

Travel news site. A year later, the venturers launched a website which evolved into the most famous peer-to-peer renting technology service called Airbnb. 旅行新闻网站的建议。 一年后,风险投资人启动了一个网站,该网站演变成最著名的点对点租赁技术服务,称为Airbnb。

 Now, the company has 3,100 employees and generates insane revenues for its founders. The statistics say that Airbnb has 150 million registered users, 3 million hosts, and 4 million listed offers. The service covers 80,000 cities in 190 countries, and, interestingly, 50% of traffic comes from mobile applications.

现在,该公司拥有3,100名员工,并为创始人创造了惊人的收入。 据统计 ,Airbnb有1.5亿注册用户,300万主机和400万上市优惠。 该服务覆盖190个国家/地区的80,000个城市,有趣的是,其中50%的流量来自移动应用程序。

  These figures are so impressive that you may also want to create your own Airbnb clone and become successful. But slow down. This story is already written; do you really need to create a marketplace similar to Airbnb?

这些数字令人印象深刻,您可能还想创建自己的Airbnb克隆并取得成功。 但是慢一点。 这个故事已经写好了; 您真的需要创建一个类似于Airbnb的市场吗?

喜欢Airbnb的应用背后的想法 (The Idea Behind Airbnb-Like Apps)

 In a nutshell, Airbnb is a simple apartment booking website which allows people to find accommodation, and rent it for a certain number of days, weeks or even months. Founders market the idea of “home away from home”, emphasizing the coziness and convenience of apartments.

简而言之,Airbnb是一个简单的公寓预订网站,使人们可以找到住宿并租用几天,几周甚至几个月的时间。 创始人推销“家外之家”的理念,强调公寓的舒适性和便利性。

 However, a clear advantage of Airbnb is that it is actually a marketplace. It is a peer-to-peer system with two main user roles:

但是,Airbnb的明显优势在于它实际上是一个市场。 它是一个具有两个主要用户角色的对等系统:

  • 嘉宾: (Guests:)

    those who book accommodation. They rent it from hosts directly, but also pay a 6-12% fee for the service itself.

    那些预订住宿的人。 他们直接从主机租用它,但还要为服务本身支付6-12%的费用。

  • 主持人: (Hosts:)

    those who own homes and rent them out. Hosts get money from travelers but they also have to pay a small 3% system fee.

    拥有房屋并出租的人。 主机从旅行者那里赚钱,但他们还必须支付3%的系统小费。

 For the tourism industry, Airbnb has become an innovation because of a few key features, though.


服务的杀手Features (The Killer Features of the Service)

Proceeding to core features, let’s look at how Airbnb developers designed their brainchild. Basically, there are six points of interest to the devs:

在介绍核心功能之前,让我们看看Airbnb开发人员如何设计自己的创意。 基本上,开发人员有六个兴趣点:

  1. 点对点市场。 (Peer-to-peer marketplace.)

    Hosts can deliver accommodation and services like catering and car rental to travelers. Airbnb connects people directly.

    房东可以为旅客提供住宿和服务,例如餐饮和汽车租赁。 Airbnb直接联系人们。

  2. 基于位置的市场。 (Location-based marketplace.)

    The system offers location filters and maps to display the most relevant search results to the users.


  3. 可用性管理。 (Availability management.)

    This feature provides for reliable bookings without miscommunication, double orders, and schedule errors.


  4. 在线支付。 (Online payments.)

    While big aggregators connect users but don’t streamline payments, Airbnb allows sending and receiving money via the site or the app


  5. 用户评论。 (User reviews.)

    Globally, peer-to-peer communities are based on trust. Similarly to CouchSurfing, both hosts and travelers can leave feedback through Airbnb.

    在全球范围内,点对点社区基于信任。 与CouchSurfing相似,房东和旅行者都可以通过Airbnb留下反馈。

  6. 延迟交易。 (Delayed transactions.)

    Following the idea of trust, Airbnb can hold funds until all participants of a given deal are satisfied.


 Technically, the service is built via Ruby on Rails framework with Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. For automation, Capybara, PhantomJS, and RSpec are used. Storages are based on PostgreSQL and Redis.

从技术上讲, 该服务是通过Ruby on Rails框架,Ruby,JavaScript,HTML和CSS构建的。 对于自动化,使用Capybara,PhantomJS和RSpec。 存储基于PostgreSQL和Redis。

对Airbnb克隆感兴趣的企业> (Businesses Interested in Airbnb Clones> )

 Keeping these things in mind, let’s decide whether Airbnb-like applications are suitable for your business or not. Booking apps are centered around a supply/demand balance, collaborative consumption, and the idea of access instead of ownership. There are dozens of pioneers that follow the principle of sharing economy — Booking and eBay, to name but a few. Hence, you can also enter this market with a similar idea.

牢记这些,让我们决定是否类似于Airbnb的应用程序适合您的业务。 预订应用程序围绕着供求平衡,协作消费以及访问而非所有权的思想。 有数十家遵循共享经济原则的开拓者-Booking和eBay,仅举几例。 因此,您也可以以类似的想法进入这个市场。

So, where will Airbnb clones be useful?


  • 电子商务。 (E-commerce.)

    Think about eBay and Amazon, for example. These companies lead the game because they have a huge loyal audience. To enter this market, you can consider going mobile and building your app around delivery or click-and-collect services.

    例如,考虑一下eBay和Amazon。 这些公司之所以领先,是因为他们拥有大量忠实的受众。 要进入这个市场,您可以考虑移动并围绕交付或点击收集服务构建您的应用程序。

  • 出差 (Traveling.)

    Here are a lot of options from offering pet care services to arranging meetings with locals or meal-sharing parties. Traditional property-sharing services are less demanded now.

    从提供宠物护理服务到安排与当地人或餐饮聚会的会议,这里有很多选择。 现在,对传统的房地产共享服务的需求越来越少。

  • 房地产。 (Real estate.)

    A lot of people search for long-term rental offers. Of course, there are many Airbnb-like services focused on renting and purchasing, but you can still integrate innovative technology

    很多人都在寻找长期租赁优惠。 当然,有许多类似Airbnb的服务致力于租购,但是您仍然可以集成创新技术

    like blockchain to stand out from the competitors.就像区块链在竞争者中脱颖而出。
  • 运输。 (Transportation.)

    Well, we all know about Uber and Lyft. Car-sharing is now a buzzword in the industry. However, there’s still some room for startups. For example, you can focus on hitchhiking services or center around innovations like self-driving cars.

    好吧,我们都知道Uber和Lyft。 现在,汽车共享已成为业界的流行语。 但是,仍有一些创业空间。 例如,您可以专注于搭便车服务,也可以围绕自动驾驶汽车等创新领域。

开发费用 (Development Costs)

 Finally, you want to be sure that the cost of a planned app will not exceed your budget. Hence, let’s look at essential stages of the development process. Generally, similar apps require designing (350-400 hours), front-end development (300-350 hours), back-end development (500-600 hours), and QA (150-200 hours). Considering the rates of $30-$150 per hour, the total cost of the project will be around $35,000-$225,000. Of course, it depends on technologies, tools, and the experience of developers.

最后,您要确保计划中的应用程序的成本不会超出您的预算。 因此,让我们看一下开发过程的基本阶段。 通常,类似的应用程序需要设计(350-400小时),前端开发(300-350小时),后端开发(500-600小时)和质量检查(150-200小时)。 考虑到每小时30至150美元的费率 ,该项目的总成本约为35,000至225,000美元。 当然,这取决于技术,工具和开发人员的经验。

 More precisely, the development process can be categorized as follows:


  • 初始设置和后端:2,500-30,000美元
  • 注册费:$ 600
  • 用户配置文件:$ 800 +主机配置文件$ 5,000- $ 6,000
  • 设置:$ 1,000
  • 搜索过滤器:1,200美元
  • 住宿选择:$ 9,000
  • 邀请模块:1,200美元
  • 翻译:$ 200
  • 指导价:$ 500
  • 地图:$ 800
  • 讯息:$ 1,500- $ 2,000
  • 我的最爱:$ 500
  • Initial setup and back-end: $2,500-$30,000
  • Registration: $600
  • User profiles: $800 + $5,000-$6,000 for host profiles
  • Settings: $1,000
  • Search filters: $1,200
  • Accommodation options: $9,000
  • Invite module: $1,200
  • Translation: $200
  • Guide: $500
  • Maps: $800
  • Messages: $1,500-$2,000
  • Favorites: $500

 What’s more, for a social media module the developer may charge about $500, while the integrated payment features such as a PayPal tool will cost up to $2,000. For app customization, be ready to pay from $500 to $5,000.

此外,对于社交媒体模块,开发人员可能会收取约500美元的费用,而集成的支付功能(如PayPal工具)的费用则高达2,000美元。 对于应用程序自定义,请准备支付$ 500至$ 5,000。

添加一些不同的东西 (Add Something Different)

 At the end of the day, even if a parent company decides to create another service similar to Airbnb, its managers should consider pitching a unique idea. Simply put, when a brand delivers a native application, it should opt for game-changing or fresh features to engage new users. By cloning Airbnb, you can really get viable results, but new functionality will boost profitability and engagement significantly. For instance, a peer-to-peer car-sharing app could benefit from a ‘free travel’ option with which the drivers specify that they’re ready to take passengers for free.

归根结底,即使母公司决定创建类似于Airbnb的另一项服务,其管理者也应考虑提出一个独特的想法。 简而言之,当品牌提供本地应用程序时,它应该选择改变游戏规则或提供新功能以吸引新用户。 通过克隆Airbnb,您确实可以获得切实可行的结果,但是新功能将大大提高盈利能力和参与度。 例如,点对点汽车共享应用程序可能会受益于“免费旅行”选项,驾驶员可以使用该选项指定他们准备免费接送乘客。

Well, you got the idea. Be creative if you want to gain a competitive edge!

好吧,你明白了。 如果您想获得竞争优势,请发挥创造力!







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