



When it comes to smart thermostats, there’s a handful to choose from, but the big three that stand out are the NestEcobee4, and Honeywell Lyric Round. We’ve tried out all three to see which one has the upper edge, and where their features differ.

在智能恒温器方面,有很多可供选择的选择,但最突出的三项是NestEcobee4Honeywell Lyric Round 。 我们已经尝试了所有三个,看看哪个具有较高的边缘,以及它们的功能有所不同。

Each of these three smart thermostats is unique in its own way, so before we dive in and discuss the similarities and differences between them, here’s a brief overview of the Nest, Ecobee4, and the Lyric Round.

这三个智能恒温器各自以其独特的方式,因此,在我们深入探讨它们之间的异同之前,这里简要介绍一下Nest,Ecobee4和Lyric Round。

巢式恒温器 (Nest Thermostat)


One of the more popular options when it comes to smart thermostats is the Nest Thermostat ($250), which sports a unique design from Tony Fadell, the designer of the original iPod (which the Nest is mildly reminiscent of with its spinning wheel). It’s ultimate feature, though, is the ability to learn your habits and automatically change the thermostat so that you eventually don’t have to mess with it at all.

Nest Thermostat ($ 250)是智能恒温器中最受欢迎的选择之一,它采用了原始iPod的设计师Tony Fadell的独特设计(Nest有点让人联想到其旋转轮)。 但是,它的最终功能是能够学习习惯并自动更改恒温器,从而使您最终完全不必弄乱它。

Its user interface is also very user-friendly, and perhaps the easiest smart thermostat to install and use out of the three.


If the price of the Nest Thermostat scares you, you can grab the lower-cost version, called the Nest Thermostat E. It’s made out of plastic instead of metal, and the display isn’t quite as grand, but it’s only $169. You can also likely get rebates from your power company.

如果Nest Thermostat的价格吓到您,您可以购买价格较低的Nest Nest Thermostat E版本 。 它是由塑料而不是金属制成的,并且显示屏虽然不那么华丽,但是只有169美元。 您也可能从电力公司获得回扣

生态蜜蜂4 (Ecobee4)


The Ecobee4 ($250) is the only smart thermostat that we know of that has a touch screen, so if you know how to use a smartphone, then controlling this thermostat will be a breeze. It also has the biggest screen out of the three thermostats, giving room for plenty of information to appear without crowding the display.

Ecobee4 (250美元)是我们所知的唯一具有触摸屏的智能恒温器,因此,如果您知道如何使用智能手机,那么控制此恒温器将非常容易。 它还具有三个恒温器中最大的屏幕,为显示大量信息提供了空间,而又不会使显示器拥挤。

The Ecobee4 also comes with a remote sensor that you can place in another room, so if you have a larger house with an upstairs, you can place the sensor there and have the thermostat use that sensor for regulating the temperature instead of the sensor that’s on the thermostat itself.


The biggest feature of the Ecobee4, though, is its built-in Alexa capabilities, doubling the thermostat as an Echo Dot of sorts. So if you’ve ever wanted an Echo in your living room, this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

不过,Ecobee4的最大特点是其内置的Alexa功能,使恒温器的种类达到了Echo Dot的两倍。 因此,如果您曾经想在客厅中回音,这是用一块石头杀死两只鸟的好方法。

And like the Nest Thermostat, the Ecobee4 also has a little brother called the Ecobee3 Lite. It doesn’t come with Alexa built in, nor does it come with a remote sensor in the box, but it’s priced at only $169.

像Nest Thermostat一样,Ecobee4也有一个名为Ecobee3 Lite的小兄弟。 它既没有内置Alexa,也没有内置遥感器,但价格仅为169美元。

霍尼韦尔歌词 (Honeywell Lyric)


The Honeywell Lyric Round ($200) isn’t quite as popular as the two options above, but its Honeywell’s attempt at creating a hip and sleek smart thermostat. It has a familiar round shape like the Nest, and even has a similar spin wheel—although it’s not nearly as tactile as the Nest’s fluid scroll ring.

霍尼韦尔抒情诗轮 (200美元)并不像上面的两个选择那样受欢迎,但霍尼韦尔试图创造一种时尚而时尚的智能恒温器。 它具有类似Nest的熟悉的圆形形状,甚至具有类似的旋转轮,尽管它的触觉不如Nest的流体滚动环。

It was also pretty easy to install, and Honeywell does a decent job of telling you where all the wires go. However, that’s where most of the pleasantries end, as the user interface is quite buggy.

它也很容易安装,霍尼韦尔在告诉您所有电线都在哪里方面做得不错。 但是,大多数的娱乐活动到此结束,因为用户界面有很多bug。

It’s certainly the cheapest smart thermostat out of the three, but spending $50 more for one of the options above is probably your best bet.


他们都有什么共同点 (What They All Have in Common)

Before we get into the nitty gritty, we thought it’d be a good idea to go over what all three of these smart thermostats can do. They have their major differences, yes, but they all share the basic features of a good smart thermostat, including:

在深入了解之前,我们认为最好回顾一下这三个智能恒温器的全部功能。 是的,它们的主要区别是,但它们都具有良好的智能恒温器的基本功能,包括:

  • iOS and Android support

  • Control your thermostat away from home using your phone

  • Set a schedule for your A/C or heat

  • Geofencing and motion detection, so it knows when you’re home (Note: The Ecobee4 uses IFTTT for geofencing) and can turn on the display when you walk by

  • Amazon Echo support, so you can adjust the temperature with your voice

    Amazon Echo支持,因此您可以通过声音调节温度
  • Family sharing, so other household members can adjust the thermostat

  • Weather forecast data, so you know what’s coming


With all that in mind, let’s look at some of the standout pros (and cons) of each.


Nest没有HomeKit (Nest Doesn’t Have HomeKit)

If you’re an iOS user, HomeKit is a feature that you might want with your smarthome products, as it makes easier to control and manage them. However, the Nest Thermostat doesn’t have HomeKit, and probably will never support it.

如果您是iOS用户,则HomeKit是您的智能家居产品可能需要的功能,因为它使控制和管理产品变得更加容易。 但是,Nest Thermostat没有HomeKit,可能永远不会支持它。

Nest is owned by Google, and they’re a fierce competitor with Apple. While Google has brought many of its mobile apps to iOS, the chances of Nest products getting HomeKit support are slim to none.

Nest由Google拥有,是Apple的激烈竞争者。 虽然Google已将其许多移动应用程序引入iOS,但Nest产品获得HomeKit支持的机会微乎其微。

The good news is that the Ecobee4 and the Lyric Round both have HomeKit support, so if you absolutely want HomeKit in your smart thermostat, these two are your options.

好消息是,Ecobee4和Lyric Round都支持HomeKit,因此,如果您绝对希望在智能恒温器中使用HomeKit,则可以选择这两个。

Ecobee4兼具回音点 (Ecobee4 Doubles As an Echo Dot)

As mentioned further above, the Ecobee4 is not only a smart thermostat, but it’s also an Echo Dot of sorts—it comes with a microphone, speaker, and Alexa all built in to give you the full experience that you’d normally have to pay for separately.


In the grand scheme of things, this isn’t a huge deal, since you can just buy an Echo Dot for $50 (or even cheaper since the used market is littered with them), but saving that $50 and having one already built into something you’re buying in the first place is also a pretty sweet deal.

在宏伟的计划中,这并不是什么大不了的事情,因为您可以以50美元的价格购买Echo Dot(由于二手市场到处都是垃圾,所以甚至更便宜),但是可以节省50美元并在其中建一个您首先买的也是一笔不错的交易。

Nest最容易安装 (Nest Is the Easiest to Install)


I found the Nest Thermostat to be the easiest to install, mostly thanks to the Compatibility Check tool on Nest’s website, where you can enter in the wires that your thermostat setup has and Nest will tell you where each of those wires go on the Nest Thermostat itself. After that, it’s just a matter of plugging in wires.

我发现Nest Thermostat的安装最简单,这主要归功于Nest网站上的兼容性检查工具,您可以在其中输入您的恒温器设置的电线,Nest会告诉您这些电线在Nest Thermostat上的位置本身。 之后,仅需插入电线即可。

Furthermore, setting up the Nest can be done completely on the unit itself, whereas the Lyric Round required the accompanying app to get it set up. The Ecobee4, like the Nest, was able to be set up on the unit itself, which was a bit easier than the Nest thanks to its touch screen display.

此外,可以完全在单元本身上完成Nest的设置,而Lyric Round需要随附的应用来进行设置。 像Nest一样,Ecobee4可以在设备本身上安装,由于其触摸屏显示,因此比Nest容易一些。

However, the Ecobee4 install was the hardest out of the three, since it likely requires a Power Extender Kit that has to be installed on the furnace’s circuit board. This wasn’t too hard to do, and Ecobee support flawlessly guided me through the process, but it was just a little annoying to have to jump through extra hoops. Luckily, not everyone needs to install the kit—it depends what HVAC system you have.

但是,Ecobee4安装是这三个安装中最难安装的,因为它可能需要将Power Extender套件安装在熔炉的电路板上。 这并不是一件容易的事,Ecobee的支持也完美地指导了我整个过程,但是不得不跳过额外的麻烦实在有​​点烦人。 幸运的是,并非每个人都需要安装该套件-这取决于您拥有的HVAC系统。

Ecobee4最适合大房子 (Ecobee4 Is Best for Bigger Homes)


If you have a house like mine, the upstairs is always warmer than the downstairs, which can be a problem if your thermostat is downstairs. Since most thermostats use the temperature sensor on the thermostat itself, it doesn’t know what the temperature is upstairs, so it can’t adequately cool your entire house.

如果您有像我这样的房子,那么楼上的温度总是比楼下的温度高,如果您的恒温器在楼下,这可能是个问题。 由于大多数恒温器都在恒温器上使用温度传感器,因此它不知道楼上的温度,因此无法充分冷却整个房屋。

However, the Ecobee4 has a wireless remote sensor that you can place anywhere. In this case, it works best placed upstairs where the temperature differs. From there, you can tell your Ecobee4 to use the sensor upstairs in order to gauge whether the A/C or heat should be running or not.

但是,Ecobee4具有无线远程传感器,您可以将其放置在任何地方。 在这种情况下,最好将其放置在温度不同的楼上。 从那里,您可以告诉您的Ecobee4在楼上使用传感器,以便确定是否应运行A / C或热量。

Of course, you can simply just crank up any other thermostat to compensate for the warmer upstairs region, but the Ecobee4’s remote sensor makes it precise so that you’re not wasting more energy than necessary.


Nest具有最佳的用户体验 (Nest Has the Best User Experience)


In the end, I couldn’t stop thinking about the Nest. While it doesn’t have HomeKit or remote sensors, it was the easiest smart thermostat to use. The app is really good and the scroll ring on the unit itself makes it simple and easy to operate. The user interface just looks plain good.

最后,我不能停止思考Nest。 尽管没有HomeKit或远程传感器,但它是最容易使用的智能恒温器。 该应用程序确实非常好,并且装置本身的滚动环使其简单易用。 用户界面看起来很好。

Plus, all of the settings available for it are accessible right from the app, whereas a handful of settings on the Ecobee4 require you to login to the web portal.


歌词轮不推荐 (The Lyric Round Is Too Buggy to Recommend)


The Lyric Round certainly isn’t a terrible smart thermostat, but it doesn’t have quite as nearly the number of features that the Nest and Ecobee4 have.


Overall, the Honeywell Lyric simply wasn’t a good experience at all. The app is fairly buggy—some changed settings reverted back to default after I saved and closed it out, and I received several error messages within just the first few days of using the thermostat. Plus, I had to reconnect it to Wi-Fi, and the first few times it just wouldn’t connect.

总体而言,霍尼韦尔的歌词根本不是一个很好的经验。 该应用程序存在很多错误-在保存并关闭应用程序后,某些更改的设置已还原为默认设置,并且在使用恒温器的前几天内收到了一些错误消息。 另外,我不得不将其重新连接到Wi-Fi,但最初几次它都无法连接。

To be honest, I can’t recommend this thermostat at all—it may be $50 cheaper than the other two, but you’re really better off with one of the other two options.


In the end, when it comes to choosing the best one, I think it really depends on what you want out of a smart thermostat. The Nest and the Ecobee4 are easily the two worth looking at, but if you want HomeKit or remote sensors, then the Ecobee4 is the thermostat to buy. Plus, the touch screen on the Ecobee4 makes it easier and quicker to navigate through menus than most other smart thermostats. Furthermore, if you don’t need the remote sensors of the Ecobee4, then the Ecobee3 Lite might be an even better buy at only $170.

最后,在选择最佳恒温器时,我认为这实际上取决于您要从智能恒温器中获得什么。 Nest和Ecobee4很容易成为值得关注的两个,但是如果您需要HomeKit或远程传感器,那么Ecobee4是可以购买的恒温器。 另外,与大多数其他智能恒温器相比,Ecobee4上的触摸屏使浏览菜单更加轻松快捷。 此外,如果您不需要Ecobee4的远程传感器,那么Ecobee3 Lite可能是更好的选择,价格仅为170美元。

However, the Nest has the best user interface, best app, and best experience overall, making it the right choice if you don’t really need the extra features of the Ecobee4.


Title image from Noppanun/Bigstock, Nest, Ecobee, Honeywell

Noppanun / Bigstock,Nest,Ecobee,Honeywell的标题图片

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/259644/nest-vs.-ecobee3-vs.-honeywell-lyric-which-smart-thermostat-should-you-buy/






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