


Before the development of any software or a mobile app, the first thing that comes in mind is- which programming language is the best for this app. Yes!

在开发任何软件或移动应用程序之前,首先要想到的是-哪种编程语言最适合该应用程序。 是!

为特定的移动应用程序开发选择最佳的编程语言非常重要 ( It is really important to choose the best programming language for particular mobile app development)


So, among various programming languages, let’s throw light on the


Python在移动应用程序开发中的重要性 (significance of Python in Mobile app development)

or it could also be said that why Python is the best language for mobile app development?


Before that, let’s have a look at the stat where according to, Python remains the most popular programming language in


2020年 (2020)

, according to GitHub and Google Trends, surpassing longstanding Java and JavaScript in popularity.

,根据GitHub和Google Trends的说法,其流行程度超过了长期以来的Java和JavaScript。

Python was also the biggest gainer in the Tiobe index of the popularity of programming languages in the year


2018年 (2018)

, rising by


3.62% (3.62%)

points from


2018年1月至2019年1月 ( January 2018 to January 2019)

, with a rating of approx.


8.2% (8.2%)

for this month.



Source: DZone

资料来源: DZone

为什么选择Python for Mobile Apps? (Why Choose Python For Mobile Apps?)

Python is indeed becoming one of the top preferences for mobile app development. Python can be used for the development of

Python确实已成为移动应用程序开发的首选之一。 Python可用于开发

蜜蜂 ( APIs)

of mobile applications. Mobile app developers prefer to build mobile applications with the help of this programming language as this language is capable of running multiple major operating systems.

移动应用程序。 移动应用程序开发人员倾向于使用此编程语言来构建移动应用程序,因为该语言能够运行多个主要操作系统。

The use of Python language is made along with the framework in order to develop mobile apps because it helps the users to maintain the


数据库条目 (database entries)

. Apart from this, mobile app developers can perform other functions also at the same time.

。 除此之外,移动应用程序开发人员还可以同时执行其他功能。

Various kinds of mobile app development tools which can be used by the developers easily. Python is mainly used for developing android based applications. As the coding structure of python is

开发人员可以轻松使用的各种移动应用程序开发工具。 Python主要用于开发基于android的应用程序。 由于python的编码结构是

好简单 (very easy)

and this is one of the major reasons why Python developers prefer to use


Apart from this, the process of scripting in Python is very much easy. Python is one of the most suitable choices if you are looking for kind of a faster mobile response. Additionally, it supports cross-platform capabilities that is why it is considered a front-runner for cross-platform applications. So this factor is one of the most important in Python for mobile app development.

除此之外,使用Python编写脚本的过程非常简单。 如果您正在寻找一种更快的移动响应,Python是最合适的选择之一。 此外,它支持跨平台功能,这就是为什么它被视为跨平台应用程序的领先者。 因此,此因素是Python中用于移动应用程序开发的最重要因素之一。

So, it could be said that you can develop an app that can develop on different platforms just by using a


一小行代码 (small line of codes)

. You are highly suggested to develop a multi-thread app with the help of Python instead of other languages.

。 强烈建议您借助Python而不是其他语言来开发多线程应用程序。

It is seen that Python is one of the most readable and simplest languages in the world right now. This is one of the highly-used programming languages among the developers in order to create mobile applications and programs. In fact, in comparison to other languages, Python is the simplest language.

可以看出,Python是目前世界上最易读和最简单的语言之一。 这是开发人员中用来创建移动应用程序和程序的一种常用编程语言。 实际上,与其他语言相比,Python是最简单的语言。

It is really easy to implement this programming language as well as the language has a very


干净的结构 (clean structure)

as compared to other languages. This is why developers are not required to do lengthy coding. Apart from this, this programming language helps in writing faster and easier application code.

与其他语言相比 这就是为什么不需要开发人员进行冗长的编码的原因。 除此之外,这种编程语言还有助于编写更快,更容易的应用程序代码。

最佳和最重要的移动应用Python框架 (The best and the most important Python framework for Mobile apps)

基维 (Kivy)

Kivy is one of the most suitable frameworks for building mobile applications. This framework helps in completing the mobile development process very convenient and fast. This has become the center of focus since it came into light. It is an open-source Python library that helps the mobile app developers to develop fast-paced applications.

Kivy是构建移动应用程序的最合适的框架之一。 该框架有助于非常方便快捷地完成移动开发过程。 自问世以来,它已成为关注的焦点。 它是一个开放源代码的Python库,可帮助移动应用程序开发人员开发快节奏的应用程序。

This is one of the most python-powered graphical toolkits among the most popular frameworks. This toolkit helps in making very creative, intuitive, and very engaging user interfaces. That is why it has become one of the best choices for app developers. Apart from this, these frameworks help in adding the most appealing, multi-touch support.

这是最流行的框架中最受python驱动的图形工具包之一。 该工具包有助于创建非常有创意,直观且引人入胜的用户界面。 这就是为什么它已成为应用程序开发人员的最佳选择之一的原因。 除此之外,这些框架还有助于添加最具吸引力的多点触控支持。

Kivy的一些流行用例是粒子熊猫,Processcraft和TicTacTouch。 (Some of the popular use-cases of Kivy are Particle Panda, Processcraft, TicTacTouch.)

可以使用Python构建的应用程序类型 (Types of Applications that can be built using Python)

区块链应用 ( Blockchain Applications)

As everyone knows that Blockchain has become one of the hottest trends recently. According to the developers, blockchain development is not that much easy as others think. But with the help of Python, this blockchain development process has become very easy as with the help of Flask, a python’s framework, developers can use HTTP requests to interact with their blockchain over the network and create endpoints for distinct functions of blockchain. With the help of Python in Blockchain apart from this, it will help the developers to run scripts on multiple machines for developing a decentralized network.

众所周知,区块链已成为最近最热门的趋势之一。 根据开发人员的说法,区块链开发并不像其他人想象的那么容易。 但是在Python的帮助下,就像在python框架Flask的帮助下一样,此区块链开发过程变得非常容易,开发人员可以使用HTTP请求通过网络与他们的区块链进行交互,并为区块链的不同功能创建端点。 除此之外,借助Python在区块链中的帮助,它将帮助开发人员在多台机器上运行脚本以开发去中心化网络。

游戏应用 (Gaming Apps)

Python is indeed one of the most advanced programming languages which have developed amazing modules for gaming mobile apps. As it is open-source, so it is very easy for the developers to adopt it without making any kind of investments.

Python确实是最先进的编程语言之一,它已经为游戏移动应用程序开发了惊人的模块。 由于它是开源的,因此开发人员无需进行任何投资即可轻松采用它。

For gaming apps, it highly suggested to you that you should go for Python only if in case you are looking for creating a unique mobile app.


商业应用 (Business Applications)

As python offers practical agility so it is capable of developing multiple numbers of mobile applications. This is why we use Python in making ERP and E-commerce App Development.

由于python提供了实用的敏捷性,因此它能够开发多个移动应用程序。 这就是为什么我们使用Python进行ERP和电子商务应用程序开发的原因。

Have you heard about an Odoo? Well, it is basically a management software that is developed by Python with the help of which we can create a variety of business apps forming a suite of business management apps.

您听说过Odoo吗? 嗯,它基本上是由Python开发的管理软件,借助它我们可以创建各种业务管理应用程序,形成一套业务管理应用程序。

It is really easy to build amazing business applications with Python. This is the reason why most of the businessmen prefer to use Python for business application development.\

使用Python构建出色的业务应用程序确实很容易。 这就是为什么大多数商人更喜欢使用Python进行业务应用程序开发的原因。\

最后的话 (Final Words)

I hope I am somehow successful in making you aware of the power of python in mobile apps. I wish after going through the whole blog, you came to know why and how python is contributing to Mobile app development.

希望我能以某种方式使您意识到python在移动应用程序中的强大功能。 我希望在浏览整个博客后,您知道python为什么以及如何为移动应用程序开发做出了贡献。

Whether you are looking for building a blockchain-based application or it is a gaming application, you are suggested to contact a Python development company as only the Python service will make your project efficient and away from complexity.








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