svn 复兴_复兴生物技术研究–我们现在在哪里?

svn 复兴

Certainly this event is an example of some of the people in our longevity community coming in and just taking over a little bit of somebody else's conference to talk about longevity… but really exposing the rest of the community to it. I'm finding that at every event I go to, I'd really love to have conference presentations where I get to talk about some interesting thing about the longevity industry, because there are a lot of really interesting things going on.

当然,此事件是我们长寿社区中一些人进来的一个例子,只是接管了其他人的一些会议来谈论长寿……但实际上使社区中的其他人受到了影响。 我发现在每次去参加的活动中,我都非常乐意参加一些会议介绍,在这些会议上我可以谈论有关长寿产业的一些有趣的事情,因为有很多非常有趣的事情正在发生。

But every presentation turns out to be «hey, we exist, please notice us — because this is really, really important.» Everything that you guys think that you are doing in medicine is about to be up-ended, because suddenly we're going to be actually able to stop people from getting sick and incapacitated and debilitated in old age. This is happening right now, the first rejuvenation therapies exist. But nobody notices.

但是每个演示结果都是“嘿,我们存在,请注意我们-因为这确实非常重要。” 你们认为您在医学中所做的一切都将被颠覆,因为突然之间,我们实际上将能够阻止人们在老年时患病,丧失行为能力和虚弱。 目前正在发生这种情况,存在第一个复兴疗法。 但是没有人注意到。

It is that interesting, weird stage of development where a thing has happened, but not everybody yet realizes that it has happened, and there is an awful lot of advocacy still needed to shove this great idea down everyone's throats, make them pay attention. That in fact, actually, yes, 50% of everyone with arthritis in old age probably do not need to have arthritis. They could go take a $100 senolytic drug combination and it would go away. This is news to you, and it is news to most people here. It needs to not be news and people need to get on and do this.

这是一个有趣的,怪异的发展阶段,发生了一件事情,但是并不是每个人都意识到它已经发生了,仍然需要大量的倡导才能将这个好主意推向每个人的喉咙,让他们注意。 实际上,是的,实际上,每个老年人中有50%的人可能不需要患有关节炎。 他们可以服用100美元的镇静药物组合,但组合会消失。 这对您来说是新闻,对大多数人来说也是新闻。 它不必是新闻,人们需要继续前进并做到这一点。

Since I run a gene therapy company, it is nice to see a whole gene therapy stage talk about that topic. Gene therapy is very much a wave. When we started Repair Biotechnologies, before we even knew what we were going to do, we said «this will be a gene therapy company.» This is because it is self-evidently the case that a lot of small molecule development is going to go away and be replaced by gene therapy. Gene therapy is more precise, you can do more with it, and it is definitely easier to evolve a gene therapy program than a small molecule program. So this part of the field is really important, and it is really important that more people get out and talk about this.

自从我经营一家基因治疗公司以来,很高兴看到整个基因治疗阶段都在谈论这个话题。 基因疗法非常流行。 当我们开始修复生物技术时,甚至在我们不知道要做什么之前,我们就说“这将是一家基因治疗公司。” 这是不言而喻的,许多小分子的发展将消失并被基因治疗所取代。 基因治疗更精确,您可以做更多的事情,并且与小分子程序相比,开发基因治疗程序绝对容易。 因此,该领域的这一部分非常重要,让更多的人离开并谈论这一点也很重要。


svn 复兴





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