



No doubts that async/await pattern has significantly simplified working with asynchronous operations in C#. However, this simplification relates only to the situation when asynchronous operations are executed consequently. If we need to execute several asynchronous operations simultaneously (e.g. we need to call several micro-services) then we do not have many built-in capabilities and most probably Task.WhenAll will be used:

毫无疑问, async/await模式已大大简化了C#中异步操作的工作。 但是,这种简化仅涉及随后执行异步操作的情况。 如果我们需要同时执行多个异步操作(例如,我们需要调用多个微服务),则我们没有很多内置功能,很可能将使用Task.WhenAll

Task<SomeType1> someAsyncOp1 = SomeAsyncOperation1();
Task<SomeType2> someAsyncOp2 = SomeAsyncOperation2();
Task<SomeType3> someAsyncOp3 = SomeAsyncOperation3();
Task<SomeType4> someAsyncOp4 = SomeAsyncOperation4();
await Task.WhenAll(someAsyncOp1, someAsyncOp2, someAsyncOp4);
var result = new SomeContainer(
     someAsyncOp1.Result,someAsyncOp2.Result,someAsyncOp3.Result, someAsyncOp4.Result);

This is a working solution, but it is quite verbose and not very reliable (you can forget to add a new task to “WhenAll”). I would prefer something like that instead:

这是一个可行的解决方案,但是它很冗长且不够可靠(您可以忘记在“ WhenAll”中添加新任务)。 我更喜欢这样的东西:

var result =  await 
    from r1 in SomeAsyncOperation1()
    from r2 in SomeAsyncOperation2()
    from r3 in SomeAsyncOperation3()
    from r4 in SomeAsyncOperation4()
    select new SomeContainer(r1, r2, r3, r4);

Further I will tell you what is necessary for this construction to work...


First, we should remember that C# query syntax is just a syntax sugar over method call chains and C# preprocessor will convert the previous statement into a cain of SelectMany calls:


      (r1/*T1*/) => SomeAsyncOperation2()/*Task<T2>*/,
      (r1/*T1*/, r2/*T2*/) => new {r1, r2}/*Anon type 1*/)
      (t/*Anon type 1*/) => SomeAsyncOperation3()/*Task<T3>*/,
      (t/*Anon type 1*/, r3/*T3*/) => new {t, r3}/*Anon type 2*/)
      (t/*Anon type 2*/) => SomeAsyncOperation4()/*Task<T4>*/, 
      (t/*Anon type 2*/, r4/*T4*/) => new SomeContainer(t.t.r1, t.t.r2, t.r3, r4));

Скрытыйтекст (Скрытый текст)

By default C# Compiler will complain about this code since SelectMany extension method is defined only for IEnumerable interface, but nothing prevents us to create our own overloads of SelectMany to make the code compilable.


Each SelectMany function in the chain has two arguments*:


  • the first argument is a link to a function which returns a next asynchronous operation


(t/*Anon type 1*/) => SomeAsyncOperation3(),/*Task<T2>*/

(t/*Anon type 1*/) => SomeAsyncOperation3(),/*Task<T2>*/

  • the second argument is a link to a function that combines results of previous asynchronous operations with a result of the operation returned by the function which is passed as the first argument.


(t/*Anon type 1*/, r3/*T3*/) => new {t, r3}/*Anon type 2*/)

(t/*Anon type 1*/, r3/*T3*/) => new {t, r3}/*Anon type 2*/)

We can call the first functions to get a list of tasks which will be used in Task.WhenAll and then call the second mapping functions to build a result.


To get the task list and the list of mapping functions our SelectMany overload needs to return some objects which will contain links to a task and a mapping function. In addition to that, SelectMany receives a links to a previous object as this argument (in case if SelectMany is an extension method) — we also need this link to build a linked list which will contain all required data.

为了获得任务列表和映射函数列表,我们的SelectMany重载需要返回一些对象,这些对象将包含任务和映射函数的链接。 除此之外, SelectMany还会收到一个指向先前对象的链接作为this参数(如果SelectMany是扩展方法)—我们还需要此链接来构建一个包含所有必需数据的链接列表。

static class TaskAllExtensions
    public static ITaskAccumulator<TRes> SelectMany<TCur, TNext, TRes>(
        this ITaskAccumulator<TCur> source, 
        Func<TCur, Task<TNext>> getNextTaskFunc, 
        Func<TCur, TNext, TRes> mapperFunc) 
        new TaskAccumulator<TCur, TNext, TRes>(
            prev: source, 
            currentTask: getNextTaskFunc(default(TCur)), 
            mapper: mapperFunc);

class TaskAccumulator<TPrev, TCur, TRes> : ITaskAccumulator<TRes>
    public readonly ITaskAccumulator<TPrev> Prev;

    public readonly Task<TCur> CurrentTask;

    public readonly Func<TPrev, TCur, TRes> Mapper;

初始蓄能器 (The initial accumulator)

The initial accumulator differs from the subsequent ones since It cannot have a link to a previous accumulator, but it should have a link to the first task:


static class TaskAllExtensions
    public static ITaskAccumulator<TRes> SelectMany<TCur, TNext, TRes>(
        this Task<TCur> source, 
        Func<TCur, Task<TNext>> getNextTaskFunc, 
        Func<TCur, TNext, TRes> mapperFunc) 
        new TaskAccumulatorInitial<TCur, TNext, TRes>(
            task1: source, 
            task2: getNextTaskFunc(default(TCur)), 
            mapper: mapperFunc);

class TaskAccumulatorInitial<TPrev, TCur, TRes> : ITaskAccumulator<TRes>
    public readonly Task<TPrev> Task1;

    public readonly Task<TCur> Task2;

    public readonly Func<TPrev, TCur, TRes> Mapper;

Now we can get the result by adding these methods:


class TaskAccumulator<TPrev, TCur, TRes> : ITaskAccumulator<TRes>
    public async Task<TRes> Result()
        await Task.WhenAll(this.Tasks);
        return this.ResultSync();

    internal IEnumerable<Task> Tasks 
        => new Task[] { this.CurrentTask }.Concat(this.Prev.Tasks);

    internal TRes ResultSync() 
        => this.Mapper(this.Prev.ResultSync(), this.CurrentTask.Result);
    public readonly ITaskAccumulator<TPrev> Prev;
    public readonly Task<TCur> CurrentTask;
    public readonly Func<TPrev, TCur, TRes> Mapper;        
  • Tasks property returns all tasks from the entire linked list.


  • ResultSync() recursively applies mapper functions to the task results (all the tasks are supposed to be already resolved).


  • Result() resolves all tasks (through await Task.WhenAll(Tasks)) and returns result of ResultSync()

    Result()解决所有任务(通过await Task.WhenAll(Tasks) ),并返回ResultSync()结果

Also, we can add a simple extension method to make await work with ITaskAccumulator:

另外,我们可以添加一个简单的扩展方法来使ITaskAccumulator await ITaskAccumulator

static class TaskAllExtensions
    public static TaskAwaiter<T> GetAwaiter<T>(this ITaskAccumulator<T> source)
        => source.Result().GetAwaiter();

Now the code is working:


var result =  await 
    from r1 in SomeAsyncOperation1()
    from r2 in SomeAsyncOperation2()
    from r3 in SomeAsyncOperation3()
    from r4 in SomeAsyncOperation4()
    select new SomeContainer(r1, r2, r3, r4);

However, there is an issue here — C# allows using an intermediate result as an argument for further operations. For example:

但是,这里存在一个问题-C#允许使用中间结果作为进一步操作的参数。 例如:

from r2 in SomeAsyncOperation2()
    from r3 in SomeAsyncOperation3(r2)

Such code will lead to "Null Reference Exception" since r2 is not yet resolved at the moment when SomeAsyncOperation3 is called:



since all the tasks are run in parallel.


Unfortunately, I do not see a solution for that problem in the current state of C# language, but we can mitigate it by dividing tasks in two groups:


  1. Tasks that are executed in parallel

  2. Tasks that are executed consequently (which can use all previous results).


To do that let's introduce the two simple wrappers over a task:


public struct ParallelTaskWrapper<T>
    public readonly Task<T> Task;

    internal ParallelTaskWrapper(Task<T> task) => this.Task = task;

public struct SequentialTaskWrapper<T>
    public readonly Task<T> Task;

    public SequentialTaskWrapper(Task<T> task) => this.Task = task;

帮手 (Helpers)

public static ParallelTaskWrapper<T> AsParallel<T>(this Task<T> task)
    return new ParallelTaskWrapper<T>(task);

public static SequentialTaskWrapper<T> AsSequential<T>(this Task<T> task)
    return new SequentialTaskWrapper<T>(task);

The only purpose of the tasks is to specify what '''SelectMany''' overloads should be used:


public static ITaskAccumulator<TRes> SelectMany<TCur, TNext, TRes>(
    this ITaskAccumulator<TCur> source, 
    Func<TCur, ParallelTaskWrapper<TNext>> exec, 
    Func<TCur, TNext, TRes> mapper)

and (it is a new overload):


public static ITaskAccumulator<TRes> SelectMany<TCur, TNext, TRes>(
    this ITaskAccumulator<TCur> source, 
    Func<TCur, SequentialTaskWrapper<TNext>> exec, 
    Func<TCur, TNext, TRes> mapper)
    return new SingleTask<TRes>(BuildTask());

    async Task<TRes> BuildTask()
        var arg1 = await source.Result();
        var arg2 = await exec(arg1).Task;
        return mapper(arg1, arg2);

单任务 (SingleTask)

internal class SingleTask<T> : ITaskAccumulator<T>
    private readonly Task<T> _task;
    private readonly Task[] _tasks;

    public SingleTask(Task<T> task)
        this._task = task;
        this._tasks = new Task[] { task };

    public Task<T> Result() => this._task;
    public IEnumerable<Task> Tasks => this._tasks;
    public T ResultSync() => this._task.Result;

As you see all previous tasks are resolved trough var arg1/*Anon Type X*/ = await source.Result();, so they can be used to retrieve a next task and the code bellow will work properly:

如您所见,所有以前的任务都是通过var arg1/*Anon Type X*/ = await source.Result(); ,因此它们可用于检索下一个任务,并且下面的代码将正常工作:

var result =  await 
    from r1 in SomeAsyncOperation1().AsParallel()
    from r2 in SomeAsyncOperation2().AsParallel()
    from r3 in SomeAsyncOperation3().AsParallel()
    from r4 in SomeAsyncOperation4(r1, r2, r3).AsSequential()
    from r5 in SomeAsyncOperation5().AsParallel()
    select new SomeContainer(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);

更新(摆脱Task.WhenAll ) (Update (Getting rid of Task.WhenAll))

We introduced the task accumulator to get a list of tasks be able to call Task.WhenAll over them. But do we really need it? Actually, we do not! The thing is that once we received a link to the task it is already started execution and all the task below are running in parallel (the code from the beginning):

我们引入了任务累加器,以获取能够调用Task.WhenAll的任务列表。 但是我们真的需要吗? 实际上,我们不! 关键是,一旦我们收到该任务的链接,它就已经开始执行,并且以下所有任务并行运行(从头开始的代码):

Task<SomeType1> someAsyncOp1 = SomeAsyncOperation1();
Task<SomeType2> someAsyncOp2 = SomeAsyncOperation2();
Task<SomeType3> someAsyncOp3 = SomeAsyncOperation3();
Task<SomeType4> someAsyncOp4 = SomeAsyncOperation4();

But instead of Task.WhenAll we can use several await-s:

但是我们可以使用几个await -s代替Task.WhenAll:

SomeType1 op1Result = await someAsyncOp1;
SomeType2 op2Result = await someAsyncOp2;
SomeType3 op3Result = await someAsyncOp3;
SomeType4 op4Result = await someAsyncOp4;

await immediately returns a result if a task is already resolved or waits till an asynchronous operation is completed, so the code will take the same amount of time as if Task.WhenAll was used.


That fact allows us to significantly simplify the code and get rid of the task accumulator:


static class TaskAllExtensions
    public static ParallelTaskWrapper<TRes> SelectMany<TCur, TNext, TRes>(
        this ParallelTaskWrapper<TCur> source, 
        Func<TCur, ParallelTaskWrapper<TNext>> exec, 
        Func<TCur, TNext, TRes> mapper)
        async Task<TRes> GetResult()
            var nextTask = exec(default(TCur));//<--Important!
            return mapper(await source.Task, await nextTask);
        return new ParallelTaskWrapper<TRes>(GetResult());

    public static ParallelTaskWrapper<TRes> SelectMany<TCur, TNext, TRes>(
        this ParallelTaskWrapper<TCur> source, 
        Func<TCur, SequentialTaskWrapper<TNext>> exec, 
        Func<TCur, TNext, TRes> mapper)
        async Task<TRes> GetResult()
            return mapper(await source, await exec(await source).Task);
        return new ParallelTaskWrapper<TRes>(GetResult());

    public static TaskAwaiter<T> GetAwaiter<T>(
        this ParallelTaskWrapper<T> source)

That is it.


All the code can be found on GitHub




Developers who familiar with functional programing languages might notice that the approach described above resembles “Monad” design pattern. It is no surprise since C# query notation is a kind of equivalent of “do” notation in Haskell which, in turn, is a “syntax sugar” for working with monads. If you are not familiar what that design pattern yet then, I hope, this demonstration will encourage you to get familiar with monads and functional programming.

熟悉功能性编程语言的开发人员可能会注意到,上述方法类似于“ Monad”设计模式。 毫不奇怪,因为C#查询符号在Haskell中与“ do”符号等效,而后者又是用于处理monad的“语法糖”。 我希望,如果您还不熟悉该设计模式,那将鼓励您熟悉monad和函数式编程。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/349352/






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