


1. Transporting prototypes


The idea of the DO-RA project originated in March 2011 after a nuclear disaster on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. This gadget was conceived as a personal dosimeter/radiometer working with eponymous software (DO-RA.Soft) on mobile platforms (iOS, Android, WP) as well as on desktop platforms—Windows/Linux/MacOS.

DO-RA项目的构想是在日本福岛第一核电站发生核灾难后于2011年3月提出的。 这个小工具被认为是一种个人剂量计/辐射计,可以在移动平台(iOS,Android,WP)以及台式机平台(Windows / Linux / MacOS)上使用同名软件(DO-RA.Soft)。

At the end of 2017, a tourist from China brought in his backpack ten long-awaited prototypes from the DO-RA.Q test batch. They were manufactured in China based on our design documents and then transported from Shenzhen to Moscow. By the way, the development of design documents was assigned to the largest Design Centre in Eastern Europe—the PROMWAD company. The documents were clear and plain—prepared in IPC format and written in proper English—to enable the automated production of electronic devices in a foreign country.

2017年底,一位来自中国的游客从背包中拿出了十个期待已久的DO-RA.Q测试批样机。 它们是根据我们的设计文件在中国制造的,然后从深圳运到莫斯科。 顺便说一下,设计文档的开发已分配给东欧最大的设计中心-PROMWAD公司。 这些文件清晰明了-以IPC格式编写并以适当的英语书写-以使在国外自动生产电子设备成为可能。

Previously, air carriers obstinately refused to transport the smartphone gadgets that we had ordered from China because they contained lithium-ion batteries. By the way, all modern devices that we use in everyday life have such cells, and that's no big deal.

以前,航空承运人顽固地拒绝运输我们从中国订购的智能手机配件,因为它们装有锂离子电池。 顺便说一句,我们在日常生活中使用的所有现代设备都具有这种细胞,这没什么大不了的。

It is well known that the restrictions on the bulk shipping of lithium-ion batteries were adopted by the ICAO* on 1 April 2016. These regulations stipulated that all air carriers transport such goods with cargo aircraft due to the supposedly higher fire hazard of these batteries. The mass use of LI technology in electronic devices shows that from a statistical point of view, the probability of such combustion is essentially zero.

众所周知,国际民航组织于2016年4月1日对锂离子电池的散装运输采取了限制措施。这些规定规定,所有航空承运人都使用货机运输此类货物,因为这些电池据称具有更高的着火危险。 。 LI技术在电子设备中的大量使用表明,从统计角度来看,这种燃烧的可能性基本上为零。

Thankfully, these restrictions do not usually have any bearing on the personal transportation of these batteries.


* The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is a UN specialised agency. A protocol on its recognition was signed on 1 October 1947 and came into effect on 13 May 1948. ICAO is an international governmental organisation. Initially, after the signing of the Chicago Convention, a Provisional International Civil Aviation Organisation, PICAO, was established.

*国际民航组织(ICAO)是联合国的专门机构。 1947年10月1日签署了承认该议定书的议定书,并于1948年5月13日生效。国际民航组织是一个国际政府组织。 最初,在签署《芝加哥公约》之后,成立了一个临时国际民用航空组织PICAO。

2. Errors of Chinese piecework production


Hands of skillful developers can bring any device to life, even if it is incorrectly soldered or almost «ruined». This was the case for our DO-RA.Q prototypes made in China.

即使设备焊接错误或几乎“被毁”,熟练的开发人员也可以使任何设备栩栩如生。 我们在中国制造的DO-RA.Q原型就是这种情况。

In the beginning, we revealed that the resistance value was ten times higher than we wanted; these resistors were soldered into the print circuit boards of our devices. For this reason, we were unable to launch any device at all. Next, we discovered that the device had a Zener diode incompatible with the Design Documents. As envisioned by the developers, it was supposed to limit the operating voltage of the ionizing radiation detector in the electronic circuit.

一开始,我们发现电阻值比我们想要的高十倍; 这些电阻器被焊接到我们设备的印刷电路板上。 因此,我们根本无法启动任何设备。 接下来,我们发现该器件的齐纳二极管与设计文档不兼容。 正如开发人员所设想的那样,它被认为是限制了电子电路中电离辐射探测器的工作电压。

Furthermore, visual inspection showed that one of the DO-RA.Q prototypes had an overheated printed circuit board. As a result, the microcontroller unit mounted on the board was fried, and its performance fell below the expected level. The measurements of the clock frequency showed that it was about two times slower than other prototypes. Alas, this is human factor!

此外,目视检查表明,DO-RA.Q原型之一的印刷电路板过热。 结果,板上的微控制器单元被炸了,其性能下降到了预期的水平以下。 时钟频率的测量表明,它比其他原型慢了大约两倍。 is,这是人为因素!

On the other hand, we thought that accidental overheating of the microcontroller unit could be compared to the tests of our device in extreme climate. It proved the ruggedness of our gadget in case of significant temperature jumps in aggressive environments.

另一方面,我们认为可以将微控制器单元的意外过热与我们在极端气候下的设备测试进行比较。 这证明了我们的小工具的坚固性,以防在侵蚀性环境中温度急剧上升。

3. Russian manufacturer of DO-RA


In the middle of 2018, at one of the Russian electronic exhibitions, the operator of the DO-RA project—Intersoft Eurasia —met the Russian investment and manufacturing partner, Sarapul Radio Plant JSC. The parties signed a licensing agreement for the mass production of DO-RA devices: up to 12,000 units in 2018 and up to 120,000 units of various models in 2019. It is worth noting that this is the oldest radiotechnical enterprise in Russia.

在2018年中,在俄罗斯的一个电子展览会上,DO-RA项目的运营商Intersoft Eurasia遇到了俄罗斯投资和制造合作伙伴Sarapul Radio Plant JSC。 双方签署了批量生产DO-RA设备的许可协议:2018年将达到12,000单位,2019年将达到120,000单位的各种型号。值得注意的是,这是俄罗斯最古老的无线电技术企业。

The history of the Sarapul Radio Plant started in 1900 in Saint Petersburg, where the German citizen Otto Treplin founded an enterprise that assembled products for the Russian market from components made in Germany. The C. Loretz Plant was producing telephone and telegraph equipment for the mass market.

萨拉普尔无线电厂的历史始于1900年的圣彼得堡,德国公民奥托·特雷普林(Otto Treplin)在那里创立了一家企业,该企业利用德国制造的组件为俄罗斯市场组装产品。 C. Loretz工厂正在为大众市场生产电话和电报设备。

After the start of World War I in 1914, the plant was sequestrated and transferred under the command of the General Military and Technical Directorate. At that time, the enterprise produced Morse-type telegraph devices and field telephones and repaired many types of military communication equipment, which was continuously brought in from the front.

在1914年第一次世界大战开始后,该工厂在总军事和技术总局的领导下被封存并转移。 当时,该企业生产摩尔斯式电报设备和现场电话,并修理了许多类型的军事通信设备,这些设备是从前面不断引入的。

The start of the Great Patriotic War opened a new page in the eventful history of the Sarapul Radio Plant. On 28 November 1941, the Moscow Electromechanical Plant No. 203 was evacuated to Sarapul. Due to the wartime, the production was set up in short time frames. Starting from February 1942, Sarapul Radio Plant launched mass production of radio equipment for the front.

爱国战争的开始掀起了萨拉普尔广播厂历史悠久的新篇章。 1941年11月28日,莫斯科第203号机电工厂撤离至萨拉普尔。 由于战时,生产时间很短。 从1942年2月开始,萨拉普尔无线电工厂开始批量生产前部无线电设备。

The Sarapul Radio Plant promptly designed and manufactured the molds for the DO-RA.Q housings, purchased the main electronic components from the Russian vendors and released a pilot batch of 150 devices. It turned out that in terms of the component base and skilled labour, production in Russia began to look more profitable than in China. Taking into account the Russian mentality, the lack of a language barrier and customs procedures in the DO-RA production cycle, the unnecessary obstacles disappeared.

萨拉普尔无线电工厂Swift设计和制造了DO-RA.Q外壳的模具,从俄罗斯供应商那里购买了主要的电子元件,并发布了150台设备的试生产。 事实证明,就零部件基础和熟练劳动力而言,俄罗斯的生产开始看起来比中国更有利可图。 考虑到俄罗斯人的心态,DO-RA生产周期中缺乏语言障碍和海关程序,不必要的障碍消失了。

4. Verification of user software


A pre-production batch of electronic devices can be manufactured only after meticulous testing of all the aspects of the device: electronic circuit design, electronic component reliability, mechanical and temperature tolerance to overloads and other loads on the product to be manufactured. An important task in such trials is checking the reliability of embedded software and user applications. If users discover equipment malfunctions after the start of sales, the manufacturer will get many claims.

只有在对设备的所有方面进行了严格的测试之后,才能生产出一批预生产的电子设备:电子电路设计,电子组件可靠性,对过载的机械和温度耐受性以及要生产的产品上的其他负载。 这些试验中的一项重要任务是检查嵌入式软件和用户应用程序的可靠性。 如果用户在开始销售后发现设备故障,则制造商将获得很多索赔。

We chose the iOS mobile platform to be the first for software testing. For historical reasons, our pioneering product—DO-RA.Soft for DO-RA-branded devices—was developed for this platform first.

我们选择iOS移动平台作为第一个进行软件测试的平台。 由于历史原因,我们首先为该平台开发了我们的先驱产品DO-RA.Soft(用于DO-RA品牌的设备)。

Some time ago, we came up with a rational idea: moving to the Corona universal platform, which enabled seamless operation on both iOS and Android. Unfortunately, the morning sun never lasts a day: the company that develops this universal platform has left the business, losing its investor just before the start of 2019.

不久前,我们提出了一个合理的想法:转向Corona通用平台,该平台可在iOS和Android上实现无缝操作。 不幸的是,早晨的阳光永远不会持续一天:开发这个通用平台的公司已经退出业务,在2019年初之前失去了投资者。

5. Testing for iOS


As usual, the first bug wasn't discovered in the DO-RA.Soft user application code: it was caused by a standard pin of the USB charging cable and revealed by our leading iOS developer, Vadim Bashurov, when he started tinkering with the device. Thus, we confirmed once again a fundamental truth of electronics: it's all about contact!

像往常一样,DO-RA中没有发现第一个bug,它是由USB充电电缆的标准引脚引起的,并由我们的领先iOS开发人员Vadim Bashurov揭露后才发现。设备。 因此,我们再次确认了电子学的一个基本真理:一切都与接触有关!

It is worth noting that when our project began in 2011, the iOS application was written in Objective-C, a language familiar to programmers from all over the world. All libraries in this language were written in advance, and all the functionality was laid out in the DO-RA.Soft user application.

值得注意的是,当我们的项目于2011年开始时,iOS应用程序是用Objective-C编写的,这是世界各地的程序员都熟悉的语言。 所有使用该语言编写的库都是预先编写的,所有功能都在DO-RA.Soft用户应用程序中列出。

However, science and technology do not stand still, and all the world's programmers in seeming unison started switching to Swift** 2.0, then to 3.0, 4.0 and finally to 5.0! We had the hardest time moving from Swift 2.0 to 3.0 as the language changed fundamentally. By the way, now Apple does not recommend using the AudioUnit 7.0 library and its higher versions: the company wants the developers to master new programming languages. Nevertheless, there is no official ban on Obj-C because numerous program resources and applications are still based on the Objective-C code.

但是,科学技术并没有停滞不前,世界上所有看起来似乎一致的程序员都开始转向Swift ** 2.0,然后转向3.0、4.0,最后转向5.0! 随着语言从根本上改变,我们从Swift 2.0到3.0经历了最艰难的时期。 顺便说一句,现在Apple不建议使用AudioUnit 7.0库及其更高版本:该公司希望开发人员掌握新的编程语言。 但是,由于大量程序资源和应用程序仍基于Objective-C代码,因此没有正式禁止Obj-C的规定。

Of course, we also spent some time testing DO-RA.Q and included the identified problems in the Design Documents for the device. The manufacturer was informed about the audio jack standard, and the programmers were told about the new system for transferring the signal from the device to the smartphone.

当然,我们还花了一些时间测试DO-RA.Q并将发现的问题包含在该设备的设计文档中。 向制造商介绍了音频插Kong标准,并向程序员介绍了用于将信号从设备传输到智能手机的新系统。

For example, the radiation detector based on the Geiger-Muller counter had quite high noise, and therefore, programmers and circuit designers had yet another problem to solve: measuring the natural background radiation emitted by Earth. It meant tracking the ionising radiation in the range from 0.1 to 0.35 μSv/h, which is considered a «green area» in terms of radiation safety. After a series of brainstorming sessions, programmers and circuit designers eventually solved this problem too.

例如,基于盖革-穆勒(Geiger-Muller)计数器的辐射探测器具有很高的噪声,因此,程序员和电路设计师还有另一个要解决的问题:测量地球发出的自然背景辐射。 这意味着跟踪电离辐射的范围为0.1至0.35μSv/ h,就辐射安全而言,这被视为“绿色区域”。 经过一系列的头脑风暴会议,程序员和电路设计师最终也解决了这个问题。

** Swift (pronounced as [swɪft]) is a multi-paradigm object-oriented programming language created by Apple for iOS, OS X, watchOS and tvOS developers. Swift works with the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and is compatible with the main Apple codebase written in Objective-C.

** Swift(发音为[swɪft])是Apple为iOS,OS X,watchOS和tvOS开发人员创建的一种多对象面向对象的编程语言。 Swift可与Cocoa和Cocoa Touch框架一起使用,并且与用Objective-C编写的主要Apple代码库兼容。

6. Testing on Android


One of the tasks of the DO-RA project in the field of visual event logging with geolocation support was «linking» the camera to allow the DO-RA Android app to take photos. The matter became more complicated by the fact that it was necessary to upload the user app not only to Google Play, but also to the Samsung Galaxy Store.

在具有地理位置支持的可视事件记录领域中,DO-RA项目的任务之一是“链接”摄像机以允许DO-RA Android应用程序拍照。 由于必须将用户应用程序不仅上传到Google Play,而且还上传到Samsung Galaxy Store,因此事情变得更加复杂。

According to the app validation procedure, in the Samsung Galaxy Store, user software also had to be pre-validated and was only published after successful validation. At this stage, we had a lot of problems ensuring compatibility with various smartphone models purchased specially for testing the DO-RA software in the period when we were working on the Skolkovo grant. We had to dive into a huge box with up 100 devices—some of them powered by iOS, WP or TIZEN, some devices running on «antique» systems like Bada, Symbian or Java ME—and dig out the necessary devices running on Android.

根据应用程序的验证过程,在三星Galaxy商店中,用户软件也必须进行预验证,并且仅在成功验证后才能发布。 在此阶段,我们在确保与Skolkovo赠款合作期间,特别为测试DO-RA软件而购买的各种智能手机型号的兼容性方面存在很多问题。 我们不得不潜入一个巨大的盒子,里面装有100台设备,其中有些是由iOS,WP或TIZEN驱动的,有些设备是在诸如Bada,Symbian或Java ME这样的“古董”系统上运行的,并找出了在Android上运行的必要设备。

Nevertheless, the majority of these devices were never sold in Russia (and some might never be sold beyond Korea). Some of them had only a frontal camera, and the app crashed when we tried to select another camera. Samsung provided access to a device pool for remote debugging, but we could not see anything when we switched on their cameras (maybe the devices were in cases or in a dark room).

然而,这些设备中的大多数从未在俄罗斯销售过(有些可能永远不会在韩国以外销售过)。 其中一些只有一个前置摄像头,当我们尝试选择另一个摄像头时,应用程序崩溃了。 三星提供了对设备池的访问权限以进行远程调试,但是打开摄像机后,我们什么也看不到(可能是设备装在暗室中还是暗室中)。

In 2018, Google announced that new apps and updates to existing apps could be published in Google Play only if the app was built with targetSdkVersion 26 (Android 8). We had to urgently add app permission requests from users as well as update our service and notifications.

Google在2018年宣布,只有使用targetSdkVersion 26(Android 8)构建的应用程序才能在Google Play中发布新应用程序和对现有应用程序的更新。 我们必须紧急添加用户的应用许可请求,以及更新我们的服务和通知。

As a result, we solved all the main problems of the DO-RA project. Now we will wait for feedback from the people that use our devices in everyday life.

结果,我们解决了DO-RA项目的所有主要问题。 现在,我们将等待日常生活中使用我们设备的人们的反馈。

To be continued…


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/451054/


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