


iPhone user removing apps from the Home screen by editing pages
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

For years, Android owners have been able to hide apps from their home screens. Now, as long as you’re running iOS 14 or newer, iPhone owners can remove and hide apps as well as pages from the home screen and put things in the App Library.

多年来,Android所有者已经能够在其主屏幕上隐藏应用程序。 现在,只要您运行的是iOS 14或更高版本,iPhone所有者就可以从主屏幕上删除和隐藏应用程序以及页面,并将其放入应用程序库中。

The App Library is Apple’s version of the app drawer. It’s available on the last page of the home screen. Here, you’ll find all of your installed apps sorted in various categories. You can also see a list of all apps from the Search field.

App Library是Apple的应用程序抽屉版本。 在主屏幕的最后一页上可用。 在这里,您会找到所有已安装的应用程序,它们按类别分类。 您还可以从“搜索”字段中查看所有应用程序的列表。

Now that all apps are available in the App Library, it brings up the question. Why should you keep the same rarely-used apps on the home screen as well? You can do this in two ways. You can either remove particular apps from your home screen (they’ll still show up in Spotlight Search and the App Library), or you can remove entire pages and hide all apps from that page in an instant.

现在,所有应用程序都可以在“应用程序库”中找到,它提出了问题。 为什么还要在主屏幕上保留同样很少使用的应用程序? 您可以通过两种方式执行此操作。 您可以从主屏幕中删除特定的应用程序(它们仍将显示在Spotlight搜索和应用程序库中),也可以删除整个页面并立即隐藏该页面中的所有应用程序。

从iPhone的主屏幕上删除或隐藏应用 (Remove or Hide Apps from Your iPhone’s Home Screen)

First, let’s see how you can remove or hide individual apps from your iPhone’s home screen (without deleting them).


To do this, tap and hold an app that you want to remove. From the options menu, choose the “Remove App” option.

为此,请点击并按住您要删除的应用。 从选项菜单中,选择“删除应用程序”选项。

Tap Remove App from the app menu

In the delete app menu, you’ll see a new option. Here, choose the “Remove From Home Screen” option.

在删除应用程序菜单中,您会看到一个新选项。 在这里,选择“从主屏幕删除”选项。

Tap Remove from Home Screen

The app will instantly disappear from your iPhone’s home screen. You can go to the App Library (by swiping to the right-most page) and search for it to launch the app.

该应用程序将立即从iPhone的主屏幕上消失。 您可以转到应用程序库(通过滑动到最右边的页面)并搜索它以启动应用程序。

Search for app from App Library

从iPhone主屏幕上删除或隐藏页面 (Remove or Hide Pages from Your iPhone’s Home Screen)

If you’re like us, you probably have a couple of pages filled with apps that you almost never visit. If you’re used to launching apps from Spotlight Search, you might want to remove all the pages between your first page and the App Library.

如果您像我们一样,可能会有几个页面包含几乎从未访问过的应用程序。 如果您习惯于从Spotlight搜索启动应用程序,则可能要删除首页和应用程序库之间的所有页面。

To do this, tap and hold in an empty part of your iPhone’s home screen to enter editing mode. Now, tap the Page Dots found above the dock at the bottom of the device’s display.

为此,请点按并按住iPhone主屏幕的空白部分以进入编辑模式。 现在,点击设备显示屏底部底座上方的页面点。

Tap on the page dots

This will bring up a new UI that lists all of the pages in a grid. Tap the checkmark below a page to remove it. You can do this for as many pages as you want (except for the first page).

这将打开一个新的UI,其中列出了网格中的所有页面。 点击页面下方的复选标记将其删除。 您可以在任意数量的页面上执行此操作(第一页除外)。

You can come back here at any time to re-enable a page. Once you’re done editing, tap the “Done” button.

您可以随时返回此处重新启用页面。 编辑完成后,点击“完成”按钮。

Uncheck pages and tap on Done

Once you go back to the home screen, you’ll see that the page dots at the bottom of the screen have reduced in number. You can now quickly swipe to the App Library page.

返回主屏幕后,您会看到屏幕底部的页面点数已减少。 现在,您可以快速滑动到“应用程序库”页面。

Reduced page dots

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/681292/how-to-remove-app-icons-from-your-iphones-home-screen/






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