figma 安装插件_Figma中的插件。 从构思到1000次安装

figma 安装插件

Inside the plugin, you can do whatever is available to the developer on the web. There are practically no restrictions on the possibilities, except for those related to the system. Fortunately, they are all detailed in the documentation. Many detailed articles have already been written on the topic of technical implementation of plugins, for example, here or here. As product designers, Lev Bruk and I wanted to go through all the stages of plugin release, from the idea and coding to promoting and working with feedback from real users. That’s exactly what we’re going to cover in the article.

在插件内部,您可以执行网络开发人员可以使用的任何操作。 除了与系统相关的可能性外,实际上对可能性没有任何限制。 幸运的是,它们在文档中都有详细说明 。 关于插件的技术实现的主题已经写了许多详细的文章,例如herehere 。 作为产品设计师,我和Lev Bruk希望经历插件发布的所有阶段,从构思和编码到推广和利用真实用户的反馈。 这正是我们将在本文中介绍的内容。


Figma插件周末俱乐部 (Figma plugin weekend club)

It all began with an acquaintance with Grigoriy Mashkovtsev. He already has several of his own plugins, some of which have two — three thousand active users, for example, Thanos UI — a plugin that removes a random half from the selected elements.

一切始于与Grigoriy Mashkovtsev的熟识 。 他已经有几个自己的插件,其中一些插件有两个-三千个活跃用户,例如Thanos UI-一个从所选元素中随机删除一半的插件。


As a small group of designers, we started getting together on Saturdays to exchange our thoughts on plugin production. At the meetings themselves, we discussed the technical implementation of features, for example, calling the API, interacting with elements inside Figma, coding the UI, or using filters for pictures. The rest of the time we were trying to come up with ideas for plugins, product components, positioning, marketing and analytics.

作为一小组设计师,我们从星期六开始聚会,交流我们对插件生产的想法。 在会议上,我们讨论了功能的技术实现,例如,调用API,与Figma中的元素进行交互,对UI进行编码或使用图片过滤器。 其余时间,我们尝试提出有关插件,产品组件,定位,市场营销和分析的想法。

For ourselves, we have compiled a checklist with the main stages of work on the plugin:


  1. Decide on an idea. Suppose you have already gone through all the stages of searching for needs and know WHAT problem you are going to solve and HOW.

    决定一个主意。 假设您已经完成了寻找需求的所有阶段,并且知道您将要解决什么问题以及如何解决。
  2. Decide on the type of plugin, whether it will contain an interface or will simply run and execute one function.

  3. Think over customers' flows and draft it if needed. That awkward moment when it turns out that development without design is inconvenient.

    考虑客户流,并在需要时起草。 事实证明没有设计的开发很不方便。
  4. Write the plugin itself.

  5. Add analytics. The easiest way was to use Mixpanel — we found a ready-made solution. For other services like Google Analytics, there are no easy options yet. This is because plugins are in a particularly limited Figma environment and, in addition, it is contained in an iframe. Any events that seem important to you and will help you collect product analytics have to be collected.

    添加分析。 最简单的方法是使用Mixpanel-我们找到了现成的解决方案 。 对于其他服务(例如Google Analytics(分析)),尚没有简单的选择。 这是因为插件处于特别有限的Figma环境中,此外,它还包含在iframe中。 必须收集所有对您来说很重要并能帮助您收集产品分析的事件。

  6. Work out corner cases, without which you will not pass the review. They are described in the Figma documentation. It is important to work on different states: when there is no Internet, when something went wrong, when the plugin worked properly, and so on.

    找出一些极端的情况,否则,您将不会通过审核。 它们在Figma 文档中进行了描述。 在不同的状态下工作很重要:没有Internet时,出现问题时,插件正常工作时等等。

  7. Make an icon, cover and description. By the way, you can find a template for these materials here.

    进行图标,封面和说明。 顺便说一下,您可以在此处找到这些材料的模板。

  8. Send for review.

  9. Done! You are awesome!

    做完了! 你真棒!

When you realize that creating a plugin is not only writing code, but a bunch of other important processes, you need a board to track your progress. We managed all our plugins in Notion:

当您意识到创建一个插件不仅在编写代码,而且在编写其他重要过程时,您需要一个董事会来跟踪您的进度。 我们在Notion中管理了所有插件:


We used the simplest structure: Not started / In progress / Completed. In order to differentiate tasks, we sorted our tasks by tags: Code / Back / UI / Marketing. Probably, for more complex plugins that imply a lot of different complex activities, other approaches are more applicable.

我们使用最简单的结构:未开始/进行中/已完成。 为了区分任务,我们按标签对任务进行排序:代码/返回/ UI /市场。 对于暗示许多不同复杂活动的更复杂的插件,可能更适用其他方法。

插件的想法 (Plugin idea)

Not worrying too much about the quality of the idea, but rather worrying about its virality, we decided that it would be a plugin about cats — it will add cats from memes to different parts of the selected frames. They kind of check out the design. It took three days to complete. Our plugin has no interface at all, it just adds cats to the selected frames and closes.

不必太担心这个想法的质量,而要担心它的病毒性,我们决定将它作为猫的插件,它将猫的模因添加到所选帧的不同部分。 他们有点检查设计。 花了三天时间完成。 我们的插件完全没有界面,它只是将猫添加到选定的帧并关闭。


We've worked on positioning. In the description of the plugin, we said that these cats will serve you in order to make design decisions — replace the art director; and in some cases it will be possible to completely eliminate user research. We prepared a nice cover and a memorable logo.

我们一直在努力定位。 在插件说明中,我们说过这些猫将为您服务,以做出设计决策-替换美术指导; 在某些情况下,有可能完全消除用户研究。 我们准备了一个漂亮的封面和一个令人难忘的徽标。

Despite the fact that the average plugin review time is from three to eight days, our plugin was uploaded in a day and a half.



您的插件已批准 (Your plugin was approved)

So, the plugin is in production. What's next? How to get users to know about this amazing tool that will drastically reduce the time for making design decisions.

因此,该插件已投入生产。 下一步是什么? 如何使用户了解这个惊人的工具,它将大大减少制定设计决策的时间。

Below is a list of tools that will help you get a wide reach for your plugin views and lead to more installs:


  1. The first bet was on personal brand and the power of Facebook. In our case, the bet was not justified, but perhaps someone will succeed.

    第一个赌注是个人品牌和Facebook的力量。 在我们的情况下,这个赌注是没有道理的,但也许有人会成功。
  2. Channels in Telegram. The most useful for me was the Russian-language Telegram channel about plugins for Figma, it brought more than 300 installs per day, there are more than 15,000 Russian-speaking designers there. If you want to force views of your plugin, you can order advertising in this channel and the link to the plugin will hang at the top for several hours.

    电报中的频道。 对我来说最有用的是关于Figma插件的俄语电报频道,它每天带来300多次安装,那里有超过15,000名讲俄语的设计师。 如果您想强制查看插件,则可以在此频道中订购广告,并且指向该插件的链接会在顶部悬挂几个小时。

  3. Plugin reviews on YouTube. There are many channels out there that regularly review the latest plugins. I wrote to two influencers, but none of them responded to me. Perhaps, someone will be more fortunate.

    YouTube上的插件评论。 有很多渠道定期审查最新的插件。 我写信给两位有影响力的人,但没有人回应我。 也许,有人会更幸运。
  4. Product Hunt. Publishing on Product Hunt is a separate type of entertainment. I consulted with several guys who regularly publish there, and made a post at 00:00 California time. All day I fought for 4th and 5th place in Product of the Day, but then I went to bed and dropped to 12th. I got a lot of upvotes and interesting experiences, but I can't say that the Product Hunt audience is very interested in Figma plugins and their active use.

    产品搜寻。 在Product Hunt上发布是一种单独的娱乐方式。 我咨询了定期在此发布的几个人,并在加州时间00:00发表了一篇文章。 我整天都在《每日产品》中争夺第四名和第五名,但是后来我上床睡觉,跌到了第十二名。 我有很多赞誉和有趣的经历,但是我不能说Product Hunt的读者对Figma插件及其积极使用非常感兴趣。
  5. Twitter and Figma Plugins community. There is a trick here: the official Figma account ignored my tweet, but when they were tagged by Product Hunt, they made a post and the number of installs immediately increased. Figma Plugins has 2,000 subscribers, but Figma has 110,000.

    Twitter和Figma插件社区。 这里有个窍门:Figma的官方帐户忽略了我的推文,但是当它们被Product Hunt标记时,他们发表了帖子,安装数量立即增加。 Figma插件有2,000个订阅者,但Figma有110,000个订阅者。

  6. Groups on Facebook. I can't say that the groups themselves bring a lot of views, but there you can be noticed and included in some digest, where the post can be seen by a more motivated audience.

    Facebook上的群组。 我不能说小组本身带来了很多意见,但是您可以在其中看到并包含一些摘要,在这些摘要中可以让更有动力的听众看到该帖子。

从视图到安装的转换是什么? (What is the conversion from view to install?)

Right now, Figma does not have any built-in analytics to find out the reach and conversion to install. But there is a useful tool called Figma Plugin Stats that helps you learn a little more. It collects statistics on installs, likes and, most importantly, views. The most interesting thing is that the number of views can be seen for any plugin, knowing only the profile handle of its developer. On the same day with our Hidden Kittens, the famous Blush plugin from Pablo Stanley appeared, which now has 36,000 installs. With the help of this script, we learned that its conversion to install is comparable to ours. Of course, it’s larger, but not 10 times. This means that it just has more reach. It turns out that the number of installs can be predicted in the same way.

目前,Figma还没有内置的分析工具来确定覆盖范围和要安装的转化次数。 但是有一个有用的工具叫做Figma Plugin Stats ,可以帮助您学习更多。 它收集有关安装,喜欢和最重要的是视图的统计信息。 最有趣的是,对于任何插件,仅知道其开发人员的配置文件句柄就可以看到其视图数。 在使用“ 隐藏小猫”的同一天,来自Pablo Stanley的著名Blush插件出现了,该插件现已安装36,000。 在此脚本的帮助下,我们了解到其安装转换与我们的转换相当。 当然,它更大,但不是10倍。 这意味着它的作用范围更大。 事实证明,可以以相同的方式预测安装次数。

营利 (Monetization)

Right now, there is no native way to monetize your plugin. Some guys add a link to a site where you can subscribe to a higher plan, then login to the plugin and access the premium functions.

目前,还没有原生方法可以通过插件获利。 有些人将链接添加到站点,您可以在其中订阅更高的计划,然后登录到插件并访问高级功能。

Another option that will help you make money on the plugin if it is very popular with subscribers is the developers from Figma can directly contact the author and implement these functions directly into Figma, in which case the collaboration is paid. We clarified this with Tom Lowry at the London Figma Meetup, he confirmed that Figma is very interested in such a collaboration.

如果该插件在订阅者中很受欢迎,那么另一个可以帮助您赚钱的选项是Figma的开发人员可以直接与作者联系并将这些功能直接实现到Figma中,在这种情况下,需要付费进行协作。 我们在伦敦Figma聚会上与Tom Lowry进行了澄清,他确认Figma对这种合作非常感兴趣。

However, in the future Figma plans to significantly simplify the process of creating and monetizing plugins, to do something like an App Store mechanics.

但是,未来Figma计划显着简化插件的创建和获利过程,以进行类似App Store的机制。

结果就是这样 (This is what happened as a result)

In total, in three months we got 1000 installs and a few likes. Plugins are a great way to practise creating your own product and learn something new. You can look at all aspects of creating a product: from developing an idea to promotion.

总共,在三个月内,我们获得了1000次安装和一些赞。 插件是练习创建自己的产品和学习新知识的好方法。 您可以查看产品创建的各个方面:从构思到推广。


figma 安装插件

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