qnx 开发十步_十步实现应用程序本地化


qnx 开发十步

According to predictions of the analytical platform App Annie, interest in mobile apps will enjoy stable growth over the next four years. So, if you’re considering bringing your app to new markets, this is the time to do it.

根据分析平台App Annie的预测,对移动应用程序的兴趣将在未来四年中稳定增长。 因此,如果您正在考虑将您的应用程序推向新市场,那么是时候这样做了。

During my two years as the localization manager, I came to understand that localization has its own rules, and knowing them can help you adapt any product for a new market quickly and competently. These principles will be useful for anyone who wants to localize an app but doesn’t know where to start.

在我担任本地化经理的两年中,我了解到本地化有其自己的规则,并且了解它们可以帮助您快速有效地将任何产品适应新市场。 这些原则对想要本地化应用程序但不知道从哪里开始的人很有用。

1.评估潜力 (1. Evaluate the potential)

Start with the most important thing: figuring out which languages you need to localize your app into and determining whether or not localization is justified at all.


Badoo, but the app is localized into modern Hebrew. Moreover, only 6% of Israeli Badoo users actually run the app in Hebrew (as a comparison, 62.5% of Israeli users speak English). In this particular case, localization is justified even with these statistics, but a similar situation could represent a losing proposition for your app. So, study your market. Badoo的优先市场,但是该应用程序已本地化为现代希伯来语。 此外,只有6%的以色列Badoo用户实际在希伯来语中运行该应用程序(相比之下,有62.5%的以色列用户会说英语)。 在这种特殊情况下,即使使用这些统计数据也可以证明本地化是合理的,但是类似的情况可能表示您的应用程序失去了命题。 因此,研究您的市场。

If you’ve got the ability to analyze statistics and evaluate whether or not your expenses will be recouped, great. It's entirely possible that your users are satisfied with the current version of the app and aren’t all that concerned about not being able to use it in their native language. This applies primarily to European countries where the overwhelming majority of young users are proficient in English. The same goes for dialects. Maybe European Spanish will be enough for all your Spanish-speaking markets (at least at first).

如果您有能力分析统计数据并评估您的费用是否可以收回,那就太好了。 您的用户完全有可能对应用程序的当前版本感到满意,而不必担心无法使用其母语使用该应用程序。 这主要适用于绝大多数年轻用户精通英语的欧洲国家。 方言也一样。 也许欧洲西班牙语将满足您所有西班牙语市场的需求(至少在最初是这样)。

This doesn’t mean you should cut corners on localization wherever you can. If you’re planning to expand to, say, the Korean market and are launching several major PR campaigns there, getting by without a Korean localization isn’t an option.

这并不意味着您应该尽一切可能在本地化上走捷径。 如果您打算扩展到例如韩国市场,并在那里发起几个主要的公关活动,那么没有韩文本地化的选择就不可行。

But keep in mind that your app will change its design and acquire new functionality over time. And the more languages you support, the more you’re going to spend on localization. In other words, before you start up the localization machine, make sure you’re not doing it for fifteen dedicated users.

但是请记住,您的应用将随着时间的推移而改变其设计并获得新的功能。 支持的语言越多,您将在本地化上花费的时间就越多。 换句话说,在启动本地化计算机之前,请确保您没有针对十五个专用用户使用本地化计算机。

2.了解您的用户 (2. Know your user)

Chances are, you did this before launching your app, but during the localization phase this point becomes exponentially more important.


How old is your user? Are they male or female? What is their social status? The more you know about your users, the easier things will be for the localization team.

您的用户几岁? 他们是男性还是女性? 他们的社会地位是什么? 您对用户的了解越多,本地化团队就越容易做。

Your user is probably a mixed breed, so figure out which social group is the defining one for your app. Is it users who are willing to purchase paid services, subscriptions, and the like? Or is it active users who will make your app go viral? Is it young moms? College students? Athletes?

您的用户可能是混血儿,因此请确定哪个社交组是您应用程序的定义人群。 是愿意购买付费服务,订阅等的用户吗? 还是让您的应用程序变得病毒式传播的活跃用户? 是年轻的妈妈吗? 大学生? 运动员?

This point is somewhat less important for English, but if you’re translating your app into Russian or French, you’ll quickly run into dozens of the most varied questions. How should you address the user: formally or informally? Can you kid around with them? Can you send them emoji? Do they need emotional support? Or, on the contrary, do they just need minimal text with maximal functionality?

这一点对于英语来说不太重要,但是如果您将应用程序翻译成俄语或法语,则会很快遇到许多最多样化的问题。 您应该如何向用户:正式还是非正式? 你能和他们一起开玩笑吗? 可以给他们发送表情符号吗? 他们需要情感支持吗? 或者,恰恰相反,他们只需要功能强大的最少文本吗?

It hardly makes sense to support several different versions of your app, just so every single user can be equally comfortable running it. So, the more questions you ask right off the bat, the better your localized product will be in the end. And, by extension, the less often your users will want to delete it or write a negative review in a store or on social media.

支持您的应用的多个不同版本几乎没有任何意义,只是让每个用户都可以同样舒适地运行它。 因此,您马上提出的问题越多,最终的本地化产品就越好。 而且,通过扩展,您的用户在商店或社交媒体上删除或删除否定评论的频率会降低。

3.整理 (3. Tidy up)

You probably already have a glossary — you know, a list of terms used in your app. Well, this is the time to bring it out, update it, and hand it over to the localization team. You’re going to need a glossary for each language, and it should be regularly updated. Otherwise, you’ll run the risk of having your app drown in a quagmire of inconsistency every time you switch translators. A glossary usually includes names of menu sections and features, currency, crucial actions (swipe, like, stream), etc.

您可能已经有了一个词汇表-您知道,您的应用程序中使用的术语列表。 好了,现在是发布,更新并交给本地化团队的时候了。 您将需要每种语言的词汇表,并且应该定期对其进行更新。 否则,每当您切换翻译器时,都会冒使应用程序陷入不一致的泥潭的风险。 词汇表通常包括菜单部分和功能的名称,货币,关键操作(滑动,喜欢,播放)等。

But there’s also another, equally important document: the style guide. It defines the tone of the app, including words to avoid and general rules for the visual appearance of the text. In English, the style guide might standardize issues such as capitalization, comma usage, types of ellipses, the use of hyphens versus em dashes, etc. It’s an important document that helps the translator choose the tools that work while laying all the other ones aside.

但是,还有另一个同样重要的文档:样式指南。 它定义了应用的语气,包括要避免的单词以及文本视觉外观的一般规则。 用英语,样式指南可能会标准化诸如大写,逗号使用,椭圆的类型,连字符与破折号的使用等问题。这是一个重要的文档,可帮助翻译人员选择可以使用的工具,同时将所有其他工具放在一边。

Once both of these documents are ready, share them with the folks in charge of advertising campaigns, press releases, and SMM promotion to ensure consistency. You actually don’t want your ads to be completely tonally consistent with the app itself — ads are always more aggressive and dynamic. But make sure the contrast between the ads and the app isn’t going to shock an unprepared user.

这些文件准备就绪后,请与负责广告活动,新闻发布和SMM促销的人员共享,以确保一致性。 您实际上不希望广告与应用本身在色调上完全一致-广告总是更具侵略性和动态性。 但是,请确保广告和应用之间的对比不会使准备不足的用户震惊。

These things might seem obvious, but they're often overlooked. An app that is translated inconsistently by multiple people (whether simultaneously or consecutively) produces the impression of a slapdash product cobbled together on the fly — even if the design of the app itself is beyond reproach.

这些事情看似显而易见,但往往被忽略。 一个由多个人(无论是同时还是连续)不一致翻译的应用程序,给人留下的印象是即时生成的slapdash产品拼凑在一起-即使该应用程序本身的设计无可非议。

4.看比赛 (4. Take a look at the competition)

Ask your localizers to research potential competition on the market. Or, even better, do it yourself (if you have the language skills). Chances are you've already studied your potential competitors, but you probably haven’t analyzed the quality of their localizations.

要求您的本地化人员研究市场上的潜在竞争。 或者,甚至更好的做法是自己动手(如果您具备语言能力)。 您可能已经研究过潜在的竞争对手,但您可能尚未分析其本地化的质量。

Why not ask your localizers to tell you exactly what they like or don’t like about these apps? You can ask them to focus on products that were originally written in the language you’re interested in — as a rule, they’ll be of a higher linguistic quality. Keep an eye on competing apps’ main problems — you might be able to turn their weaknesses into your strengths.

为什么不让您的本地化人员确切告诉您他们对这些应用程序的满意或不满意? 您可以要求他们专注于最初使用您感兴趣的语言编写的产品-通常,它们将具有更高的语言质量。 密切关注竞争应用程序的主要问题-您也许可以将它们的弱点变成优势。

5.考虑文化因素 (5. Take cultural factors into account)

This is a good time to reiterate that machine translation will never, ever be able to replace a localization expert. Preferably, this person was born, raised, and still lives in the country for which you’re adapting your product. Forget about virtuosos who say they can translate an app into eight languages by themselves. Those guys are good for translating legal documents and instructions, not software. You need a native speaker, plain and simple. Your ultimate goal is for your user to completely forget that your product has been translated. At the very least, you want to make sure your app doesn’t confuse, embarrass, or frighten them.

现在是重申机器翻译永远无法替代本地化专家的好时机。 最好是这个人出生,长大,现在仍然居住在您要适应其产品的国家/地区。 忘了那些说自己可以将一个应用程序翻译成八种语言的专家。 这些家伙擅长翻译法律文件和说明,而不是软件。 您需要讲母语的人,简单明了。 您的最终目标是让用户完全忘记您的产品已被翻译。 至少,您要确保您的应用程序不会使它们感到困惑,尴尬或害怕。

These kinds of reactions can be brought about by things you never even considered: the colors used in your app, the topics discussed in it, or terms you want to leave untranslated. For example, in Italy the color purple is inextricably associated with funerals. This doesn’t mean that you need to redesign your entire app right away. Just be ready for the statistics in Italy to be worse than you expected. Keep in mind that something that is legal and acceptable in one culture could be unacceptable in another. So, while the question “do you smoke pot?” might be just peachy in Canada, it could lead to dire consequences in a number of other countries.

这些React可能是由您甚至从未考虑过的事情引起的:应用程序中使用的颜色,应用程序中讨论的主题或您希望不翻译的术语。 例如,在意大利,紫色与葬礼有着千丝万缕的联系。 这并不意味着您需要立即重新设计整个应用程序。 准备好让意大利的统计数据比您预期的还要糟糕。 请记住,在一种文化中合法且可以接受的事物在另一种文化中可能是不可接受的。 因此,尽管有一个问题“你抽烟吗?” 在加拿大可能只是桃花心木,它可能在其他许多国家带来可怕的后果。

Here’s an example from my experience: the team behind Bumble (one of Badoo products) called one of their features “Beeline” and wanted to leave the name the same in all markets. They didn't consider the fact that some countries have, a priori, a very low tolerance for Latin letters (Asian countries, for example). So, it’s best to avoid English terms altogether in these markets. In Russia, on the other hand, there’s already a popular mobile operator called Beeline, so the product team had to rename the feature there.
以下是我的经验示例:Bumble(Badoo产品之一)背后的团队将其功能之一称为“ Beeline”,并希望在所有市场中都使用相同的名称。 他们没有考虑到某些国家先验地对拉丁字母的容忍度很低的事实(例如亚洲国家)。 因此,最好在这些市场中完全避免使用英文术语。 另一方面,在俄罗斯,已经有一个流行的移动运营商叫做Beeline,因此产品团队不得不在那里重命名该功能。

6.考虑翻译可以占用多少空间 (6. Think about how much space the translation can take up)

If your app was originally written in Russian, you probably don’t have to worry about this. But if it was written in English, you’ll want to pay attention to this point. Keep in mind that the German version will be on average 10% longer than the original, the Russian version will be 50% longer, and the Arabic version will be a whopping 75% longer. Please note, we’re not talking about the total number of characters but about bytes. One Latin letter equals one byte, but Cyrillic and Arabic characters are twice as big.

如果您的应用最初是用俄语编写的,那么您可能不必为此担心。 但是,如果使用英语编写,则需要注意这一点。 请记住,德语版本平均要比原始版本长10%,俄语版本要比原始版本长50%,而阿拉伯版本将比原始版本长75%。 请注意,我们不是在谈论字符总数,而是在谈论字节。 一个拉丁字母等于一个字节,但是西里尔字母和阿拉伯字符的大小是它的两倍。

Sure, you can always try to make the translation shorter and punchier. But then you run the risk of ending up with a product that communicates with your user in monosyllables. So, be prepared for the fact that, for the sake of a good localization, you’ll need to make changes to your design and code. For example, there are a lot of compound words in German and Finnish that might not fit on a single line in small UI elements.

当然,您总是可以尝试使翻译更简短,更有力。 但是,这样一来,您就有可能最终获得一种以单音节与您的用户交流的产品。 因此,请做好以下准备:为了实现良好的本地化,您需要对设计和代码进行更改。 例如,德语和芬兰语中有很多复合词可能无法在小的UI元素中排成一行。

7.确定标准屏幕 (7. Decide on a standard screen)

As a follow-up to the last point, I suggest analyzing which devices your users prefer. We aren’t talking about their platform of choice here as much as the actual model of the phone they use. As a rule, large apps are designed for the tiniest screens possible. The logic is actually pretty straightforward: something that looks good on an iPhone 5 will definitely look good on an iPhone X.

作为最后一点的后续,我建议分析用户喜欢的设备。 我们在这里谈论的不是他们选择的平台,而是他们使用的电话的实际型号。 通常,大型应用是为尽可能小的屏幕而设计的。 逻辑实际上非常简单:在iPhone 5上看起来不错的东西在iPhone X上肯定看起来不错。

If your app is going to be used on devices with small screens, steer clear of them while writing copy and testing. No one likes an app where half the text wanders off into the wild blue yonder. Especially if that’s where you’re selling one of your services or communicating something important.

如果您的应用要在具有小屏幕的设备上使用,请在编写复制和测试时避开它们。 没有人喜欢这样的应用程序,其中一半文字会散落到蓝色的野外。 尤其是在那儿,您正在出售一项服务或传达重要信息。

8.讲人 (8. Speak human)

Start off by thinking about how to integrate the ability to manage case ending and conjugations into your app, and set a place aside for male and female users.


There are way more languages that need this than you might think — we aren’t just talking about Russian and a handful of other Slavic languages. You’re going to need this kind of adaptation to at least some degree for French, Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish...

有更多的语言需要这种语言,这超出了您的想象—我们不仅在谈论俄语以及其他几种斯拉夫语言。 您至少在某种程度上需要对法语,西班牙语,葡萄牙语,芬兰语进行这种适应...

Can you get by without it? Maybe. Even Facebook sometimes ignores declensions and conjugations. But the quality of the product absolutely suffers because of this.

没有它,你能渡过难关吗? 也许。 甚至Facebook有时也会忽略变形和变形。 但是产品的质量因此因此而受到损害。

Don’t expect miracles from your localizer — if there are any dynamic numbers in your app, make it possible to use the correct form of the noun with them. If your app features interaction among users, divide your lexical elements based on gender. If your app involves any kind of social network, decline first names and the names of countries and cities. This won’t cover cases where users call themselves Candy or Superman, but it’ll cover the other 95%.

不要指望本地化者带来奇迹-如果您的应用中有动态数字,则可以在其中使用正确形式的名词。 如果您的应用程序具有用户之间交互的功能,请根据性别划分词汇元素。 如果您的应用程序涉及任何类型的社交网络,请拒绝名字以及国家和城市的名称。 这不会涵盖用户称自己为Candy或Superman的情况,但将涵盖其他95%的情况。

9.评估质量 (9. Evaluate quality)

Think about how you’re going to evaluate the success of your localization. In addition to localizers, it’s a good idea to have independent reviewers who will be able to give you an objective evaluation of the work the localizers have done. If you aren’t able to pay reviewers on a regular basis, you could do a random check of 10-15 screenshots. At least for your main languages. At least once a year.

考虑一下您将如何评估本地化的成功程度。 除了本地化人员之外,最好有独立的审核员,他们可以为您提供对本地化人员所做工作的客观评估。 如果您无法定期支付评论者的费用,则可以随机检查10-15张屏幕截图。 至少对于您的主要语言。 每年至少一次。

One less obvious – and free – way to check the quality of your localization is user feedback. Look at the percentage of complaints connected to the incorrect or incomprehensible text. If half of your complaints are language-related in one way or another, it’s time to find a reviewer.

用户反馈是一种不那么明显但免费的检查本地化质量的方法。 查看与错误或无法理解的文字有关的投诉所占的百分比。 如果您的投诉中有一半与语言有关,那么该找一个审稿人了。

Evaluating localization quality based on statistical data is tricky because there are also cultural factors at play here. Let’s say you decide to measure the number of opened push notifications in Spain and France. In the overwhelming majority of cases conversion will be higher in Spain than in France. And this has nothing to do with localization quality. It’s just that, for cultural reasons, Spanish people tend to open every notification they get, while French people, on the contrary, ignore most of their notifications. The same thing can happen with the cultural reception of certain features and services.
根据统计数据评估本地化质量非常棘手,因为这里还存在文化因素。 假设您决定衡量在西班牙和法国打开的推送通知的数量。 在绝大多数情况下,西班牙的转换率要高于法国。 这与本地化质量无关。 只是出于文化原因,西班牙人倾向于打开收到的每个通知,而法国人则忽略大多数通知。 在文化上接受某些功能和服务可能会发生同样的事情。

10.测试一切 (10. Test everything)

Make sure you get your localizers to test the app before you launch it. Do this in advance, so they have time to check it, correct it, and retest it. Text in a CAT tool is completely different from text in an Excel document, on paper, or in an app. The context will appear immediately once the app is on-screen. Moreover, sometimes whole scenarios need to be tested step by step. In this way, you can make sure that the logic of the algorithm isn’t violated and the user doesn't suddenly want to quit in the middle of the process.

在启动应用之前,请确保让本地化人员测试该应用。 提前执行此操作,以便他们有时间对其进行检查,更正和重新测试。 CAT工具中的文本与Excel文档,纸上或应用程序中的文本完全不同。 当应用程序显示在屏幕上时,上下文将立即显示。 此外,有时需要逐步测试整个场景。 这样,您可以确保不违反算法的逻辑,并且用户不会在过程中突然退出。

If your app is updated on a regular basis, you’ll need to test it just as regularly. At Badoo, for instance, new features are tested on all platforms and in all core languages prior to launch. Sure, this takes a lot of time and effort, but, again, you need to ask yourself just how much you care about the quality of your product.
如果您的应用程序是定期更新的,则需要定期进行测试。 例如,在Badoo,新功能在发布前已在所有平台和所有核心语言中进行了测试。 当然,这需要花费大量时间和精力,但是同样,您需要问自己,您对产品质量的关心程度如何。

When all is said and done, there is no such thing as a perfect localization, a perfect product, or a perfect design. There is no image or text that will please every single person without exception. You need to know how to separate constructive criticism from nonconstructive complaints and only bring important issues to your localizer’s attention.

一言以蔽之,没有完美的本地化,完美的产品或完美的设计。 没有任何图像或文字会毫无例外地取悦每个人。 您需要知道如何将建设性批评与非建设性投诉区分开,仅将重要问题提请本地化人员注意。

关于翻译 (About the translator)

Alconost is a global provider of localization services for applications, games, videos, and websites into 70+ languages. We offer translations by native-speaking linguists, linguistic testing, cloud-based workflow, continuous localization, project management 24/7, and work with any format for string resources. We also make advertising and educational videos and images, teasers, explainers, and trailers for Google Play and the App Store.

Alconost是为70多种语言的应用程序游戏 ,视频和网站提供本地化服务的全球提供商。 我们提供由母语为母语的语言学家,语言测试,基于云的工作流,连续本地化,24/7项目管理的翻译,并可以使用任何格式的字符串资源。 我们还为Google Play和App Store制作广告和教育视频和图像,预告片,解释器和预告片。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/alconost/blog/469907/

qnx 开发十步





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