


It’s no fun to end your trip wandering around looking for your car. Now, thanks to a new iOS feature, you don’t have to–let’s take a look at how to take advantage of the “Parked Car” reminder in iOS 10.

结束四处寻找车子的旅行没有意思。 现在,由于有了iOS的新功能,您不必-让我们来看看如何利用iOS 10中的“停车”提醒。

您需要什么 (What Your Need)

Over the years, there’s been a plethora of iOS apps that help remind you where you car is parked. Some of them are standalone single purpose apps. Others, like the popular GPS/driving software Waze, include a parking reminder tool.

多年来,有大量的iOS应用程序可以帮助您提醒您将车停在哪里。 其中一些是独立的单用途应用程序。 其他工具,例如流行的GPS /驾驶软件Waze ,包括停车提醒工具。

With the release of iOS 10, however, Apple introduced a welcome improvement: parking reminders integrated right into the Maps app built right into iOS. Now it’s easy to check where your car is without third party apps…or remembering yourself.

但是,随着iOS 10的发布,Apple引入了令人欢迎的改进:将停车提醒直接集成到iOS内置的Maps应用中。 现在,无需第三方应用程序即可轻松检查您的爱车在哪里……或记住自己。

So what do you need? First you’ll need an iOS device with a GPS chip (all iPhones and cellular-enabled iPads) running iOS 10 or above, which is available now.

那你需要什么? 首先,您需要一台具有GPS芯片的iOS设备(所有iPhone和支持蜂窝功能的iPad),并且运行iOS 10或更高版本, 该设备现已上市

Second, you’ll need a car with Apple’s CarPlay integration or some sort of integrated Bluetooth (the parking reminder uses the loss of the CarPlay connection/Bluetooth signal as a marker that the car is parked). If your car doesn’t have Bluetooth, you can always add it yourself with one of these kits.

其次,您需要一辆具有Apple CarPlay集成或某种集成蓝牙功能的汽车(停车提醒将CarPlay连接/蓝牙信号的丢失用作汽车停放的标志)。 如果您的汽车没有蓝牙,则可以随时使用以下工具之一自行添加

If you meet those two requirements, let’s look at ensuring the feature is on and linked to your car and then how to use it.


如何设定 (How to Set It Up)

By default, the new feature should be enabled in iOS 10 without any fussing on your behalf, but that doesn’t mean everything always goes off smoothly.

默认情况下,应该在iOS 10中启用该新功能,而无需您大惊小怪,但这并不意味着一切都会顺利进行。

确保已停放汽车提醒 (Ensure the Parked Car Reminder Is On)

It only takes a second or two to check if the setting is on, so let’s do so now. On your iOS device, open the Settings menu and scroll down until you see the entry for the “Maps” app, as seen below.

只需一两秒钟即可检查该设置是否已启用,所以现在就开始进行设置。 在iOS设备上,打开“设置”菜单,然后向下滚动,直到看到“地图”应用程序的条目,如下所示。

Select it, then scroll down again until you see the entry for “Your Car”.

选择它,然后再次向下滚动,直到看到“ Your Car”的条目。

If “Show Parked Location” is already on, leave it be and close the settings app. Otherwise, toggle it on.

如果“显示停放的位置”已经打开,请保留它并关闭设置应用程序。 否则,将其打开。

将手机与汽车配对 (Pair Your Phone With Your Car)

If you haven’t already been using Bluetooth in your car for phone calls or music playback, you’ll need to take a moment to pair your phone with the car. While the setup process varies from vehicle to vehicle, the iOS side of things is always the same.

如果您尚未在汽车中使用蓝牙进行电话通话或音乐播放,则需要花一些时间将手机与汽车配对。 尽管安装过程因车辆而异,但iOS方面始终是相同的。

You’ll need to put your car’s stereo or dashboard system into Bluetooth pairing mode, then navigate to Settings > Bluetooth on your iPhone.


Ensure your Bluetooth is on, as seen below.


Scroll to the bottom of the device list to see the unpaired devices in your vicinity you can pair your phone with. Pair with your vehicle’s Bluetooth connection and you’re ready to go.

滚动到设备列表的底部,以查看可以与手机配对的附近未配对的设备。 与车辆的蓝牙连接配对,就可以开始使用了。

Remember, the system only works if your Bluetooth is on. If you toggle Bluetooth off, you won’t get the parking reminders, because your phone won’t know when your car is near.

请记住,该系统仅在您的蓝牙打开时才能工作。 如果您关闭蓝牙功能,您将不会收到停车提醒,因为您的手机不会知道您的车何时在附近。

如何使用停放的汽车提醒 (How to Use the Parked Car Reminder)

Once you’ve ensured the Parked Car reminder is turned on and your phone is linked to your car, the Parked Car reminder will automatically set itself every time you park and exit your vehicle. You can absolutely ignore the feature until you need it, but you may wish to interact with it proactively.

确保已打开“停放汽车”提醒并且手机已链接到汽车后,每次停放和退出车辆时,“停放汽车”提醒都会自动设置。 您可以完全忽略该功能,直到需要它为止, 您可能希望主动与它进行交互。

First, let’s look at how you can use the Parked Car feature even if you do absolutely nothing. Any time you’re away from your vehicle, you can check your notifications–in the screenshot below you can see the parking reminder on the iOS 10 lock screen notification panel–and look for “Map Destinations”. There you’ll find an entry for “Parked Car”.

首先,让我们看一下即使绝对不做任何事情,如何使用“停放的汽车”功能。 每当您离开车辆时,都可以查看通知(在下面的屏幕快照中,可以在iOS 10锁定屏幕通知面板上看到停车提醒),然后查找“地图目的地”。 在那里您会找到“ Parking Car”的条目。

You can also access the Parked Car reminder by opening the Maps app, swiping up on the address search bar to reveal previous destinations, and selecting “Parked Car”.


Regardless of the way you access the menu, you’ll see results like the parking reminder below.


The most obvious function, and the one the requires no prior interaction from you, is to simply tap the “Directions” button and follow the instructions to hoof it back to your car.

最明显的功能(即不需要您事先进行交互的功能)就是简单地点击“ Directions”(方向)按钮,然后按照说明将其装回您的汽车。

There are, however, some handy functions here that are best accessed before you actually need to find your car.

但是,这里有一些方便的功能, 您实际需要找到汽车之前最好进行访问。

When you first park your car and get out, iOS will notice that you’re parked. You can immediately pull up the Parked Car feature and do several handy things. First, you can tap the “Edit Location” button, if you’ve noticed the GPS locating has hiccuped a bit or is otherwise inaccurate, and re-position the parking marker. If, for example, your car is buried in a giant multi-layer parking structure, it might be handy to move the marker to the actual street entrance to the parking structure so the return instructions will guide you back to the appropriate entrance.

当您第一次停放汽车并下车时,iOS会注意到您已停放。 您可以立即启用“停放的汽车”功能并做一些方便的事情。 首先,如果您发现GPS定位出现问题或不准确,可以点击“编辑位置”按钮,然后重新放置停车标记。 例如,如果您的汽车埋在巨大的多层停车库中,将标记移到停车库的实际街道入口可能会很方便,因此返回指示将引导您回到适当的入口。

Speaking of giant parking structures, this brings us to two other handy functions: the photo and note function. Rather than open up your camera app and take a picture of the parking reminder like the sign that says “Floor 1: Aisle 28A”, you can snap a picture right in the parking reminder menu of the sign (or any other surrounding landmark that will help you find your car) or put a text note in the note slot.

说到巨大的停车结构,这使我们获得了另外两个方便的功能:照片和便笺功能。 您可以像在标有“ Floor 1:Aisle 28A”的标牌上那样打开相机应用并为停车提醒拍照,而无需在标牌的停车提醒菜单中捕捉图片(或其他会周围的地标,帮助您找到自己的汽车)或在记事本插槽中放置文字注释。

Now you’ll never waste time looking for your car again. Even better, with Bluetooth enabled and your phone paired to your car, you can take advantage of another cool iOS feature–introduced back in iOS 9–location based reminders that are triggered when you exit your car.

现在,您再也不会浪费时间寻找您的汽车了。 更好的是,启用了蓝牙并将手机与汽车配对后,您可以利用另一种酷炫的iOS功能-在iOS 9中引入- 基于位置的提醒,当您退出汽车时会触发该提醒

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/268399/how-to-set-your-iphone-to-remember-where-you-parked/






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