如何更改AirPods和AirPods Pro设置

Using iPhone to customize AirPods settings
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

The out-of-box experience of AirPods is pretty good. But what if you want to change the gesture behavior? There are some settings that you should tweak to improve your experience. Here’s how to change your AirPods settings.

AirPods的开箱即用体验非常好。 但是,如果您想更改手势行为该怎么办? 您应该调整一些设置以改善您的体验。 这是更改AirPods设置的方法。

After your AirPods are paired and connected to your iPhone or iPad, you’ll be able to change the settings and customize the behavior from your device’s Bluetooth menu.


更改您的AirPods名称 (Change Your AirPods Name)

Open the “Settings” app, and go to the “Bluetooth” section.


Select Bluetooth from Settings app

Here, tap on the “i” button next to your AirPods.

在这里,点击AirPods旁边的“ i”按钮。

Tap on i button next to AirPods

You can tap on the “Name” option to rename your AirPods.


Select your AirPods name

From the next screen, type in a new name and then tap on the “Done” button on the keyboard to save it. Now, select the Back button to go back to the AirPods settings menu.

在下一个屏幕中,输入新名称,然后点击键盘上的“完成”按钮进行保存。 现在,选择“后退”按钮以返回到AirPods设置菜单。

Tap on Back button to save the AirPods name

自定义双击或按住行为 (Customize the Double-Tap or Press and Hold Behavior)

By default, the double-tap gesture for AirPods and the press and hold combination for AirPods Pro is associated with Siri. If you’re used to Bluetooth headphones, you might want to replace that with the Play/Pause or Next/Previous track actions or Noise Cancellation options.

默认情况下,AirPods的双击手势和AirPods Pro的长按组合与Siri关联。 如果您习惯使用蓝牙耳机,则可能需要用“播放/暂停”或“下一个/上一个”曲目操作或“降噪”选项来替换它。

If you’re using the 2nd generation AirPods or AirPods Pro, the “Hey Siri” phrase will bring up Siri at any time. As such, it’s best to reassign these gestures to more useful actions.

如果您使用的是第二代AirPods或AirPods Pro,则“ Hey Siri”一词会随时显示Siri。 因此,最好将这些手势重新分配给更有用的操作。

Tap on the “Left” or the “Right” option to change the action.


Tap on Left or Right to change the double tap gesture on AirPods

Here are all the actions available on AirPods:


  • Siri

  • Play/Pause

  • Next Track

  • Previous Track

  • Off

And here are the actions available on AirPods Pro:

以下是AirPods Pro上可用的操作:

  • Noise Control

  • Siri

Switch to a different action for double tap gesture on AirPods

禁用自动耳朵检测 (Disable Automatic Ear Detection)

If you don’t like your AirPods starting and stopping audio playback when you put in your earbuds or take them off, then you should turn off the Automatic Ear Detection feature. You can do this by tapping on the toggle next to the option.

如果您不喜欢将AirPods放在耳塞中或从耳塞中取出时开始或停止播放音频,则应关闭“自动耳朵检测”功能。 您可以通过点击选项旁边的切换按钮来执行此操作。

Tap on toggle next to Automatic Ear Detection to disable it

This is also the feature that makes your phone or tablet’s audio automatically switch to AirPods as an output when you put them in your ears. If you would rather switch to your AirPods manually, you can turn off this feature.

这也是一项功能,当您将手机或平板电脑的音频插入耳中时,它们会自动切换为AirPods作为输出。 如果您想手动切换到AirPods,可以关闭此功能。

选择要使用的麦克风 (Choose Which Microphone to Use)

Lastly, you can customize which of your AirPods microphones are used by tapping on the “Microphone” option. By default, your AirPods will automatically switch the microphone between earbuds depending on which bud you’re using.

最后,您可以通过点击“麦克风”选项来自定义使用哪些AirPods麦克风。 默认情况下,您的AirPods会根据您所用的芽自动在耳塞之间切换麦克风。

Tap on Microphone option to customize it

But if you want, you can tap on the “Always Left AirPod” or the “Always Right AirPod” option to force AirPods to always use a particular microphone.

但是,如果需要,您可以点击“ Always Left AirPod”或“ Always Right AirPod”选项以强制AirPods始终使用特定的麦克风。

Switch to using a single AirPod

If you’re experiencing audio issues from a particular microphone, this can be a good way to work around the problem without shelling out for a replacement unit.


New to AirPods? Here’s how to pair two sets of AirPods with the same iPhone; pair AirPods with a PC, Mac, Android phone, or any other device; and use the Find My app to locate your lost AirPods.

AirPods的新手? 这是将两组AirPods与同一部iPhone配对的方法; 将AirPods与PC,Mac,Android手机或任何其他设备配对; 并使用“查找我的”应用来查找丢失的AirPods

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/671573/how-to-change-your-airpods-and-airpods-pro-settings/

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AirPods Pro 是苹果公司推出的一款真无线耳机,相比于普通的AirPods,它具有更好的降噪效果和更紧密的耳塞设计,同时还增加了一些新的功能和特性,比如“透明模式”和“按压式操作”。总体来说,AirPods Pro 作为一款真无线降噪耳机,具有以下优点: 1. 降噪效果较好:AirPods Pro 采用了主动降噪技术和适应性降噪技术相结合的方式,可以有效地降低环境噪音,提供更清晰的音乐和语音通话体验。 2. 舒适度较高:AirPods Pro 的耳塞采用了可更换的三种尺寸设计,可以更好地适应不同的耳型,同时还具有较好的稳定性和舒适度。 3. 功能丰富:AirPods Pro 支持“透明模式”和“按压式操作”等新功能,可以更好地满足用户的不同需求。 4. 兼容性好:AirPods Pro 可以与苹果设备无缝衔接,同时也支持其他品牌的蓝牙设备连接。 不过,AirPods Pro 也存在一些缺点,比如: 1. 价格较高:AirPods Pro 的价格较高,相比普通的AirPods,需要付出更多的费用。 2. 电池续航时间一般:与其他品牌的真无线降噪耳机相比,AirPods Pro 的电池续航时间略显一般。 3. 兼容性有限:AirPods Pro 的一些功能需要在苹果设备上才能完全发挥,与其他品牌设备兼容性有限。 总体来说,如果您是苹果设备用户,需要一款降噪效果较好、舒适度较高、功能丰富的真无线耳机,那么AirPods Pro 可能是一个不错的选择。


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