



Chromebooks are cheap, moderately powerful, user-friendly laptops that have become wildly popular with consumers who want a second machine they can take on the road, but don’t feel like dropping a wad of extra cash for the privilege. In case you have one machine that belongs to an entire household or multiple coworkers at the office, here’s how you can create and manage multiple user accounts on the same device.

Chromebook价格便宜,功能适中,功能强大,易于使用,在希望购买第二台机器但又不想花一堆额外现金的消费者中大受欢迎。 如果您有一台属于整个家庭的计算机或办公室中的多个同事,则可以通过以下方法在同一设备上创建和管理多个用户帐户。

创建一个新的默认用户 (Creating a New Default User)

To create a new user on your Chromebook, you don’t need to be logged in as an administrator, or even the owner of the laptop. Though this might make for some awkward interactions between different members of the household using the same laptop, the convenience factor is high enough that Google hopes you won’t notice anyway.

要在您的Chromebook上创建新用户,您无需以管理员或笔记本电脑所有者的身份登录。 尽管这可能会导致使用同一台笔记本电脑的家庭中不同成员之间出现一些尴尬的交互,但便利性很高,以至于Google希望您仍然不会注意到。

To add a user, go to the login screen either by signing out from your current account, or starting up the laptop from scratch. In the bottom left corner, you’ll see a small button that says “Add User” with a plus sign, next to the option to shut down or browse as a guest (more on this feature later).

要添加用户,请通过退出当前帐户或从头启动笔记本电脑进入登录屏幕。 在左下角,您将看到一个带有加号的小按钮,该按钮旁边带有关闭或以访客身份浏览的选项(带有“加号”)(稍后将对此功能进行更多介绍)。


From here, you’ll be taken through the standard Google account creation process. You’ll choose a username, set your password, and then be given the option to create a two-step verification number to call to protect your account from any hackers who may try to access it from another location without your permission.

从这里开始,您将完成标准的Google帐户创建过程。 您将选择一个用户名,设置密码,然后获得创建两步验证码的选项,以致电保护您的帐户,以防止任何黑客在未经您允许的情况下尝试从其他位置访问该帐户。

Lastly, you’ll be asked to tie an image to your user account, which can either be selected from the stock photos included on the laptop, or modified with a custom image. Similarly, you can also take a picture on the webcam and use this as your main account image by clicking the camera icon in the top left corner of the photo library.

最后,系统会要求您将图像绑定到您的用户帐户,该帐户可以从笔记本电脑附带的库存照片中选择,也可以使用自定义图像进行修改。 同样,您也可以在网络摄像头上拍照,然后单击照片库左上角的相机图标,将其用作主要帐户图像。


Be aware that when you create a new account on a Chromebook, you’ll actually be booting up a whole new account with Google.


This means that most of your online activity will be tracked by the search giant, as one of the main ways the company has been able to justify the extremely low price of their laptops is to subsidize the cost through money made off marketing your daily browsing habits.


管理用户选项 (Managing User Options)


To get to User Management panel, first you’ll need to click into Settings, found in the bottom right hand corner of your Chrome taskbar. Note that you’ll only be able to access this if you’re signed in as the Owner of the device, or another authorized user who has no special privileges preventing them from getting in.

要进入“用户管理”面板,首先您需要单击Chrome任务栏右下角的“设置”。 请注意,只有当您以设备的所有者或没有阻止其进入的特殊特权的另一授权用户的身份登录时,才能访问此页面。


Here you’ll find the menu which controls the options to enable Guest account browsing on the laptop, creating supervised users, as well as whether or not usernames and photos are shown on the main login screen. Also, you can set who is allowed to sign-in, and who isn’t depending on the accounts listed in the prompt below.

在这里,您会找到菜单,该菜单控制着用于在笔记本电脑上启用来宾帐户浏览,创建受监管用户以及是否在主登录屏幕上显示用户名和照片的选项。 另外,您可以设置允许谁登录,以及谁不登录,取决于以下提示中列出的帐户。


If you click on the “X” next to anyone’s name, they’ll still be part of the account network on the laptop, however their login privileges will be restricted until the owner either disables the option, or adds them back to the list of VIPs.

如果您单击任何人名称旁边的“ X”,则他们仍将属于笔记本电脑上的帐户网络的一部分,但是,他们的登录权限将受到限制,直到所有者禁用该选项或将其重新添加到贵宾

访客模式 (Guest Mode)

Enabling guest mode will allow anyone with access to your Chromebook to log in on a Guest account. Guest accounts come with a default set of very limited privileges that, (much to my chagrin), can not be tweaked or altered in any way.

启用访客模式将允许有权访问您的Chromebook的任何人登录访客帐户。 来宾帐户具有一组非常有限的默认特权,(我非常不高兴)这些特权不能以任何方式进行调整或更改。


The stock, default settings are what you get, and if you want to create a more specialized account, you’ll have to dig into what’s known as the “Supervised Users” setting.



受监管的用户 (Supervised Users)


“Supervised users” are a group of accounts that have been added to the list of authorized users on the laptop by the owner or administrator with the express purpose of creating a customized experience for whoever is tied to that specific login. These are accounts that can be tracked, monitored, and limited depending on who’s using the machine and for what purpose.

“受监管的用户”是所有者或管理员已将其添加到笔记本电脑上的授权用户列表中的一组帐户,其明确目的是为与该特定登录名相关的任何人创建定制的体验。 这些是可以跟踪,监视和限制的帐户,具体取决于使用机器的人员和目的。

A good example is a parent who wants their kids to be able to use the computer, but also need to have a way to keep a close eye on their activity as well as blocking any sites (or categories of content) they may want them to shy away from. You can learn all about the ins and outs of managing Supervised Users in our previous article, located here.

一个很好的例子是父母希望孩子能够使用计算机,但还需要一种方法来密切关注他们的活动,并阻止他们可能希望他们访问的任何网站(或内容类别)避开。 您可以在本文的上一篇文章中了解有关管理受监管用户的详细信息

As long as you’ve got the space and the patience, you can add an infinite number of accounts to a single Chromebook. Whether you’re trying to stay on top of your kid’s browsing habits, allows guests to pop open their own tabs in the browser, or just want to find a better way to sync your settings across multiple devices, the user settings in Chrome OS are a simple way to manage all your registered users from one place.

只要您有足够的空间和耐心,就可以为一台Chromebook添加无限数量的帐户。 无论您是想保持孩子的浏览习惯,还是让访客在浏览器中弹出自己的标签,或者只是想找到一种更好的方式来跨多个设备同步设置,Chrome OS中的用户设置都是一种从一个地方管理所有注册用户的简单方法。

Image Credits: Flickr/Kevin Jarrett

图片来源:Flickr / Kevin Jarrett



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