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翻译 JavaScript中的最大子数组总和

When encounter the problem about finding the largest sum of contiguous subarray within an array, the optimized solution for now is Kandane’s algorithm. To understand the Kandane’s algorithm, first we ...

2020-09-30 00:59:26 378

翻译 如何在javascript中建立实时人脸检测

Hello readers! 各位读者好! Today in this article we discuss about the realtime face detection and how to apply filters like instagram or snapchat features. In this project we will create some super cool f...

2020-09-30 00:48:57 790

翻译 js 子节点父节点兄弟节点_什么是节点js和您应该了解的其他内容

js 子节点父节点兄弟节点Whether you have recently started learning Node.js or thinking about using it in your next project, this blog will help you in understanding the main reasons why it has become so popular,...

2020-09-30 00:39:50 1031

翻译 使用barba js效果对spa路由过渡做出React

Barba.js provides a smooth fluid transition between the website’s page and within a short period of time, it has built a good reputation in the market with more than 8K hits on their source code. Yet,...

2020-09-30 00:29:38 552

翻译 js input上传单文件_让我们使用传单js将交互式地图添加到网站

js input上传单文件I’m working on a new project that requires lots of maps. When it comes to maps it has to be simple and comprehensive. Adding maps to a website is not very hard but making them interactive...

2020-09-30 00:19:45 162

翻译 用JavaScript吊装

by Kirill Chaim Shcherbina 由Kirill Chaim Shcherbina What is it? 它是什么? The JavaScript engine stores function and variable declarations in memory during the compilation phase. So by the time the execu...

2020-09-30 00:09:28 127

翻译 dom树视图_从dom中删除不可见的视图,同时仍然能够更改其状态

dom树视图Especially in case your UIs are growing, it can significantly increase the performance → UX in case you keep the DOM minimal. For many use cases you still want to change the state of inactive (n...

2020-09-29 23:49:15 319

翻译 wc 一个进程结果是2_用开放的wc创建一个Web组件

wc 一个进程结果是2Previously in this series we covered what Web Components are and some tools used to create them. Now, we will be creating a Web Component, publishing it, and use it on a web page. 在本系列之前,我们...

2020-09-29 23:39:52 299

翻译 不可变的js第1部分关于列表

Functional Programming, a buzzword got every enthusiastic developer thinking. Functional Programming is programming paradigm a.k.a a style of thinking and building the structure of the software based ...

2020-09-29 23:30:02 78

翻译 使用护照js进行用户身份验证

介绍Passport.js (Introducing Passport.js)Passport.js is an authentication middleware. It attempts to implement local authentication of users and make logging in/logging out simpler.It is flexible in t...

2020-09-26 20:25:27 583

翻译 vue中组件之间的通信_vue.js中组件之间的通信

vue中组件之间的通信Despite the usual intros I’ve seen in this kind of articles, I’m not going to go into describing of Vue here. If you are here, it means you know what VueJS is, or at least you’ve heard of i...

2020-09-26 20:15:43 318

翻译 js等待异步方法结束后回调_异步js崩溃课程回调承诺异步等待

js等待异步方法结束后回调Welcome to the crash course on Async JS. 欢迎使用Async JS速成班。 Callback, Promises, and Async-await are a way to deal with asynchronous data. Asynchronous programming in JavaScript is a way in...

2020-09-26 20:06:01 1236

翻译 将youtube播放列表变成网站

From Scratch: using Next.js (React), Bulma & Zeit Now 从头开始:立即使用Next.js(React),布尔玛和Zeit (written in April, posted in august, some stuff might be out of date) (写于四月,八月发布,有些东西可能已经过时了) I’m new to fr...

2020-09-26 19:56:49 623

翻译 javascript递归_使用javascript的本机递归

javascript递归What is recursion? 什么是递归? A process in which a function/method calls itself. 函数/方法调用自身的过程。 Why do we use it? 我们为什么用它? Solutions can be written with shorter lines of code. 解决方案可以用较短的代码行编...

2020-09-26 19:47:46 103

翻译 npm包 发布_如何创建和发布npm包

npm包 发布Easily create and publish an npm module to npm repository 轻松创建npm模块并将其发布到npm存储库 介绍 (Introduction)In this tutorial, you will create your own npm package and publish it to the npm repository. ...

2020-09-18 01:27:33 548

翻译 列表创建字典_从列表创建字典

列表创建字典 那一件事 (That One Thing)You know that road-trip game, where you only count cars you see if they are of the same color. On a long, lonely stretch of road, it is a game of anticipation. On a busy h...

2020-09-18 01:18:10 1767

翻译 直流分量和定时分量_角分量门户

直流分量和定时分量There has been much talk and hype around Angular Ivy, with it being hailed as the saviour for many things that will come to Angular ecosystem of the future, this includes to be able to lazily...

2020-09-16 15:36:09 870

翻译 var和let和const_通过示例了解var let和const

var和let和const Var (Var)Using var declares either a locally(within function) scoped variable or a globally scoped variable. 使用var声明局部(函数内)范围的变量或全局范围的变量。 范围 (Scope)When var is used outside a functio...

2020-09-16 09:55:28 105

翻译 知乎有史以来 人生_玩有史以来最丑的扑克游戏

知乎有史以来 人生React, Redux & Sagas Poker Game Implementation React,Redux和Sagas扑克游戏实施 This series is focused on implementing a fully functional poker game exploring interesting and modern approaches on...

2020-09-16 09:46:00 278

翻译 使用javascript构建器模式深入了解设计模式

建造者模式 (Builder Pattern)The builder pattern allows for the creation of a complex object in a procedural manner. 构建器模式允许以过程方式创建复杂对象。 Imagine a scenario where you’re creating an application that allow...

2020-09-16 09:36:26 64

翻译 如何从前端透视图我画图

Hey, Did you dreamed one day as a Front end engineer to write your API response with yourself without a long conversation with the Back end engineer to agree on every API response schema? ^ h安永,你梦想着有一...

2020-09-16 09:26:07 166

翻译 正则表达式匹配xml节点_猫鼬和节点表达的打字稿

正则表达式匹配xml节点Typescript is a superset of javascript. when we are writing typescript we are still writing javascript, except in this case we are writing javascript with a type system. So, in Summary, Ty...

2020-09-16 09:16:10 496

翻译 nexus9跳过验证_使用graphql nexus进行最终身份验证

nexus9跳过验证This tutorial requires that you have a knowledge of GraphQL queries, mutation and context. 本教程要求您具有GraphQL查询,变异和上下文的知识。 本教程包括以下内容: (This tutorial covers the following:)Signup User 注册用户 Ac...

2020-09-16 09:07:02 3409

翻译 react配置正式和测试_React测试库和测试驱动开发的简介

react配置正式和测试Recently I have been teaching myself more about Test Driven Development and how to incorporate it in my front-end React applications. I want to share an introduction to what I have learned...

2020-09-16 08:57:17 162

翻译 android初学者_android开发的初学者细节

android初学者 Android开发 (Android Development) 通往编码世界学习者的诚实路线图。 (An honest route map to the learners in the world of coding.)When I started learning android development, I was so confused. How do they d...

2020-09-16 08:47:40 146

翻译 javascript 库_您应该知道的流行javascript库

javascript 库Getting started with web development can sometimes be too overwhelming for someone new to the languages and frameworks. Huge options and a variety of languages, Frameworks, libraries, and ...

2020-09-16 08:37:45 157

翻译 情境任务_与情境告别钻探

情境任务Here we are again my dear same 10 people who read my articles, I’m back with another react article. This time it’s on using contexts as a solution for prop drilling. All right before we drill down...

2020-09-16 08:27:43 85

翻译 react中onclick_在React js中调试onclick事件的问题

react中onclickA handleClick event wasn’t behaving like I expected it to behave. I replaced everything inside it with a console.log to make it easier to tell what was going on. handleClick事件的行为不像我预期的那样。...

2020-09-16 08:18:10 810

翻译 matlab火炮射击问题_15个快速射击前端面试问题

matlab火炮射击问题 重点 (Top highlight) HTML中的DOM是什么? (What is the DOM in HTML?)The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML documents. It represents the page so that programs can chan...

2020-09-16 08:08:06 487

翻译 javascript概述_javascript引擎概述

javascript概述 介绍 (Introduction)A JavaScript engine is a computer program or an interpreter that executes JavaScript code. A JavaScript engine can be written in a wide variety of languages. For example...

2020-09-16 07:57:42 358

翻译 javascript控制台_超越控制台日志3种在javascript中格式化控制台输出的方法

javascript控制台As JavaScript developers, we intuitively use console.log() to debug, print out variables, and log results of our current operations to make sure we are on the right programming path. 作为Ja...

2020-09-16 07:46:46 411

翻译 游戏关卡设计_设计游戏关卡的人工智能

游戏关卡设计A couple of months ago, my son Hugo (12) and I decided to learn to develop games with Unity. We would do that by actually making one. We thought up a puzzle game called Elemaze, were little guys...

2020-09-12 13:50:01 474

翻译 使用nestjs mongodb elasticsearch和docker part 1建立全文搜索

Actually, we can build a query empower to enable searching relies on the database using as Mysql, MongoDB ..etc.But for those developers who familiar with Elasticsearch, this will be an alternative ch...

2020-09-08 11:39:52 306

翻译 nod32用户名获取器_内置调试器的nod​​ejs

nod32用户名获取器Let’s imagine that I have a simple JavaScript file and I want to calculate the sum of integer numbers but I have a problem and I want to debug this file(but I don’t want to use console.log ...

2020-09-08 11:30:01 74

翻译 10分钟内打字数据结构

What are data structures? They’re a variety of ways to structure objects to allow for a variety of time efficiencies. 什么是数据结构? 它们是构造对象的多种方式,以实现多种时间效率。 Choose a programming language, take it’s simples...

2020-09-08 10:49:30 180

翻译 简要总结html的发展历史_Web身份验证的简要历史记录,第2部分

简要总结html的发展历史So in the previous article, we discussed authentication procedures like encryption, hashing, salting, etc. Now that we have verified the user let’s concentrate on the session. 因此,在上一篇文章中,...

2020-09-08 10:28:31 106

翻译 用承诺揭穿常见的神话

We all have our unique mental pictures of how we visualize code running. With regards to JavaScript, you might be familiar with the constraint that JavaScript runtime is strictly single-threaded. Usin...

2020-09-08 10:18:14 104

翻译 react父组件调用子组件_将调用功能组件作为功能做出React

react父组件调用子组件You can read this story on dev.to as well! 您也可以 在dev.to上阅读此故事 ! TL;DR TL; DR To be a component ≠ Return JSX<Component /> ≠ Component() 成为组件≠返回JSX <Component /> ≠ Component() ...

2020-09-08 10:08:10 234

翻译 const vs let vs var在javascript中

Let try to understand different types of variable available in JavaScript. We will start from the old school variable declaration to the latest ES6 (ES 2015) variable which is new and has more flexibi...

2020-09-08 09:49:06 136

翻译 javascript 动画_将死亡动画添加到javascript中的可移动角色

javascript 动画This is a continuation of another blogpost about how to animate a spritesheet in javascript. Read part one here. 这是关于如何在javascript中为Spritesheet制作动画的另一篇博客文章的延续。 在这里阅读第一部分。 Right now, we h...

2020-09-08 09:39:56 105



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