

In modern business the need of automation in various processes have already become commonplace. It is already becoming difficult to imagine a warehouse or accounting without the use of specialized software. The representatives engaged in trade use a special application for registration and sending the order to office directly from pads or mobile phones. Mostly the orders that are ordered from the website are delivered in the form ready for processing. But at the same time customer relationships, at least in the medium and small business for some reason, very often maintain without the integration of automation and sufficient attention to the account.

在现代企业中,各种过程中对自动化的需求已经变得司空见惯。 不使用专门的软件就很难想象仓库或会计。 从事贸易的代表使用一种特殊的应用程序进行注册并将订单直接从平板电脑或手机发送到办公室。 通常,从网站订购的订单以准备好处理的形式交付。 但是,与此同时,至少由于某种原因,至少在中小企业中,客户关系经常保持不变,而没有集成自动化并充分关注客户。

All this I observe often enough, as a business consultant in constant contact with small and medium-sized businesses. And every time I have to tell my customers how to automate relationships with customers, how to operate a CRM system, what they are, and why in a specific case it is necessary to choose a particular system.

作为一名经常与中小型企业保持联系的商业顾问,我经常观察到这一切。 每次我必须告诉客户如何自动与客户建立关系,如何操作CRM系统,客户关系是什么以及为什么在特定情况下必须选择特定系统的时候。

What happens if the sales Department are carrying out without the accounting system? Every sales Manager works as it is convenient, maintain the fixation of calls and other interactions with customers in its sole discretion: some works on paper, some in Excel spreadsheets, and someone in General does not consider it necessary to record the process of their work.

如果销售部门在没有会计系统的情况下执行该怎么办? 每个销售经理都尽可能方便地工作,可以自行决定维护电话和与客户的其他互动的方式:一些纸上作品,一些Excel电子表格中的作品,以及一般人认为没有必要记录他们的工作过程。

Incoming calls or requests of the new customers from the website are also not fixed, sometimes even hard to understand who of the managers engaged in incoming request. In result the real records are maintained only at the level of paid orders and shipment of goods. How efficiently the sales department works, whether entering LEADs are being processed, whether any work on already existing contacts is carrying out, to define it appears to be impossible.

来自网站的新客户的来电或请求也不是固定的,有时甚至很难理解谁参与了请求。 结果,真实记录仅保持在已付款订单和货物运输的级别。 销售部门如何有效地进行工作,是否正在处理输入的LEAD,是否正在对现有联系人进行任何工作来定义它似乎是不可能的。

In addition, in the case of dismissal or illness of the employee, all of his unfinished negotiations, and a raw contacts, the company could lose, which is also highly undesirable for effective operation of the sales Department.


The way out of this situation is: automation and standardization of management of relations with clients, i.e. the implementation of a CRM system.


该解决方案将帮助: (This solution will help:)

  1. To obtain a general standardized database of contacts (clients, contractors) for the company.

  2. Effectively implement the quality control of work in sales Department at any time.

  3. Get statistics and analytics of the effectiveness of lead (incoming calls, queries).

  4. Plan to improve the quality of work and develop business strategy.


In General, the process of choosing and implementing a CRM system is no different from similar work on choosing any other software. How I spend working on the selection and implementation of the software, I have already told in detail in past articles, for example, choosing a software product for a client. Requirements collection. Now I want to talk about the specifics of the choice of CRM systems.

通常,选择和实施CRM系统的过程与选择任何其他软件的类似工作没有什么不同。 在过去的文章中,我已经详细讲述了我如何花时间进行软件的选择和实现,例如,为客户选择软件产品。 需求收集。 现在,我想谈谈CRM系统选择的细节。

In this article I will try to avoid advertising one or other CRM systems. I always ready to answer your questions individually if someone is interested which one i use at work personally, and what Im ready to recommend in a particular case. Here I want to talk about CRM systems in general, including what they are, for whom and for what they are for, how to choose a CRM system for the needs of a particular business.

在本文中,我将尝试避免发布一个或其他CRM系统。 如果有人对我个人使用的个人感兴趣,并且在特定情况下我愿意推荐什么,我总是准备单独回答您的问题。 在这里,我想大体讨论一下CRM系统,包括它们的用途,针对的对象和用途,以及如何选择满足特定业务需求的CRM系统。

什么是CRM系统? (What is CRM system?)

If you search in Wikipedia, you can get the following definition:


CRM system (Customer Relationship Management or Managing customer relations) — this is a software application for organizations, meant to automate interaction strategies with customers (clients), in particular, to increase sales, optimize marketing and improve customer service by storing information about clients and history of relations with them, establishment and improvement of business processes and subsequent analysis of results.


Actually, the CRM system can be considered to be any variant of control and accounting that will help improve interaction with customers. Even if you maintain call history and contacts on paper or in Excel — this can be considered a CRM system in the case if the scheme of accounting and control works and allows controlling all options of interaction with customers. Of course, such methods of accounting are left in past indeed in present world without effective automation difficult to imagine the work of any business. Therefore, when talking about the CRM system, usually mean special software.

实际上,CRM系统可以看作是控制和会计的任何变体,有助于改善与客户的互动。 即使您在纸上或在Excel中维护呼叫历史记录和联系人,在会计和控制方案都可以工作并且允许控制与客户互动的所有选项的情况下,也可以将其视为CRM系统。 当然,这种会计方法确实留在了当今世界,而没有有效的自动化,很难想象任何企业的工作。 因此,在谈到CRM系统时,通常指的是专用软件。

In some cases, the developers introduce additional confusion in terminology, by promoting the term CRM. This combination of characters doesnt decode, as it is simple writing in Russian letters, the English abbreviation. I believe that even for promotion in search systems, this term is not worth to be used.

在某些情况下,开发人员通过推广“ CRM”一词,在术语上引入了更多的困惑。 字符的这种组合不能解码,因为它是用俄语字母(英语缩写)简单书写的。 我认为,即使在搜索系统中进行推广,也不值得使用该术语。

Software developers often try to impose their vision of what can be called a CRM system. Usually the list of necessary qualities of a true CRM coincides with the option that they implemented in their software product. In some cases, such marketing is working quite clearly and Intrusive, according to the principle: CRM should this way and only (and here it is our product!). Other developers (mainly foreign companies) do this less obviously, just showing their product and say: “this is the CRM system”.

软件开发人员经常试图将自己的愿景强加于所谓的CRM系统。 通常,真正CRM的必要质量列表与他们在其软件产品中实现的选项一致。 在某些情况下,根据以下原则,这样的市场营销非常清楚并且具有侵入性:CRM应该并且仅此(这是我们的产品!)。 其他开发人员(主要是外国公司)这样做的效果不那么明显,只是展示他们的产品并说:“这就是CRM系统”。

You need to understand that there are common standards and a clear understanding of what is meant by the term CRM system. It can be any convenient business management system of clients relationship.

您需要了解存在通用标准,并且对术语CRM系统的含义有清晰的了解。 它可以是任何方便的客户关系业务管理系统。

For example, for one of my clients CRM is, above all, records of contacts and cooperation with them, he believes that other opportunities is unnecessary because he doesnt use them. And many developers of powerful CRM platforms will consider that the concept of CRM is much broader, from their point of view, even CRM system of many banks will be functional enough to be called a real CRM. Actually, it all depends on the goal and scope.

例如,对于我的一位客户,CRM首先是与他们的联系和合作的记录,他认为其他机会是不必要的,因为他不使用它们。 从他们的角度来看,许多功能强大的CRM平台的开发人员将认为CRM的概念范围更广,甚至许多银行的CRM系统也将具有足够的功能,可以称为真正的CRM。 实际上,这完全取决于目标和范围。

So, in a small trading company CRM system may include just phones, email and customer addresses. A beauty salon, for example, will need to add to this list the frequency of visits of each customer and the average check. These data are important for successful interaction.

因此,在小型贸易公司中,CRM系统可能仅包括电话,电子邮件和客户地址。 例如,一家美容院将需要在此列表中添加每位顾客的造访频率和平均检查费用。 这些数据对于成功进行交互非常重要。

我个人的定义是: (My personal definition is:)

The CRM software is any software that helps you to successfully control the work with clients, organize and plan.


In the medium and small business, the most important requirement is not to lose a client. I realized this in practice. It is not so important whether to send the Happy Birthday or happy New Year congratulations to the contact person. The main thing is not to lose a client, dont lose the interaction that all the effort that was spent on his involvement, was not in vain. Therefore very important to control the flow of incoming calls and requests from the website, email etc.

在中小企业中,最重要的要求是不要失去客户。 我在实践中意识到了这一点。 向联系人发送生日快乐或新年快乐祝贺并不重要。 最主要的是不要失去客户,不要失去花在其参与上的所有努力都没有白费的互动。 因此,对于控制来自网站,电子邮件等的来电和请求的流量非常重要。

谁需要CRM系统? (Who needs a CRM system?)

Before choosing a CRM system, you need to understand whether it is necessary to your business. It often happens that someone told the business owner about the existence of such systems or software and vendors trying to impose their product. And really — do you need this system indeed?

在选择CRM系统之前,您需要了解您的业务是否必要。 经常会发生这样的情况,有人告诉企业主,此类系统或软件的存在以及试图强加其产品的供应商。 确实-您是否确实需要此系统?

CRM-system is necessary for every business that works directly with clients and seeks to expand the number of buyers.


So, if incoming calls or requests (leads) from new customers in your work are important, if the business is making some effort to obtain and retain new customers, then a CRM system is required.


For example, an online store, wholesale company or beauty salon will not be able to work effectively without careful attention to the lids (incoming requests and calls). After all, in each of these types of businesses it is very important that all the orders were completed, buyers of goods and services were satisfied, and customer loyalty increased.

例如,在线商店,批发公司或美容院在没有仔细注意盖子(来电和来电)的情况下将无法有效工作。 毕竟,在所有这些类型的业务中,完成所有订单,使商品和服务的购买者满意并提高客户忠诚度非常重要。

On the other hand, if your business is not interested in increasing the number of clients at this stage of development, if the loyalty of regular customers based on long-term contracts, and all contracts with new customers based on personal meetings, even the best CRM system will not give anything.


For example, a retail store will not use the CRM system in their work as contacts of buyers is impossible to fix. Here is customer loyalty based on quality of products service, personal contact with the seller. Also, a CRM system will not help in cases when the company signed long-term contracts for the supply of goods in chain stores, power of the supplier will be barely enough to fulfill the orders of the trading network, and everyone is satisfied with the condition.

例如,一家零售商店将无法在其工作中使用CRM系统,因为无法确定买家的联系方式。 这里是基于产品质量服务的客户忠诚度,与卖方的个人联系。 此外,如果公司签署了连锁店的长期供货合同,供应商的能力将不足以履行交易网络的订单,并且每个人都对它感到满意,那么CRM系统将无济于事。健康)状况。

But if you develop your business, if you invest in advertising, making other efforts to attract and keep customers, then a CRM system will become a great helper in your work.


CRM系统需要什么? (What the CRM system need for?)

Explaining complex and new things is an integral part of my profession. And often have to explain why the client needs a CRM system. What is this, a businessman can know himself. But very often representatives of small and medium businesses do not understand why they need it. Because the number of customers is relatively small, the sales Department in the companies of this level consist of only a few people. And, it seems that even without a CRM system to control the work with buyers is easy. In fact, it is not. Very quickly after the introduction of the automated system revealed a large number of defects and the quality of work of the sales Department grows significantly.

解释复杂的事物和新事物是我职业不可或缺的一部分。 并且经常不得不解释为什么客户需要CRM系统。 这是什么,一个商人就能认识自己。 但是,中小型企业的代表通常不理解为什么需要它。 由于客户数量相对较少,因此该级别公司中的销售部门只有几个人。 而且,似乎即使没有CRM系统来控制与买方的工作也很容易。 其实不是。 引入自动化系统后,很快就发现了大量缺陷,并且销售部门的工作质量显着提高。

CRM needed for:


  1. Not to lose a potential customer, not to miss any incoming call and query. In the small and medium business in our country, the competition is very high. Companies have made significant efforts in order to attract customers. Compared to other costs for customer attraction from this you can allocate a significant budget. It is very important that all these tools and efforts were not in vain. Automated systems allow obtaining assurance that it will work in the sales Department right that way. You will receive the latching of each incoming call, each request, each LID.

    不失去潜在客户,不错过任何来电和查询。 在我国的中小企业中,竞争非常激烈。 为了吸引客户,公司做出了巨大的努力。 与其他吸引客户的成本相比,您可以分配大量预算。 所有这些工具和努力都没有白费,这一点非常重要。 自动化系统可以确保在销售部门以这种方式正常工作。 您将收到每个来电,每个请求,每个LID的锁存。
  2. Staff control and standardization of work with clients. Without a common standardized CRM system, everyone works as he used to. Someone keeps the records in spreadsheets, some in a notebook or diary someone does not keep at all, focused exclusively on the reports from 1C or on its own memory. Contacts also happen quite randomly. Customers letters can be sent with both corporate and personal mailbox, calls can be made from any phone, control the quality of work impossible. The system CRM is almost completely solves this problem. Information about all incoming and outgoing contacts will be in a single repository, from where it can be removed at any time.

    员工控制和与客户的工作标准化。 没有通用的标准化CRM系统,每个人都会像以前一样工作。 有人将记录保存在电子表格中,有人将记录保存在笔记本电脑或日记中,而有人根本不保存,只专注于1C的报告或自己的内存。 接触也是随机发生的。 可以通过公司和个人邮箱发送客户信件,可以使用任何电话拨打电话,从而无法控制工作质量。 系统CRM几乎可以完全解决此问题。 有关所有传入和传出联系人的信息将存储在单个存储库中,可以随时从该存储库中删除该信息。
  3. Statistic is being accumulated which is also very important for the success of any business. Through the use of a CRM system working all the information is collected in a common database in a standardized form. As a result, the Manager can analyze statistics, prepare various reports (many of which are already in finished form present in CRM-systems), i.e. to analyze the work and plan future work more consciously.

    统计数据正在累积,这对于任何企业的成功也非常重要。 通过使用有效的CRM系统,所有信息都以标准化形式收集在公共数据库中。 结果,经理可以分析统计数据,准备各种报告(其中许多报告已经以CRM系统的形式存在),即可以更自觉地分析工作并计划未来的工作。
  4. Prepared solutions from which you can start to build your own system. Every CRM system is the realization of a vision for developers of how to work with the client. It contains many ready-made tools which allow transferring the work to a new level. For example, the integration of CRM with telephony allows you to record all calls to memorize all the new contacts and to analyze the quality of the sales lead. In the small and medium business customer directs most often the head (owner) of the business. He has no experts and often no experience for working with clients. The Manager does not have anything to rely on that and in this issue, therefore, the sales Department often works far better. Implementation of CRM-systems allows obtaining not only a tool but support, the opinion of the developers on how to work the sales Department. In its turn the development of a CRM system is usually based on best practices, experts and in work with clients. So if you actively use CRM system tools, then the work of your sales team will also be optimized. Various system tools themselves suggest what steps worth to make for the process of optimization of work with clients.

    准备好的解决方案,您可以从中开始构建自己的系统。 每个CRM系统都是开发人员如何与客户合作的愿景的实现。 它包含许多现成的工具,可以将工作转移到新的水平。 例如,CRM与电话的集成允许您记录所有呼叫以存储所有新联系人并分析销售线索的质量。 在中小型企业中,客户经常指导企业的负责人(所有者)。 他没有专家,也没有与客户合作的经验。 经理没有任何可依靠的资源,因此在这个问题上,销售部门的工作通常要好得多。 CRM系统的实施不仅可以获取工具,还可以获取开发人员在销售部门的工作方式上的支持。 反过来,CRM系统的开发通常基于最佳实践,专家以及与客户的合作。 因此,如果您积极使用CRM系统工具,那么您的销售团队的工作也会得到优化。 各种系统工具本身会建议在优化与客户的工作过程中应该采取哪些步骤。

In addition, the user of the CRM system will receive many other useful things, most of which depend on the selected system. But these four are the basic things I clarify always, because they are very important for small and medium business, and because they are provided from any of the existing CRM systems.

另外,CRM系统的用户将收到许多其他有用的东西,其中大部分取决于所选系统。 但是,这四点是我经常要澄清的基本内容,因为它们对于中小型企业非常重要,并且是从任何现有的CRM系统中提供的。

如何选择CRM系统? (How to choose a CRM system?)

When selecting a CRM system the most important thing is to make sure you have all the features that you would like to see in the process. So, if the incoming calls are very important for you, then you need to ensure that the selected CRM system supports integration with telephony. But if you get most of the leads through the website, one of the main standards will be the ability to integrate the CRM system with your CMS.

选择CRM系统时,最重要的是确保您具有在过程中希望看到的所有功能。 因此,如果传入呼叫对您来说非常重要,则需要确保所选的CRM系统支持与电话集成。 但是,如果您通过网站获得了大多数潜在客户,则主要标准之一就是能够将CRM系统与CMS集成在一起。

The rest depends on your tastes, and the recommendations that your specialist give to you. Actually, if the specialist who will be implementing the CRM system offers you a certain software products, in condition that in provided system are all the features you need, and you are satisfied with the cost of the product, it makes sense to agree with his opinion. Experts usually suggest a product that they know very well, that would certainly be an advantage at the implementation stage.

其余的取决于您的口味以及专家给您的建议。 实际上,如果将要实施CRM系统的专家为您提供了某些软件产品,并且前提是所提供的系统具有您所需的所有功能,并且您对产品的成本感到满意,那么同意他的产品是有道理的。意见。 专家通常会建议一个他们非常了解的产品,这在实施阶段肯定是一个优势。

To study the CRM-system via videos and test access is quite difficult, in every system there are many nuances that you will learn in the process of working with the system. But there are some fundamental points that will help to make the right choice.

通过视频和测试访问来研究CRM系统是非常困难的,在每个系统中,在使用系统的过程中您将学到很多细微差别。 但是,有些基本点将有助于做出正确的选择。

So, the main thing — is to implement a CRM system. Further, if you have any preferences, you saw a system that for some reason you like then implement it. In all other cases, the best way is to rely on expert opinion.

因此,最主要的是-实施CRM系统。 此外,如果您有任何偏好,您会看到一个出于某种原因想要实施的系统。 在所有其他情况下,最好的方法是依靠专家意见。

Saas, or a Stand-are they clouds or private server?


There are two types of CRM systems, created on the basis of different technologies:


  1. Saas or system as service. By this option, all software and data are on the server of the service provider. You will get online access to the system via browser, client software or mobile app. All processes occur on the service provider side.

    Saas或系统即服务。 通过此选项,所有软件和数据都在服务提供商的服务器上。 您将通过浏览器,客户端软件或移动应用程序在线访问系统。 所有过程都在服务提供商端进行。
  2. The Standalone is a license for installation and use of the software. You get a solution that you install on your own server, if you wish, modify to suit your needs, depending on the opportunities offered by the supplier for the CRM system.

    独立版是软件安装和使用的许可证。 您可以将解决方案安装在自己的服务器上,如果需要,可以根据供应商为CRM系统提供的机会进行修改以适合您的需求。

While selecting Saas-solutions, you will have some limitations. You will not be able to change anything in the code of the product, as software solutions are on the side of the supplier of CRM system. Usually, CRM systems allow you to configure access rights of employees, to integrate any external system to get data from website, record incoming calls, etc.), to change the registrations using the constructer to customize reports, etc. But it will all be stored on the servers of the CRM system supplier.

选择Saas解决方案时,将有一些限制。 由于软件解决方案在CRM系统供应商的一边,您将无法更改产品代码中的任何内容。 通常,CRM系统允许您配置员工的访问权限,集成任何外部系统以从网站获取数据,记录来电等),使用构造函数自定义报告来更改注册等。但这一切都是存储在CRM系统供应商的服务器上。

It is also important to understand that when you use Saas solutions, you should always have access to the Internet. Of course, in our time, reliable Internet is very important part of any business, in the absence of access to the network many business processes can be paused. That is because the optimal solution is to have a reliable basic and in addition also backup access to the Internet.

同样重要的是要了解,当您使用Saas解决方案时,您应该始终可以访问Internet。 当然,在我们这个时代,可靠的Internet是任何业务的重要组成部分,如果无法访问网络,则可以暂停许多业务流程。 这是因为最佳的解决方案是具有可靠的基础,此外还具有对Internet的备份访问。

There is another important thing that you need to understand when choosing Saas solutions: most likely, for every creation of database backups and other similar operations, you will need to pay separately. For example, in the system, which actively I use, backup costs $ 10 for 1 backup.

选择Saas解决方案时,您还需要了解另一件重要的事情:最有可能的是,对于每次创建数据库备份和其他类似操作,您都需要单独付款。 例如,在我积极使用的系统中,备份成本为1次备份10美元。

Features of Saas solutions:


  1. You dont need your own server to host the software;

  2. You will not need to deal with updates yourself, it all lies on the service provider, and you just use the decision.

  3. About the CRM system as about Saas solution, you can say a lot. Maybe I will write separate article about it. To select the type solution the described above features are enough.

    关于CRM系统以及关于Saas解决方案,您可以说很多。 也许我会为此写单独的文章。 要选择类型解决方案,上述特征就足够了。

Stand-Alone solution, as I said above, is to buy a “boxed” solution that you install on your own server and will be able to change the code (in the limits of access that was provided by the developer). In some cases, for example when there is a need to implement unusual solutions, this level of access is very important.

如上所述,独立解决方案是购买一种“盒装”解决方案,该解决方案安装在自己的服务器上,并且能够更改代码(在开发人员提供的访问限制内)。 在某些情况下,例如,当需要实施不寻常的解决方案时,这种访问级别非常重要。

But most of all, for small and medium businesses Stand-Alone solutions are not required. The need for profound change occurs very rarely, so I usually recommend Saas.

但最重要的是,对于中小型企业,不需要独立解决方案。 进行深刻变革的需求很少出现,因此我通常推荐萨斯。

Integration with telephony


I think that any CRM system must be integrated with the telephony. If you are not able to record incoming calls and initiate outgoing connections, this is a big minus. So when choosing software for my clients I always pay much attention to this possibility and how it is implemented. It seemed that data about calls can be entered by hand. People begin to resist, they are annoyed to do extra work. Besides, any person may simply forget to enter one or another important call into data.

我认为任何CRM系统都必须与电话集成。 如果您无法记录呼入电话和发起呼出连接,则这是一个很大的缺点。 因此,在为我的客户选择软件时,我总是非常注意这种可能性及其实现方式。 似乎可以手动输入有关呼叫的数据。 人们开始反抗,他们讨厌做额外的工作。 此外,任何人都可能会忘记将一个或另一个重要的呼叫输入数据。

So, to record calls in the system is necessary. There are 2 options of implementation:

因此,在系统中记录通话是必要的。 有两种实现方式:

  1. Call is done from the browser itself, it passes completely through the system; all interactions are being done through the browser. It is important to understand that through the system passes the whole call, and because of the browser and code CRM depend the quality of the sound, the speed signal processing, etc.

    调用是从浏览器本身完成的,它完全通过系统。 所有交互都通过浏览器完成。 重要的是要理解,通过系统传递整个呼叫,并且由于浏览器和代码CRM取决于声音的质量,速度信号的处理等。
  2. Telephony integrates with third-party services — asterisk Avaya etc. In this case, you set the virtual telephony on the basis of these services and connect your numbers to this phone. While this all outgoing calls and receive incoming calls, you can do through a SIP tube, not through the browser. How does it happen? Your SIP service provider receive a call from a client, forwards it to your system by virtual ATC, and it already sends information about the call in the CRM program. Thus in the CRM data telephone number, time, call duration, etc. are being fixed. The user just will need to add his notes regarding the call (subject in a short way, result, comments).

    电话与第三方服务(星号Avaya等)集成。在这种情况下,您将基于这些服务设置虚拟电话,并将您的号码连接到此电话。 在所有这些拨出电话和接听来电的同时,您可以通过SIP管而不是浏览器来进行。 它是怎么发生的? 您的SIP服务提供商收到来自客户端的呼叫,通过虚拟ATC将其转发到您的系统,并且它已经在CRM程序中发送了有关该呼叫的信息。 因此,在CRM数据中,电话号码,时间,通话时间等是固定的。 用户只需要添加有关呼叫的注释(简短主题,结果,注释)。

Of course, there is the option of recording information about the calls manually but I have already described above why this wont work in practice.


API integration: the availability of ready-made solutions


Every business uses different services to receive requests, keep record, paperwork, etc. When choosing a CRM system it is worth to pay attention whether there are API solution to integrate with your site, for data exchange with 1C, IT-telephony, other necessary programs and services. The availability of a ready API integration is a big plus.

每个企业使用不同的服务来接收请求,记录,文书工作等。选择CRM系统时,应注意是否有API解决方案与您的站点集成,以便与1C,IT电话交换数据,以及其他必要的服务。程序和服务。 现成的API集成的可用性是一大优势。

Cooperation with a contact (customer) usually consists of several things:


  1. Phone calls;

  2. Email correspondence;

  3. Messaging (SMS or email);

  4. Meetings.


The first 3 things should be automated.


They give an idea about the history of the relationship with the customer; help understand what is happening to him at the moment of work, what were his last actions.

他们给出了与客户关系历史的想法; 帮助了解他在工作时正在发生什么,他最近的行动是什么。

规划和处理任务 (Planning and working with tasks)

When choosing a CRM system it is worth to pay attention whether there is a possibility in the system that allows planning, formulating and working with problems. Employees must have the ability to create tasks for colleagues and themselves, set reminders, etc.

选择CRM系统时,应注意系统中是否存在允许规划,制定公式和解决问题的可能性。 员工必须具有为同事和自己创建任务,设置提醒等的能力。

Besides working with clients CRM-the system must have the necessary tools for cooperation between employees. The communication in the office or via phone between the employees discussing projects and solve any problem is not enough. It is also necessary to have the ability to control workflow and communication.

除了与客户合作,CRM系统还必须具有必要的工具,以实现员工之间的合作。 讨论项目和解决任何问题的员工之间在办公室或通过电话进行的通信是不够的。 还必须具有控制工作流和通信的能力。

Users should be able to put tasks for themselves and others related to customer support so with reporting other necessary actions. Also a very convenient feature is the ability to customize the service automatic tasking of, for example, once a quarter will be created with the task of processing the quarterly reports, etc. Or when receiving contact information of a potential customer (the new lead) via system, it will automatically create a task for the defined employee, for example, to recall to the specified phone number.

用户应该能够为自己和与客户支持相关的其他任务分配任务,从而报告其他必要的操作。 另一个非常方便的功能是自定义服务自动任务的功能,例如,一旦将创建季度以处理季度报告等任务,或者在接收潜在客户的联系信息时(新的潜在客户)通过系统,它将自动为定义的员工创建任务,例如,调回指定的电话号码。

与短信服务集成 (Integration with SMS service)

As such integration with an SMS service, I have not seen, for example, ready solution for integration with certain services, SMS. This is done through business processes or through the API. Accordingly, the system must have the ability for mass SMS sending for all clients, a specific group of contacts or a specific contact personally (e.g. notification of certain actions).

作为与SMS服务的集成,我还没有看到例如与某些服务SMS集成的现成解决方案。 这是通过业务流程或API完成的。 因此,系统必须具有为所有客户端,特定联系人组或特定联系人个人发送大量SMS的能力(例如,某些操作的通知)。

资料汇入 (Data Import)

Carefully review the opportunities of CRM system to import the data. In what format download of information is possible? Is there a ready module for migration from other systems, if yes then from which systems?

仔细检查CRM系统导入数据的机会。 可以哪种格式下载信息? 是否有准备好从其他系统迁移的模块,如果可以,则从哪个系统迁移?

You should understand how the primary fulfillment of data will implement during the system startup. It is very important to realize the import of data fast, simple and transparent. Without the convenient automatic transfer of all contacts and other important information, system startup most likely will fail. Of course, you can enter all the data manually, but this will take a very long time and its uncomfortable. But if you enter these data part by part then the risk of duplication of customer cards increases, in the result, you can expect confusion and lining.

您应该了解在系统启动期间将如何实现数据的主要实现。 快速,简单和透明地实现数据导入非常重要。 如果没有方便的自动传输所有联系人和其他重要信息的功能,系统启动很可能会失败。 当然,您可以手动输入所有数据,但是这将花费很长时间并且不舒服。 但是,如果您部分输入这些数据,则客户卡重复的风险会增加,结果,您会感到困惑和困惑。

I personally really like the option of moving data from an Excel spreadsheet, this option is universal visual enough and convenient. In Excel is possible to upload from any system, including 1C. And download data in this format is also quite fast and convenient.

我个人非常喜欢从Excel电子表格中移动数据的选项,此选项具有足够的通用视觉效果和方便性。 在Excel中,可以从任何系统(包括1C)上载。 而且以这种格式下载数据也相当快捷方便。

本地化的可用性 (The availability of localization)

This setting today is not the most relevant, as the most powerful widely-known CRM systems have Russian localization from long ago. But, nevertheless, when you choose software for this option, you should pay special attention always, because without Russian localization, it will be difficult for you and your employees to work. Beside it I think there is no sense to deprive yourself of comfort, if you can avoid it.

今天的设置并不是最相关的,因为功能最强大的广为人知的CRM系统早在很早以前就已在俄罗斯进行本地化。 但是,尽管如此,当您为此选项选择软件时,应该始终特别注意,因为如果没有俄语本地化,您和您的员工将很难工作。 除此之外,我认为如果可以避免的话,就没有剥夺自己舒适感的感觉。

许可:它是开放源代码还是专有体系结构? (Licensing: Is it an Open Source or proprietary architecture?)

The difference between Open Source and proprietary architecture is that in the first case, you get a system with open code and the second with closed. It is clear that here we are talking about the licensing options for Stand-Alone software products as any Saas system by defaults has closed code. Proprietary (closed) architecture sell mostly large developers. In this case, you get a powerful system that you will be able to amend in the limits specified by the developer. I personally do not see anything wrong here, as I wrote above, for small and medium businesses we rarely need any non-standard solutions.

开源和专有体系结构之间的区别在于,在第一种情况下,您将获得具有开放代码的系统,而第二种系统将获得封闭的代码。 显而易见,在这里我们讨论的是独立软件产品的许可选项,因为默认情况下,任何Saas系统都具有封闭代码。 专有(封闭)架构主要出售大型开发人员。 在这种情况下,您将获得一个功能强大的系统,可以在开发人员指定的限制范围内进行修改。 我个人没有在上面看到任何错误,如我上面所写,对于中小型企业,我们几乎不需要任何非标准解决方案。

An Open-Source license (open code) differs of its formulation, created mainly on the basis of any CMS. In this case, you get extremely wide possibilities to integrate and operate the website or other system. On the other hand, such CRM modules largely lose large CRM systems, specifically designed to account relationships with customers.

开源许可证(开放代码)的表述不同,主要基于任何CMS创建。 在这种情况下,您将获得广泛的集成和操作网站或其他系统的可能性。 另一方面,此类CRM模块在很大程度上失去了大型CRM系统,这些系统专门用于解决与客户的关系。

联系人和交易对手 (Contacts and counterparties)

When choosing a CRM system pay special attention to how directories are implemented, what their structure are. So, if you work only with individuals, then you will only need one level of this contact (the client). In this case you can actually use any version of the structure of the contact directory.

选择CRM系统时,应特别注意目录的实现方式,目录的结构。 因此,如果您仅与个人一起工作,那么您将只需要这一级联系人(客户)。 在这种情况下,您实际上可以使用联系人目录结构的任何版本。

Another thing, if you work with legal entities. In this case, your contact is an organization. But on behalf of this contact can call different people, for example, accountant, supplier, storekeeper, supervisor, etc. It is very important that the CRM system provides the opportunity to make a card for each contact person (contractor) separately and combine them in a single contact, organization. This is very important, because otherwise to arrange a sufficient level of control automation of work with clients will not work.

另一件事,如果您与法人合作。 在这种情况下,您的联系人是一个组织。 但是代表该联系人可以呼叫不同的人,例如,会计,供应商,店主,主管等。CRM系统提供机会为每个联系人(承包商)分别制作卡并将它们组合在一起是非常重要的在单个联系人中进行组织。 这是非常重要的,因为否则安排足够水平的控制与客户一起工作将无法进行。

系统成本 (The cost of the system)

Any businessman before implementing one or another software solution, asks a question, how much it will cost? In determining the price of CRM you need to understand that the numbers you see on the website under “cost of product” or “ cost of license” is only part of the total cost. Therefore it is worth to figure out what is the full cost of implementing a CRM system.

在实施一种或另一种软件解决方案之前,任何商人都会问一个问题,它将花费多少? 在确定CRM的价格时,您需要了解在网站上“产品成本”或“许可成本”下看到的数字仅是总成本的一部分。 因此,有必要弄清楚实施CRM系统的全部成本。

The total cost of the product consists of several parts:


  1. The cost of the license (purchase). This can be a payment for access to “cloud solutions” or the cost of 1 copy. Transformation of the data into system. You will definitely need some way to transfer contacts and other data. Thats why the presence or absence of a ready module, as well as the complexity of the preparatory training of data importation will also affect the final cost.

    许可证费用(购买)。 这可以是访问“云解决方案”的费用,也可以是一份副本的费用。 将数据转换为系统。 您肯定需要某种方式来传输联系人和其他数据。 这就是为什么有或没有现成的模块,以及数据导入的预备培训的复杂性也会影响最终成本的原因。
  2. The cost of improvements.

  3. Even if you bought a “boxed solution” or access to the saas version, anyway some refinement will still be required. It will be necessary to adjust access to the rights, reports, problems and so forth.

    即使您购买了“盒装解决方案”或使用了saas版本,仍然仍然需要进行一些改进。 有必要调整对权限,报告,问题等的访问。
  4. The cost of maintenance.


Besides, many people are missing another important but less obvious point. It is a financial loss during the transition period. You need to understand in advance that during the transition to a CRM system may arise some problems due to which you may lose some leads, etc.

此外,许多人缺少另一个重要但不太明显的观点。 这是过渡时期的经济损失。 您需要事先了解,在过渡到CRM系统期间可能会出现一些问题,由于这些问题,您可能会失去一些潜在客户等。

While implementing any software there are some difficulties may appear. Even if the seller of the software product tells you that right after making payment you can immediately start work, still in practice problems arise, problems that lining of the human factor (employees still do not know how to use the new system or know it but not well enough, etc.). There are also indirect costs during implementation. So, your staff instead of performing duties will devote the part of their time to the training and testing of the system. The leader also will have to devote part of his time to solve the issues associated with the implementation of CRM and the control of work for solving this task.

在实施任何软件时,可能会出现一些困难。 即使软件产品的销售商告诉您,付款后您可以立即开始工作,但实际上仍然会出现问题,人为因素的问题(员工仍然不知道如何使用新系统或不知道新系统,但是不够好等)。 实施期间还存在间接成本。 因此,您的员工将不花时间执行系统的培训和测试,而不是执行职责。 领导者还必须投入部分时间来解决与CRM的实施以及解决该任务的工作控制相关的问题。

If you are going to understand in advance that expenses in the stage of implementation will be for sure, if youre ready to devote time and effort to the implementation of a CRM system, if you will get prepared for the possible overlap, then these costs can be minimized, and to make the process very easy and painless.


执照费用 (The cost of the license)

Depending on the chosen type of CRM system, there are various options for purchasing a license. You can:

根据所选的CRM系统类型,有多种购买许可证的选项。 您可以:

  1. Buy a license without expiry.

  2. Purchase license (subscription) for a certain period (month, year, etc.)

  3. Purchase a copy of the software for installation on your own server.

  4. Unlimited license is purchased once and is valid on a permanent basis. It is convenient, but the amount that must be paid immediately, usually quite significant.

    无限许可证购买一次,并且永久有效。 这很方便,但是必须立即支付的金额通常非常可观。

The subscription involves the purchase system access for a specified period. The subscription price is usually not much, but you will have to make regular payments to extend access to the CRM system.

订阅涉及指定时间段内的购买系统访问。 订阅价格通常不高,但是您必须定期付款才能扩展对CRM系统的访问。

When comparing the cost of licenses, you need to also take into account marketing moves, which are often used by sellers. So, very often the sellers of CRM systems advertise on the website the minimum price of a package of services, which will operate only under certain conditions. But in reality you will need to pay more for this system.

在比较许可成本时,您还需要考虑卖方经常使用的营销手段。 因此,CRM系统的卖方通常在网站上宣传一揽子服务的最低价格,该价格仅在特定条件下才能运行。 但实际上,您将需要为此系统支付更多费用。

For example: on the page describing the package of provided services price is 40 USD per 1 user per month. But if you read the entire text, including the text and notes, it turns out that this price is only valid if you purchase at least 10 licenses at once for a period of 1 year. And if you need totally 9 licenses, price already will be quite different.

例如:在描述所提供的服务包的页面上,价格是每1位用户每月40美元。 但是,如果您阅读了整个文本(包括文本和注释),那么只有在一年内一次购买至少10个许可证时,此价格才有效。 而且,如果您总共需要9个许可,价格将已经大不相同。

Such marketing tricks are very specific to IT market. But the details of the tricks of the licensing, I plan to talk about in a separate article. But now it is enough just to remember that you need to pay attention to the pricing not to be deceived in your calculations.

这种营销技巧非常针对IT市场。 但是有关许可技巧的详细信息,我打算在另一篇文章中进行讨论。 但是,现在只要记住您需要注意定价就不会在计算中被欺骗就足够了。

In case you purchase the program, you pay once for unlimited number of licenses. You do not need to pay for access to the program neither periodically nor in the case of the staff development. But any updates for your program will be paid.

如果购买了该程序,则只需支付一次即可获得无限数量的许可证。 您无需为定期访问程序或员工发展情况付费。 但是您的程序的任何更新将被支付。

修改和启动系统是其成本的一部分 (Modifications and start of the system as part of its cost)

Works in settings, updating and running the software will also need to be factored into the total cost of the CRM system.


You will need:


  1. To install the software (when you purchase the program, you will need a large amount of work, setting servers and much more, in the case of Saas solutions may need to install client programs on computers, tablets, mobile phones).

  2. To adjust groups of users, to establish access rights for all groups of employees which will work with CRM-system.

  3. To integrate CRM-system with other services and programs (to adjust information interchange with a web-site, databases 1С, with a telephony and so forth)

  4. Move data from other systems and programs.


Very often while users calculating the expenditures they forget to consider the transmission of data, which is a serious mistake. Data migration is one of the biggest costs when running the system. The data need to remove from the existing system, process, standardize, correct mistakes in them, and then these data can be downloaded in the CRM system.

用户经常在计算支出时忘记了考虑数据传输,这是一个严重的错误。 数据迁移是运行系统时最大的成本之一。 数据需要从现有系统中删除,处理,标准化,纠正其中的错误,然后可以将这些数据下载到CRM系统中。

For example, I usually offer my clients services such as fixing the phone. This is a very common problem: in the cards counterparties 1C, Excel and many other programs the customers phone can be recorded arbitrarily. Eventually, a part of the records is in the format “+7….” another part start with eight, third part — landline numbers even without city code, etc. In order for these phones correctly were entered in the CRM system, they should be standardized, shown in a certain form (often in international format).

例如,我通常为客户提供诸如维修电话之类的服务。 这是一个非常普遍的问题:在卡交易对手1C,Excel和许多其他程序中,可以随意记录客户电话。 最终,部分记录的格式为“ + 7…”。 另一部分以八,三部分开头-即使没有城市代码,也要拨打固定电话号码等。为了使这些电话正确输入CRM系统,应将其标准化,并以某种形式显示(通常以国际格式显示)。

It is also important to understand what improvements you need in any case. Even if you are acquiring completely ready-box solution, you still probably need something to work on. Better to focus on what you need to pay and in this matter the services of a specialist as well.

了解在任何情况下都需要哪些改进也很重要。 即使您要获得完全现成的解决方案,您仍然可能需要做一些事情。 最好将精力集中在您需要支付的费用上,并且在这方面还需要专家的服务。

What to modify, if you select a Saas solution?


On the one hand, when using Saas solutions you do not have access to the code, and therefore there is nothing to modify with strength of the programmer. On the other hand, Saas platforms give enough opportunities to customize various forms and reports, business processes, user rights, external appearance of your working system, etc. This work is also need to be trust to the specialist.

一方面,在使用Saas解决方案时,您无权访问代码,因此无需程序员强力修改。 另一方面,Saas平台提供了足够的机会来定制各种形式和报告,业务流程,用户权限,工作系统的外观等。这项工作也需要得到专家的信任。

Besides, youll need to integrate your CRM system with the website, , telephony, etc. This work also performs specialist, and therefore its cost must be considered.


Standalone solutions require additional investment: purchase or rent a server, its settings, purchases additional software, etc. It is important to understand that when you purchase a Standalone solution, you simply purchase a copy of the program. And all future costs associated with its installation, configuration and using is on you.

Standalone solutions require additional investment: purchase or rent a server, its settings, purchases additional software, etc. It is important to understand that when you purchase a Standalone solution, you simply purchase a copy of the program. And all future costs associated with its installation, configuration and using is on you.

支持 (Support)

You need to understand that in any system there can be failures; first and foremost, this applies to Standalone solutions. And support– is the work of a specialist, which also need to be paid.

You need to understand that in any system there can be failures; first and foremost, this applies to Standalone solutions. And support– is the work of a specialist, which also need to be paid.

When choosing Saas solutions, you may not need any support or it will cost the minimum amount. Most often, once customized solution works fine, unless to try to experiment with the settings.

When choosing Saas solutions, you may not need any support or it will cost the minimum amount. Most often, once customized solution works fine, unless to try to experiment with the settings.

Why Saas systems dont require regular support:

Why Saas systems dont require regular support:

  1. Such systems are usually very well established, and experts are constantly monitoring the operation of the software.

    Such systems are usually very well established, and experts are constantly monitoring the operation of the software.
  2. The functionality of these systems is limited, as it is intended for solving a certain range of tasks and nothing more.

    The functionality of these systems is limited, as it is intended for solving a certain range of tasks and nothing more.
  3. Interface is generally clear, and for most of the actions doesnt need help of professional.

    Interface is generally clear, and for most of the actions doesnt need help of professional.

Remind you that for small and medium businesses, I usually recommend the SAAS solutions for CRM systems implementation.

Remind you that for small and medium businesses, I usually recommend the SAAS solutions for CRM systems implementation.

结语 (Epilogue)

In this article I have not attempted a task on myself to describe a CRM system totally. I wanted to clarify the following questions: what is it, who and why they are needed, and based on what parameters it is best to choose a CRM-system for small and medium businesses. Hope I could help you to sort out these issues. About the diversity and characteristics of different CRM systems already written a lot, perhaps I also will return to this issue again and again. But here and now I have tried to explain basic things from which you can start to get to acquaintance with every CRM system.

In this article I have not attempted a task on myself to describe a CRM system totally. I wanted to clarify the following questions: what is it, who and why they are needed, and based on what parameters it is best to choose a CRM-system for small and medium businesses. Hope I could help you to sort out these issues. About the diversity and characteristics of different CRM systems already written a lot, perhaps I also will return to this issue again and again. But here and now I have tried to explain basic things from which you can start to get to acquaintance with every CRM system.



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