

A strong foundation needs well-built basics. That is why it is important to focus on the basic concepts of UX for a successful E-commerce platform. A simple and clear interaction is a major criteria. The user’s journey should be clear and easy, with no unnecessary clicks, time lost on loading pages, confusing steps, inconvenient menu, etc. Pleasant choice of colors, thoroughly thought-out logic and transitions, attractive and informative product presentation, data security, easily available contact info are some other factors that provide a desirable E-commerce UX. The goal should be to avoid cluttering and provide a seamless flow to the desired outcome.

一个强大的基础需要精心构建的基础。 因此,对于成功的电子商务平台来说,专注于UX的基本概念很重要。 一个简单而清晰的交互是主要标准。 用户的旅程应该清晰,轻松,没有不必要的点击,加载页面上的时间浪费,步骤混乱,菜单不便等。令人愉悦的颜色选择,深思熟虑的逻辑和过渡,引人入胜的产品介绍,数据安全性,其他容易获得的联系信息是提供理想的电子商务UX的其他一些因素。 目标应该是避免混乱,并为期望的结果提供无缝的流程。

主页 (Home Page)

While formulating an E-Commerce web design, the UI UX design agency should strive to make the homepage engaging and informative. The homepage should motivate the user to know more about the product. The user should get an idea about the kind of products or services that the platform delivers from the homepage. The homepage should promote the company’s branding. Branding gives a product recognizable face and personality and helps to gain customer’s trust and goodwill.

UI UX设计机构在制定电子商务网站设计时,应努力使主页更具吸引力并提供更多信息。 主页应该激励用户更多地了解产品。 用户应该从主页上了解该平台提供的产品或服务的种类。 主页应宣传公司的品牌。 品牌赋予产品可识别的外观和个性,并有助于赢得客户的信任和商誉。

导航 (Navigation)

The E-commerce web design should be fluid and aid the user’s navigation. The user should be able to complete desirable actions without any interruptions. To achieve this, use legible and easy to understand labels and consistent navigation structure. CTA (Call to action) buttons should be placed at prominent locations to capture user’s attention and stand out from the content layout. A detailed description of the product should be given to help the customer understand the product better. The menu labels and product categories should be descriptive and have information about each page and should help find the right product quickly. At every point, the user should be presented with the right balance of data. Indulging in too much information or too little information might lead the user to lose interest and discontinue the journey.

电子商务网站设计应该流畅,并有助于用户导航。 用户应该能够完成期望的动作而不会受到任何干扰。 为此,请使用清晰易懂的标签和一致的导航结构。 CTA(号召性用语)按钮应放在醒目的位置,以吸引用户的注意力并从内容布局中脱颖而出。 应该给出产品的详细说明,以帮助客户更好地理解产品。 菜单标签和产品类别应具有描述性,并具有有关每个页面的信息,并应有助于快速找到合适的产品。 在任何时候,都应向用户提供正确的数据平衡。 沉迷于过多的信息或过少的信息可能会导致用户失去兴趣并中断旅程。

搜索 (Search)

A search bar is a very important aspect of E-commerce web design. More than 60% of online purchases are planned and done with an intent to shop. So to find what they need, they would prefer to search for the item rather than scrolling through the whole menu. If they couldn’t find a search bar, they would mostly look elsewhere. The search bar should be designed in such a way that the user should be able to find a product by entering any of its details. The search bar should be accessible at every stage of navigation and should be placed in a notable location.

搜索栏是电子商务网站设计的一个非常重要的方面。 超过60%的在线购物是出于购物目的而计划和完成的。 因此,要找到他们需要的东西,他们宁愿搜索项目而不是滚动浏览整个菜单。 如果他们找不到搜索栏,他们通常会把目光投向其他地方。 搜索栏的设计方式应使用户能够通过输入产品的任何详细信息来查找产品。 搜索栏应在导航的每个阶段都可访问,并且应放置在显眼的位置。

视觉效果 (Visuals)

Visuals are everything for an E-commerce web design. When people go to stores to buy things, they can view, touch, and try products, which is not possible in an online store. So emphasis should be given to provide a realistic demonstration. To enhance the influence of visuals on the user, the UI UX design agency should implement concepts such as usage of high-quality photos, demo videos, 360-degree view, etc. Typically a user doesn’t read and observe all the content on a page from the starting point, instead, they do a quick scan to see if it contains anything that is of interest to them. Hence data should be presented in a visual hierarchy. Put core data and interaction elements at zones of high and natural visibility. Most important information should be available first and rest should be broken down into smaller sections and come under the main information.

视觉是电子商务网站设计的一切。 人们去商店购买商品时,他们可以查看,触摸和尝试产品,而这在在线商店中是不可能的。 因此,应强调提供现实的示范。 为了增强视觉效果对用户的影响, UI UX设计代理应实施诸如使用高质量照片,演示视频,360度视图等概念。通常,用户不会阅读并观察其中的所有内容。相反,他们会从起点开始进行快速扫描,以查看其中是否包含他们感兴趣的任何内容。 因此,数据应以视觉层次结构呈现。 将核心数据和交互元素放在自然可见度高的区域。 最重要的信息应首先提供,其余信息应分解为较小的部分,并置于主要信息之下。

Our new E-commerce UX case study of an online digital product store, Themehigh showcases a good example of a minimal E-Commerce web design. Working with the customer requirements to give the website a new look and improved functionality, Themehigh was redesigned with a minimalistic approach. Branding and logo design was done for the website and gave the homepage a new feel. Website redesign implemented usage of whitespace to provide ease of navigation, better readability, and a simple and uncluttered layout. Optimal usage of visuals and presentation of data in a visual hierarchy gave content the needed attention without compromising on legibility.

我们对在线数字产品商店的新电子商务UX案例研究,Themehigh展示了最小化电子商务网站设计的一个很好的例子。 根据客户的要求,使网站焕然一新,功能得到改进,Themehigh采用了简约的方法进行了重新设计。 网站已经完成了品牌和徽标设计,使首页有了新的感觉。 网站重新设计实现了空白的使用,以提供导航的便利性,更好的可读性以及简单整洁的布局。 视觉效果的最佳使用和视觉层次结构中的数据表示方式给内容带来了必要的关注,而又不影响可读性。

A trusted payment environment is a key factor for a successful transaction to occur. A user might decide against buying a product at the last stage if they feel any trust issues. A simple step such as adding a “Secured by...” text or an image of a padlock on the payment screen will help alleviate trust issues. After all, the success of an E-commerce platform is measured by the number of complete purchases. It is also important to create a solid customer relationship in order to achieve user retention. In the end, E-commerce UX should be simple, intuitive, and uncomplicated. It should minimize the user’s efforts and pave a smooth path for the user to reach their goal.

可信的支付环境是成功进行交易的关键因素。 如果用户感到任何信任问题,则可以在最后阶段决定不购买产品。 简单的步骤(例如在付款屏幕上添加“由...保护”文本或挂锁图像)将有助于减轻信任问题。 毕竟,电子商务平台的成功与否取决于购买的数量。 建立牢固的客户关系以实现用户保留也很重要。 最后,电子商务UX应该简单,直观且简单。 它应该最大程度地减少用户的工作量,并为用户实现其目标铺平道路。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/501694/


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