

PHP has surely become the most ubiquitous language for the world today. Being around for a while, PHP is ruling the market, with expectations to dominate for years to come. Therefore, irrespective of the size of a business, PHP remains the first choice to get a sturdy and customizable website created.

PHP无疑已成为当今世界上最普及的语言。 PHP已经存在一段时间了,它统治着市场,并有望在未来几年内占据主导地位。 因此,无论企业规模大小,PHP都是创建坚固且可定制的网站的首选。

However, It is important to understand that PHP is an art (Scripting language), you need to hire an artist (developer) to yield the best from it.


Choosing the best from the pool of more than 5 million PHP developers is a tedious task. Even more when you’re a noob into this industry. Apart from language skills, there are multiple other factors, such as budget, skills, experience that influence the decision to hire a particular remote PHP team.

从超过500万个PHP开发人员中选择最好的是一项繁琐的任务。 如果您是这个行业的新手,那就更多了。 除了语言技能外,还有许多其他因素(例如预算,技能,经验)会影响雇用特定远程PHP团队的决定。

Chances are high that while looking for your answers to PHP development, you stumbled upon this blog. Okay! You’re in the right place. Here I will be answering all your questions as What is PHP development? Who is a PHP developer? How to differentiate between a good PHP developer? Why India is most opted to hire remote PHP Developer? Tips To Conduct Research to Hire Best PHP Developer.

在寻找PHP开发的答案时,您偶然发现了该博客。 好的! 您来对地方了。 在这里,我将回答您的所有问题,因为PHP开发是什么? 谁是PHP开发人员? 如何区分一个好PHP开发人员? 为什么印度最愿意雇用远程PHP开发人员? 进行研究以雇用最佳PHP开发人员的技巧。

让我们首先了解基础知识: (Let us understand the basics first:)

什么是PHP开发? (What is PHP Development?)

PHP is a scripting language used to create static and dynamic websites. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. It earlier stood for Personal Home Pages.

PHP是用于创建静态和动态网站的脚本语言。 PHP代表超文本预处理器。 它以前代表“个人主页”。

谁是PHP开发人员? (Who is a PHP developer?)

A PHP developer is a web developer, who writes code, tests, and maintains it for the web pages and applications using the PHP scripting language.


如何区分优秀PHP开发人员和其他PHP开发人员? (How to differentiate between a good & any other PHP developer?)

When looking to hire PHP developers it is important to know how a good PHP developer is different from any ordinary PHP developer. Remember, he is an artist who will create a unique product for you. Therefore, a worthy PHP developer will be the one who will go beyond coding, testing, and maintaining. He will work as your guide to strategize and implement your idea into a real product that is viable and comes with the best UI/UX. Therefore, it will require someone with good analytical knowledge and an attitude towards problem-solving.

在寻求雇用PHP开发人员时,重要的是要知道一个好PHP开发人员与任何普通PHP开发人员有何不同。 请记住,他是一位艺术家,将为您创造独特的产品。 因此,一名有价值PHP开发人员将不仅仅是编码,测试和维护。 他将作为您的指南,以战略化您的想法并将其实施到一个可行的,具有最佳UI / UX的真实产品中。 因此,这需要具有良好分析知识和解决问题态度的人。

The PHP developers you’re looking forward to hiring should have the knowledge and hands-on experience on several frameworks of PHP such as


Zend,Symfony,Laravel,Joomla,CakePHP等 ( Zend, Symfony, Laravel, Joomla, CakePHP, etc)


下面列出了每个优秀PHP开发人员都具备的一些技能: (Listed down below are a few skills every great PHP developer has: )

  • Pro knowledge of HTML and CSS

  • In-depth understanding of Javascript

  • Knowledge of the programming language- PHP

  • Working experience with SQL/MySQL

    使用SQL / MySQL的工作经验
  • Experience with CMS like Joomla, WordPress, Drupal


为什么印度更愿意从中聘用远程PHP开发人员? (Why is India preferred to hire remote PHP developers from?)

#1。 国际人才和知识的结合: (#1. A combination of International Talent and knowledge:)

As many as two-thirds of the companies across the globe are outsourcing their development needs to India. Not because of cost-effective developments but India has the most talented developers and engineers to offer. Most of the dedicated PHP developers from India are either B.Tech or BCA graduates, offering skills and knowledge packed together. Most of this lot is even postgraduate.

全球多达三分之二的公司将其开发需求外包给印度。 不是因为具有成本效益的开发,而是印度提供了最有才华的开发人员和工程师。 来自印度的大多数专用PHP开发人员都是B.Tech或BCA毕业生,将技能和知识打包在一起。 其中很多甚至是研究生。

#2。 预算友好且专用的远程PHP开发人员: (#2. Budget-friendly & Dedicated Remote PHP Developers:)

A project nearly costs around $70000 to $180000 approx in the USA. But the same project, when outsourced in India, costs lesser than half the entire amount, thus the demand of PHP development companies in India. With the dollar to rupees conversion, it is cheaper to hire highly skilled developers from India at a low cost. Also, it saves you from the hassle of added costs of hiring in-house developers such as infrastructure.

在美国,一个项目的费用大约为$ 70000至$ 180000。 但是,同一项目在印度外包时,其成本不到总金额的一半,因此,印度PHP开发公司也有需求。 通过美元到卢比的转换,从印度聘请低成本的高技能开发人员会更便宜。 而且,它使您免除了雇用内部开发人员(如基础架构)的额外成本的麻烦。

#3。 节省更多时间: (#3. More Time Saving: )

While this would not top the charts of consideration for you initially, but Time holds enough importance to emphasize on in a project. The remote PHP team from India will be working in a completely different time zone. This means they will be ideally working when you will be asleep ( as per your time zone). This is helpful because the review and task management can happen simultaneously and more efficiently. If chosen consciously, different time zones can actually become your strength.

尽管起初这并不是您考虑的首要事项,但“时间”具有足够的重要性,可以在项目中强调。 来自印度的远程PHP团队将在一个完全不同的时区中工作。 这意味着当您入睡时(根据您的时区),它们将在理想情况下工作。 这是有帮助的,因为审阅和任务管理可以同时且更有效地进行。 如果有意识地选择,不同的时区实际上可以成为您的优势。


专业指南,以雇用合适的专用PHP开发人员 (Pro Guide To Hire The Right Dedicated PHP Developers)

Even if you do not have the most appropriate knowledge to judge skills, you still do not have to get carried away with someone’s partial knowledge. Here is your complete guide to hiring remote PHP developers by asking the most appropriate questions.

即使您没有最合适的知识来判断技能,您也不必被某人的部分知识所吸引。 这是通过询问最合适的问题来雇用远程PHP开发人员的完整指南。

#1。 不要问老套的问题,要更多技术 (#1. Do not ask cliche questions, be more technical )

Before taking up the round of interviews, you’ve obviously done your complete research about PHP and your needs. Now create a list of all the questions you want to ask, such as-

在进行本轮采访之前,您显然已经对PHP及其需求进行了完整的研究。 现在,创建您要提出的所有问题的列表,例如-

What are the different errors in PHP? PHP中有哪些不同的错误?

How is a cookie different from a session PHP?


How are include, require, include once and require once different from each other?


What are different constructors and destructors in PHP?


#2。 从过去的项目中进一步了解他们的经验 (#2. Get to know more about their experience form their past projects )

While choosing a single developer or remote PHP Team, it is important to know more about their experiences with their past projects. Talk to them about their past projects, obstacles, milestones, samples, and more to gather deep insights about them.

在选择一个开发人员或远程PHP团队时,重要的是要了解他们过去的项目经验。 与他们讨论他们过去的项目,障碍,里程碑,示例等,以收集有关他们的深刻见解。

Save yourself from the major hassles later by looking into their work profiles deeply right now.


#3。 评估对新知识的态度 (#3. Evaluate attitude towards new learnings)

The world is updating at a rapid pace. To associate with a developer who will be managing your business’s most important aspect should be up to date too. Ask a few more questions as to how they keep themselves updated? What is the new thing they’ve learned recently? And more.

世界正在Swift更新。 与将要管理您业务最重要方面的开发人员建立联系也应该是最新的。 再问一些关于他们如何保持自我更新的问题? 他们最近学到了什么新东西? 和更多。

#4。 强调沟通技巧 (#4. Emphasize on communication skills )

When hiring remote PHP developers, the topmost priority is obviously the best knowledge, but you cannot certainly overlook communications. This is because while working from a distance written and verbal communications are the only source of explanation. If you and the developer, both, can understand each other well, chances are highest to produce the most desirable product. Therefore, treat communications as one of the core factors while choosing the right fit for your business.

雇用远程PHP开发人员时,最重要的当然是最好的知识,但是您当然不能忽略沟通。 这是因为在远距离工作时,书面和口头交流是唯一的解释来源。 如果您和开发人员都能彼此理解,那么生产最理想产品的机会就最高。 因此,在选择最适合您业务的同时,将通信视为核心因素之一。

On many occasions, you will have to bring your developer in communication with the leaders and management to explain the project and success. If only a PHP developer will be able to communicate, he can explain the projects to the ones who do not know much about it. A failure in communication can act as a major set back here.

在许多情况下,您将必须使开发人员与领导者和管理层沟通,以解释项目和成功。 如果只有PHP开发人员能够交流,他可以向不太了解该项目的人解释这些项目。 通讯失败可能会成为此处的主要问题。

Also, evaluate their friendliness with all the latest communication tools because your major medium to communicate will be e-mailed, skype, video calls, or phone.


#5。 评估态度 (#5. Evaluate Attitude)

A positive attitude is a key to forever learning. Talk to your HR and they will emphasize how important is attitude. You may find a developer who might be critically acclaimed with projects and exceptionally well in their skills but lacks interpersonal skills or taking feedback from management. This will make it difficult to interact and work together. Because remember healthy communication is critical in remote working.

积极的态度是永远学习的关键。 与您的HR交谈,他们将强调态度的重要性。 您可能会找到一个开发人员,该开发人员可能在项目中广受赞誉,并且在技能上异常出色,但是缺乏人际交往能力或缺乏管理层的反馈。 这将使交互和共同工作变得困难。 因为记住健康的沟通对于远程工作至关重要。

最后, (Finally,)

Remember, it is in your best interest to clarify all your doubts at this very stage to avoid any conflicts later on. Finally when you’ve made up your mind to hire PHP developer in India, draft a legal contract describing in detail the cost break up, project break up, milestones, non-disclosure, terms, and conditions to avoid any conflicts later on.

请记住,为了避免以后发生任何冲突,在这个阶段澄清所有疑虑是您的最大利益。 最后,当您决定在印度雇用PHP开发人员时 ,请起草一份法律合同,详细描述成本分解,项目分解,里程碑,保密,条款和条件,以避免以后发生任何冲突。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/511832/





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