

Recently I’ve been getting invited to a lot of interviews, and they all go pretty much the same way: I come on, we chat for a while, and then… they make me a job offer. Like I’ve already passed the technical interview stage and confirmed my skills. The thing is, I don’t even have a mega-popular GitHub page with examples of my code, and my CV is so bland it looked like I was forced to write it. The only outside indication that I’m worth something is my ability to answer technical questions, but I’m not even being asked to do that anymore.

最近,我受到很多面试的邀请,他们的访问方式几乎相同:我来,我们聊了一会儿,然后……他们给了我工作机会。 就像我已经通过了技术面试阶段并确认了我的技能一样。 关键是,我什至没有一个包含我的代码示例的广受欢迎的GitHub页面,而且我的CV非常乏味,以至于我被迫编写它。 我唯一有价值的外部标志是我有能力回答技术问题,但是我什至没有被要求这样做。

The reason for that is simple: I wrote a couple of Habr articles and they became popular. Looks deserved and normal at first glance: since I shared my experience publicly and people have clearly appreciated it, my skills are considered “community-approved” and there’s no need for a lengthy interview.

原因很简单:我写了几篇Habr文章,它们很受欢迎。 乍一看应该是正常的:由于我公开分享了我的经验,并且人们对此很清楚,因此我的技能被认为是“社区认可的”,因此无需进行长时间的采访。

But the articles aren’t even about my skills at all — mostly they’re there so I can whine about my depression. I mean, I’m glad I don’t have to prove anything to anyone anymore, but seriously: THAT passes for a quality developer these days? Are you out of your mind? I believe you are, and the symptoms are everywhere.

但是这些文章根本不是关于我的技能的-大多数它们都在那里,所以我可以为自己的沮丧而发牢骚。 我的意思是,很高兴我不必再向任何人证明任何东西了,但是很认真:如今,对于一个优质的开发人员而言,这已经过去了吗? 你是不是疯了? 我相信你是,症状无处不在。

My Twitter feed is full of famous developers looking for work and vouching for their friends. Look, they say, there’s a kickass senior developer, get him while you can. And recruiters do listen to them. I once helped a friend write an article on how he conducts interviews. The article made rounds and he was soon offered a technical director position. Of course, no one bothered to check his technical skill first.

我的Twitter feed中到处都是著名的开发人员,他们正在寻找工作并为他们的朋友提供担保。 他们说,看,有一个kickass高级开发人员,请尽您所能。 招聘人员确实会听他们的。 我曾经帮助一个朋友写一篇有关他如何进行采访的文章。 文章进行了反复讨论,很快他被任命为技术总监一职。 当然,没有人愿意先检查他的技术技能。

Also, have you noticed there aren’t any job listings for “team leader” anymore? Companies think the talent pool for these positions is extremely limited and everyone knows capable candidates, so going to HeadHunter which this is pointless. Now a “quality developer” is primarily a guy who attends a lot of conferences and is active on Twitter and Instagram, a guy who appears in podcasts and whose nickname is recognized in chat rooms. Big companies approach these directly instead of conducting a public search.

另外,您是否注意到“团队负责人”的工作列表不再存在? 公司认为这些职位的人才库非常有限,而且每个人都知道有能力的候选人,因此选择HeadHunter毫无意义。 现在,“优质开发人员”主要是一个参加很多会议并活跃在Twitter和Instagram上的人,这个人出现在播客中,其昵称在聊天室中得到认可。 大公司直接处理这些问题,而不是进行公开搜索。

And I wouldn’t be as mad if only deserving people became famous. The industry seems to think that’s the case, but it isn’t. I became a master of elaborate, fascinating whining, someone developed a great sense of humor, and then we’re picked out of thousands of candidates because our avatars showed up on people’s feeds more often. If you want to become a lead JavaScript developer, your best best now is not learning how JavaScript works to the tiniest detail, but moderating a JS chat in Telegram.

只要有应得的人出名,我就不会生气。 业界似乎认为是这种情况,但事实并非如此。 我成为精妙的,令人着迷的抱怨的主人,有人产生了极大的幽默感,然后我们从数千名候选人中脱颖而出,因为我们的化身更经常出现在人们的饲料上。 如果您想成为一名领先JavaScript开发人员,那么最好的选择不是学习JavaScript如何工作到最细微的细节,而是在Telegram中主持JS聊天。

One of my friends worked in a book publisher, and he told me that publishers now tend to order books from bloggers rather than writers, because bloggers are famous, and, thus, capable (and their book will sell better). I believe our industry is on its way to something similar. You may laugh at me, but let’s see who gets the last laugh when some junior lady with 1000 Twitter followers becomes your tech lead.

我的一个朋友在一家图书发行商工作,他告诉我,出版商现在倾向于从博客作者那里订购书籍,而不是从作家那里订购书籍,因为博客作者是著名的,因此有能力(而且他们的书会卖得更好)。 我相信我们的行业正在朝着类似的方向发展。 您可能会嘲笑我,但是让我们看看谁有一个拥有1000个Twitter关注者的年轻女士成为您的技术主管,谁会笑到最后。

In recent times, “influence” somehow became equated to “quality”. And I know why: in a post-scarcity world, attention becomes our last remaining finite resource.

最近,“影响力”以某种方式等同于“质量”。 我知道为什么:在后稀世世界里,注意力成为我们最后剩余的有限资源。

I’m not saying socially active people are necessarily awful, either. I’m just saying that there’s a lot of talented, smart introverts out there working in God-forsaken companies writing stillborn software while making next to nothing. I’ve seen them and I’ve worked with them. “Introvert” doesn’t mean “hard to work with”. If a person doesn’t write articles or keep up on his social media, or if he doesn’t want to (or can’t afford to) attend conferences, it doesn’t tell anything about his skills.

我并不是说社交活跃的人也一定很糟糕。 我只是说,那里有很多才华横溢,聪明的内向型人,在被上帝抛弃的公司中工作,他们在编写死胎的软件时几乎一无所获。 我见过他们,并与他们合作。 “性格内向”并不意味着“难以相处”。 如果一个人不写文章或不关注他的社交媒体,或者他不想(或负担不起)参加会议,那么它并不能说明他的技能。

The mere fact that I have to tell you this is already telling. And yet, managers did everything in their power to make sure that was the case. They invented “soft skills” and value them above hard skills. The concept of an interview itself is designed to favor an extravert: the candidate needs to captivate, to tell a fascinating story of his professional life — peanuts for the socially comfortable, but a nightmare for those whose only skill is development. But if you ask any employer, they would rather hire an inferior candidate if he “fits into our culture better”.

我必须告诉你的事实已经在说明。 但是,管理人员会尽力确保确实如此。 他们发明了“软技能”,并将其视为高于硬技能。 面试的概念本身旨在支持外向型:应聘者必须着迷,讲述一个关于他职业生涯的有趣故事-花生使人感到社会舒适,但对那些唯一的技能是发展的人来说是一场噩梦。 但是,如果您问任何雇主,如果他“更适合我们的文化”,他们宁愿雇用一个下等候选人。

You may counter that it’s just excuses for people who failed their interviews, but I’d say it’s our problem as well. The lion’s share of the binary code that runs my tasks on a remote client is written by other people. The quality of these people is the quality of my work. I’m already suffering from imbeciles working at giant Western companies and developing frameworks I have to use.

您可能会反驳,这只是对面试失败的人的借口,但我想这也是我们的问题。 在远程客户端上运行我的任务的二进制代码中,绝大部分是由其他人编写的。 这些人的素质就是我工作的素质。 我已经在大型西方公司工作并开发我必须使用的框架时感到不满。

Yes, “hype” doesn’t only dictate what people to hire, but also what technologies to use. Tell me what you’re doing and I’ll tell you what tools you use, because everyone use what’s most popular. Your decision on which framework to use for the project is determined mostly by stars on GitHub, articles in tech blogs and speeches at conferences. If something is popular, then even a hit piece won’t damage its reputation.

是的,“炒作”不仅决定雇用什么人,还决定使用什么技术。 告诉我您在做什么,我将告诉您使用什么工具,因为每个人都使用最受欢迎的工具。 您决定使用哪种框架的决定主要取决于GitHub上的明星,技术博客中的文章以及会议上的演讲。 如果某件产品很受欢迎,那么即使是畅销产品也不会损害其声誉。

For me personally, an example of that is Redux. Being initially developed for JS, it doesn’t fit TypeScript application at all, in my opinion. But, you guessed it — it’s community-approved, which means everyone uses it, which means I have to. It doesn’t matter what I think about it when every job listing requires knowledge of Redux or MobX.

就我个人而言,Redux就是一个例子。 我认为它最初是为JS开发的,根本不适合TypeScript应用程序。 但是,您猜到了-它是经过社区批准的,这意味着每个人都使用它,这意味着我必须这样做。 当每个工作清单都需要Redux或MobX知识时,我怎么想都没关系。

And the most scary thing is, the correlation between quality and popularity is nonexistent there, too. For example: two database startups spring up at the same time and invest their money: one into development, the other into marketing. The first company gathered a small, dedicated community through word of mouth. The other got a giant, mostly disgruntled community. The first one closed in short order, to the dismay of the hundreds of people who used it. The other captured the market, earned a boatload of money and only then got around to improving the product.

最可怕的是,质量和受欢迎程度之间的相关性也不存在。 例如:两个数据库初创公司同时成立并投入资金:一个投入开发,另一个投入营销。 第一家公司通过口口相传聚集了一个小型的,敬业的社区。 另一个有一个庞大的社区,大多数人对此感到不满。 第一个关闭的时间很短,使使用它的数百人感到沮丧。 另一个占领了市场,赚了一大笔钱,然后才开始改进产品。

This vicious circle is self-sustaining. Young developers pick what technologies to learn based on what’s popular at the time, which is how “React developers” are all over HeadHunter. A developer for a mainstream framework — a valuable commodity in today’s business. No one wants idiots who reinvent the wheel and brazenly think they can do better than that. If you think you can come up with a better way to solve a problem than a popular library, you’re automatically wrong. For example, I believe F# is a much more powerful tool than C#. I’ve used both extensively and have my own vision of the debate. But no one will even begin to listen to me: F# isn’t popular, so I’m an idiot.

这种恶性循环是自我维持的。 年轻的开发人员会根据当时的流行程度来选择要学习的技术,这就是“React开发人员”如何遍及HeadHunter。 主流框架的开发人员–在当今业务中是宝贵的商品。 没有人希望白痴重新发明轮子,并且大胆地认为他们可以做得更好。 如果您认为与流行的库相比,您可以想出一种更好的解决问题的方法,那您就自动错了。 例如,我相信F#是比C#更强大的工具。 我已经广泛使用并且对辩论有自己的见解。 但是没有人会开始听我说:F#不受欢迎,所以我是个白痴。

And if you think that the hype problem doesn’t exist and have never encountered these symptoms, then you’re probably an old person. You do everything by the book, in C++ instead of all these newfangled frameworks, and the “toxic” hipsters are turned away at the door. One problem: sooner or later you’re going to die, and I’ll have to deal with what you left behind.

而且,如果您认为炒作问题不存在并且从未遇到过这些症状,那么您可能是个老头子。 您可以使用本书来完成所有工作,而不是使用所有这些新颖的框架,而是使用C ++编写,并且“有毒”的时髦人士被拒之门外。 一个问题:迟早您会死,而我将不得不处理您留下的遗物。

The very idea that quality doesn’t begot popularity (and more often than not the opposite is true) screams of unfairness. It’s sickening. When the article with the biggest concentration of whining collected 170k views on Habr, I decided to only write technical articles from then on.

品质不会引起大众欢迎的想法(而且往往并非相反)是不公平的尖叫。 令人恶心。 当抱怨最集中的文章在Habr上收集了170k次浏览时,我决定从那时开始只写技术文章。

I’m currently working on an article on the type system in TypeScript with my friend for 3 months, and it’ll probably take about as much longer to finish. And I already know it’s going to be read by like 10 people and be forgotten in a week. But writing a technical article is hard. We developed a whole library from scratch just to verify things we’re talking about in the article, realized we were wrong, rewrote the article, remade the library again and were forced to rewrite the article — again. I may realize that this is far more significant than all my other articles combined, but we live in a world where it’s not worth it to write hardcore texts filled with code.

我目前正在和我的朋友一起在TypeScript上撰写有关类型系统的文章,为期3个月,而完成该过程可能会花费更长的时间。 而且我已经知道它将被大约10个人阅读,并在一周内被遗忘。 但是写技术文章很难。 我们从头开始开发了一个完整的库,只是为了验证我们在本文中谈论的内容,意识到我们错了,重写了文章,再次重新构造了库,并被迫再次重写了文章。 我可能意识到这比我所有其他文章加起来要重要得多,但是我们生活在一个世界里,写充满代码的硬核文本是不值得的。

Technical articles on Habr gather around 5-10k views in average, even if it’s the result of 6 months of work. On the other hand, I can whine into Google Docs for a couple of hours and it’ll get read by 100k people. Option 1 is getting relevant experience, pushing myself to improving my skills and then proving to everyone I meet that I indeed have these skills. Option 2 achieves the same result, but with far less effort.

即使是6个月的工作,有关Habr的技术文章平均也能获得大约5-10k的浏览量。 另一方面,我可以抱怨Google Docs几个小时,它将被10万人阅读。 选项1是获得相关经验,推动自己提高技能,然后向遇到的每个人证明我确实具备这些技能。 选项2可以达到相同的结果,但所需的工作量却少得多。

To be honest, since you’re reading this and not the article on types, it means I made my choice. But I implore you to change this. Stop hiring captivating talkers, stop headhunting people on Twitter, stop insinuating that all good developers must be famous. Stop assessing people based on stickers on their MacBook. A developer’s skill is measured in one parameter: how well he writes code. It’s hard to hire that way, and it’ll get harder in the future, but that’s the way it should be. Managers may talk about these “soft skills” all they want, but they only do it because they don’t have anything else.

老实说,由于您正在阅读本文而不是关于类型的文章,所以这意味着我做出了选择。 但我恳请你改变这一点。 停止雇用迷人的谈话者,停止在Twitter上猎头,停止暗示所有好的开发人员都必须出名。 停止根据MacBook上的贴纸评估人员。 开发人员的技能通过一个参数来衡量:他编写代码的能力。 很难用这种方式雇用,将来会越来越难,但这就是应该的方式。 经理们可能只想谈论这些“软技能”,但之所以这样做,是因为他们什么都没有。

I want you to keep that in mind.


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/456568/






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