iphone设置邮箱设置_如何在iPhone上设置和使用Apple Pay Cash



The latest feature to hit iOS is Apple Pay Cash, which gives iPhone users a quick and easy way to send money to one another (as well as a way to spend money at stores without using a credit or debit card). Here’s how to set it up.

iOS上最新的功能是Apple Pay Cash,它为iPhone用户提供了一种快速简便的向对方进行汇款的方法(以及一种无需使用信用卡或借记卡在商店消费的方式)。 设置方法如下。

Unfortunately, Apple Pay Cash isn’t available for everyone, and there are a few stipulations that you have to meet:

不幸的是,并非所有人都能使用Apple Pay Cash,并且必须满足一些规定:

  • It’s currently only available for users in the United States.

  • You must be 18 years old or older.

  • Your iPhone needs to be updated to at least iOS 11.2.

    您的iPhone需要至少更新到iOS 11.2。
  • Two-factor authentication must be enabled for your Apple ID account.

    必须为您的Apple ID帐户启用两因素身份验证。

If all of those describe you, then read on.


设置Apple Pay Cash (Setting Up Apple Pay Cash)

To set up Apple Pay Cash, open the Wallet app and select the Apple Pay Cash card at the top.

要设置Apple Pay Cash,请打开电子钱包应用,然后选择顶部的Apple Pay Cash卡。

Tap on “Set Up Apple Pay Cash”.

点击“设置Apple Pay Cash”。

Hit “Continue”.


Accept the Terms and Conditions by tapping “Agree” down in the bottom-right corner.


Give it a few moments to set up. You’ll then be asked to link a debit card with Apple Pay Cash. This isn’t mandatory, but it is required if you want to add funds to your Apple Pay Cash balance (the only other way is for people to send you money through Apple Pay Cash).

请稍等一下。 然后,将要求您将借记卡与Apple Pay Cash关联。 这不是强制性的,但是如果您想向Apple Pay Cash余额中添加资金,这是必需的(唯一的其他方法是人们通过Apple Pay Cash向您汇款)。

During the setup process, you might be asked to verify your identity, which can include a combination of entering in your address, date of birth, social security number, or possibly even taking a photo of your drivers license. I’ve read that some users didn’t have to verify their identity at all, while others have said they’ve only had to enter in a couple of these details—your mileage may vary.

在设置过程中,可能会要求您验证身份,包括输入您的地址,出生日期,社会保险号,甚至可能拍摄驾驶执照的组合。 我读过一些用户根本不需要验证自己的身份,而其他用户则说他们只需要输入其中的两个详细信息-您的里程可能会有所不同。

Once you’ve completed this step, Apple Pay Cash is all set up! Now to the fun part.

完成此步骤后,就完成了Apple Pay Cash的设置! 现在到有趣的部分。

使用Apple Pay Cash向朋友和家人汇款 (Sending Money to Friends & Family with Apple Pay Cash)

Apple Pay Cash uses iMessage to send money to other users. So open up the Messages app and tap on a conversation thread of the person you want to send money to. Then tap on the Apple Pay Cash iMessage app at the bottom.

Apple Pay Cash使用iMessage向其他用户汇款。 因此,打开“消息”应用,然后点击您要汇款的人的对话线程。 然后点击底部的Apple Pay Cash iMessage应用程序。

If the recipient doesn’t have an iOS device or doesn’t meet the above requirements, you’ll get a message that says they cannot receive payments using Apple Pay.

如果收件人没有iOS设备或不满足上述要求,则会收到一条消息,提示他们无法使用Apple Pay接收付款。

If they can accept Apple Pay Cash payments, you’ll see a dollar amount that you can change using the “+” and “-” buttons or pull up the keypad to enter in a custom amount. When you’re ready to send the money, tap on “Pay”.

如果他们可以接受Apple Pay Cash付款,您将看到可以使用“ +”和“-”按钮更改的美元金额,或者拉起键盘以输入自定义金额。 当您准备汇款时,请点击“付款”。

You can then type in a quick note to accompany the payment and hit send.


You’ll then be prompted to scan your fingerprint using Touch ID (or Face ID for iPhone X users). By default, Apple Pay Cash will use your Apple Pay Cash balance first, if you have one. If not, it will use the debit card you linked to during the setup process. If you didn’t link a debit card, it will use your credit card that you have set up with Apple Pay. Keep in mind that using a credit card is subject to a 3% fee when sending money through Apple Pay Cash.

然后,系统会提示您使用Touch ID(或iPhone X用户的Face ID)扫描指纹。 默认情况下,如果您有,Apple Pay Cash将首先使用您的Apple Pay Cash余额。 如果没有,它将使用您在设置过程中链接到的借记卡。 如果您没有链接借记卡,它将使用您在Apple Pay上设置的信用卡。 请记住,通过Apple Pay Cash汇款时,使用信用卡需支付3%的费用。

Once the payment has been sent to the recipient, it will be marked as “Pending” until it is accepted by the recipient. During this time, you can cancel the payment, but once it has been accepted, there’s no turning back.

付款发送给收款人后,它将被标记为“待处理”,直到收款人接受为止。 在此期间,您可以取消付款,但是一旦付款被接受,就无法退回。

To cancel a pending payment, tap on it on the iMessage conversation and hit “Cancel Payment” on the next screen.


You can also request money from friends and family by selecting a dollar amount and hitting “Request” instead of “Pay”, and it works sort of like an invoice. Furthermore, any money that gets sent to you will be added to your Apple Pay Cash balance.

您还可以通过选择美元金额并点击“请求”而不是“付款”来向亲朋好友索要钱,其工作方式类似于发票。 此外,任何发送给您的钱都将添加到您的Apple Pay Cash余额中。

向您的Apple Pay现金余额中添加资金 (Adding Funds to Your Apple Pay Cash Balance)

To add money to your Apple Pay Cash balance, you can either wait for people to send you money through the service, or add funds yourself using a debit card. If you didn’t link a debit card with Apple Pay Cash during the setup process, you’ll need to do it now if you want to add money to your balance—unfortunately, you can’t use a credit card.

要向Apple Pay现金余额中充值,您可以等待人们通过该服务向您汇款,也可以使用借记卡自己充值。 如果您在设置过程中未将借记卡与Apple Pay Cash关联,则要想增加余额,就需要立即进行操作-不幸的是,您无法使用信用卡。

To get started, open up the Settings app, scroll down, and tap on “Wallet & Apple Pay”.

首先,打开“设置”应用程序,向下滚动,然后点击“钱包和Apple Pay”。

Tap on your Apple Pay Cash card.

点击您的Apple Pay Cash卡。

Tap on “Add Money”.


If you don’t have a debit card linked to Apple Pay Cash, you’ll get a pop-up that says “Unable to Add Money”, and you’ll tap on “Add Card” to link a debit card. The process is identical for adding any other credit card to Apple Pay.

如果您没有链接到Apple Pay Cash的借记卡,则会弹出一个“无法添加钱”的弹出窗口,然后点击“添加卡”链接借记卡。 向Apple Pay添加任何其他信用卡的过程相同。

In any case, once you’re all set there and you tapped on “Add Money”, enter in an amount that you want to add to your balance. Keep in mind that the minimum is $10. Hit “Add” in the top-right corner.

在任何情况下,一旦都放置在那里并轻按“添加资金”,请输入要添加到余额中的金额。 请注意,最低金额为10美元。 点击右上角的“添加”。

Use Touch ID (or Face ID on the iPhone X) to confirm the transaction.

使用Touch ID(或iPhone X上的Face ID)确认交易。

That’s all there is to it! Your new balance will update immediately and you can begin spending it right away.

这里的所有都是它的! 您的新余额将立即更新,您可以立即开始支出。

将资金转入您的银行帐户 (Transferring Funds to Your Bank Account)

If you receive money through Apple Pay Cash, you can spend that balance anywhere Apple Pay is accepted. But if you don’t plan to spend it from there, you can instead transfer that money to your bank account.

如果您通过Apple Pay Cash收到款项,则可以将余额用于接受Apple Pay的任何地方。 但是,如果您不打算从那里花钱,则可以将其转入您的银行帐户。

Open up the Settings app, scroll down, and tap on “Wallet & Apple Pay”.

打开设置应用程序,向下滚动,然后点击“钱包和Apple Pay”。

Tap on your Apple Pay Cash card.

点击您的Apple Pay Cash卡。

Select “Transfer to Bank”.


You’ll need to add your bank account details first, so tap on “Add Bank Account”.


Enter in your bank’s routing number, along with your account number. Then hit “Next” in the top-right corner.

输入您的银行的路由号码以及您的帐号。 然后点击右上角的“下一步”。

Confirm these details by entering them in again. Then hit “Next”.

再次输入以确认这些详细信息。 然后点击“下一步”。

Give it a few moments to add your bank account. After that, enter in the amount that you want to transfer to your account and then hit “Transfer” in the top-right corner—there is no minimum for this.

请稍等一下以添加您的银行帐户。 之后,输入您想转账到您的帐户的金额,然后点击右上角的“转账”,这没有最低要求。

It will take a couple of business days for the money to transfer, so be sure you give yourself a buffer ahead of time if you need that money as soon as possible.


您可以用Apple Pay现金余额做什么? (What Can You Do with Your Apple Pay Cash Balance?)

Again, while you can transfer your Apple Pay Cash balance to your bank account, you can also spend it straight from your iPhone. You can use that money to send to other people through iMessage, just like we showed you above, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

同样,虽然您可以将Apple Pay现金余额转入您的银行帐户,但也可以直接从iPhone中支出。 您可以使用这笔钱通过iMe​​ssage发送给其他人,就像我们上面向您展示的那样,但这只是冰山一角。

You can also use your Apple Pay Cash balance to pay for goods or services anywhere that Apple Pay is accepted. So if a friend sends you $20 through Apple Pay Cash, you can turn around and spend that money at Walgreens using Apple Pay as your payment method. This is perhaps the big kicker with Apple Pay Cash—it finally gives iPhone users a way to use Apple Pay without necessarily linking a debit or credit card, just as long as they receive money from other people through the Apple Pay Cash service.

您也可以使用Apple Pay现金余额在接受Apple Pay的任何地方支付商品或服务。 因此,如果朋友通过Apple Pay Cash向您发送了20美元,您可以转而使用Apple Pay作为付款方式在Walgreens消费。 这也许是Apple Pay Cash的一大亮点-它最终为iPhone用户提供了一种使用Apple Pay的方式,而不必链接借记卡或信用卡,只要他们通过Apple Pay Cash服务从其他人那里收到钱即可。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/335364/how-to-set-up-and-use-apple-pay-cash-on-your-iphone/






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