

The last method in our vision correction cycle is hard contact lenses for night use. They are second to safety after points. Conventionally, the safest correction method is definitely glasses (with durable polycarbonate lenses), then ReLEx SMILE and hard night lenses, then femtoLASIK and PRK, then soft one-day lenses, then “barbaric methods” — soft lenses of long-wearing and LASIK. Separately, there are phakic intraocular lenses and artificial lenses — they are best done only by direct medical indications (quite an invasive method for refractive indications).

我们视力矫正周期中的最后一种方法是晚上使用硬性隐形眼镜。 它们仅次于安全性。 传统上,最安全的矫正方法肯定是眼镜(使用耐用的聚碳酸酯镜片),然后是ReLEx SMILE和硬夜镜,然后是femtoLASIK和PRK,然后是一日软镜,然后是“野蛮方法”,即长期佩戴和LASIK的软镜。 另外,有晶状体人工晶状体和人工晶状体-最好仅通过直接的医学适应症(相当多的屈光适应症的侵入性方法)来完成。

The main advantage of night lenses is clinically proven to stop progressive myopia. Therefore, they are often prescribed to children when the eye is actively developing. After 20 years, this effect decreases by an order of magnitude, but a couple of other advantages remain.

夜视镜的主要优点在临床上已证明可以阻止进行性近视。 因此,当眼睛活跃时,经常将它们处方给儿童。 20年后,这种影响降低了一个数量级,但还存在其他一些优势。

Payback for the obvious advantages — the high price of such lenses, the need for strict discipline and regular sleep for at least 7 hours.


夜间佩戴硬质镜怎么做 (How do hard lenses for night wear)

In the evening, you take a container with lenses and special manipulators. Put on two hard lenses right before bedtime. The first few times it will be painful, but if you wear the usual soft, get used to it quickly. If not, it is better to try one-day first for a couple of weeks, because losing a hard lens from the inability to wear or wear (from bathroom to bed) is just a pity. After soft lenses, using hard night lenses is very, very simple just because they hold their shape well.

到了晚上,您要带一个装有镜头和专用操纵器的容器。 临睡前戴上两个硬镜。 最初的几次会很痛苦,但是如果您穿通常的柔软衣服,请尽快适应。 如果不是这样,最好先尝试一天,连续几个星期,因为由于无法佩戴(从浴室到床上)而无法戴上硬质眼镜只是可惜的。 在使用软镜之后,使用硬夜镜非常非常简单,因为它们可以很好地保持其形状。

These lenses begin to press on the cornea, «lowering» its center and the tissue under it in a natural position for normal vision. A correctly calculated lens does not “rape” the eye, but returns the focal length of the eye to the natural physiological one. To make it clearer, let me remind you that myopia is actually a tensile deformation of the eye.

这些晶状体开始压在角膜上,自然地“降低”其中心和其下方的组织,以实现正常视力。 正确计算的晶状体不会“强奸”眼睛,但会将眼睛的焦距恢复为自然的生理焦距。 为了更加清楚,让我提醒您,近视实际上是眼睛的拉伸变形。

The cornea has a sufficiently rigid collagen matrix, so it begins to “memorize” a new shape set by a lens. Conditionally, for 3-5 nights of wearing, normal stable vision is achieved within 95%, and then the result is fully communicated in a couple of weeks. The first days will need to be worn or weak points (for example, for –5 on the first day it will be –3.5, then –2, then –0.5), or suffer.

角膜具有足够刚性的胶原蛋白基质,因此它开始“记忆”晶状体形成的新形状。 有条件地,在3-5个晚上的佩戴中,可以在95%的范围内达到正常的稳定视力,然后在几周内充分传达出结果。 前几天需要磨损或薄弱(例如,第一天为–5,则为–3.5,然后为–2,然后为–0.5)或遭受痛苦。

Then you will need to comply with the regime. To preserve the shape of the rigid lenses will need to wear every night and sleep at least 7 hours (and try no more than 10-11, in time to remove them). Less — a little worse vision in the afternoon. More — not very scary, most importantly, do not abuse so tens of days in a row.

然后,您将需要遵守该制度。 为保持硬性眼镜的形状,每晚必须戴上眼镜并入睡至少7个小时(尝试不超过10-11次,以及时取下它们)。 更少-下午的视力更差。 更多-不是很吓人,最重要的是,不要连续数十天滥用。

If you miss the night, your eyesight will drop a little — the cornea will begin to take shape, characteristic of your short-sightedness. On the first day, you will receive an under-correction of –1 or –1.5, then — incrementally, stabilization at the same time. If you miss the night and start wearing the next night — the next morning everything will be all right again.

如果您错过夜晚,视力会下降一点-角膜将开始形成,这是您近视的特征。 在第一天,您将收到–1或–1.5的不足校正,然后-同时逐渐得到稳定。 如果您错过夜晚,并于第二天晚上开始穿衣服-第二天早上,一切都会恢复正常。

The only point: for those who have sight to –2.0, you can wear the lens through the night if desired.


最大校正量是多少? (What is the maximum correction?)

From –0.5 to –6 diopters in a sphere depending on the shape of the cornea and up to –1.75 in astigmatism. For some people with a flat cornea, this correction method has a narrower corridor of restrictions. There are Russian lenses with a large correction corridor, but less oxygen-permeable material.

根据角膜的形状,一个球体中的屈光度为–0.5到–6,屈光散光的范围为–1.75。 对于某些角膜扁平的人,这种矫正方法的限制范围较窄。 俄罗斯的镜片具有较大的校正通道,但氧气渗透性较低。

有矫正远视的镜片吗? (Are there lenses for correcting hyperopia?)

Yes, there have been experiments with lenses that are reversed and put pressure on the edges of the cornea. But they are more expensive and less often, they were actually done manually in one clinic. As a result, this method was abandoned.

是的,已经进行了一些实验,这些实验是将镜片倒置并向角膜边缘施加压力。 但是它们比较昂贵且不那么频繁,实际上是在一家诊所中手动完成的。 结果,该方法被放弃了。

如何选择夜视镜 (How to choose hard night lenses)

These lenses can not just go and buy at the pharmacy (in theory, of course, you can, but you should not do this) — you first need to get the exact parameters for your eye. The procedure is as follows: after a standard diagnosis in the clinic, they choose lenses from a suitcase with about 160 variants of lenses. Somewhere from half an hour to an hour you try them on until you feel that this one is sitting perfectly (that's why I recommend first learning how to wear one-day, otherwise the diagnosis will be rather unpleasant — for example, we often have children crying to their eyes touch). As soon as you find your ideal lens with your eye, the optometrist will apply a fluorescent solution on it, which will glow in the IR illumination of the microscope. In a circle on the corneal epithelium, it will be possible to understand how correct your “ideal” was in fact. After a double check, you will receive either ready-made lenses (if the clinic specializes in calculating them), or they will be ordered for you in the USA and arrive in a couple of weeks. In our practice, given the not very large number of options for busting (most often need 10-20 of the most characteristic models), go home immediately with new lenses.

这些镜片不仅可以在药房购买(理论上当然可以,但是您不应该这样做)–首先,您需要获取眼睛的确切参数。 程序如下:在诊所进行标准诊断后,他们从手提箱中选择带有约160种镜片的镜片。 从半小时到一个小时的某个时间,您可以试穿一下,直到感觉到它完全适合为止(这就是为什么我建议您首先学习如何穿一天的原因,否则诊断会很不愉快-例如,我们经常有孩子哭到他们的眼睛触摸)。 一旦用肉眼找到理想的镜片,验光师将在其上施加荧光溶液,该荧光溶液将在显微镜的红外照明下发光。 在角膜上皮的一个圆圈中,将有可能了解您的“理想”实际上是多么正确。 仔细检查后,您将收到现成的镜片(如果诊所专门计算镜片),或者将在美国为您订购并在几周内到达。 在我们的实践中,考虑到用于爆破的选项不是很多(大多数情况下,最典型的机型需要10-20个),请立即使用新镜头回家。

Sometimes patients are sent to us from the manufacturers of lenses for diagnosis, in order to get the results of the Shympflug camera (Pentakama), because you need a combination of the convenience of finding the lenses on the eye and their selection accuracy. You need both sets of equipment — expensive diagnostics and a suitcase with a bunch of accessories.

有时,为了获得Shympflug相机(五角镜)的结果,会从镜片制造商处将患者送给我们进行诊断,因为您需要在眼睛上找到镜片的便利性和其选择准确性的结合。 您需要两套设备-昂贵的诊断程序和带有一堆配件的手提箱。

These lenses are expensive, cost about 28 thousand rubles per pair, plus you need to do 4 inspections rationally during the first month, then once every 3 months. In general, with regular contact lenses you need to look around regularly, but few do.

这些镜片价格昂贵,每副约28000卢布,另外,在第一个月内需要合理地进行4次检查,然后每3个月检查一次。 通常,使用普通隐形眼镜时,您需要定期环顾四周,但很少。

Every year, you need to throw out the old ones and buy new ones, without overstating it. They also need the usual storage solution (first portion), containers and manipulators — in general, everything you need. This is also usually included in the price, as well as diagnostics.

每年,您都需要丢弃旧的并购买新的,而又不要夸大它。 他们还需要通常的存储解决方案(第一部分),容器和操纵器-通常,您需要的一切。 价格通常也包括在诊断程序中。

If night lenses are chosen for children with progressive myopia (in order to stabilize the process at the expense of peripheral defocus), there is another feature. Up to 18 years old, according to the law, the parent is fully responsible for his child, so the procedure for selecting and learning to use is done strictly with the mother or father, and at the age of 15 and at the age of 6. Yes, you can use them starting from about 6 years old, it does not make sense before — the child is likely to lose them.

如果为患有进行性近视的儿童选择夜视镜(以稳定过程,但以周边散焦为代价),则还有另一个功能。 根据法律,父母必须对未满18岁的孩子负全部责任,因此选择和学习使用的程序必须严格由母亲或父亲完成,年龄在15岁以下,在6岁以下是的,您可以从大约6岁开始使用它们,之前没有任何意义-孩子可能会失去它们。

氧气获取:为什么它们如此凉爽和安全 (Oxygen access: why are they so cool and safe)

There are a lot of good Russian models cheaper, but we use American ones — they are about two times thinner. This immediately excludes all other lenses from the choices. Yes, there are cheaper options, but we put on hard contact lenses when the patient needs comfortable vision without glasses, and without surgery, or when it is necessary to stop the progressive myopia in a child. I want cheaper — stay on the glasses, it is more reasonable for safety.

有很多便宜的好俄罗斯型号,但我们使用美国的型号-它们的厚度要薄大约两倍。 这将立即从选择中排除所有其他镜头。 是的,有较便宜的选择,但是当患者需要舒适的视力而无需眼镜,无需手术或需要停止儿童进行性近视时,我们戴上硬性隐形眼镜。 我想要更便宜-戴上眼镜,这样更安全。

So, despite the rigidity of the material, fluoride-silicone-acrylate has a structure that does not prevent the flow of oxygen to the eye (almost mythical 100% oxygen permeability), that is, night lenses are much safer than soft lenses in this regard. Given the almost guaranteed limited time to wear (I know very few people who can sleep for 12 hours regularly), the safety requirements will be met almost automatically. This is a direct consequence: we have no patients with complications due to such lenses. But, really, I must say that we are somewhat cunning when we talk about long-term wearing: usually by the end of the year the patient becomes so accustomed to the fact that you can freely run, jump and swim, who really wants to get this vision, but wear lenses, and follow the schedule too.

因此,尽管材料具有刚性,但氟化物-硅丙烯酸酯的结构仍不会阻止氧气流到眼睛(几乎是神话般的100%的氧气渗透率),也就是说,在这种情况下,夜视镜比软镜更安全。看待。 鉴于几乎可以保证有限的佩戴时间(我知道很少有人可以定期睡12个小时),因此几乎可以自动满足安全要求。 这是直接的结果:我们没有因此类镜片而导致并发症的患者。 但是,实际上,我必须说,当我们谈论长期佩戴时,我们有些狡猾:通常到年底,患者变得非常习惯这样的事实:您可以自由奔跑,跳跃和游泳,而他真的想得到这个愿景,但要戴上眼镜,并遵守时间表。

Therefore, the patient usually comes to laser correction, enjoying life and considering the costs for the coming years. As a result of long-term perennial cases of wearing hard night contact lenses in Russia, there are only a few hundreds — as a rule, those who use them because of the impossibility of another correction and unwillingness to wear glasses. Usually — female models and athletes, mostly boxers and hockey players.

因此,患者通常会进行激光矫正,享受生活并考虑未来几年的费用。 在俄罗斯,由于长期长期戴硬夜隐形眼镜的缘故,只有几百人—通常,由于无法进行另一次矫正和不愿戴眼镜而使用隐形眼镜的人。 通常-女模特和运动员,主要是拳击手和曲棍球运动员。

谁在使用夜视镜? (Who uses hard night lenses?)

  • Those who can not correction, but wants to walk without glasses.

  • Those who are engaged in active sports (it is difficult to imagine a surfer with a dropped out lens or a tennis player with glasses). And so at night vilified — took out for the day.

    从事体育活动的人(很难想象冲浪者会戴上掉下的镜片或网球运动员戴眼镜)。 因此,晚上遭到侮辱–白天就出去了。
  • Those who are waiting for vision correction and want to understand how it will be after (note: hard lenses need to stop using a month before the preoperative diagnosis).

  • Those who live and work in regions where there are frequent drops from heat to cold (glasses mop up and make it difficult to work comfortably, for example).

  • Children and adolescents with progressive myopia, when you need a physical limitation of the mechanics of the cornea.

  • Those who are not sure that vision stabilizes after laser correction.


不要混淆 (Do not confuse)

Another moment. All that is written in the post regarding the safety of hard contact lenses applies only and exclusively to special lenses for night use during sleep. There are also hard contact lenses, which are used for ordinary corrections, and those that are used after surgery to create an additional exogenous eye frame. Almost none of the above applies to them, they are often worn out of forced necessity.

另一刻。 关于硬性隐形眼镜安全性的所有文章仅适用于睡眠期间夜间使用的特殊镜片。 也有用于普通矫正的硬性隐形眼镜,以及在手术后用于制造额外的外眼框的硬性隐形眼镜。 以上几乎都不适用于它们,它们通常是出于强制必要而磨损的。

And one more important point: yes, there are rigid lenses that are machined individually under a curve like a sinus cornea (most often after transplantation or serious operations) and give perfect vision. In such corneoscreen lenses, the mechanism for creating a fluid medium (tears) between the corneal tissues and the lens is that they do not sit on the cornea, but on the conjunctiva. They are made only by one clinic in Russia, as a solution to the “last chance”, the testimony is extremely specific. If interested — I will give a tip in PM.

还有一点很重要:是的,有些刚性镜片是在像鼻窦角膜这样的曲线下单独加工的(通常是在移植或认真手术之后),并且能提供完美的视力。 在这样的角膜滤过镜片中,在角膜组织和晶状体之间产生流体介质(泪液)的机制是它们不位于角膜上,而是位于结膜上。 它们仅由俄罗斯一家诊所制造,作为“最后机会”的解决方案,证词极为具体。 如果有兴趣,我会给您小费。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/klinika_shilovoy/blog/505010/






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