

The real problem with such a strategy is not the data collection as field sales software is always there but the expansion and analysis of the available data to get insightful details.


Not being able to analyze the data correctly may soon result in sales stagnancy, poor productivity, and finally inevitable consequences that may become a hindrance in your organization’s growth.


Today brands have equipped themselves with technology that helps them get an enormous amount of data about customers, products, teams, etc. Software solutions for retail businesses is a fine example of it. However, the expertise required to leverage this information to increase sales is still missing with a number of companies.

如今,品牌已经配备了可以帮助他们获得有关客户,产品,团队等的大量数据的技术。零售企业的软件解决方案就是一个很好的例子。 但是,许多公司仍然缺少利用此信息来增加销售额所需的专业知识。

For instance, companies are leaving no stone unturned to retain clients with their smart sales moves to make the best utilization of the sales automation services. Unfortunately, just a few sales professionals are able to map out the data to strategize the same in the right direction.

例如,公司将不遗余力地以明智的销售举动留住客户,以最佳利用销售自动化服务。 不幸的是,只有少数销售专业人员能够映射数据,以便在正确的方向上制定相同的策略。

Performing this data analysis in the right way can make a huge difference in the profit margin for companies offering field sales software services.


这是确保您的销售达到预期的方式 (Here Are The Ways To Ensure Your Sales Goes As Expected)

Sales professionals today are very much focused on increasing sales and many of them lack the ability to act as per the analytics. This data could be everything that sales professionals would require to increase the number. Here is a more detailed description.

如今的销售专业人员非常专注于增加销售额,其中许多人缺乏按照分析法行事的能力。 该数据可能是销售专业人员增加数量所需要的一切。 这是更详细的描述。

有影响力的决策有助于更好地覆盖现场 (Impactful Decisions Helps In Better Field Coverage)

One of the reasons behind not-so-ideal coverage is ineffective planning and improper implementation. To improve the coverage, it is important to target the metrics that have an immediate effect on sales. These metrics include first call time, customer retaining hours, productive calls, and right frequency of calls.

覆盖范围不够理想的原因之一是规划效率低下和实施不当。 为了提高覆盖率,重要的是确定对销售有直接影响的指标。 这些指标包括首次呼叫时间,客户保留时间,生产性呼叫以及正确的呼叫频率。

A productive sales team would not hesitate to make as many calls as possible in a day’s time. These calls should be pitched towards the prospects who are most likely to buy the services.

富有成效的销售团队会在一天中尽可能多地拨打电话。 这些电话应面向最有可能购买服务的潜在客户。

While sales calls need extreme manual assistance, a field sales management software could furnish all the required details about the clients.


更好的决策增加了业务激励 (Better Decisions Add Business Incentive)

Organizations do struggle when it is about using analytical insights. Even if they have translated the data it often seems difficult for them to extract the monetary benefits.

当涉及使用分析见解时,组织确实会遇到困难。 即使他们已经翻译了数据,他们似乎也常常难以提取金钱利益。

The main struggle is to have a system that could do the analysis efficiently. A field management software could do the needful here by helping professionals develop an innovative incentive model to help add profit.

主要的斗争是拥有一个可以有效进行分析的系统。 现场管理软件可以通过帮助专业人员开发创新的激励模型来帮助增加利润来解决这一问题。

Such an innovative model must have the KRAs of employees defined that they could follow. A huge part of these KRAs should be productive calls that employees could make for accomplishing the word-of-mouth advertising. Increased retailing time should be a part of the incentive model always.

这种创新模式必须使员工的KRA定义为可以遵循的KRA。 这些KRA中的很大一部分应该是员工为完成口碑广告而可以进行的富有成效的呼吁。 延长零售时间应该始终是激励模式的一部分。

使用正确的工具 (Use The Right Tools)

When retailing there could be a number of tools that could help greatly. For example, take a POS or point of sale. A major number of companies use it just to ring up sales.

零售时,可能会有很多工具可以提供很大帮助。 例如,使用POS或销售点。 许多公司使用它只是为了促进销售。

In case you are also doing the same, it could probably be the biggest mistakes you are committing. Most of the POS solutions today are having a number of features that are helpful in calculating profit margin, customer count, sales trends and much more.

如果您也这样做,则可能是您犯下的最大错误。 如今,大多数POS解决方案都具有许多功能,可帮助计算利润率,客户数量,销售趋势等。

Additionally having your sales report generated frequently will help to analyze which products are offering more profits. This analysis is easy to perform with industry-specific software that is capable of process automation. A sales-based field service management app can serve as the right tool for this purpose.

此外,经常生成销售报告将有助于分析哪些产品提供了更多利润。 使用具有过程自动化功能的行业特定软件,可以轻松执行此分析。 基于销售的现场服务管理应用可以用作此目的的正确工具。

提供个性化服务 (Providing Personalized Services )

Personalizing services is the key to turn customers into loyal clients. An increase in sales can easily be expected when the services are directed towards the clients.

个性化服务是将客户转变为忠实客户的关键。 当服务直接面向客户时,很容易预期销售会增加。

In practical, your sales are about everything creating brand loyalty among buyers. For providing a client-centric approach a field sales management software can serve greatly. Such software programs could help track customers.

实际上,您的销售涉及在买家中建立品牌忠诚度的所有事情。 为了提供以客户为中心的方法,现场销售管理软件可以发挥很大的作用。 这样的软件程序可以帮助跟踪客户。

More to this, when personalized services are offered to the clients they very much expected to invest in the business that would ultimately add more profit to the business.


结论 (In Conclusion)

Data is as valuable as the insights that could help your business grow in the right direction. And while growing the business keeping an ever-growing customer base is very much important.

数据与可帮助您的业务朝着正确方向发展的洞察力一样有价值。 在发展业务的同时,保持不断增长的客户群非常重要。

This gets easier with software that could help add clients to the business. A field sales management software is the right asset to choose for such concerns.

借助可以帮助将客户添加到企业中的软件,这变得更加容易。 现场销售管理软件是解决此类问题的合适资产。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/518598/


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