


If you get poor service in a restaurant or feel a photographer you hired didn’t do the job you paid for, it can be very tempting to jump online and write a scathing review. Before you do, you should think twice. If you’re not careful, leaving a bad review could get you sued.

如果您在餐馆服务差或觉得您雇用的摄影师没有完成您所付的工作,那么跳到网上撰写严厉的评论可能很诱人。 在您这样做之前,您应该三思。 如果您不小心,留下不良评论可能会导致您被起诉。

Disclaimer: We are not lawyers. We’re basing the advice in this article from cases in the public record. It’s primarily focused on the US legal system, although there are similar cases in other Western countries. If you are being sued for anything you’ve written online, contact a lawyer and get professional legal advice immediately.

免责声明 :我们不是律师。 我们基于公共记录中的案例提供本文的建议。 尽管其他西方国家也有类似案件,但主要集中在美国法律体系上。 如果您因在线撰写的任何内容而被起诉,请联系律师并立即获得专业的法律建议。

人们因不良评论被起诉 (People Have Been Sued for Bad Reviews)

The reality is that anyone can sue anyone at any time for any thing. Frivolous lawsuits are a real thing. PETA has spent seven years suing a photographer on behalf of a monkey. This means that if you annoy a company enough, they can lawyer up and get a court date. You might win, but it could still end up costing you a lot of time and money.

现实情况是,任何人都可以随时起诉任何人。 轻率的诉讼是真实的。 PETA花了七年的时间代表猴子起诉摄影师 。 这意味着,如果您对公司足够恼火,他们可以律师成立并获得开庭日期。 您可能会赢,但是最终仍然会花费您大量的时间和金钱。

Specifically, people have been sued in the past for leaving bad reviews. In some cases—and we’ll explore some examples—the company has won. In others, like this case where an Edmonton man left a one star review for a tech company that didn’t call him back, the company never follows through with their threat. In yet more, such as this one where a student left a negative review of a law firm that came into her bedroom while she was sleeping in her underwear, the person being sued has won and the company has had to pay their legal fees—$27,000 in this instance.

具体来说,过去有人因留下不良评论而被起诉。 在某些情况下(我们将探索一些示例),该公司赢了。 在其他情况下, 例如埃德蒙顿(Edmonton)一名男子给一​​家没有回电的科技公司留下了一颗星的评论 ,该公司就永远不会继续面对他们的威胁。 再比如,在这个学生对一家律师事务所的负面评价中 ,当她睡在内衣时进入卧室时,被起诉的人获胜了,该公司不得不支付律师费——27,000美元在这种情况下。

The big takeaway is that, whatever the result ends up being, companies have sued people for leaving bad reviews. Even if the case ends up being thrown out by a judge, it still can’t have been a fun few months for the people involved while everything was going on. And unless you win and get reimbursement for legal fees, you’re still out whatever money you paid to your lawyer.

最大的收获是,无论最终结果如何,公司都起诉人们留下不良评论。 即使案件最终被法官抛出,对于所有参与其中的人来说,在一切进行的过程中,这仍然不是一个有趣的几个月。 而且,除非您获胜并获得法律费用补偿,否则您仍然没有支付给律师的任何款项。

评论受到第一修正案的保护……到一定程度 (Reviews Are Protected By the First Amendment…To a Point)

In the US, reviews are protected by the First Amendment, which covers freedom of speech. To back this up, Congress passed a law in 2016 called the Consumer Review Fairness Act, which made it illegal for companies to add terms to their contracts that banned customers from posting negative reviews—or fined them if they do. These terms were becoming increasingly common at the time.

在美国,评论受到《第一修正案》的保护,该修正案涵盖言论自由。 为此,国会在2016年通过了一项名为《消费者评论公平法》的法律,该法律规定公司在合同中添加条款以禁止客户发布负面评论为非法,否则将对其处以罚款 。 这些术语在当时变得越来越普遍。

As long as what you say is factually true or is an opinion, this act should protect what you write. However, with a negative review, it’s very easy to cross into defamatory territory. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has a great summary on online defamation laws. It’s meant for bloggers, but it applies to anyone who posts content, like reviews, online.

只要您说的是事实或观点,该行为就应该保护您的内容。 但是,如果进行负面评价,则很容易进入诽谤领域。 电子前沿基金会对在线诽谤法进行了总结 。 它适用于博客作者,但适用于在网上发布评论等内容的任何人。

In brief, if you publish “a false statement of fact” that could “harm the reputation of the plaintiff” (which means the company in this case), then you are committing defamation.


Take this example where a woman, Emily Fanelli, left a Yelp review of floor refinisher Matt Gardiner saying:

以这个例子为例, 一位女性Emily Fanelli离开了Yelp对地板修补剂Matt Mattindin的评论

“this guy mat the owner is a scam do not use him you will regret doing business with this company I’m going to court he is a scam customers please beware he will destroy your floors he is nothing by a liar he robs customers, and promises you everything if you want s— then go with him if you like nice work find another he is A SCAM LIAR BULL—-ER”


Gardiner (the floor refinisher) sued Fanelli over her review, and the judge ruled in Gardiner’s favor, awarding him $1000 in damages. The judge said that, “Terms such as ‘scam,’ ‘con artist’ and ‘robs’ imply actions approaching criminal wrongdoing rather than someone who failed to live up to the terms of a contract.” In other words, because Fanelli implied Gardiner was a criminal, she was committing defamation.

加德纳(地板修补剂)起诉法纳利(Fanelli)复审,法官判决加德纳(Gardiner)胜诉,判给他1000美元的赔偿。 法官说:“诸如“骗局”,“骗子”和“抢劫”之类的词意味着要采取刑事不法行为,而不是指那些不遵守合同规定的人。” 换句话说,由于Fanelli暗示Gardiner是罪犯,因此她在进行诽谤。

In another case, Andrew and Neely Moldovan went to the press and accused their wedding photographer, Andrea Polito, of holding the photos hostage over a $150 fee they claimed wasn’t in the contract. Articles, like this one in the Daily Mail, soon appeared.

在另一起案件中,安德鲁(Andrew)和尼利·摩尔多瓦(Neely Moldovan)去媒体采访,指控他们的婚礼摄影师安德里亚·波利托(Andrea Polito)将照片扣为人质,他们声称这不是合同中规定的150美元费用。 像《每日邮报》中的这篇文章很快出现。

The Washington Post reports that “the Moldovans’ sympathizers descended on photographer Andrea Polito’s review pages, calling her a scam artist, or worse.” Things got so bad that Polito had to close her studio, so she sued the Moldovans. The jurors found that the Moldovans were in the wrong and thus, they were guilty of malicious defamation. They awarded Polito more than $1,000,000 in damages.

《华盛顿邮报报道说:“摩尔多瓦人的同情者出现在摄影师安德里亚·波利托(Andrea Polito)的评论页面上,称她为骗子,甚至更糟。” 事情变得如此糟糕,波利托不得不关闭她的工作室,于是她起诉了摩尔多瓦人。 陪审员们发现摩尔多瓦人错了,因此,他们犯有恶意诽谤罪。 他们判给Polito超过$ 1,000,000的赔偿。

As you can see, the line between opinion and defamation can be very thin. I know I’ve certainly used words like “scam” to describe services I wasn’t happy with. The damages—especially if you manage to destroy someone’s business—can also be huge.

如您所见,意见与诽谤之间的界限可能非常狭窄。 我知道我肯定使用过“骗局”之类的词来形容我不满意的服务。 损失(尤其是如果您设法破坏某人的业务)的损失也可能很大。

外卖 (The Takeaways)

The point of this article isn’t to scare you off writing honest, negative reviews online. There are thousands of negative reviews posted every day and only a very small number of them end up with lawyers involved. The big takeaways are:

本文的目的不是要吓you您在网上写诚实,负面的评论。 每天都有成千上万的负面评论发布,其中只有极少数最终涉及律师。 主要的收获是:

  • Only post things that are absolutely true.

  • Make sure you’re expressing an opinion by saying things like, “I didn’t like X” rather than making statements that could be interpreted as facts like “X sucks”.

    确保您通过说“我不喜欢X”之类的事情来表达自己的观点,而不是发表可能被解释为“ X很烂”的事实的陈述。
  • Avoid accusing the companies you’re reviewing of criminal behaviour like robbing you, scamming you, and so on.

  • Don’t write reviews while you’re angry. Wait a few days and see how you feel. If you still feel the need to write a negative review, do it carefully and deliberately.

    生气时不要写评论。 等待几天,看看您的感觉。 如果您仍然需要撰写负面评论,请仔细并故意进行。
  • If you are sued or threatened with a lawsuit, contact a lawyer immediately. A few hundred dollars worth of legal advice now could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the future.

    如果您被起诉或受到诉讼威胁,请立即联系律师。 现在,价值数百美元的法律建议可以为您节省数十万美元。

And seriously, we’re not kidding about the talking to a lawyer part.


Photo by Claire Anderson on Unsplash.

Claire AndersonUnsplash上的照片

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/352302/can-you-get-sued-for-leaving-a-bad-review/






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