


Soft skills (also known as “people skills") are also important, their evolving becoming more and more popular among jobs in all industries. Soft skills provide the real edge to managers who have learned to use them well.


硬技能和软技能的定义 (Hard skills and soft skills definition)

Hard skills allow the acquirement of certain technical competencies in our chosen industry. Actually, this technical background is a core ingredient for every project. This typically includes proficiency-programming skills, competency with project management or experience with architecting systems. Technical proficiency, certifications, and scope of experience are the most common basis for being hired.

硬技能可以使我们所选择的行业获得某些技术能力。 实际上,这种技术背景是每个项目的核心要素。 这通常包括熟练的编程技能,项目管理能力或架构系统经验。 技术能力,认证和经验范围是最常见的雇用基础。

The best thing about soft skills is that they help us to best apply our technical basis within a particular context.


Soft skills in the workplace supply and elevate hard skills. That leads to innovation and creativity in today's fast-paced environment.

工作场所的软技能可以提高硬技能。 在当今快节奏的环境中,这可以带来创新和创造力。

Often they are considered as secondary to the hard skills when hiring. However, the obsession with hard skills over soft skills can stem from a need to be focused to drive immediate progress.

通常,在招聘时,这些技能仅次于硬技能。 但是,对硬技能而不是软技能的痴迷可能源于需要专注于推动即时进步。


Here’s the list of soft skills required for successful project management.


项目经理最需要的12种软技能 (12 most demanded soft skills for project managers)

领导 (Leadership)

Just as every crew has its pilot, as the strongest army has its own commander, so any team that is focused on results should have its own leader. Being a leader is not just about creating a feel-good vibe and motivate everyone, it's more about solving everyday challenges.

正如每个机组人员都有飞行员一样,最强的军队也有自己的指挥官,因此任何注重成果的团队都应该拥有自己的领导者。 成为领导者不仅仅在于营造良好的氛围并激励所有人,还在于解决日常挑战。

Successful leadership is essential for project managers. It means they should be able to lead and manage teams, set the vision, motivate employees and serve them, coach and inspire all team members.

成功的领导对于项目经理至关重要。 这意味着他们应该能够领导和管理团队,设定愿景,激励员工并为他们提供服务,指导和激励所有团队成员。

Effective project managers lead from strategic and operational perspectives, they communicate the vision, evaluate performance and make sure all team members have powerful tools, money, and other required resources to perform well.


Leading people means to serve them by taking responsibility for how to make the team’s life better and projects successful. The key leadership skill in project management regards to leading, rather than just managing. You should provide a vision and a project roadmap for empowering your team to get there.

领导者意味着通过对如何改善团队生活和项目成功承担责任来为他们服务。 项目管理中的关键领导技能与领导有关,而不仅仅是管理。 您应该提供愿景和项目路线图,以使您的团队有能力到达那里。

建立信任 (Trust building)

There is no leadership without trust. A real leader is someone who has earned the team’s trust and can trust the team without hesitation.

没有信任就没有领导。 真正的领导者是赢得团队信任并可以毫不犹豫地信任团队的人。

Being transparent about decisions and getting people involved in the decision-making process, project managers can quickly achieve success. They should be interested in team members’ growth and help people achieve their particular goals.

项目经理对决策保持透明并让人们参与决策过程,因此他们可以快速取得成功。 他们应该对团队成员的成长感兴趣,并帮助人们实现其特定目标。

通讯 (Communication)

The ability to communicate well, understand and being understood is also crucial for people involved in project management.


Effective communication is the key to any relationship's door. This skill of a project manager has an impact not only on the team but the customers and all stakeholders as well.

有效的沟通是通往任何关系之门的关键。 项目经理的这种技能不仅影响团队,而且影响客户和所有利益相关者。

Poor communication undermines a project’s successful outcome, while clear communication is fundamentally about being understood and maintaining a dialogue, not a one-way message. Therefore, it is very important for project managers to select a high-quality online collaboration tool and choose individual “keys” for each employee.

沟通不畅会破坏项目的成功成果,而清晰的沟通从根本上讲是要理解和保持对话,而不是单向的信息。 因此,对于项目经理而言,选择高质量的在线协作工具并为每个员工选择单独的“关键”非常重要。

积极倾听 (Active listening)

This is not an innate skill, but a technique that can and should be developed day by day. Listening is directly aligned with communication. Actually, it's not difficult to provide constant feedback to the speaker, by re-stating what he/she has understood.

这不是天生的技能,而是可以并且应该日渐发展的技术。 听力与沟通直接契合。 实际上,通过重述演讲者的理解并不难为演讲者提供持续的反馈。

Good listening allows project managers to learn more about their customers and team members and be more engaged. Mastering this skill creates mutual trust among all parties involved.

良好的倾听使项目经理可以更多地了解他们的客户和团队成员,并参与其中。 掌握此技能将在所有参与方之间建立相互信任。


In order to improve active listening, you should focus on really understanding what is being spoken, and relaying back the communicated info by phrasing in your own words.


团队精神 (Team spirit)

Projects may involve different people including customers, vendors, sponsors, consultants, quality assurance team, etc. The team that works on a project work interacts with most of these people, so it is important for them to feel safe and trust each other.


For any manager, it is important not only to be a team leader but also to be a full-fledged member of this group. That's why they should be able to arrange team-building exercises and problem-solving activities to develop a project environment that helps people bond with each other.

对于任何经理来说,重要的是不仅要成为团队负责人,而且要成为该团队的正式成员。 这就是为什么他们应该能够安排团队建设活动和解决问题的活动,以开发有助于人们彼此联系的项目环境。

Project managers should know how and when to involve people in decision making, keep the team in the know-how of customer’s business-related news, resolve possible conflicts and increase the feeling of a strong team spirit.


动机 (Motivation)

Any employee will stay motivated if they know that their work is making a sense. Project managers should care about various personal and professional needs and goals of their team members and be able to satisfy them on that front.

任何员工只要知道自己的工作有意义就可以保持积极性。 项目经理应该关心团队成员的各种个人和专业需求以及目标,并能够在这方面满足他们。

It's not only about financial compensation, but also about the sense of accomplishment by doing challenging work, hierarchical growth or getting recognition of the hard work.


影响力 (Influencing)

Being able to get people to change their minds is another valuable skill for project managers.


Influence is power and achieving more influence in the workplace can be critical for the project's success.


It may help you work more effectively and make you more respected as well as make your voice to be heard and acknowledged. However, gaining that influence takes some time and efforts.

它可以帮助您更有效地工作,使您更加受人尊敬,并使您的声音得到聆听和认可。 但是,获得这种影响需要一些时间和精力。

There is a thin line between influence and manipulation, so try to figure them out and use the relationship with team members effectively to ensure they collaborate well on making the right decisions and achieving all project goals.


做决定 (Decision-making)

Decisions can be strategic or emergency, routine or operational.


Every project manager has own set of criteria that assists when it comes to making a judgment. During the decision-making process, they should pay attention to how others will be affected and consult their colleagues if needed.

每个项目经理都有自己的一套标准,可以帮助您做出判断。 在决策过程中,他们应注意他人的影响方式,并在需要时咨询同事。

There are some basic decision-making techniques:


  • Authoritative (command) when the decision of the project manager is final.

  • Consultation when team members and stakeholders are involved.

  • Consensus – the decision that appeals to the majority of the team is taken.

  • Random decisions often made with the coin-flip method.


谈判 (Negotiation)

Negotiation skills are also required for project managers who should always ensure that they listen to both the parties and make decisions in a fair manner. They can negotiate with almost everyone and every day.

项目经理还需要谈判技巧,他们应始终确保双方都听取各方意见并以公平的方式做出决定。 他们几乎可以每天与所有人进行谈判。

Finding a middle ground is a mandatory element of the good negotiation process. You may often face competing interests, and your job is to get these different interests on the same page, accomplishing project goals.

找到一个中间立场是良好谈判过程的必要要素。 您可能经常会遇到利益冲突,而您的工作是在同一页面上获得这些不同的利益,从而实现项目目标。

冲突管理 (Conflict management)

Only the ideal world of project management implies the lack of conflicts and contentious situations. In reality, conflicts are part of any system where people are involved.

只有理想的项目管理世界意味着没有冲突和有争议的情况。 实际上,冲突是任何涉及人员的系统的一部分。

Conflict management might be one of the core soft skills any project manager must master.


They may face various reasons for a conflict to surface on the project team: from the competition, communication gaps, unclear requirements, to personnel policies, etc.


Well-managed conflicts can bring people together and make them more focused and productive.


风险管理 (Risk management)

Any project may go beyond the plan and project managers are not wizards. Sometimes it's really hard to foresee and prevent risks before they become an issue. However, PMs should try their best to stay on top of their projects by controlling risks, and actively mitigating against them as far as they can.

任何项目都可能超出计划,并且项目经理不是向导。 有时候,在风险成为问题之前,很难真正预见和预防风险。 但是,项目经理应该尽最大努力通过控制风险并尽可能地减轻风险来保持项目领先。

Risk management is really about your professional experience. The earlier you identify risks, the better your chances of avoiding and their occurrence.

风险管理实际上就是您的专业经验。 您越早发现风险,避免风险和发生风险的机会就越大。

辅导课程 (Coaching)

A good leader is a good coach. Coaching helps employees discover their own potential and elevate from their current skill level to the next step. To be an effective coach, a project manager should be able to help people change their mindset about a situation and help perform better.

好的领导者就是好的教练。 指导可以帮助员工发掘自己的潜力,并将其从当前的技能水平提升到下一步。 要成为一名有效的教练,项目经理应该能够帮助人们改变对情况的看法,并帮助他们更好地表现。

When people know that a coach is helping them, they take additional steps to achieve their professional goals.


结论性思想 (Concluding thoughts)

For project managers, it should be equally important to develop hard skills and evolve soft skills and abilities.


Create excellent project plans, manage budgets, estimate time and effort, but also don't forget to keep your team organized, informed and happy. Soft skills will help you to become the best project manager you can be.

创建出色的项目计划,管理预算,估算时间和精力,但也不要忘记让您的团队保持组织,了解情况并感到高兴。 软技能将帮助您成为可能的最佳项目经理。

What are your favorite project management soft skills? How are you trying to develop them? Feel free to comment below.

您最喜欢的项目管理软技能是什么? 您如何尝试开发它们? 请在下面发表评论。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/hygger/blog/465555/


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