

The question now for many would-be quantum computer students is not, “Are there universities that even offer classes in quantum computing,” but, rather, “Which universities are leaders at quantum computing research.”


We’ll look at some of the best right now:


量子计算研究所—滑铁卢大学 (The Institute for Quantum Computing — University of Waterloo)

The University of Waterloo can proudly declare that, while many universities avoided offering quantum computing classes like cat adoption agencies avoided adoption applications from the Schrodinger family, this Canadian university went all in.


And it paid off.


Mike Lazaridis, creator of the BlackBerry, funded the institute in 2002. He also supported the founding of Waterloo’s Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, one of the premier quantum science research institutes. The quantum computing powerhouse employs about 296 researchers and has published more than 1,500 research papers since its founding.

BlackBerry的创建者Mike Lazaridis在2002年为该研究所提供了资金。他还支持了滑铁卢的理论物理周边研究所的成立,这是主要的量子科学研究所之一。 自成立以来,这家量子计算巨头聘用了约296名研究人员,并发表了1,500多篇研究论文。

One of the strengths of the Institute for Quantum Computing is how it combines excellence in academic research with an entrepreneurial drive to commercialize the technology.


You can also check out this video to see more.


牛津大学 (University of Oxford)

The University of Oxford has a long quantum history. The university’s own David Deutsch first described exactly what a universal quantum computer way back in 1985. The first working pure state NMR quantum computer was demonstrated at Oxford and University of York. And the university is still position among the top leaders in quantum science.

牛津大学拥有悠久的量子历史。 该大学自己的戴维·德意志大学(David Deutsch)早在1985年就准确地描述了通用量子计算机的方式。牛津大学和约克大学展示了第一台工作的纯态NMR量子计算机。 该大学仍然处于量子科学领域的顶尖领导者之列。

According to the university, they’re in quantum research because of its vast potential. “Quantum computing has the potential to transform areas of our lives such as healthcare, finance and security – and Oxford is pioneering theory, technology and responsible innovation to ensure that its power will bring benefits for all of society.”

据该大学称,由于其巨大的潜力,他们从事量子研究。 “量子计算具有改变我们生活领域的潜力,例如医疗保健,金融和安全领域;牛津大学正在开创性的进行理论,技术和负责任的创新,以确保其力量将为全社会带来利益。”

Harvard Quantum Institute is among the leaders in quantum computing research. Here, Professor of Physics Mikhail Lukin and a team of researchers demonstrate a 51-qubit special purpose quantum simulator, a type of quantum computer. Credit: Jon Chase/Harvard Staff Photographer
哈佛量子研究所是量子计算研究的领导者之一。 在这里,物理学教授米哈伊尔·卢金(Mikhail Lukin)和一组研究人员演示了一种51量子位专用量子模拟器,这是一种量子计算机。 图片提供:Jon Chase /哈佛大学摄影师
哈佛大学-哈佛量子计划 (Harvard University — Harvard Quantum Initiative)

Harvard says the Harvard Quantum Initiative in Science and Engineering (HQI) is “a community of researchers with an intense interest in advancing the science and engineering of quantum systems and their applications. Our mission is to help scientists and engineers explore new ways to transform quantum theory into useful systems and devices.”

哈佛大学说,哈佛大学科学与工程量子计划(HQI)是“一个对促进量子系统及其应用的科学与工程具有浓厚兴趣的研究者社区。 我们的使命是帮助科学家和工程师探索将量子理论转化为有用的系统和设备的新方法。”

The group said this “second quantum revolution” will build on the first one that created technologies like GPS navigation, global communication, and medical breakthroughs such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) — and HQI members are preparing for this revolution.


麻省理工学院—理论物理中心 (MIT — Center for Theoretical Physics)

MIT is a research behemoth. It’s reach now extends deeply into quantum computing and quantum information. The university’s strength in theoretical physics is now leveraged into what they term, quantum information and quantum computing, or QI/QC. Besides building a quantum computer, MIT researchers explore Quantum algorithms and complexity, Quantum information theory, measurement and control and applications and connections.

麻省理工学院是一个研究庞然大物。 现在,它的范围已深入到量子计算和量子信息中。 现在,大学在理论物理学方面的实力被运用到他们所谓的量子信息和量子计算或QI / QC中。 除了建造量子计算机,麻省理工学院的研究人员还研究了量子算法和复杂性,量子信息论,测量和控制以及应用和连接。

新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学—量子技术中心 (National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University — Centre for Quantum Technologies)

The center was founded to bring together physicists, computer scientists and engineers to do basic research on quantum physics and to build devices based on quantum phenomena. Experts in this new discipline of quantum technologies are applying their discoveries in computing, communications, and sensing.

该中心的成立是为了召集物理学家,计算机科学家和工程师进行量子物理学的基础研究,并制造基于量子现象的设备。 量子技术这一新学科的专家正在将他们的发现应用于计算,通信和传感。

加州大学伯克利分校 (University of California Berkeley)

The Berkeley Center for Quantum Information and Computation includes researchers from the colleges of Chemistry, Engineering and Physical Sciences to work on fundamental issues in quantum algorithms, quantum cryptography, quantum information theory, quantum control and the experimental realization of quantum computers and quantum devices.


马里兰大学联合量子研究所 (University of Maryland — Joint Quantum Institute)

The Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) leads quantum scientists from the Department of Physics of the University of Maryland (UMD), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS). Each institution brings major experimental and theoretical research programs that are dedicated to the goals of controlling and exploiting quantum systems.

联合量子研究所(JQI)领导着来自马里兰大学(UMD)物理系,美国国家标准技术研究所(NIST)和物理科学实验室(LPS)的量子科学家。 每个机构都会带来主要的实验和理论研究计划,这些计划致力于控制和利用量子系统。

中国科学技术大学(USTC)–量子物理与量子信息系 (University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) – Division of Quantum Physics and Quantum Information)

This division of quantum physics and quantum information specializes in the field of quantum optics and quantum information. The division lists its main directions as quantum foundation, fiber-based quantum communication, free-space quantum communication, quantum memory and quantum repeater, optical quantum computing, superconducting quantum computing, quantum simulation with ultra-cold atoms, quantum metrology and related theories. Researchers have also built advanced experimental platforms to conduct cutting-edge research.

量子物理学和量子信息的这种划分专门研究量子光学和量子信息领域。 该部门列出了其主要方向,包括量子基础,基于光纤的量子通信,自由空间量子通信,量子存储和量子中继器,光学量子计算,超导量子计算,超冷原子量子模拟,量子计量学和相关理论。 研究人员还建立了先进的实验平台来进行前沿研究。

芝加哥大学-芝加哥量子交易所(CQE) (University of Chicago — Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE))

The Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) is a hub of researchers who are interested in advancing academic and industrial efforts in the science and engineering of quantum information. The hub aims to promote the exploration of quantum information technologies and the development of new applications. The CQE facilitates interactions between research groups of its member and partner institutions and provides an avenue for developing and fostering collaborations, joint projects, and information exchange.Members of CQE are focused on developing new ways of understanding and exploiting the laws of quantum mechanics, the fundamental yet counterintuitive theory that governs nature at its smallest scales. The overarching aim is to apply research innovations to develop radically new types of devices, materials, and computing techniques.

芝加哥量子交易所(CQE)是研究人员的枢纽,他们对推动量子信息科学和工程领域的学术和产业研究感兴趣。 该中心旨在促进量子信息技术的探索和新应用的开发。 CQE促进了其成员机构和合作伙伴机构的研究小组之间的互动,并为发展和促进合作,联合项目和信息交流提供了途径。CQE成员致力于开发理解和利用量子力学定律的新方法。基本但违反直觉的理论,以最小的规模统治自然。 总体目标是运用研究创新来开发新型的设备,材料和计算技术。

悉尼大学-澳大利亚 (University of Sydney — Australia)

The University of Sydney focuses its quantum science group on addressing the most challenging problems of quantum physics and leveraging these insights to build new technologies. Activities range from fundamental physics and quantum information science through to technology development and incorporate both atomic and condensed matter systems. The scientific pursuits are complemented by deep industry engagement and entrepreneurial activities.

悉尼大学的量子科学小组致力于解决量子物理学中最具挑战性的问题,并利用这些见识来构建新技术。 活动范围从基础物理学和量子信息科学到技术开发,并结合了原子和凝聚态系统。 深入的行业参与和创业活动为科学追求锦上添花。

慕尼黑LMU量子应用和研究实验室(QAR-Lab) (Quantum Applications and Research Laboratory at LMU Munich (QAR-Lab))

Preparing students for a future with Quantum Technology is critical for QAR-Lab. The lab expects quantum computing (QC) to perform complex operations that would now have been possible before and will find solutions to traditional problems in shorter times. The Munich-based team of researchers plan to take advantage of the endless possibilities of QC to solve concrete practical problems, from route planning to machine learning, by programming a quantum computer.

量子技术为学生的未来做好准备对于QAR-Lab至关重要。 该实验室期望量子计算(QC)执行以前可能实现的复杂操作,并将在更短的时间内找到传统问题的解决方案。 总部位于慕尼黑的研究人员计划通过对量子计算机进行编程,利用质量控制的无穷可能性解决具体的实际问题,从路线规划到机器学习。

因斯布鲁克大学–量子信息与计算 (University of Innsbruck – Quantum Information & Computation)

Researchers at the University of Innsbruck’s Quantum Information and Computation department study models for quantum information processing and fundamental aspects of quantum information theory. The focus of their research is the theory of measurement-based quantum computation, which has resulted in a new and more thorough understanding of many-body entanglement as resource, and applications in quantum communication, quantum error correction, and quantum algorithms. In addition, the researchers work on quantum phenomena in bio-molecular systems, relativistic systems, and study the role of quantum mechanics for autonomous and adaptive systems.

因斯布鲁克大学量子信息与计算系的研究人员研究了量子信息处理模型和量子信息理论的基本方面。 他们的研究重点是基于测量的量子计算理论,该理论使人们对多体纠缠作为一种资源有了新的,更彻底的理解,并将其应用于量子通信,量子纠错和量子算法中。 此外,研究人员还研究了生物分子系统,相对论系统中的量子现象,并研究了量子力学在自主和自适应系统中的作用。

By: Thequantumdaily

作者: Thequantumdaily

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/499098/


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