
Are you a business owner looking for


PHP Web开发服务或ASP.Net开发服务 (PHP web development services or ASP.Net development services)

, but unable to decide the right technology for your project? Are you looking for the

,但是无法为您的项目选择合适的技术? 您在寻找

ASP.Net和PHP的优缺点 (pros and cons of ASP.Net and PHP)

to take an effective decision?  I have tried to make this task easy for you by comparing ASP.Net and PHP in a very simple way.

做出有效的决定? 我试图通过以一种非常简单的方式比较ASP.Net和PHP来使您轻松完成此任务。

There are a number of articles and blogs available over the Internet with a large amount of information about PHP Vs ASP.NET. Unfortunately, most of these blog posts are biased and typically based on promoting one over the other.  

Internet上有许多文章和博客,其中包含有关PHP与ASP.NET的大量信息。 不幸的是,这些博客文章大多数都是有偏见的,通常是基于彼此之间的提升。

In this blog post, I have done an unbiased comparison between the two most popular technologies i.e.



in today’s world. 


On one side, we have PHP, the world’s most used and popular technology on the internet with billions of dedicated PHP developers across the world. On the other side, we have ASP.NET, a Microsoft platform. Sometimes, it becomes quite difficult to have a clear decision about which technology (Php or should we prefer for our application or website development project? 

一方面,我们拥有PHP,这是Internet上最常用最受欢迎的技术,全球数十亿专用PHP开发人员。 另一方面,我们有一个Microsoft平台 ASP.NET。 有时,要对我们的应用程序或网站开发项目首选哪种技术(Php或做出明确的决定变得非常困难。

Here is an elaborative comparison guide that helps you figure out the best technology for your next web app development project. I can assure you that after reading this article, you’ll have a clear idea about which technology suits you better. Moreover, you can share your thoughts and feedback in our comment box. We welcome your positive feedback for appreciating our work. Also, I will be happy to hear from you if you want us to do some improvements to my article.    

这是一份详尽的比较指南,可帮助您确定下一个Web应用程序开发项目的最佳技术。 我可以向您保证,阅读本文后,您将对哪种技术更适合您有一个清晰的了解。 此外,您可以在我们的评论框中分享您的想法和反馈。 我们欢迎您对我们的工作表示赞赏。 另外,如果您希望我们对我的文章进行一些改进,我将很高兴收到您的来信。

PHP与ASP.NET:一个简短摘要 (PHP vs ASP.NET: A Small Brief)

We have no doubt about the fact that both of these technologies have become successful ventures, and have developed great websites. 


But, the question still remains fresh for all of us, especially those from a non-technical background and the question is:


开始进行网络应用练习时,我们应该选择哪个平台? (Which platform should we choose at the time of starting with web-apps exercise? )

On one side,


PHP是一个免费的开源平台,而ASP.Net是一个付费的Microsoft平台。 (PHP is a free and open-source platform while ASP.Net is a paid Microsoft platform)

. PHP is a mix between a programming language and a web framework whereas .NET is a straight application framework.  

。 PHP是编程语言和Web框架之间的混合,而.NET是直接的应用程序框架。

Now, Let’s have a neat and clean comparison on PHP & DotNet on different parameters. 


PHP V / s ASP.NET:速度和性能 (PHP V/s ASP.NET: Speed & Performance)

To begin with, one common misconception about website performance and speed is that the language you choose to code in determines your website’s overall performance.


In reality, however, there is very little difference between the performance of PHP websites and ASP.NET websites.


For example, take one of the most common tasks of any web application which is to query a database and output the results on the web server— and ultimately to the end user’s browser.


In the aforementioned scenario, the coding language is simply communicating with the database and web servers to produce the desired outcome.


Both PHP and ASP.NET web development are equally equipped to access file systems, find images, and display pages on a web server and the speed of these performances relies much more on the database server, end user’s computer, and bandwidth, etc. PHP和ASP.NET Web开发都具备访问文件系统,查找图像和在Web服务器上显示页面的能力,而这些性能的速度更多地取决于数据库服务器,最终用户的计算机和带宽等。

That being said there are common myths in the industry about ASP.NET web development being a more elegant language than PHP.

话虽这么说,业界普遍认为ASP.NET Web开发是一种比PHP更优雅的语言。

While strictly speaking ASP.NET doesn’t allow for as many irregularities in its code while still being able to run (which technically does make PHP web development services is an easier language for beginners to pick up) the actual business applications of being able to write “prettier code” are negligible.

虽然严格地说,ASP.NET在仍然可以运行的同时,在其代码中不允许出现许多不规则性(从技术上讲,这使PHP Web开发服务对于初学者来说是一种更容易使用的语言),但实际的业务应用程序却能够写“漂亮的代码”可以忽略不计。

While many expert PHP coders out there will guffaw at the prospect of building a site in PHP the fact that humongous sites such as MailChimp and Facebook are written in PHP should be enough evidence to dispel any notion that PHP sites run more poorly than ASP.NET sites.


PHP与ASP.NET:市场份额 (PHP vs ASP.NET: Market Share )

Let’s find out usage or market share of these programming languages as of June 2019:



PHP V / s ASP.NET:可伸缩性 (PHP V/s ASP.NET: Scalability)

Both ASP.NET and PHP web applications are extremely scalable languages. What matters more to scalability than the language you choose is the development talent you hire. In this regard, you should take into consideration the state of your business.

ASP.NET和PHP Web应用程序都是可扩展的语言。 对于可伸缩性比您选择的语言更重要的是您雇用的开发人才。 在这方面,您应该考虑您的业务状况。

If you are a DIY Entrepreneur and want to take a crack at developing with Drupal then PHP is clearly the preferred option over ASP.NET as it is the language that comes with the lowest learning curve. 如果您是DIY企业家,并且想精通Drupal的开发,那么PHP显然是ASP.NET的首选,因为它是学习曲线最低的语言。

If you are looking to hire a lead developer or team of developers to build your website then you should defer to the best available talent. Whether that talent works in PHP or ASP.NET should only matter if your company culture veers towards using one language or the other already.

如果您想雇用一个主要的开发人员或开发人员团队来构建您的网站,则应该请最能干的人才。 如果您的公司文化已经倾向于使用一种或另一种语言,那么该人才是否可以在PHP或ASP.NET中工作才有意义。

While detractors of PHP will point to the fact that it, as a language, is more clunky than ASP.NET, this will only show itself as a weakness to your website’s overall framework if you hire PHP programmers.


Likewise, the fact that ASP.NET is more of a demanding language than PHP web development doesn’t mean that you’re automatically more likely to find better talent within the ASP.NET development pool.

同样,ASP.NET比PHP Web开发更是一种苛刻的语言,这并不意味着您会自动在ASP.NET开发池中找到更好的人才。

PHP V / s ASP.NET:支持 (PHP V/s ASP.NET: Support)

PHP is open-source and its pool of developers is far larger than ASP.NET(which is windows based). That being said both boast vibrant communities that post regularly to online forums, so if you are looking for answers to problems, you’re likely to find both communities helpful.

PHP是开源的,其开发人员库远远大于ASP.NET(基于Windows)。 话虽这么说,这两个社区都拥有活跃的社区,这些社区会定期发布到在线论坛,因此,如果您正在寻找问题的答案,那么您可能会发现两个社区都对您有所帮助。

That being said, while the ASP.NET community is comprised of dedicated developers there are quite a few fewer support contributors who are willing and able to post to the forums and answer questions about ASP.NET challenges.


In contrast to this, PHP is such a widely used language that there are plenty of friendly developers active on different forums who are more than willing to offer free advice and guidance to those who ask for it.

与此形成对比的是, PHP是一种使用广泛的语言,以至于有很多友好的开发人员活跃在不同的论坛上,他们愿意提供免费的建议和指导。

The biggest takeaway here is that while you’ll most likely be able to find answers to your questions in both communities, you’ll almost assuredly get those answers back more quickly when working within PHP forums.


PHP V / s ASP.NET:成本 (PHP V/s ASP.NET: Cost)

This is the only area where PHP has a distinct advantage over ASP.NET. PHP is an open-source, and thus, completely free, while ASP.NET is owned by Microsoft and comes with a web hosting fee.

这是PHP相对于ASP.NET具有明显优势的唯一领域。 PHP是开源的,因此是完全免费的,而ASP.NET是Microsoft拥有的,并且要收取一定的网络托管费用。

However, the costs of those fees shouldn’t be exorbitant enough to deter you from the Outsource ASP.NET development company pool if you’re already leaning that way for your project development.


Also worth noting here is that PHP can be used on Mac, Windows, or Linux machines while ASP.NET development services are only meant to be run on Windows machines. That being said if you use a Mac or Linux you can use the Mono project to use ASP.NET.

同样值得一提的是,PHP可以在Mac,Windows或Linux计算机上使用,而ASP.NET开发服务只能在Windows计算机上运行。 话虽如此,如果您使用Mac或Linux,则可以使用Mono项目使用ASP.NET。

A Good Read: Advantages of Hiring a PHP Developer

一本好书: 雇用PHP开发人员的优势

PHP V / s ASP:普及度 (PHP V/s ASP: Popularity)

This is another huge difference between PHP and .Net. In the following diagram, it is clearly mentioned that

这是PHP和.Net之间的另一个巨大区别。 在下图中,明确提到

PHP比ASP更受欢迎 (PHP has more popularity than ASP)


PHP V / s ASP.NET:合适的网站 (PHP V/s ASP.NET: Suitable Websites)

PHP开发:优点和缺点 (PHP Development: Pros and Cons)

优点 (Pros)

— It is an open-source that means it’s free to use and is constantly being improved by a large number of people rather than a single company


— PHP has a large support community of programmer

— PHP有一个庞大的程序员支持社区

— PHP is great for large projects like Facebook, White House websites.

— PHP非常适合大型项目,例如Facebook,白宫网站。

— PHP is highly effective at accessing and communicating with various database types. This makes it perfect for web-based scripts, such as website content management systems.

— PHP在访问各种数据库类型并与之通信时非常有效。 这使其非常适合基于Web的脚本,例如网站内容管理系统。

— It's is highly scalable and you can easily customize according to your need


— There are thousands of Expert PHP developers available in the market.


— Low cost easy to learn, code and pick up.


— There are a number of online support groups to help speed up the learning process.


缺点 (Cons)

- One of the main disadvantages of PHP is that it is generally not suitable for making desktop applications.


- Compared to other languages, PHP applications tend to run slower.


— It allows customization that causes bugs and poor coding than ASP.NET.


— PHP error handling is traditionally considered poor when compared to other programming languages which means it can take more time to discover why a particular piece of code isn’t working as expected.


ASP.NET:优点和缺点 (ASP.NET: Pros and Cons)

优点 (Pros)

- ASP.NET is highly scalable; its scalability index even posing a stiff competition to its rival PHP.

-ASP.NET具有高度可扩展性; 其可扩展性指数甚至与其竞争对手PHP构成了激烈的竞争。

— Microsoft owns it.


— Support all programming languages and works well with either app or C#


— It informs developers if they made any mistake in coding before compile.


— It comes with lots of tools and features to support programmers.


— Works extremely well with Windows


— Excellent platform for Enterprise applications.


— Fast development with a lot of pre-coded options


— An excellent UI for developers


缺点 (Cons)

— Not easy to learn and harder to understand


— Smaller support community


— It operates only on a Microsoft server


— It is slightly expensive because of its Microsoft license


— Not as good as PHP for website development


— Based on closed source technology.


结语 (Wrapping Up)

I hope the above differentiation parameters between the two languages help you choose the best one as per your needs and requirements. If you are still not sure, you can contact a renowned and reputed IT consulting company to help you decide between the two as per the web application development requirements.  

希望以上两种语言之间的差异化参数可以帮助您根据需要选择最佳的语言。 如果仍然不确定,可以联系著名的IT咨询公司,以帮助您根据Web应用程序开发要求在两者之间做出决定。

If you need any further assistance, you can contact PixelCrayons. We are always ready to help you with your web app development project. We have 12+ years of experience in mobile & web app development. Contact us to know more about PHP and ASP.Net web development. Our approach and rich domain expertise will definitely help you.

如果您需要其他帮助,可以联系PixelCrayons。 我们随时准备为您的Web应用程序开发项目提供帮助。 我们在移动和Web应用程序开发方面拥有12年以上的经验。 联系我们以了解有关PHP和ASP.Net Web开发的更多信息。 我们的方法和丰富的专业知识必定会为您提供帮助。

I hope you like this blog. If you do, don’t forget to like, comment and share.

希望您喜欢这个博客。 如果您愿意,别忘了喜欢,评论和分享。


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