worldedit.exe_如何使用WorldEdit在游戏中和即时编辑Minecraft World



While the primary allure of Minecraft is building there are some tasks that are quite tedious and practically beg for a copy and paste button. WorldEdit is that button (and so much more). Read on as we show you how to supercharge your building with an in-game editor that gives you editing tools that turn your Minecraft world into a canvas.

虽然Minecraft的主要魅力在于构建,但有些任务非常繁琐,实际上是乞求“复制和粘贴”按钮。 WorldEdit 该按钮(还有更多)。 继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何使用游戏内编辑器为建筑物增添力量,该编辑器为您提供了将Minecraft世界变成画布的编辑工具。

为什么要使用WorldEdit? (Why Use WorldEdit?)

You can always edit your Minecraft map (construction and destruction is the basic premise of the game after all), but the basic in-game tools make big edits extremely time consuming. Moving an entire mountain or digging a channel between oceans could take weeks of real-time effort. Today, we’re taking a look at in-game mods that give you god-like building powers which turn mountain moving into a simple project.

您始终可以编辑Minecraft地图(毕竟,构建和销毁是游戏的基本前提),但是基本的游戏内工具会使进行大量编辑非常耗时。 移动整个山脉或在海洋之间挖掘海峡可能需要数周的实时工作。 今天,我们正在研究游戏中的mod,这些mod赋予了您神似的建造能力,可将山岭移动变成一个简单的项目。

Why do you want to use this tutorial? Because some things in Minecraft are just too agonizingly tedious to deal with the old fashioned way, especially when there’s a better way.

为什么要使用本教程? 因为Minecraft中的某些内容过于繁琐而无法处理老式的方法,特别是当有更好的方法时。

Take for example the way water behaves in Minecraft. In the real world if you have a pond next to a river and you want to link the two then you simply dig a channel between the two bodies of water and physics does the rest (assuming the bodies of water are on an even elevation, the water just flows between the two and levels off).

以水在《我的世界》中的表现为例。 在现实世界中,如果您在河流旁边有一个池塘,并且想将两者联系起来,那么您只需在两个水体之间挖出一条通道,而其余的工作由物理学完成(假设水体在均匀的高度上,水只是在两者之间流动并稳定下来)。

In Minecraft all sorts of weird things happen in the same scenario. If your channel is more than a few blocks long, for example, the water from the pond will water fall into the channel, the water from the river will waterfall into the channel, but the two bodies of water will not level themselves and merge together like real bodies of water.

在《我的世界》中,各种奇怪的事情都发生在同一场景中。 例如,如果您的河道长度超过几个街区,则池塘中的水将落入河道中,河水中的瀑布将流入河道中,但是这两个水体将不会自我平整并融合在一起像真正的水一样。

An in-game editing suite allows you to quickly correct annoying quirks like this and so much more. Look at the lead image of this tutorial for an example of another task that would be insanely tedious. In the screenshot we’ve encased a tall cottage in a giant hollow ellipsoid of glass. The amount of time it would take to get that perfectly right by hand (calculating it, mapping out the layers needed, and then placing all the glass blocks) would likely take days. By using a simple one line command we were able to create the shape in a matter of seconds (and just as quickly remove it once we’d snapped the picture).

游戏中的编辑套件可让您快速纠正此类烦人的怪癖。 请查看本教程的主要图片,以获取另一个非常繁琐的任务的示例。 在屏幕截图中,我们将一个高大的小屋包裹在一个巨大的空心椭圆形玻璃中。 手动完成此操作所需的时间(计算出来,绘制所需的图层,然后放置所有玻璃块)可能需要几天的时间。 通过使用简单的单行命令,我们可以在几秒钟内创建形状(并且一旦捕捉到图片,就可以快速移除它)。

With that in mind, let’s take a look at how we can add editing tools to Minecraft that allow us to spend way more time building and having fun, and less time doing tedious tasks like trying to level and fill a canal.


安装WorldEdit (Installing WorldEdit)

WorldEdit comes in several flavors. You can install it via Forge for Minecraft 1.6.4. and you can install it via LiteLoader or Forge for Minecraft 1.7.2 and 1.7.10.  Installation is as easy as putting the appropriate litemod or jar file in your instance or server’s /mods/ folder.

WorldEdit有几种风格 。 您可以通过Forge for Minecraft 1.6.4安装它。 您可以通过LiteLoader或Forge for Minecraft 1.7.2和1.7.10进行安装。 安装就像将适当的litemod或jar文件放入实例或服务器的/ mods /文件夹一样容易。

In light of that, rather than go over the process again (as the process is the same as any other mods) we’d encourage you to grab the right file for your Minecraft version number and then follow along with our Minecraft modding tutorial here.

有鉴于此,我们鼓励您为Minecraft版本号获取正确的文件 ,然后按照此处的Minecraft改装教程进行操作 ,而不是再进行遍历(因为该过程与任何其他mod相同)。

使用WorldEdit (Using WorldEdit)

Once you’ve added World Edit to your single player game or to your server, it’s time to get your hands dirty. Before we do however, let us assure you that WorldEdit is going to take a little bit of study to really master. It’s likely the most complex mod you’ve used to date, and it’s significantly more powerful (and command loaded) than your typical Minecraft building experience.

将World Edit添加到单人游戏或服务器后,就该动手了。 但是,在进行此操作之前,让我们向您保证WorldEdit将需要一点点学习才能真正掌握。 它可能是您迄今使用过的最复杂的mod,并且比典型的Minecraft构建经验更强大(并且加载了命令)。

There’s a huge amount going on under the hood of WorldEdit and you can use it for so many different tasks. We don’t have the space here to look at everything it can do, but we can take a peek at the tasks that new World Edit users want to jump right into using.

WorldEdit的功能非常强大,您可以将其用于许多不同的任务。 我们没有足够的空间来查看它可以做的所有事情,但是我们可以窥见新的World Edit用户想要立即使用的任务。

复制和粘贴 (Copying and Pasting)

Let’s look at a very simple use case to get our feet wet. Remember the pair of Mooshroom Islands we found in our AMIDST tutorial? Let’s say we had the crazy idea to build a giant bridge between them in order to unite the Mooshroom herds. Anyone who has played any amount of Minecraft knows exactly how tedious building a bridge, especially a detailed one, over the span of hundreds of blocks of water would be.

让我们看一个非常简单的用例,以弄湿我们的脚。 还记得我们在AMIDST教程中找到的一对Mooshroom群岛吗? 假设我们有一个疯狂的想法,在他们之间架起一座巨大的桥梁,以团结Mooshroom牧群。 任何玩过《我的世界》的人都清楚地知道在数百座水域中建造一座桥梁,尤其是一座细密的桥梁是多么乏味。

Wouldn’t it be nice to just copy and paste a chunk of the bridge like we’re using the Clone Stamp tool in Photoshop? With WorldEdit, we can easily do that. Here’s our starter segment, we built the first chunk of the bridge so we can clone it and reuse it.

像我们在Photoshop中使用“克隆图章”工具一样,仅复制并粘贴桥的一部分不是很好吗? 使用WorldEdit,我们可以轻松地做到这一点。 这是我们的入门片段,我们构建了桥的第一个块,因此我们可以克隆它并重用它。

The next step is to activate one of the more simple tools found in WorldEdit: the wand. The wand allows us to select physical spaces by choosing the corners of the space (the upper-right and the lower-left) we wish to edit.

下一步是激活WorldEdit中找到的更简单的工具之一:魔杖。 棒允许我们通过选择要编辑的空间的角(右上角和左下角)来选择物理空间。

Press “T” to pull the in-game console up and type “//wand”. You’ll find yourself holding a wooden axe (aka the wand) with onscreen instructions telling you to left-click on the first corner and right-click on the second corner. They call them “pos” (short for position), but it’s easier to think of it in terms of corners of a rectangular or cube-shaped selection.

按“ T”拉起游戏机控制台,然后输入“ // wand”。 您会发现自己拿着木斧(又称魔杖),并带有屏幕指示,告诉您在第一个角上单击鼠标左键,然后在第二个角上单击鼠标右键。 他们称它们为“ pos”(位置的缩写),但是从矩形或立方体形状的选择的角中更容易想到它。

Once you have the object selected then it’s time to copy it. Now, before we actually copy it you need to understand one important thing about the copy/paste function in WorldEdit. When you copy something WorldEdit, it remembers the orientation of your body to the object. So if you copy a house you’re standing on top of, when you paste that house it will appear under your body just like you were positioned when you were standing on it during the copying process.

选择对象后,就该复制它了。 现在,在我们实际复制它之前,您需要了解有关WorldEdit中复制/粘贴功能的一件重要事情。 复制WorldEdit时,它会记住您的身体到对象的方向。 因此,如果您要复制位于其顶部的房屋,则在粘贴该房屋时,它会出现在您的身体下,就像您在复制过程中站在房屋上时所处的位置一样。

In order to make life much easier, take the time to look at the object you’re working with and select a position that would make it easiest to quickly paste and work with it. In the case of a copying a bridge, the smart thing to do is to stand on the bridge one segment back from the segment you wish to copy. This way you can stand on the existing bridge and drop in segment after segment all while keeping things neatly aligned.

为了使生活更轻松,请花一些时间查看正在使用的对象,并选择一个最容易快速粘贴和使用它的位置。 在复制网桥的情况下,明智的做法是将网桥从要复制的网段中退回一个网段。 这样,您可以站在现有的桥上,然后逐段放置,同时保持整齐的对齐。

Use the “//copy” and the “//paste” commands to proceed. If you screw up a paste don’t panic, you can undo it with the “//undo” command.

使用“ // copy”和“ // paste”命令继续。 如果弄糊了,不要惊慌,可以使用“ // undo”命令将其撤消。

Here’s what our bridge looks like with a few sections pasted:


With no more than a minute or so additional effort, here’s what it looks like stretched all the way to the other island. We’re a little concerned the Mooshrooms don’t actually get the concept of the bridge, but we’re sure they’ll pick up on it eventually.

由于没有超过一分钟左右的额外的努力更多,这里是什么样子拉伸一路到其他岛屿。 我们有点担心Mooshrooms并没有真正理解这座桥的概念,但是我们确信他们最终会接受它的。

Before we leave our bridge building tutorial, we want to emphasize that there’s an even better way to do what we just did. The point of copy and pasting all those bridge segments was to get you comfortable using the tools and lining the pieces up. In the future you can use the //stack command to quickly build a bridge, wall, or other repeating shape as long as you want.

在结束桥梁建造教程之前,我们想强调的是,还有一种更好的方法来完成我们刚刚做的事情。 复制和粘贴所有这些桥段的目的是使您轻松使用这些工具并使各部分对齐。 将来,您可以根据需要使用// stack命令快速构建桥梁,墙壁或其他重复形状。

修复水和熔岩 (Fixing Water and Lava)

Remember our earlier example of what a pain water can be in Minecraft? It just doesn’t behave the way water is supposed to behave according to the laws of physics. Rather than waste an hour or more trying to get Minecraft water to do what Minecraft water should do, you can simply use WorldEdit to mend your streams and pools.

还记得我们前面提到的《我的世界》中令人痛苦的例子吗? 它只是不按照水的物理规律行事。 您不必浪费一个小时或更多时间来尝试让Minecraft水做Minecraft水应该做的事情,而只需使用WorldEdit来修补您的溪流和水池。

Just like we described earlier, the water is misbehaving. We dug a channel from a small pond on ol’ Mooshroom Island to the ocean and the water on both sides turned into little baby waterfalls and failed to meet in the middle. We all know that’s not how water works, not one bit. Thankfully there’s a command set in World Edit to fix it.

就像我们之前描述的那样,水的行为异常。 我们从ol'Mooshroom岛上的一个小池塘挖了一条通往海洋的通道,两边的水变成了小的婴儿瀑布,中间没能汇合。 众所周知,这不是水的工作原理,只有一点点。 幸运的是,World Edit中有一个命令集可以解决该问题。

The magical command we crave is “//fixwater [radius]”; the lava equivalent is “//fixlava”. To execute the command, go to the body of water or lava you wish to repair and stand on the shore. This means standing right on the edge of a block that is level with the surface of the water; standing up too high or too low will create unintended results.

我们渴望得到的神奇命令是“ // fixwater [radius]”; 熔岩等效为“ // fixlava”。 要执行该命令,请转到您要修理的水体或熔岩并站在岸上。 这意味着站在一块与水平面齐平的边缘上; 站得太高或太低都会产生意想不到的结果。

While standing right on the shore of your unruly body of water, pull the console command down and enter the fixwater command with the [radius] portion roughly the distance you want to fix the water. Don’t worry if you go a little too far, the water won’t flood up over the opposite shore it will stay in the depression you’re attempting to repair. One tiny command that takes two seconds to type, and you have yourself a proper channel.

正好站在不守规矩的水岸上时,将控制台命令向下拉,然后输入[半径]部分大约为要修复水的距离的fixwater命令。 别担心,如果您走得太远,水不会在对岸泛滥,它将停留在您要修复的洼地中。 一个小的命令需要两秒钟的输入时间,您便拥有了正确的频道。

The powerful commands in WorldEdit can also be used for some good old fashioned slap-dash anarchy too. Dying to know what happens when you //fixwater outside the regular bounds of the shoreline?

WorldEdit中功能强大的命令也可以用于某些老式的拍打-无政府状态。 渴望知道当您将水固定在海岸线的常规范围之外时会发生什么?

Behold. Here’s the magnificent mess you can create if you use the //fixwater command on a waterfall.

看哪 如果在瀑布上使用// fixwater命令,则可能会造成巨大的混乱。

Whatever the radius you specify is, the water shoots out like a table and pours down (this is the reason the //undo command exists).

无论您指定的半径是多少,水都会像桌子一样射出并倾泻下来(这就是// undo命令存在的原因)。

While we’re talking about the hassles of dealing with liquids in Minecraft, let’s not overlook the //drain command. Let’s say you build a channel and then decide you want to empty all the water out of the connected pond–no problem.

在谈论Minecraft中处理液体的麻烦时,请不要忽略// drain命令。 假设您建立了一个水渠,然后决定要清空所有水,将水倒出所连接的池塘。

Build a wall of blocks separating the large body of water (the ocean) from the small body of water (the pond) and just stand on the shore of the pond (away from the larger body of water if one is present). Type “//drain” and with zero effort the whole pond will be dry as a bone.

建造一堵墙,将大块水域(海洋)与小块水域(池塘)分开,然后站在池塘的岸边(如果有,则远离大块水域)。 输入“ // drain”,然后用零的力将整个池塘干燥成骨头。

While we prefer to edit our world maps while we’re in the game, there’s something to be said for the speed and efficiency of using an external map editor to really tear into a map and do some serious editing. Armed with WorldEdit you can rapidly modify your world with out getting a wrist injury or spending hours hauling buckets of water.

尽管我们更喜欢在游戏中编辑世界地图,但对于使用外部地图编辑器真正插入地图并进行一些认真编辑的速度和效率来说,还有话要说。 有了WorldEdit,您就可以快速修改自己的世界,而不会因手腕受伤或花费数小时拖着水桶。



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Minecraft服务器优化是指对服务器进行调整和改进,以提高游戏性能和玩家体验。以下是一些1.19版Minecraft服务器优化的建议和方法: 首先,确保您使用的是最新版本的Minecraft服务器软件。Minecraft团队在每个版本中都做了一些优化和修复,所以使用最新版本可以确保您获得最佳的性能和稳定性。 其次,优化服务器的硬件配置。对于大型服务器,建议使用高性能的处理器和大容量的内存。此外,确保服务器的存储空间足够大,并使用SSD硬盘以提高读写速度。 另外,合理配置服务器参数。您可以编辑服务器的配置文件,例如“”和“spigot.yml”文件,以更改一些设置。例如,减少游戏内的动物刷新率和方块更新范围可以减轻服务器的负载。 另外,使用插件进行优化。有许多优化插件可以帮助您更好地管理服务器。例如,"ClearLag"插件可以自动清除游戏中的不活跃实体,以减轻服务器负载。 "WorldEdit"插件可以帮助您快速编辑和生成世界。 此外,定期清理服务器。删除不再使用的世界、插件和文件可以释放存储空间。同时,定期清理并优化MySQL或其他数据库可以提高服务器性能。 最后,保持服务器的安全和稳定。确保您的服务器安装了最新的防火墙和安全插件,同时定期备份您的数据,以防止意外数据丢失。 总之,以上是一些优化Minecraft服务器的方法和建议。通过合理配置硬件、调整参数、使用插件和定期维护,您可以提高游戏性能和服务器稳定性,为玩家提供更好的体验。




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