netflix 运维和开发_如何阻止Netflix向您发送电子邮件和通知

netflix 运维和开发

netflix 运维和开发

Netflix is constantly adding new content, and the company doesn’t want you to forget it. You get emails or notifications when Netflix adds new shows, sends you recommendations, or even adds new features to its apps. Here’s how to turn off all those pestergrams.

Netflix不断添加新内容,该公司不希望您忘记它。 当Netflix添加新节目,向您发送建议甚至向其应用添加新功能时,您会收到电子邮件或通知。 这是关闭所有这些有害词的方法。

截至2020年如何阻止Netflix发送电子邮件 (How to Stop Netflix from Sending Emails as of 2020)

Update: Netflix has changed its website and hidden the Communication Settings options deeper within the streaming service’s menu. The basic instructions are still correct; visit Netflix’s website using your browser of choice, click on your avatar in the top-right corner, and then select the “Account” option.

更新: Netflix更改了其网站,并在流媒体服务菜单的更深处隐藏了“通讯设置”选项。 基本说明仍然正确; 使用您选择的浏览器访问Netflix的网站 ,单击右上角的头像,然后选择“帐户”选项。

We’ve now reached the point where the Communications Settings options have been moved. Instead of finding the menu button in the “Settings” section, you’ll first need to click on the main account holder’s profile image to expand and show a number of additional options.

现在,我们已到达“通讯设置”选项已移动的地步。 您无需先在“设置”部分中找到菜单按钮,而是需要单击主帐户持有人的个人资料图像以展开并显示许多其他选项。

Select the Netflix profile that belongs to the main account holder

From the bottom of the list, you can now select the “Change” button found to the right of “Communication Settings.”


Click the "Change" button next to "Communication Settings"

You can now uncheck all of the email notification boxes and then select “Do Now Send Me Any Emails Or Text Messages” as the directions below instruct.


禁用电子邮件通知的旧方法 (The Old Way to Disable Email Notifications)

There are two main ways that Netflix can annoy you with messages: emails and mobile notifications. To turn off the first, open Netflix on the web, hover over your profile icon in the top right corner and click Account.

Netflix可以用两种主要的方式惹恼您的消息:电子邮件和移动通知。 要关闭第一个功能,请在网络上打开Netflix,将鼠标悬停在右上角的个人资料图标上,然后点击帐户。

Under Settings, click “Communication settings.”


At the bottom of this page, click the check box next to “Do not send me any emails or text messages,” to block all emails and texts. Alternatively, you can selectively turn off emails about updates, recommendations, offers, and surveys by unchecking the boxes for each one. When you’re done, click Update at the bottom of the page to save your preferences.

在此页面底部,单击“不向我发送任何电子邮件或文本消息”旁边的复选框,以阻止所有电子邮件和文本。 另外,您可以通过取消选中每个电子邮件的更新框来有选择地关闭有关更新,推荐,报价和调查的电子邮件。 完成后,单击页面底部的“更新”以保存您的首选项。

关闭手机通知 (Turn Off Mobile Notifications)

Next, you’ll also want to turn off mobile notifications. You’ll get these if you have the Netflix app installed on your phone, letting you know that you’ve just gotta check out this new show. Thanks, Netflix, but I think I’ll wait ’til I get home.

接下来,您还需要关闭移动通知。 如果您的手机上安装了Netflix App,则将获得这些信息,让您知道您必须查看此新节目。 谢谢,Netflix,但我想我等到我回家。

Update: The process for turning off mobile notifications has changed since this guide was published. In the Netflix app for Android, tap the hamburger menu icon in the bottom-right corner, select “App Settings”, and then toggle off “Allow Notifications.” The Netflix app for iPhone and iPad doesn’t offer notification settings in-app. You have to go into the device’s “Settings” app and adjust them there.

更新:自发布本指南以来,关闭移动通知的过程已更改。 在适用于AndroidNetflix App中 ,点击右下角的汉堡菜单图标,选择“应用程序设置”,然后关闭“允许通知”。 适用于iPhoneiPad的Netflix App不提供应用内通知设置。 您必须进入设备的“设置”应用并在此处进行调整。

To turn off mobile notifications, open the app and tap the menu button in the top left corner of the screen. Scroll down and tap App Settings.

要关闭移动通知,请打开该应用,然后点击屏幕左上角的菜单按钮。 向下滚动并点按“应用程序设置”。

On this screen, tap to turn off the box that reads “Accept push notifications.”


From now on, Netflix should leave you alone until you decide to watch something. You’ll still get email with important billing or account information—for example, if the card you use to pay for Netflix expires, you’ll be notified—but otherwise, you can stream in peace.

从现在开始,Netflix应该让您一个人呆着,直到您决定看点东西为止。 您仍然会收到包含重要帐单或帐户信息的电子邮件(例如,如果用于Netflix支付的卡过期了,则会收到通知),但否则,您可以放心地流媒体。


netflix 运维和开发





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