to open in the Google Drive app, it’s automatically opened in the appropriate Google document app.

您还可以使用适用于iOSAndroidGoogle文档应用程序 (适用于Word文件), 适用于iOSAndroidGoogle表格应用程序 (适用于Excel文件)或适用于iOSAndroidGoogle幻灯片应用程序 (适用于PowerPoint文件)打开和编辑Office文件。 )。 但是,您还需要在iOSAndroid 安装Google云端硬盘应用 。 当您选择要在Google云端硬盘应用中打开的Office文件时,该文件会在相应的Google文档应用中自动打开。

We’ll show you how to work with a Word file in your Google Drive account on an iPhone, but the process is similar on other platforms and with other files. Open the Google Drive app on your device and navigate to where the Word file you want to open is located. Tap on the file.

我们将向您展示如何在iPhone上的Google云端硬盘帐户中使用Word文件,但是在其他平台和其他文件上,该过程相似。 打开设备上的Google云端硬盘应用,然后导航到要打开的Word文件所在的位置。 点击文件。


Your Word file is automatically opened in Google Docs. You can edit the Word file as it is by tapping in the document (1) and adding content or changing existing content and formatting the text (2). Additional text and paragraph formatting options are available by clicking the text/paragraph icon on the toolbar at the top (3). When you’re done editing the document, tap the check mark in the upper-left corner of the screen (4).

您的Word文件会在Google文档中自动打开。 您可以通过点击文档(1)并添加内容或更改现有内容并设置文本格式(2)来直接编辑Word文件。 单击顶部工具栏上的文本/段落图标(3),可以使用其他文本和段落格式设置选项。 编辑完文档后,请点击屏幕左上角的复选标记(4)。


If, at any time, you’re not sure whether you’re working in a Word-formatted file or a Google Docs-formatted file, tap on the menu button (three vertical dots).

如果在任何时候不确定要使用Word格式的文件还是Google Docs格式的文件,请点击菜单按钮(三个垂直点)。


When you’re working in a Word file (or an Excel file or a PowerPoint file), you’ll see Office Compatibility Mode at the top of the menu.



Notice in the image above that there is a Share & Export option on the menu, but when you tap on the “Share & Export” option, you’ll find that there is no Share option available (on the left in the image below). Just like in a browser on the PC, you cannot share Word files in your Google Drive account. You must save a Word file as a Google Docs file if you want to share the file. Conveniently, the Share & Export submenu also allows you to “Save as Google Docs file”.

请注意,在上图中,菜单上有一个“共享和导出”选项,但是当您点击“共享和导出”选项时,您会发现没有可用的共享选项(在下图的左侧) 。 就像在PC上的浏览器中一样,您无法在Google云端硬盘帐户中共享Word文件。 如果要共享文件,则必须将Word文件另存为Google Docs文件。 方便地,共享和导出子菜单还允许您“另存为Google Docs文件”。

Once you’ve saved the file as a Google Docs file (which we will do next), the “Share & export” submenu includes a Share option (on the right in the image below), allowing you to share the current document with others. This submenu also includes the Save as Word (.docx) option, allowing you to convert the document back to a Word file.

将文件另存为Google Docs文件之后(我们将在下一步进行操作),“共享和导出”子菜单包括一个共享选项(在下图的右侧),使您可以与其他人共享当前文档。 该子菜单还包括“另存为Word(.docx)”选项,使您可以将文档转换回Word文件。


When you tap the “Save as Google Docs file” option on the Share & Export submenu in the Word document, a dialog box displays while the document is being saved as a Google Docs file.

当您在Word文档的“共享和导出”子菜单中点击“另存为Google文档文件”选项时,将文档另存为Google Docs文件时将显示一个对话框。


Once the document has been converted, “Office Compatibility Mode” is no longer on the main menu and some of the options are different, such as the Share & Export submenu we discussed above. Now you can edit and share your Google Docs document, and convert it back to a Word document, if you so choose.

转换文档后,“ Office兼容模式”将不再位于主菜单上,并且某些选项有所不同,例如我们上面讨论的“共享和导出”子菜单。 现在,您可以编辑和共享Google Docs文档,如果愿意的话,可以将其转换回Word文档。


Back in the Google Drive app, the Google Docs version of my Word file is now available.



You can also open the Google Docs document in a browser on your PC and download the file as a Word file, as we discussed in the first section. Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides documents are only stored in your Google Drive account. If you use the Google Drive for Windows app, you’ll see what look like local files for these documents, but they are actually links to the online documents. So, to access them, you must have an internet connection. You can read more about using the Google Drive for Windows app.

您也可以在PC上的浏览器中打开Goog​​le Docs文档,然后将文件下载为Word文件,如第一部分所述。 Google文档,表格和幻灯片文档仅存储在您的Google云端硬盘帐户中。 如果您使用Windows的Google云端硬盘应用,则会看到这些文档的本地文件,但实际上是指向在线文档的链接。 因此,要访问它们,您必须具有Internet连接。 您可以阅读有关使用Windows版Google云端硬盘应用的更多信息。

Google’s help site about Google Docs lists the Office file types that are compatible with Google Drive.








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