quantum_为什么我从Chrome切换到Firefox Quantum



I’ve been using Firefox Quantum non-stop for more than a week now, starting from before its official release. For years, every Firefox release has felt slower than Chrome to me. But Firefox is now a real, speedy, modern option again. Enough so that I’m switching from Chrome back to Firefox.

从正式发布之前开始,我一直在不停地使用Firefox Quantum超过一个星期。 多年来,我觉得每个Firefox版本都比Chrome慢。 但是Firefox现在又是一种真正,快速,现代的选择。 足够了,以便我从Chrome切换回Firefox

Sure, it’s nice that Firefox is the underdog, a small company dedicated to making the web better rather than pushing its own technology ecosystem like Google, Microsoft, and Apple. But Firefox has plenty of practical features you might prefer it for, too. For the first time in years, Firefox feels like a solid alternative browser you can use without making any compromises.

当然,Firefox是弱者,这是一个很好的选择,这是一家致力于改善网络而不是推动自己的技术生态系统(如Google,Microsoft和Apple)的小型公司。 但是Firefox具有许多您可能更喜欢的实用功能。 多年来,Firefox感觉就像是一种可靠的替代浏览器,您可以在不做任何妥协的情况下使用它。

Firefox确实又快了 (Firefox Really Is Fast Again)

I first used Firefox back in 2002, when it was called “Phoenix”. At the time, it was a breath of fresh air compared to Internet Explorer. But Chrome stole the crown from Firefox with a more modern architecture that was faster, more secure, and just took better advantage of modern hardware. I’ve been trying Firefox off and on for years, and even something as simple as switching between tabs with multiple web pages open felt noticeably slower compared to Chrome.

我在2002年首次使用Firefox(当时称为“ Phoenix”)。 当时,与Internet Explorer相比,这真是新鲜空气。 但是Chrome凭借更快,更安全,更充分利用现代硬件的更现代的体系结构,从Firefox夺冠。 我多年来一直在尝试使用Firefox,即使像打开多个网页的标签之间切换这样简单的操作,与Chrome相比,速度也明显慢。

But, thanks to Mozilla’s recent efforts, Firefox is a competitor once again. By default, Firefox runs a process that handles the user interface separately from four “content processes” that render web pages you have open in tabs. This means heavy web pages won’t slow down Firefox’s interface anymore. Firefox finally being multi-process means Mozilla can tighten up FIrefox’s sandbox to limit the damage a malicious web page could do if it managed to exploit a security hole, too. And the limit of four content processes means Firefox uses 30% less memory than Chrome, at least according to Mozilla.

但是,由于Mozilla最近的努力,Firefox再次成为竞争对手。 默认情况下,Firefox运行的进程与四个“内容进程”分开处理用户界面,四个“内容进程”呈现您在选项卡中打开的网页。 这意味着沉重的网页不会再降低Firefox的界面速度。 Firefox最终是多进程的,这意味着Mozilla可以加强FIrefox的沙箱,以限制恶意网页在设法利用安全漏洞的情况下也可能造成的损害。 至少四个Mozilla认为,四个内容进程的限制意味着Firefox使用的内存比Chrome少30%。

People who don’t like the amount of processes and system memory Chrome uses can actually customize how many processes Firefox uses. I haven’t been paying attention to memory usage because I have plenty of RAM in my PC, but four content processes has definitely been enough to keep Firefox speedy, even with a large number of tabs open. If Firefox Quantum feels a little sluggish for you, try refreshing it and starting with a fresh slate.

不喜欢Chrome使用的进程和系统内存的人实际上可以自定义Firefox使用的进程数。 我没有一直关注内存的使用情况,因为我的PC上有足够的RAM,但是即使打开了大量的选项卡,四个内容处理程序也足以使Firefox快速运行。 如果Firefox Quantum对您来说有些迟钝,请尝试对其进行刷新并从新开始。

Speed-wise, Firefox definitely feels on par with Chrome. Seriously, this isn’t about benchmarks: The browser just feels fast. And it should only speed up more as Mozilla adds more of the Servo experimental browser engine to Firefox over future releases. The initial release of Firefox Quantum only features a new CSS engine, and many more improvements will be arriving in future updates.

在速度方面,Firefox绝对可以与Chrome媲美。 认真地说,这与基准无关:浏览器感觉很快。 而且,随着Mozilla在将来的版本中为Firefox添加更多的Servo实验性浏览器引擎,它应该只会加快速度。 Firefox Quantum的初始版本仅具有新CSS引擎,将来的更新中将有更多改进。

Firefox中的文字看起来比Chrome更好 (Text Looks Better In Firefox Than Chrome)

Can we talk about one big problem with Chrome that few people bother pointing out? Chrome’s text rendering doesn’t look to great on Windows. Compared to Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and the average Windows desktop application, text in Chrome just looks off. Chrome is doing something weird that makes its text look different from other Windows applications.

我们能谈谈很少有人指出的Chrome的一个大问题吗? Chrome的文本呈现在Windows上看起来效果不佳。 与Mozilla Firefox,Microsoft Edge和普通的Windows桌面应用程序相比,Chrome中的文本看起来很小 。 Chrome所做的事情很奇怪,导致其文本看起来与其他Windows应用程序不同。

See for yourself: go to a very simple website like example.com in both Firefox and Chrome. You’ll see a difference. Chrome’s fonts will look a bit lighter and thinner than Firefox’s, which look a bit darker and thicker. I find Firefox’s more readable, and they fit in better with the rest of the Windows desktop. (For the record, Microsoft Edge’s text looks the same as Firefox too.)

自己看看:在Firefox和Chrome浏览器中都访问一个非常简单的网站,例如example.com 。 您会发现有所不同。 Chrome的字体看起来比Firefox的字体更浅,更细,而Firefox的字体看起来更黑,更粗。 我发现Firefox更具可读性,它们与Windows桌面的其余部分更好地契合。 (根据记录,Microsoft Edge的文本也与Firefox相同。)

Depending on your display and system settings, you may just see a subtle difference—but it’s likely noticeable. In the screenshot above, the top image is Firefox and the bottom is Chrome.

根据您的显示和系统设置,您可能会看到细微的差别,但这可能很明显。 在上面的屏幕截图中,最上面的图像是Firefox,最下面的图像是Chrome。

This bug on the Chromium bug tracker discusses the font issue in Chrome, but Chrome’s developers don’t seem too focused on fixing it.


Firefox的扩展程序仍提供更多功能 (Firefox’s Extensions Still Offer More Power)

For Firefox users who stuck with the browser, the big pain point in Firefox Quantum is the new extension system. Firefox has supported WebExtensions for a while, but now it only supports WebExtensions and the old, powerful XUL extension system is gone. Firefox uses managed extensions, much like Chrome’s. Those old extensions had full access to Firefox’s interface, which made them extremely powerful—but it also meant that they could cause browser problems and they often broke when Firefox updated to a new version. They also just weren’t fully compatible with Firefox’s more modern multi-process architecture and sandboxing features.

对于那些坚持使用浏览器的Firefox用户,Firefox Quantum的最大痛点是新的扩展系统。 Firefox已经支持WebExtensions了一段时间,但是现在它仅支持WebExtensions, 而旧的,功能强大的XUL扩展系统不见了 。 Firefox使用托管扩展,就像Chrome浏览器一样。 这些旧扩展可以完全访问Firefox的界面,这使其功能极为强大-但这也意味着它们可能会导致浏览器出现问题,并且当Firefox更新到新版本时,它们通常会损坏。 它们还与Firefox的更现代的多进程体系结构和沙箱功能不完全兼容。

As a Chrome user, though, Firefox isn’t a downgrade when it comes to extensions. In fact, it’s an upgrade, as Firefox still offers a few features Chrome extensions can’t match. For example, Firefox has a convenient sidebar for viewing your bookmarks and history. But the sidebar can be used by extensions, too. I particularly love Tree Style Tab, which offers not only a tab view in a vertical sidebar—perfect for widescreen monitors and large numbers of tabs—but organizes the tabs you open in a “tree”, so you can see which tabs you opened from which other tabs. Really, with modern widescreen monitors, vertical tabs are awesome.

但是,作为Chrome用户,Firefox在扩展方面并不算是降级。 实际上,这是一次升级,因为Firefox仍提供了Chrome扩展无法匹敌的一些功能。 例如,Firefox有一个方便的侧栏,用于查看您的书签和历史记录。 但是侧栏也可以被扩展使用。 我特别喜欢“ 树样式”选项卡 ,它不仅在垂直边栏中提供选项卡视图(对于宽屏显示器和大量选项卡而言是完美的),而且可以组织您在“树”中打开的选项卡,因此您可以查看从中打开了哪些选项卡其他哪个标签。 的确,对于现代的宽屏显示器,垂直选项卡很棒。

Chrome doesn’t offer anything similar because it’s just not possible for Chrome extensions to use a browser sidebar. The few vertical tab extensions for Chrome use a separate window that floats next to your main Chrome browser window, and that’s a pretty bad experience. I wouldn’t want to use that.

Chrome没有提供任何类似功能,因为Chrome扩展程序无法使用浏览器侧边栏。 Chrome的少数几个垂直标签扩展程序使用一个单独的窗口,该窗口浮在您的Chrome浏览器主窗口旁边,这是非常糟糕的体验。 我不想使用它。

Firefox will hopefully continue to offer more powerful features extensions can make use of in the future. Sure, Firefox is embracing Chrome-style extensions, but Firefox could offer more features for those extensions to take advantage of and remain the browser with the most powerful extensions.

Firefox有望在将来继续提供扩展可以使用的更强大的功能。 当然,Firefox正在采用Chrome样式的扩展程序,但是Firefox可以为这些扩展程序提供更多功能,以利用并保持浏览器具有最强大的扩展功能。

读者视图显示Mozilla添加Google不会提供的功能 (Reader View Shows Mozilla Adding Features Google Won’t)

Firefox also has Reader Mode, a feature found in other modern browsers like Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge. This isn’t a new feature in Firefox—it’s a feature every browser but Chrome has offered for years. Chrome’s developers were testing a similar option with a hidden about:flags option years ago, but it never went anywhere.

Firefox还具有阅读器模式,该功能可在其他现代浏览器(如Apple Safari和Microsoft Edge)中找到。 这不是Firefox中的新功能,而是所有浏览器的功能,但Chrome已经提供了多年。 Chrome的开发人员几年前曾在测试类似的选项,并使用about:flags隐藏选项,但从未成功。

To access it, you just head to a web page containing an article and click the “Enter Reader View” icon that appears at the right side of the address bar. You get a minimal page without any images, videos, backgrounds, or other web page elements that get in the way of reading.

要访问它,只需访问包含文章的网页,然后单击地址栏右侧显示的“进入阅读器视图”图标。 您得到的页面很少,没有任何图像,视频,背景或其他妨碍阅读的网页元素。

Sure, you can get this feature on Chrome with a browser extension, but it’s a good example of Mozilla adding a feature that Google just doesn’t want to add to Chrome.


Firefox同步,移动应用程序和发送选项卡 (Firefox Sync, Mobile Apps, and Sending Tabs)

Firefox also matches Chrome in offering a Firefox Sync feature that synchronizes your browsing data between all your devices, and mobile apps so you can access your bookmarks and open tabs while away from your PC. Official Firefox apps are available for iPhone, iPad, and Android.

Firefox还与Chrome匹配,它提供了Firefox同步功能,该功能可以在所有设备和移动应用之间同步浏览数据,因此您可以在不使用PC的情况下访问书签和打开标签。 官方Firefox应用程序可用于iPhone,iPadAndroid

In fact, there are some useful mobile features Chrome doesn’t offer. A “Send Tab to Device” option in Firefox’s page action menu allows you to send a tab to another device you’re syncing with Firefox Sync, immediately opening a tab on your phone or another PC. It’s pretty convenient.

实际上,Chrome没有提供一些有用的移动功能。 Firefox的页面操作菜单中的“将选项卡发送到设备”选项可让您将选项卡发送到与Firefox Sync同步的另一台设备,立即在手机或另一台PC上打开一个选项卡。 很方便

Overall, Firefox Quantum feels about the same as Chrome (maybe even faster!) and offers nicer text rendering and a few bonus features Chrome doesn’t. It’s an excellent browser, and I’m sticking with it.

总体而言,Firefox Quantum的感觉与Chrome差不多(甚至更快!),并提供了更好的文本呈现和Chrome所没有的一些额外功能。 这是一个出色的浏览器,我坚持使用。

Should you switch? Well, that’s up to you—but I’m excited that Firefox is a real competitor again.

你应该换吗? 好吧,这取决于您,但我很高兴Firefox再次成为真正的竞争对手。

Image Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.com.

图片来源: Antonio Guillem /Shutterstock.com。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/333393/why-i-switched-from-chrome-to-firefox-quantum/


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