wiimote 匹配_在Wiimote支持下在iPad上玩SNES游戏

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If there is one thing the iPad doesn’t lack for it’s games. Unfortunately if you’re in love with retro games from a bygone era, you’re largely out of luck. Today we take a look at how you can play SNES games on your iPad (and iPhone too!)

如果说iPad不缺一件事,那就是游戏。 不幸的是,如果您爱上了过去的复古游戏,那么您将大失所望。 今天,我们来看看如何在iPad(以及iPhone!)上玩SNES游戏。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

You’ll only need a few things for this hack and you won’t even need to break anything open or solder any connections. Round up the following before we begin:

您只需几件事即可进行破解,甚至不需要断开任何东西或焊接任何连接。 在开始之前,请整理以下内容:

  • A jailbroken iPad or other iOS device (we’ll be using the iPad for this tutorial as the bigger screen makes gameplay more fun)

  • A sync cable for your iOS device

  • A Wiimote

  • A copy of snes4iphone ($5.99)

    snes4iphone的副本($ 5.99)
  • SNES ROMs (more on this later)

    SNES ROM(稍后会详细介绍)

We’ll show you how to get copies of the last two items during the tutorial so don’t panic if you don’t have a pile of ROMs on hand. Also, this tutorial will not cover how to jailbreak your iOS device. The current iOS version is 4.3.3 and the untethered jailbreak created for 4.3.1 still works fine. We’d suggest visiting the iPhone Dev-Team blog here to read the latest and greatest on iOS jailbreaking. Again, we’re not covering the jailbreak here but it is necessary to continue.

我们将在教程中向您展示如何获取最后两个项目的副本,因此,如果手头上没有一堆ROM,请不要惊慌。 此外,本教程也不会介绍如何越狱iOS设备。 当前的iOS版本是4.3.3,并且为4.3.1创建的不受限制的越狱仍然可以正常工作。 我们建议您在此处访问iPhone Dev-Team博客,以了解有关iOS越狱的最新信息。 同样,我们不在这里讨论越狱,但必要继续。

安装和配置snes4iphone (Installing and Configuring snes4iphone)


Once you’ve secured the necessary equipment (including that all important jailbroken device), you’re ready to get started. Open up Cydia on your iPad and click the search button on the bottom toolbar. Search for snes4iphone. Click on the entry and you should see something very similar to the screenshot above. Click on the Purchase to buy a copy ($5.99). You can checkout using either PayPal or Amazon Payments.

一旦确保必要的设备(包括所有重要的越狱设备)的安全,就可以开始使用了。 在iPad上打开Cydia,然后单击底部工具栏上的搜索按钮。 搜索snes4iphone 。 单击条目,您应该会看到与上面的屏幕截图非常相似的内容。 单击“ 购买”以购买副本(5.99美元)。 您可以使用PayPal或Amazon Payments结帐。

You’ll note that snes4iphone isn’t free. There are several SNES (as well as NES, N64, etc.) emulators in the Cydia, some of them are free. While some of them have some pretty neat features (SNES A.D. for example supports the classic controller) snes4iphone is by far the most refined and the one least likely to give you problems. Feel free to experiment with the other emulators but if you want to get right to playing games with minimal fuss, it’s worth the $5.99 snes4iphone purchase price. The only complaint we can log against snes4iphone is that we wished an HD version was available. Still, given the low resolution of SNES games the only thing the HD version would really improve upon is the user interface.

您会注意到snes4iphone不是免费的。 Cydia中有多个SNES(以及NES,N64等)模拟器,其中一些是免费的。 尽管其中一些功能具有一些非常简洁的功能(例如,SNES AD支持经典控制器),但snes4iphone是迄今为止最精致,最不可能给您带来问题的功能。 可以自由尝试其他模拟器,但是如果您想以最小的麻烦去玩游戏,则值得snes4iphone购买$ 5.99的价格。 我们可以针对snes4iphone登录的唯一投诉是,我们希望有高清版本。 尽管如此,考虑到SNES游戏的低分辨率,HD版本真正要改善的唯一一件事就是用户界面。

Once you’ve installed snes4iphone and run it for the first time it will prompt you by saying “No ROMs found. Would you like to find them?” If you click Yes you’ll be taken a Google search for legal ROMs and a listing of places you can download them (specifically a search for the site DopeROMs). More on this later. Click No, so we can do a little configuring. Tap on the Options button in the lower right corner; toggle WiiMote Support on. Once you’ve toggled that on close snes4iphone and launch it again.

一旦安装了snes4iphone并首次运行,它将提示您“未找到ROM。 您想找到他们吗?” 如果单击“ 是” ,则会在Google上搜索合法的ROM,并列出可以下载它们的位置(特别是对站点DopeROMs的搜索)。 稍后再详细介绍。 点击 ,我们可以做一些配置。 点击右下角的“选项”按钮; 开启WiiMote支持 。 一旦在关闭的snes4iphone上切换了该设置,然后再次启动它。

Once relaunched, snes4iphone will prompt you to sync your Wiimote. You’ll be prompted every time you launch the app if you want to use your Wiimote. Fortunately syncing it is super simple. Just press the 1 and 2 buttons simultaneously to sync the Wiimote to the iPad.

重新启动后,snes4iphone将提示您同步Wiimote。 如果您想使用Wiimote,则每次启动应用程序时都会提示您。 幸运的是,同步非常简单。 只需同时按下1和2 按钮即可将Wiimote同步到iPad。

Before we leave the configuration section, a quick overview on the other toggles you can tinker with. In the options menu you’ll find the following options that do the following things:

在离开配置部分之前,快速概述一下您可以修改的其他开关。 在选项菜单中,您将找到执行以下操作的以下选项:

  • Skin: allows you to change the application skin.

  • Scaling: Scales the game interface up to the size of the device’s screen.

  • Autosave: automatically saves the game in the background (even when the game itself doesn’t support saving).

  • Framerate Counter: if you’re having issues with a game seeming to run too slow or too fast, you can diagnose it by turning on the framerate counter to see what is going on.

  • Transparencies On: If you’re having trouble with a particular game, toggle this. You’ll lose some of the graphical richness but, in the process, stabilize many games.

    透明胶片打开:如果您在使用特定游戏时遇到麻烦,请切换此选项。 您将失去一些图形丰富性,但是在此过程中,将稳定许多游戏。
  • Smooth Scaling: Essentially a nearest-neighbor scaling technique that rounds out the pixels in older games. We were pleasantly surprised by it. The game looks a little fuzzier but a lot less jagged.

    平滑缩放:本质上是一种最接近邻居的缩放技术,可以对较旧游戏中的像素进行四舍五入。 我们对此感到惊喜。 游戏看起来有点模糊的,但少了很多锯齿状。

  • WiiMote Support: Toggles the Bluetooth connection to the Wiimote on and off.


At this point—with whatever additional configuration tweaks you’ve toggled on—you’re ready to play, you just need some games. On to the next step!

在这一点上,无论您进行了任何其他配置调整,您都可以开始玩了,只需要玩一些游戏即可。 继续下一步!

加载ROM (Loading up ROMs)


There are two methods for loading game ROMs onto your device. The first method is the easiest, although it does involve a lot of pecking away at your touch screen. With snes4iphone loaded click the search button in the upper right corner. From within the app a web browser pane will open with the search query “doperoms legal backups” loaded. You can navigate to the DopeROMs website from the first link or click the second (which should read “Super Nintendo – Snes – DopeROMs”). From there you’ll find a list of hundreds of SNES game ROMs available for download. The only hassle here is that you’ll need to click through the listing for each game you want to load.

有两种将游戏ROM加载到设备上的方法。 第一种方法是最简单的方法,尽管它确实需要大量触摸屏。 加载snes4iphone后,单击右上角的搜索按钮。 从该应用程序中,将打开一个Web浏览器窗格,并加载搜索查询“ doperoms合法备份”。 您可以从第一个链接导航到DopeROMs网站 ,或单击第二个链接(应显示为“ Super Nintendo – Snes – DopeROMs”)。 从那里,您可以找到数百个可供下载的SNES游戏ROM的列表。 唯一麻烦的是,您需要单击要加载的每个游戏的列表。

Alternatively, if you’re comfortable connecting into your device’s system folders, you could download the ROMs you want on your primary computer (either individually from sites like DopeROMs or via entire ROM packs found at the usual sources) and then dump them into the /var/mobile/media/ROMs/ on your device. The easiest way to do this is to use an SSH client like WinSCP (Windows) or CyberDuck (Mac). You can read up on using them both here.

另外,如果您愿意连接到设备的系统文件夹,则可以在主计算机上下载所需的ROM(既可以从DopeROM等站点单独下载,也可以通过通常来源的整个ROM包下载),然后将其转储到/设备上的var / mobile / media / ROMs / 。 最简单的方法是使用SSH客户端,例如WinSCP(Windows)或Cyber​​Duck(Mac)。 您可以在这里阅读使用它们的内容。

For our demo we opted to use the first method and grabbed a copy of Secret of Mana via DopeROMs to try things out. Let’s see how it runs.

对于我们的演示,我们选择使用第一种方法,并通过DopeROM获取了《法力的秘密》副本以进行尝试。 让我们看看它如何运行。

玩游戏 (Playing Games)


Once you’ve attached the Wiimote and stocked your device with games, you’re ready to go. Navigate back to the main menu by tapping the Browse button in the lower left corner. Find the game you want to play, in our case Secret of Mana, and tap it. When you tap on it you’ll get four options which are a mix-match of portrait/landscape and sound/no sound. We’re going with Landscape & Sound. Be forewarned that sometimes the sound in emulation can be garbled and other times leaving the sound on can cause the emulator to crash. This isn’t an snes4iphone issue but an issue with almost all emulation programs we’ve ever tinkered with—sometimes unexpected quirks pop up when you emulator closed hardware on devices it was never intended for.

连接Wiimote并在设备上存放游戏后,就可以开始使用了。 点击左下角的“ 浏览”按钮,导航回到主菜单。 在我们的案例“法力的秘密”中找到要玩的游戏,然后点按它。 当您点击它时,您将获得四个选项,它们是肖像/风景和声音/无声音的混合搭配。 我们将使用Landscape&Sound 。 请注意, 有时仿真中的声音可能会出现乱码,而其他时候保留该声音会导致仿真器崩溃。 这不是snes4iphone的问题,而是我们曾经尝试过的几乎所有仿真程序的问题-当您在原本不打算使用的设备上仿真关闭硬件时,有时会弹出意想不到的怪癖。


You’ll notice when you load up the game that there is a faint overlay of the SNES controller on the screen. snes4iphone allows for play without a Wiimote attached by using the screen itself as a controller. It’s functional but certainly not as fun as actually holding a controller in your hands. We thought, at first, it would be an annoyance while playing but after a few seconds it becomes practically invisible. Our test with Secret of Mana was a huge success and took us back to summers spent playing the epic early 1990s RPG on the SNES.

您会在加载游戏时注意到,屏幕上模糊了SNES控制器。 snes4iphone可以将屏幕本身用作控制器,而无需连接Wiimote即可进行播放。 它具有功能,但肯定不如实际将控制器握在手中那么有趣。 我们认为,起初在播放时会很烦,但几秒钟后它几乎变得不可见了。 我们对《魔法力的秘密》的测试取得了巨大的成功,使我们回到了1990年代初期在SNES上扮演史诗般的RPG的夏天。

If you enjoyed your taste of SNES retro gaming on the iPad make sure to hit up the Cydia repositories for other emulators. Although we liked snes4iphone the best in terms of stability, you’ll find emulators for everything from the NES to the N64 and more. Have experience with alternative emulators? Let’s hear about it in the comments.

如果您喜欢iPad上的SNES复古游戏,请确保为其他模拟器添加Cydia存储库。 尽管就稳定性而言,我们最喜欢snes4iphone,但您会发现从NES到N64以及更多产品的仿真器。 有使用替代模拟器的经验吗? 让我们在评论中听到它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/65143/play-snes-games-on-your-ipad-with-wiimote-support/

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