

Gatsby, an open-source tool for building high-performance JAMstack apps, boasts numerous plugins that extend its capabilities. For example, by leveraging source plugins in Gatsby, you can source data from multiple services, APIs, and even Excel spreadsheets.

Gatsby是用于构建高性能JAMstack应用程序的开源工具,拥有众多扩展其功能的插件。 例如,通过利用Gatsby中的源插件,您可以从多个服务,API甚至Excel电子表格中获取数据。

Cloudinary is a cloud-based, end-to-end media-management platform on which you can store, dynamically optimize, and responsively deliver images and videos for both desktop or mobile apps.


The Gatsby-Source-Cloudinary plugin fetches optimized media assets from a folder on Cloudinary in a Gatsby project. Additionally:

Gatsby-Source-Cloudinary插件从Gatsby项目中Cloudinary上的文件夹中获取优化的媒体资产。 另外:

  • You can declaratively query Cloudinary’s media assets alongside other application data with GraphQL.

  • Cloudinary delivers media assets through a content delivery network (CDN), reducing the app- bundle size on build.

  • Gatsby-Source-Cloudinary automatically optimizes the quality and format of the media files delivered by Cloudinary.


Thus, you have the best of two worlds: high-performance apps along with optimized delivery of media assets.


This tutorial steps you through the process of building a responsive image gallery with Gatsby and images from Cloudinary. Because Gatsby is written in React.js, you must have a working knowledge of JavaScript and React.js.

本教程将逐步指导您使用Gatsby和Cloudinary的图像构建响应式图像库。 由于Gatsby是用React.js编写的,因此您必须具有JavaScript和React.js的使用知识。

安装Node.js和Gatsby.js ( Installation of Node.js and Gatsby.js )

You need Node.js and its package manager, npm, for this project. To check if they’ve been installed on your system, type the following command in your terminal:

您需要此项目的Node.js及其程序包管理器npm。 要检查它们是否已安装在系统上,请在终端中键入以下命令:

node -v && npm -v

If the output show no version numbers, go to to download and install Node.js, which ships with npm.


Next, install the Gatsby.js CLI tool by typing this command in your terminal:

接下来,通过在终端中键入以下命令来安装Gatsby.js CLI工具:

npm install -g gatsby-cli

创建云账户 ( Creation of Cloudinary Account )

To source images from Cloudinary, you must first set up an account there. Cloudinary offers a generous, free tier account that’s largely adequate for starter projects and that scales with the project.

要从Cloudinary获取图像,您必须首先在该处设置 一个帐户 。 Cloudinary提供了一个慷慨的免费套餐帐户,该帐户在很大程度上适合于入门项目,并且可以随项目扩展。

Afterwards, do the following:


  1. Upload the images for the image gallery to a folder in your media library on Cloudinary. Name the folder with a name of your choice, e.g., gallery.

    将图库的图像上传到Cloudinary上媒体库中的文件夹。 用您选择的名称命名文件夹,例如gallery
  2. Obtain your API key and API secret from your Cloudinary dashboard.


创建新盖茨比项目 ( Creation of New Gatsby Project )

Gatsby contains starters that quickly generate new projects with a base setup. To create a new Gatsby project in a folder of your choice with the default starter, type this command line:

Gatsby包含一些启动程序,这些启动程序可以通过基本设置快速生成新项目。 要使用默认启动器在您选择的文件夹中创建新的Gatsby项目,请键入以下命令行:

gatsby new cloudinary-site

Next, navigate to the project directory and start a new development server on http://localhost:8000 with this command:


cd cloudinary-site && gatsby develop

Because it contains GraphQL, Gatsby simultaneously creates a GraphQL IDE on http://localhost:8000/___graphql, with which you will build GraphQL queries later.

由于Gatsby包含GraphQL,因此它同时在http://localhost:8000/___graphql上创建了GraphQL IDE,稍后您将使用它来构建GraphQL查询。

Now go to http://localhost:8000 to see the new Gatsby project, which looks something like this:

现在转到http:// localhost:8000以查看新的Gatsby项目,该项目如下所示:

安装附加软件包 ( Installation of Additional Packages )

You need two other packages for this project:


  • The [dotenv]( module: for loading environment variables from a .env file.

  • The [gatsby-source-cloudinary]( plugin: for fetching optimized images from Cloudinary.


Install them with npm by typing this command line:


npm i --save dotenv gatsby-source-cloudinary

gatsby-config.js的配置 ( Configuration of gatsby-config.js )

You configure all plugins, including those that accompany the default starter, in the gatsby-config.js file, which resides in the root directory of Gatsby projects. Do the following:

您可以在gatsby-config.js文件中配置所有插件,包括默认启动程序随附的插件,该文件位于Gatsby项目的根目录中。 请执行下列操作:

  1. Import the dotenv file you installed earlier to the gatsby-confi.js file and add the gatsby-source-cloudinary plugin with this code:


module.exports = {
      resolve: `gatsby-source-cloudinary`,
      options: {
        cloudName: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME,
        apiKey: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY,
        apiSecret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET,
        resourceType: `image`,
        prefix: `gatsby-source-cloudinary/` 

`gatsby-source-cloudinary` takes these options:
- `**cloudName**`, `**apiKey**` , and `**apiSecret**`**:** These are credentials from your Cloudinary console, stored as three separate environment variables for security.
- `**resourceType**`**:** This is the resource type of the media assets: either an image or a video.
- `**prefix**`**:** This is the folder (in your Cloudinary account) in which the files reside. In the example above, I named this folder `gatsby-source-cloudinary` . Assign a name of your choice.

Other optional options are `type`, `tags`, and `maxResult`.
  1. In the root of your project, create an environment file called .env to which to add your Cloudinary credentials and their values, like this:


The `dotenv` package exposes those environment variables in the project.
  1. Restart the Gatsby development server to see the plugin in action, as in this example:


Note the `info` log, which displays the CloudinaryMedia nodes. Those images are ready to be queried in Gatsby components.

To create the image gallery:


  1. In the src/components folder, create a component file called ImageGallery.js and add the React functional component to the file, as follows:

import React from 'react'
import './gallery.css'
import {useStaticQuery, graphql} from 'gatsby'
const ImageGallery = () => {
    const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`query CloudinaryImage {
            allCloudinaryMedia {
              edges {
                node {
    const clImages = data.allCloudinaryMedia.edges
    return (
          <div className="image-grid">
            {, index) => (
                  <div className="image-item" key={`${index}-cl`}>
                    <img src={image.node.secure_url} alt={"no alt :("} />
  export default ImageGallery

Here, you query all the Cloudinary images sourced into the `CloudinaryMedia` nodes with the `useStaticQuery` hook. In turn, you map through those image URLs to create a gallery with the component.
  1. Create a file called ./gallery.css in src/components for styling the component. Add the CSS styles to the file, as follows:

    src/components创建一个名为./gallery.css的文件来./gallery.css src/components的样式。 将CSS样式添加到文件中,如下所示:
.image-grid {
    display: grid;
    grid-gap: 10px;
    grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(250px, 1fr));
    grid-auto-rows: minmax(50px, auto);
  .image-grid .image-item:nth-child(5n) {
    grid-column-end: span 2;
  .image-grid img {
    display: flex;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    object-fit: cover;

The above styling renders your image gallery into a beautiful, responsive masonry grid.
  1. Replace the existing content of the index.js file in the src/pages folder with the newly created ImageGallery component, as follows:

import React from "react"
import Layout from "../components/layout"
import SEO from "../components/seo"
import ImageGallery from "../components/ImageGallery"
const IndexPage = () => (
    <SEO title="Home" />
    <h1>Image Gallery</h1>
    <p>Here's a Gatsby site with optimized images in a masonry grid, served from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Cloudinary</a></p>
    <div style={{ marginBottom: `1.45rem` }}>
export default IndexPage

Gatsby automatically creates dynamic routes for single pages in the  `src/pages` folder, with `index.js` being the root or home page.
  1. Optional. Feel like tweaking the styles a bit? In the src/components/header.js file, change the background style property of the <header> element to #002954.

    可选的 。 想要稍微调整一下样式吗? 在src/components/header.js文件中,将<header>元素的background样式属性更改为#002954
You might also like to rewrite the site title, which is pulled from the site metadata specified in `gatsby-config.js`. Update the `title` property of `siteMetadata` to Gatsby-Cloudinary Image Gallery.

Now restart the development server and have a look at the updated page. Here’s an example:

现在,重新启动开发服务器,并查看更新的页面。 这是一个例子:

Next, create a deployable, optimized build by typing this command in your terminal:


gatsby build

部署到Netlify ( Deployment to Netlify )

To deploy this JAMstack app to Netlify with a prebuilt continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, follow these steps:

要将此JAMstack应用程序通过预先构建的持续集成和持续交付(CI / CD)管道部署到Netlify ,请执行以下步骤:

  1. Push your code to a remote repository, such as GitHub or Bitbucket.

  2. Create a Netlify account and log in.

  3. Create a new project from your deployed repository on Netlify.

  4. Type the build command and build directory in the text fields, in this case gatsby build and public, respectively. In most cases, Netlify detects the technology and auto-populates those fields.

    在文本字段中输入build命令和build目录,在本例中分别为gatsby buildpublic 。 在大多数情况下,Netlify会检测技术并自动填充这些字段。
  5. Add the environment variables to the environment variables settings on Netlify. Omitting this step will cause the deployment to fail.

    将环境变量添加到Netlify的环境变量设置中。 省略此步骤将导致部署失败。
  6. Run the deployment and voila! Your image gallery has taken shape.

    运行部署,瞧! 您的图片库已成形。

Here’s the deployed version of this project.


And here’s the lighthouse audit of the deployed website, which showcases the power of Gatsby and Cloudinary with eight high-resolution images delivered on the page you just created:


For the complete code, see its GitHub repository.


摘要 ( Summary )

Now that you’ve learned how to build an optimized and responsive image masonry with the Gatsby-Source-Cloudinary plugin on Cloudinary, you can apply the process to other websites and apps on the JAMstack architecture.


Also, do check out the Gatsby-Transformer-Cloudinary plugin, with which you can upload media assets to Cloudinary and create file nodes off them, ready for use in the robust g``atsby-``i``mage component in React. Have fun!

另外,请检查一下Gatsby-Transformer-Cloudinary插件 ,您可以使用该插件将媒体资产上传到Cloudinary并在它们之上创建文件节点,以准备在React的强大g``atsby-``i``mage组件中使用。 玩得开心!







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