


With medical equipment drastically growing scarce, a number of organizations and enterprises have taken up the development and manufacture of mechanical ventilators, relying on fast production by means of 3D printing technologies. 3D printing is often implemented in the medical field, but now, it's proving to be of great help during the emergency.

随着医疗设备的急剧短缺,许多组织和企业依靠3D打印技术的快速生产来从事机械呼吸机的开发和制造。 3D打印通常在医疗领域中实施 ,但现在证明在紧急情况下它会提供很大帮助。

The first news of 3D printed ventilation apparatus came from Spain (apart from the case of 3D printing of valves at an Italian hospital). Here, we are talking about the so-called Ambu bags — temporary manual ventilators usually applied in the field by, paramedics. A whole consortium was involved in the development of the 3D printed version with the mechanical drive mechanism. The Leitat Technology Center in Barcelona played the leading role; support was provided by the Catalan Health Service, Barcelona's Zona Franca industrial estate, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and the Parc Taulí Hospital in Sabadell, which houses the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

3D打印通风设备的第一条消息来自西班牙(除了一家意大利医院的阀门 3D打印案例外)。 在这里,我们谈论的是所谓的Ambu袋-护理人员通常在现场使用的临时手动呼吸机。 整个财团参与了带有机械驱动机构的3D打印版本的开发。 巴塞罗那的莱塔特技术中心发挥了主导作用; 加泰罗尼亚卫生服务局,巴塞罗那的Zona Franca工业园区,惠普企业以及位于萨瓦德尔的帕克塔利医院提供了支持,该医院位于巴塞罗那自治大学医学院。


Leitat's senior engineer, Magí Galindo, is responsible for the design, and the validation tests were held by Dr. Lluís Blanch, Director of Innovation at the Parc Taulí Hospital. According to the results, it was decided to immediately start production along with the parallel development of an improved version. All the work was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the national regulator — the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices. The Airbus aerospace corporation and the Navantia Spanish shipbuilding company, having the necessary additive equipment including industrial 3D printers, volunteered to help with the production. The additive capacities are enough for 3D printing of 50–100 field respirators per day.

Leitat的高级工程师MagíGalindo负责设计,验证测试由ParcTaulí医院创新总监LluísBlanch博士进行。 根据结果​​,决定与改进版本的并行开发一起立即开始生产。 所有工作均按照国家监管机构(西班牙药品和医疗器械局)的建议进行。 空客航空航天公司和西班牙纳万提亚造船公司自愿提供了必要的辅助设备,包括工业3D打印机,以协助生产。 每天可对50-100个现场呼吸器进行3D打印的添加剂量足够。

Urbicum is a Polish company engaged in the production of FDM 3D printers. However, it went further and launched the VentilAid open source project to create a fully-fledged but very simple (in terms of the structure) mechanical ventilator with extensive use of 3D printed parts.

Urbicum是一家波兰公司,从事FDM 3D打印机的生产。 但是,它走得更远,启动了VentilAid开源项目,以创建功能齐全但非常简单(就结构而言)的机械呼吸机,并广泛使用3D打印部件。


The company's engineers have already shown a working prototype of the electrically driven device. The developers take into account a variety of points: like standard, certified equipment, the project provides for the possibility of adjusting the humidity of the incoming air, filtering the air at the inlet and outlet, synchronizing with the patient’s breathing and controlling the pressure to prevent lung barotrauma. The production of 3D printed prototype parts took about fifteen hours. The pilot system uses homemade components from PLA, ABS, and thermoplastic polyurethane — and factory parts such as the drive and the pneumatic limit switch.

该公司的工程师已经展示了电动设备的工作原型。 开发人员考虑了许多方面:与标准的,经过认证的设备一样,该项目提供了以下可能性:调节进入的空气的湿度,过滤入口和出口的空气,与患者的呼吸同步并控制压力以达到预防肺气压伤。 3D打印原型零件的生产大约需要15个小时。 该先导系统使用PLA,ABS和热塑性聚氨酯制成的自制组件,以及驱动器和气动限位开关等工厂零件。

The project was opened under a non-commercial license, but has not yet passed full-fledged clinical trials, and therefore is proposed as a last resort measure. The authors invite engineers, doctors, and medical technicians to collaborate and improve the system. An improved, standalone version is being worked at, and up-to-date information is published on the official website of the project.

该项目是在非商业许可下开放的,但尚未通过全面的临床试验,因此被提议作为最后的措施。 作者邀请工程师,医生和医疗技术人员协作并改进系统。 一个改进的独立版本正在开发中,最新信息已发布在该项目的官方网站上。

While Spanish engineers are working on manual ventilators, and the Polish on automated ones, their American colleagues are engaged in creating a transitional option. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offer a solution in case there are no Ambu bag shortage problems, but mechanical ventilation systems are urgently needed. That is, the idea is to remake the manual device into a more or less autonomous ventilator.

当西班牙工程师正在研究手动呼吸机,而波兰人正在研究自动化呼吸机时,他们的美国同事正致力于创建过渡选项。 麻省理工学院(MIT)的研究人员提供了一种解决方案,以防Ambu袋短缺,但迫切需要机械通风系统。 也就是说,其想法是将手动设备改造成或多或少的自主通风机。


The development began long before the pandemic: in 2010, university students presented a project of remaking the Ambu bag into a portable ventilator, but ended up creating a prototype. Now the institute is urgently finalizing the project to at least meet the minimum safety requirements. The developers focus on caution, since the device is inferior to certified apparatus in terms of efficiency, reliability, and safety, and therefore can only be used in clinical conditions, under the supervision of specialists and in case of emergency.

研发工作早于大流行之前就已开始:2010年,大学生提出了一个将Ambu手提袋改制成便携式呼吸机的项目,但最终创建了原型。 现在,研究所正在紧急完成该项目,以至少满足最低安全要求。 由于该设备在效率,可靠性和安全性方面均不如经过认证的设备,因此开发人员应特别注意,因此只能在临床条件下,在专家的监督下和紧急情况下使用。


All accomplishments concerning this project will be posted on the official website. The existing results have already been submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for permission to use the makeshift equipment in exceptional circumstances.

有关该项目的所有成就将发布在官方网站上。 现有结果已经提交给美国食品和药物管理局(FDA),允许在特殊情况下使用临时设备。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/top3dshop/blog/496556/


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