Vepp — ISPsystem的新服务器和网站控制面板

Vepp is our new panel for managing servers and websites. At first, we just wanted to transform the interface of ISPmanager 5 but at the designing phase, we figured that (changing) the interface is not enough. We have to change the approach to modern user’s needs and tasks. As a matter of fact, it meant that we had to create a whole new product.

Vepp是我们用于管理服务器和网站的新面板。 起初,我们只是想转换ISPmanager 5的接口,但是在设计阶段,我们发现(更改)接口是不够的。 我们必须改变方法以适应现代用户的需求和任务。 实际上,这意味着我们必须创建一个全新的产品。

In the article, we’ll explain why we couldn’t make do with only cosmetic changes to ISPmanager 5 and show the result of the global overhaul.

在本文中,我们将解释为什么我们不能仅对ISPmanager 5进行外观上的更改而做不到,并说明全球检修的结果。

Let’s begin with a little bit of history and then we'll give an overview of the current and future functions of Vepp. If you’ve got no time to read and want to see everything for yourself, go to the Vepp website.

让我们从一些历史开始,然后概述Vepp的当前和未来功能。 如果您没有时间阅读并想亲自了解所有内容,请访问Vepp网站。

以前是什么 (What was before)

It all started 15 years ago (actually, a bit earlier, but it’s not the point). In March 2004 the ISPsystem company launched the first public ISPmanager. Do you remember it? Here it is:

这一切始于15年前(实际上是更早一些,但这不是重点)。 ISPsystem公司于2004年3月推出了第一个公共ISPmanager。 你记得吗? 这里是:

One of the first versions of ISPmanager: at least it’s not a console


It was stated in the product’s review: “ISPmanager is a server control panel that can be used in a web-browser.” That’s exactly what it was: it helped to configure LAMP and cron, monitor the load, manage IP-addresses. And all that with a mouse and in a browser, not with commands in a console.

该产品的评论中提到:“ ISPmanager是一个服务器控制面板,可以在Web浏览器中使用。” 这就是事实:它有助于配置LAMP和cron,监视负载,管理IP地址。 而所有这些都是通过鼠标和浏览器完成的,而不是控制台中的命令。

People surfing the net those days were IT-savvy, but the ability to use an interface rather than a console to execute basic server operations saved even their precious time. We added advanced features to the basic ones and soon the panel became popular, hosting companies started to provide it along with their services.

那时,人们上网很精通IT,但是使用界面而不是控制台来执行基本服务器操作的能力甚至节省了宝贵的时间。 我们在基本功能添加了高级功能 ,随后该面板开始流行,托管公司开始随其服务一起提供它。

In 2006 ISPmanager 4 came out, and, as it was stated on the website then, there were “lots of fundamental changes”. In 2007 new ISPmanager’s design came out — Sirius. That’s how many people remembered the panel:

ISPmanager 4于2006年问世,正如当时在网站上所述,“发生了许多根本性的变化”。 2007年,新的ISPmanager设计出现了-Sirius。 那就是多少人记得这个小组:

Meanwhile, the world had not stood still. By 2010 the Internet audience had grown dozens of times. Not only savvy admins and enthusiasts, ready to figure out everything themselves, created websites, but also the newbies did. ISPmanager turned out to be too hard for them. They flooded the providers’ support with tons of questions regarding the easiest of operations: “How to create a website?”, “How to assign a domain?”, “How to configure an email?”.

同时,世界并没有停滞不前。 到2010年,互联网受众增长了数十倍。 不仅精明的管理员和发烧友准备自己弄清一切,他们创建了网站,而且新手也做了。 ISPmanager对他们来说太难了。 他们在提供商的支持中充斥着大量有关最简单操作的问题:“如何创建网站?”,“如何分配域?”,“如何配置电子邮件?”。

As an answer to all those questions, we launched the new version of the panel — ISPmanager 5 — in 2013. It had a different architecture, updated design, but apart from all that, setup wizards, where all you had to do was to enter the data, made their appearance in ISPmanager. Many forms became available in two versions: for newbies and for pros. In theory, it had to help inexperienced users while saving all the functionality the admins needed.

为了回答所有这些问题,我们在2013年推出了面板的新版本 ISPmanager5。它具有不同的体系结构,更新的设计,但除此之外,还有设置向导,您只需输入数据,出现在ISPmanager中。 有两种形式的许多表格可供使用:适用于新手和专业人士。 从理论上讲,它必须帮助经验不足的用户,同时保存管理员所需的所有功能。

ISPmanager 5: easier but still flexible

ISPmanager 5:更轻松,但仍然灵活

As it turned out, that simplification was not enough. Questions continued flooding the providers. In 2017 we analyzed ISPmanager’s audience and found out, that the majority of users are website owners. Many of them are inexperienced.

事实证明,这种简化是不够的。 问题继续淹没提供者。 在2017年,我们对ISPmanager的受众进行了分析,发现大多数用户是网站所有者。 他们中许多人没有经验。

In other words, most panel users are not admins and web-studios, but individual website owners. Looking at the left clients' statistics, we saw that many of them didn’t have a domain assigned, an email configured, a CMS installed, i.e. the most basic tasks were not solved.

换句话说,大多数面板用户不是管理员和网络工作室,而是个人网站所有者。 查看左客户的统计信息,我们发现其中许多没有分配域,配置了电子邮件,安装了CMS,即,最基本的任务没有解决。

Why’s that? Because social networks, search, media, and other mass services made users accustomed to interfaces that don’t require any figuring out — they are actually intuitive. ISPmanager and other hosting control panels are not like that, it takes time to become familiar with them. If a user didn’t have it, they left. Neither we nor the providers liked the customer churn.

为什么? 因为社交网络,搜索,媒体和其他大众服务使用户习惯了不需要弄清楚的界面,所以它们实际上是直观的。 ISPmanager和其他主机控制面板并非如此,要花一些时间来熟悉它们。 如果用户没有,他们就离开了。 我们和提供者都不喜欢客户流失。

新任务:在网站周围建立界面 (New task: build the interface around the website)

Basically, it was clear: something had to be changed. The interface was the most obvious target. But first, we analyzed the market, the audience, and current ISPmanager’s functionality, before committing to its overhaul.

基本上,这很明确:必须更改某些内容。 界面是最明显的目标。 但首先,在进行大修之前,我们先分析了市场,受众和当前ISPmanager的功能。

Vepp's product manager Anastasia Vukmirovich Vepp产品经理Anastasia Vukmirovich

What are the “users’ scenarios” and which one did we base our work on? It’s time to give the floor to Alexey Sorokin, the head of ISPsystem’s UX department:

什么是“用户的方案”?我们以工作为基础? 现在该请ISPsystem UX部门负责人Alexey Sorokin发言:

We analyzed the way websites are created and found out, that now it's hard to follow not only using ISPmanager 5 but also using any other control panel. It's available functionally, but it's not easy to find the right buttons in the interface. We went further and analyzed the panel's work as a whole, associated with creating and managing websites. We decided to build the interface around the website, its properties, and settings to greatly simplify these users' tasks.

我们分析了网站的创建方式并发现,现在不仅使用ISPmanager 5,而且使用任何其他控制面板都很难遵循。 它在功能上可用,但是在界面中找到正确的按钮并不容易。 我们进一步分析了该小组与创建和管理网站相关的整体工作。 我们决定围绕网站,其属性和设置构建界面,以大大简化这些用户的任务。

Accountable for UX Alexey Sorokin 对UX Alexey Sorokin负责

In fact, ISPmanager 5 was a server managing toolkit, where website functions were _one of many. _New features were integrated into the settled interface of tables, forms, and lists. The decision to build the interface around a website required to make global changes.

实际上,ISPmanager 5是服务器管理工​​具包,其中网站功能是其中之一。 _新功能已集成到表格,表单和列表的固定界面中。 围绕网站构建界面的决定需要进行全局更改。

But with the current architecture, it was technically impossible to radically alter the interface. We’ll devote a separate article to this theme, but we’ll be short here:

但是对于当前的体系结构,从技术上来说根本不可能彻底更改接口。 我们将为此主题专门撰写一篇文章,但是在这里简短介绍一下:

Head of development Alexander Bryukhanov 开发负责人Alexander Bryukhanov

With these introductory remarks, we began to work on our new product. We made the first prototypes, checked them, remade them, then the development started. After many months of work, we are ready to show the results.

有了这些介绍性的意见,我们开始研究新产品。 我们制作了第一批原型,进行了检查,重新制作,然后开始开发。 经过几个月的工作,我们准备展示结果。

现在创建网站很容易 (Now creating websites is easy)

Introducing Vepp!


In the screenshot above you can see the new panel’s homepage, here the very “I want my own website on a VDS” way begins.


Alexey Sorokin 阿列克谢·索罗金(Alexey Sorokin)

Once the website is created, everything starts “revolving around it” the way it was planned: the website’s card with info on everything it’s related to, becomes the main page. There are domains, emails, files, backups…

创建网站后,一切都将按照计划的方式“围绕它旋转”:带有相关内容的网站卡片即成为主页。 有域,电子邮件,文件,备份…

Remembering the newbie, we placed only the most important stuff on the website card’s first page, with direct links to the section, where you can solve a problem or go to settings. If you need details, they are nearby — in the “Website’s settings” tab. Here it is, with the “PHP” page open:

记住新手,我们只在网站卡片的首页上放置了最重要的内容,并直接链接到该部分,您可以在其中解决问题或进行设置。 如果您需要详细信息,它们就在附近-在“网站的设置”标签中。 打开“ PHP”页面:

To your left, you can see what sections there are


Inside every section, everything is built with the same logic, with care: what can be pre-configured, what is already preconfigured, what can be simplified, what is simplified, if some difficulty is unavoidable, we show tips.


There are lots of pleasant tiny details in the panel. For example, auto authorization in WordPress, auto switch to HTTPS, the actual website’s screenshot on the card, errors 403 and 503 in one click — you name it. You’ll see everything for yourself once you open it.

面板中有许多令人愉悦的微小细节。 例如,WordPress中的自动授权,自动切换到HTTPS,卡上实际网站的屏幕快照,一键式错误403和503(您将其命名)。 打开后,您将自己看到所有内容。

We’ll tell you about our plans below, and here is the list of Vepp’s current functions.


Vepp当前的职能 (Vepp’s current functions)

Web-server: Apache and Nginx

网络服务器: Apache和Nginx

PHP: PHP in CGI mode, versions 5.2 to 7.3. You can configure the time zone, features’ disabling, error messages, limit the uploadable file’s or memory’s size, limit the amount of data sent to the website.

PHP: CGI模式下PHP,版本5.2至7.3。 您可以配置时区,功能禁用,错误消息,限制可上传文件或内存的大小,限制发送到网站的数据量。

Database: MariaDB, support of phpMyAdmin. You can rename, delete, add a user, create a dump, upload a dump, delete a database.

数据库: MariaDB,支持phpMyAdmin。 您可以重命名,删除,添加用户,创建转储,上载转储,删除数据库。

Domain managing: editing and creating of records: A, AAAA, NS, MS, TXT, SRV, CNAME, DNAME. If you don’t have a domain, Vepp creates a technical one.

域管理:编辑和创建记录:A,AAAA,NS,MS,TXT,SRV,CNAME,DNAME。 如果您没有域,Vepp会创建一个技术域。

Email: Exim, inbox creation, managing with RoundCube.


Backups: full.


CMS support: WordPress (last version), the support of the template catalog.

CMS支持: WordPress(最新版本),模板目录的支持。

SSL-certificate: a self-signed certificate issue, Let’s Encrypt installation, auto switch to HTTPS, you can also add your own certificate.


FTP-user: is created automatically.


File manager: upload, download, edit the content, create new files.


Cloud installation: has been tested on Amazon EC2.

云安装:已在Amazon EC2上经过测试。

Website’s availability monitoring.


The work behind the NAT.


We point out to the ISPmanager 5 owners, that Vepp is not yet a full replacement. At this moment, Vepp suits only those who want to manage their websites on WordPress without diving into advanced settings and administration. The functionality for the pros will be added later.

我们向ISPmanager 5所有者指出,Vepp尚未完全替代。 目前,Vepp只适合那些希望在WordPress上管理其网站而无需深入研究高级设置和管理的用户。 专业人士的功能将在以后添加。

We still support ISPmanager 5 and release security updates. That’s why you can keep using this panel.

我们仍然支持ISPmanager 5并发布安全更新。 因此,您可以继续使用此面板。

下一步是什么 (What’s next)

We understand that the website managing doesn’t stop at its creation. A lot of work comes after configuring a web-server and connecting an email, and users need our help with that.

我们了解,网站管理并不仅限于创建。 配置Web服务器并连接电子邮件后,需要进行大量工作,用户需要我们的帮助。

We are planning to make Vepp a powerful service for website protection, analytics, and promotion. We’ll be adding these tools in the nearest future. You can look at Vepp’s development roadmap on the Trello board. Here’s the plan for the 2019:

我们计划使Vepp成为网站保护,分析和推广的强大服务。 我们将在不久的将来添加这些工具。 您可以在Trello板上查看Vepp的开发路线图。 这是2019年的计划:

  1. Website antivirus.

  2. Domain purchase for a website.

  3. Import of WordPress websites into Vepp.

  4. SEO-tools for WordPress websites.

  5. Google Analytics integration.

    Google Analytics(分析)集成。
  6. Security tools in WordPress.

  7. External backup storage.

  8. Mobile version of the website’s dashboard.

  9. Migration from ISPmanager 5.

  10. Ubuntu 18 support.

    Ubuntu 18支持。

We are planning on making the Hosting Pack for virtual hosting providers. We’ll be adding advanced functionality for experienced users.

我们正计划为虚拟主机提供商制作主机包。 我们将为经验丰富的用户添加高级功能。

分布和价格 (Distribution and prices)

Vepp can be bought from hosting providers along with a virtual or a dedicated server. It’s convenient for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the panel is already connected to a server. Secondly, you can buy domains from providers directly through the panel (and this helps you to get rid of all the problems related to their assignment and installation). And thirdly, it’s cheaper to buy Vepp from providers rather than directly from us.

Vepp可以与虚拟服务器或专用服务器一起从托管服务提供商处购买。 出于两个原因,它很方便。 首先,该面板已经连接到服务器。 其次,您可以直接通过面板从提供商那里购买域名(这可以帮助您摆脱与域名分配和安装相关的所有问题)。 第三,从提供商那里购买Vepp比直接从我们这里购买便宜。

The panel will cost €10/month and €108/year on our website. The launch is planned for October. Until then, the panel is working in the promo rate, you can familiarize yourself with Vepp for free.

在我们的网站上,该面板的费用为每月10欧元,每年108欧元。 计划于十月发射。 在此之前,面板一直处于促销状态,您可以免费熟悉Vepp。

成为第一个尝试的人! (Be one of the first to try!)

Now there are promo-campaigns at the hosting provider that connected to Vepp, and you can rent a server with the new control panel for a good price.


If you want to take a look at the panel, use Vepp’s promo tariff on our website. Register at and connect a virtual or a dedicated server. If you don’t have a server, use a test one, you can get access to it at the connection form, right after the email confirmation. More info on that in the article How to connect to Vepp.

如果您想看一下面板,请在我们的网站上使用Vepp的促销价。 在my.vepp.com上注册并连接虚拟服务器或专用服务器。 如果没有服务器,请使用测试服务器,您可以在确认电子邮件后的连接表单中访问它。 有关如何连接到Vepp的文章的更多信息。

Join our early testing program, leave your suggestions in Vepp itself, let's develop the product and find the best decisions together.


Anastasia Vukmirovich 阿纳斯塔西娅·武克米洛维奇(Anastasia Vukmirovich)

Vepp供方 (Vepp for providers)

New possibilities arise for providers with Vepp release, and also the scheme of installation and licensing changes. We provided more details on this subject in the article Vepp for providers. We’ll be short here.

Vepp版本的提供商以及安装和许可更改方案都将带来新的可能性。 我们在Vepp提供者文章中提供了有关此主题的更多详细信息。 我们在这里简短。

新功能 (New functions)

Vepp is simpler and more convenient than traditional control panels, that’s why when a provider offers it to its clients, they will improve the service’s quality and will get the upper hand in competition with the site builders.


Apart from all that, providers will be able to sell additional services through the panel. The direct domain purchase from a provider is already available in Vepp. In the third quarter, we are going to add SSL purchase from a provider. In time, this is gonna grow into a marketplace with an opportunity to add your own services.

除此之外,提供商还可以通过面板出售其他服务。 从供应商处直接购买域名已在Vepp中提供。 在第三季度,我们将添加从提供商处购买SSL的信息。 随着时间的流逝,这将成为一个有机会添加您自己的服务的市场。

新的安装和许可方案 (New installation and licensing scheme)

Traditionally, a control panel is installed on a server, every panel is licensed. Many servers — many panels. Many panels — many licenses. Vepp works differently.

传统上,控制面板安装在服务器上,每个面板均已获得许可。 许多服务器-许多面板。 许多面板-许多许可证。 Vepp的工作方式有所不同。

Instead of lots of panels and licenses, a provider gets the Vepp platform. It is installed only once and only on a provider’s equipment. Clients’ servers are connected to it.

提供者可以使用Vepp平台来代替大量的面板和许可证。 它只能安装一次,并且只能安装在提供商的设备上。 客户端的服务器已连接到它。

This way, the provider gets one product and one license. He is responsible for the updates and stability, not the clients.

这样,提供者可以获得一种产品和一个许可证。 他负责更新和稳定性,而不是客户。

More details on installation, billings integration, support, and also prices and platform’s advantages we spoke in the article Vepp for providers.


新行销 (New marketing)

And now let’s go back a bit. Long before the announcement, when the new panel’s picture only started to take shape, it became clear: the product was turning out so different, that there was no way we could name it or even position it the same way. Why? Pavel Karpovsky, the head of ISPsystem’s marketing department, will explain better.

现在让我们回头再说。 在公告发布前很久,当新面板的图片才刚刚成形时,就很清楚了:产品的外观是如此不同,以至于我们无法用相同的方式命名或定位。 为什么? ISPsystem市场部主管Pavel Karpovsky将对此做更好的解释。

  • its unique branding — different from ISPsystem's other products;

  • its own communication model — friendly and informal;

  • a separate website instead of a modest section on ISPsystem's website.


There is a professional team of designers in our company, these people are responsible for all things creative. But we consciously decided not to do everything ourselves and went further. We wanted to put Vepp's concept through a different prism. This way, we got rid of the risks of self-repetition on our side. We chose a studio and went there with an "easy" task. There, on the one hand, was a strict set of rules like "One unnecessary step and the game is over", on the other hand, there was a request to show creativity, originality. But in the end, we got a great logo and then a website design.

我们公司有一支专业的设计师团队,这些人负责所有创意。 但是我们有意识地决定不自己做所有事情,然后走得更远。 我们希望将Vepp的概念放在另一个角度。 这样,我们就摆脱了自我重复的风险。 我们选择了一个工作室,然后带着“简单”的任务去了那里。 一方面,这里有一套严格的规则,例如“一个不必要的步骤,游戏结束了”,另一方面,要求展示创造力和独创性。 但是最后,我们得到了一个不错的徽标,然后是一个网站设计。

Pavel Karpovsky, head of the marketing department 市场部主管Pavel Karpovsky






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