

Universal Print moves key Windows Server print functionality to the Microsoft 365 cloud, so organizations no longer need on-premises print servers and do not need to install printer drivers on devices. In addition, Universal Print adds key functionality like security groups for printer access, location-based printer discovery, and a rich administrator experience.

通用打印将Windows Server的关键打印功能移至Microsoft 365云,因此组织不再需要本地打印服务器,也不需要在设备上安装打印机驱动程序。 此外,Universal Print添加了关键功能,例如用于打印机访问的安全组,基于位置的打印机发现以及丰富的管理员经验。

«As a school with limited IT resources, we were happy with how easy it was to install Universal Print and get it up and running.» said Brian Hoyt, Director of IT at French American School of Puget Sound. «Also, we did not have to modify end-user devices, which saved us a significant amount of time.»

«作为一所IT资源有限的学校,我们很高兴安装Universal Print并使其运行起来非常容易。” 法国美国普吉特海湾学院IT主任Brian Hoyt说。 “而且,我们不必修改最终用户的设备,这为我们节省了大量时间。”

IT organizations can deploy printers and register them with the Universal Print service without the need for a complex hybrid print setup. In addition, printers can be preconfigured and are easily discoverable from Windows devices that are Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) joined. Users can continue to print from their Windows devices or Office as they always have, with no learning curve.

IT组织可以部署打印机并在通用打印服务中注册它们,而无需复杂的混合打印设置 。 此外,可以预先配置打印机,并且可以从加入了Azure Active Directory(Azure AD)的Windows设备中轻松发现打印机。 用户可以像以往一样继续从Windows设备或Office打印,而无需学习。

You will get the best cloud experience with printers that natively support Universal Print. We are working with our partner ecosystem to bring you the latest printers with native support, and are excited to be working with Canon Inc.  

使用本机支持Universal Print的打印机,您将获得最佳的云体验。 我们正在与合作伙伴生态系统合作,为您带来具有本地支持的最新打印机,并且很高兴与佳能公司合作。

«The way people work is changing as cloud computing and technology continue to expand and evolve, driving digital transformation. Canon Inc.'s imageRUNNER ADVANCE and Office Printers provide the flexibility and scalability to address diverse workplace needs. In partnership with Microsoft, we are committed to supporting Universal Print and support our customers in their journey to the digital workplace.» said Isamu Sato, Senior General Manager, Office Imaging Products Operations, Canon Inc.

«随着云计算和技术的不断扩展与发展,人们的工作方式正在发生变化,从而推动了数字化转型。 佳能公司的imageRUNNER ADVANCE和Office打印机提供了灵活性和可扩展性,可以满足各种工作场所的需求。 与Microsoft合作,我们致力于支持Universal Print,并支持我们的客户前往数字工作场所的旅程。» 佳能公司办公室影像产品运营高级总经理Isamu Sato说。

For existing printers, you can simply use a Universal Print proxy application that connects printers to Universal Print.


If your organization or school wants to deploy the private preview of Universal Print, you must have Windows 10 Enterprise or Education, version 1903 or later and have an Azure Active Directory (any edition) tenant. Universal Print does not require Windows Server.

如果您的组织或学校要部署通用打印的私人预览,则必须具有Windows 10企业版或教育版1903或更高版本,并且必须具有Azure Active Directory(任何版本)租户。 通用打印不需要Windows Server。

If you would like to participate in the private preview, complete this form, and join us in making this journey a success. You can also join the Universal Print community on Tech Community to get updates and provide feedback.

如果您想参加私人预览,请填写此表格 ,并加入我们,使旅程成功。 您还可以在Tech Community上加入Universal Print社区 ,以获取更新并提供反馈。

For more details on functionality and requirements, see our Universal Print documentation.


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/microsoft/blog/491472/






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