极客时间 课程共享_询问如何做极客:修复Windows启动记录,与Windows共享Mac文件夹以及恢复Outlook提醒功能...

极客时间 课程共享

极客时间 课程共享


You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. Today we look at how to boot into Windows after uninstalling Linux, sharing folders between a Mac and a Windows computer, and how to reinstate the missing Outlook reminder bell.

您有问题,我们有答案。 今天,我们探讨了卸载Linux后如何启动Windows,在Mac和Windows计算机之间共享文件夹以及如何恢复丢失的Outlook提醒铃声。

Once a week we dip into our mailbag and help readers solve their problems, sharing the useful solutions with you I the process. Read on to see our fixes for this week’s reader dilemmas.

每周一次,我们浸入我们的邮袋,并帮助读者解决他们的问题,并在过程中与您分享有用的解决方案。 请继续阅读以了解本周读者困境的修复方法。

GRUB Loader崩溃后恢复Windows启动记录 (Recovering the Windows Boot Record after a GRUB Loader Meltdown)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I have an issue with my computer. I had Windows 7 and Ubuntu installed (on separate drives) and would select which one I wanted to boot into via the GRUB loader. The Linux disk died and now the GRUB loader doesn’t recognize Windows or boot into it. At this point I don’t even really need the GRUB loader; I just want to boot into Windows again! Help!

我的电脑有问题。 我安装了Windows 7和Ubuntu(在单独的驱动器上),然后选择要通过GRUB加载程序引导到的Windows 7和Ubuntu。 Linux磁盘已死,现在GRUB加载器无法识别Windows或无法引导到Windows。 在这一点上,我什至根本不需要GRUB加载程序。 我只想再次启动Windows! 帮帮我!



Can’t Boot It


Dear Can’t Boot It,


It sounds like the fastest solution for your problem is to restore the Master Boot Record and start booting, sans GRUB, as you did before you installed Linux and turned your system into a dual-boot computer. Here’s what you need to do. Put a Windows installation disc in your disc drive and reboot. Press any key when prompted, do the basic setup (selecting your language, time zone, etc.) and click next. Then click Repair your computer. Click on the operating system you want to repair and click next. At this point you’ll be at the System Recover Options menu, click on Command Prompt.

听起来,解决您的问题最快的方法是恢复主引导记录并开始引导,没有GRUB,就像在安装Linux并将系统变成双引导计算机之前一样。 这是您需要做的。 将Windows安装光盘放入光盘驱动器中,然后重新启动。 出现提示时,按任意键,进行基本设置(选择您的语言,时区等),然后单击下一步。 然后单击修复计算机。 单击要修复的操作系统,然后单击下一步。 此时,您将进入“系统恢复选项”菜单,单击“命令提示符”。

Now it’s time to execute a simple repair on your machine. At the command prompt type in bootrec.exe /FixMbr and hit enter. When the command is done executing your Master Boot Record will be repaired and GRUB free. Reboot the computer and things should appear, during the boot process, as they were before you installed Ubuntu.

现在是时候在计算机上执行简单的修复了。 在命令提示符下,键入bootrec.exe / FixMbr,然后按Enter。 命令执行完毕后,您的主引导记录将被修复并且GRUB释放。 重新启动计算机,并在启动过程中出现与安装Ubuntu之前相同的内容。

从Mac共享文件夹到Windows PC (Sharing Folders From a Mac to a Windows PC)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I need to share a folder on a Mac laptop with a PC on my network. I’m totally unfamiliar with Macs and my rudimentary attempt to get things working failed miserably. I just need simple file sharing, nothing fancy. I’d prefer to not have to install anything or mess around with the Mac laptop too much (I’m helping out a friend and want to risk breaking as little as possible). Thanks!

我需要与网络上的PC共享Mac笔记本电脑上的文件夹。 我完全不熟悉Mac,而我为使工作正常进行的基本尝试却以失败告终。 我只需要简单的文件共享,一点也不花哨。 我不希望安装太多东西或与Mac笔记本电脑混为一谈(我正在帮助一个朋友,并希望冒险尽可能少地摔坏)。 谢谢!



I’m a PC


Dear PC,


We can help you and you don’t have to install a thing. The likely reason you were having trouble setting up the folder sharing is because Windows uses SMB sharing. Macs support this but it’s not the default setting. You’ll need to specify that the folder share is SMB-based when you set up the folder sharing configuration. Check out our step-by-step guide to setting up a Mac folder share with SMB here.

我们可以为您提供帮助,而您不必安装任何东西。 设置文件夹共享时遇到问题的可能原因是Windows使用SMB共享。 Macs支持此功能,但这不是默认设置。 设置文件夹共享配置时,您需要指定文件夹共享基于SMB。 在此处查看我们的逐步指南,以设置与SMB的Mac文件夹共享

恢复Outlook提醒铃声 (Reinstating the Outlook Reminder Bell)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

We just upgraded from Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2010 at work and I’m confused as to where the little bell is in my calendar? Outlook used to have this little bell icon on any entry that had a reminder attached to it. I know it’s a super tiny thing but I actually got used to that little bell being part of my work flow! Please tell me I can get it back!

我们刚刚从Outlook 2003升级到了工作中的Outlook 2010,但我对日历中的小铃声感到困惑吗? Outlook以前在任何带有提醒的条目上都带有这个小铃铛图标。 我知道这是一件非常微小的事情,但实际上我已经习惯了把小铃铛作为我工作流程的一部分! 请告诉我我可以取回它!



Longing for the Bell


Dear Bell,


You’ll be thrilled to find out that it benefited you to have your company skip Outlook 2007. For some reason Microsoft removed the little Reminder Bell of which you are so fond. The public outcry was loud enough that they reinstated it in the 2010 edition. All you need to do is navigate to File –> Options –> Calendar and then check the box beside Show bell icon on the calendar […] to enable the reminder bell again. Want some screen shots to guide you through? Check out our previous post on the topic here.

您会惊奇地发现,使公司跳过Outlook 2007对您有所帮助。出于某种原因,Microsoft删除了您如此喜欢的小提示铃。 公众的强烈抗议使他们在2010年版中将其恢复。 您所需要做的就是导航至“ 文件”->“选项”->“日历” ,然后选中日历[...]上“显示铃声”图标旁边的框,以再次启用提醒铃声。 想要一些屏幕截图来指导您进行操作吗? 在此处查看有关该主题的上一篇文章

Have a question you want to put before the How-To Geek staff? Shoot us an email atask@howtogeek.com and then keep an eye out for a solution in the Ask How-To Geek column.

您想向How-To Geek员工提出问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com ,然后在Ask How-To Geek专栏中关注解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/55989/ask-how-to-geek-fixing-the-windows-boot-record-sharing-mac-folders-with-windows-and-reviving-the-outlook-reminder-bell/

极客时间 课程共享

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