

mergers and acquisitions is complicated and requires much more effort than most business owners might expect. Generally, most workload is put on project managers who shoulder the bulk of responsibility for keeping both the existing and new projects on track. They have to not only understand the purpose of the planned M&A, but also consider all the operations that can go wrong. Then, businesses are more likely to end up with success, and not a failure. 合并和收购的过程很复杂,比大多数企业主所期望的要付出更多的努力。 通常,大多数工作量都由项目经理负责,他们负责保持现有项目和新项目的正常运转。 他们不仅必须了解计划中的并购的目的,而且还必须考虑所有可能出错的操作。 然后,企业更有可能最终获得成功,而不是失败。

有史以来最糟糕的并购交易之一 (One of the worst M&A deals ever)

An excellent example of a poorly planned merger is the Sprint and Nextel case. These two telecom service providers decided to join their forces and become even more robust and profitable. However, they took a number of missteps. First of all, their networks were not compatible. Then, after the two companies had merged, nothing really changed in the structure of their business.

Sprint和Nextel案是计划不周的合并的一个很好的例子 。 两家电信服务提供商决定联合起来,变得更加强大和盈利。 但是,他们采取了一些错误措施。 首先,他们的网络不兼容。 然后,两家公司合并后,他们的业务结构并没有真正改变。

The boards of both brands had roughly equal powers, and the staff was dispersed between two head offices. The companies continued operating like two separate brands. Even the names were not uniform. Sprint had a “Sprint together with Nextel” logo, and Nextel’s logo said “Nextel from Sprint”. It wasn’t just confusing for customers. Such branding clearly showed the audience that there was no hierarchy in the business. What was at the root of the problem?

两个品牌的董事会拥有大致相等的权力,员工分散在两个总部之间。 两家公司继续像两个独立的品牌一样运作。 甚至名字也不统一。 Sprint有一个“ Sprint与Nextel一起”徽标,Nextel的徽标上写着“ Sprint的Nextel”。 这不仅使客户感到困惑。 这样的品牌清楚地向观众表明,企业中没有等级制度。 问题的根源是什么?

Upon acquiring Nextel, Sprint didn’t extend their authority and take over management. When there is no clear structure in the company, it is hard to maintain the workflow. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the provider lost plenty of customers rather quickly. While many people point out outdated devices making them the reason for failure, it is clear that the actual issue was the lack of wise management.

收购Nextel之后,Sprint并未扩展其权限并接管管理。 如果公司中没有清晰的结构,则很难维护工作流程。 因此,提供商很快就失去了很多客户也就不足为奇了。 许多人指出过时的设备使它们成为故障的原因,但很明显,实际问题是缺乏明智的管理。

并购对项目团队的主要挑战是什么?如何克服这些挑战? (What are the key challenges of M&A for project teams and how to overcome them?)

Let’s look at the Sprint and Nextel merger case again and learn the lessons. Below, we will talk about the pain points of every M&A and find the solutions.

让我们再次看一下Sprint和Nextel合并案例并学习课程。 下面,我们将讨论每个并购的痛点并找到解决方案。

管理层次结构和命令链的变化 (Changes in the management hierarchy and chain of command )

The main issue arises when it’s not clear who is in charge, and what the management will look like after the merger. This is where top executives should work in close cooperation with project managers to streamline operating activities and adjust the roles of team members. Here is the list of things the leadership has to do:

当不清楚由谁负责以及合并后管理层的状况时,就会出现主要问题。 在这里,高层管理人员应与项目经理密切合作,以简化运营活动并调整团队成员的角色。 以下是领导层必须做的事情:

  • Review the current management structure. Who is in charge of key operations? What does a decision-making process look like? Who has the most authority?

    审查当前的管理结构。 谁负责关键操作? 决策过程是什么样的? 谁拥有最权威?
  • Decide who will be in charge after the merger. It is critical to establish a clear hierarchy that will satisfy the new board of directors. Then, it will be much easier to manage the workflow and define the goals of the company.

    决定合并后的负责人。 建立一个能够使新董事会满意的清晰层次结构至关重要。 然后,将更容易管理工作流程和定义公司的目标。
  • Talk about goals. It is crucial to decide what will be the ultimate purpose and the related goals of the company. The leadership should follow the same direction. Otherwise, it’s impossible to avoid issues.

    谈论目标。 决定公司的最终目的和相关目标至关重要。 领导层应遵循相同的方向。 否则,就不可能避免问题。
  • Corporate culture is another important point. Each brand has its corporate values. So, it is vital to decide on the values of the company after the merger.

    企业文化是另一个重点。 每个品牌都有其企业价值。 因此,决定合并后公司的价值至关重要。
  • Build a structure of the teams. You have to decide whether you will mix the teams from both companies or they will work separately. In the latter scenario, it’s crucial to establish efficient interaction between teams.

    建立团队的结构。 您必须决定是将两家公司的团队混在一起还是分开工作。 在后一种情况下,在团队之间建立有效的交互至关重要。

The main issue the leadership faces trying to work on these is the lack of communication and poor understanding of the current management structure both companies have. The solution is business intelligence software that will make the interaction with big data effortless. It is used for data retrieval, visualization, and analysis.

领导层试图解决这些问题的主要问题是缺乏沟通和对两家公司当前管理结构的了解不足。 解决方案是商业智能软件 ,它将使与大数据的交互变得毫不费力。 它用于数据检索,可视化和分析。

Here are some tools you might use:


  • SAP BusinessObjects;

    SAP BusinessObjects;
  • IBM Cognos Analytics;

    IBM Cognos Analytics;
  • Oracle BI;

    Oracle BI;
  • Tableau;

  • InsightSquared;

  • Domo;

  • GoodData.

合并和合并项目数据 (Merging and consolidating project data)

Most issues come from data management. Once the companies merge, all the corporate information and project data should be merged and studied as well. This process is rather complicated and requires a plan – which tools you will use, who will control the transition, what the new database will look like, etc. But issues don’t end here.

大多数问题来自数据管理。 公司合并后,所有公司信息和项目数据也应合并和研究。 这个过程相当复杂,需要一个计划-您将使用哪些工具,谁来控制过渡,新数据库的外观等等,但是问题并不仅限于此。

Once the data is moved to a single repository and structured, it’s time to go through the current projects run by both companies, understand the status of processes, and reassign tasks since the teams are merged as well. Then, the team leader has to watch over the workflow and adjust it as needed.

一旦将数据移动到单个存储库并进行了结构化,由于团队也已合并,现在该通过两个公司运行的当前项目,了解流程的状态并重新分配任务了。 然后,团队负责人必须监视工作流程并根据需要进行调整。

Here are some teamwork tools that might help you create a steady and efficient workflow:


  • Jira;

  • Trello;

  • Asana;

  • RedBooth;

  • Dapulse;

  • Confluence.


Special mention should be made of WatchTower. Originally, it is an app for Jira that helps team leaders manage issues from different Jira instances. It acts as a single Agile board that consolidates all issues and makes it possible to not only track them but also update if necessary. However, WatchTower’s capabilities can be extended beyond the Jira ecosystem. It may well be integrated with other project management tools mentioned above. This solution comes in handy during mergers and acquisitions, because companies often use various tools to control their corporate processes. In this case, WatchTower serves as a connector between different project management systems.

特别要提到WatchTower 。 最初,它是Jira的应用程序,可帮助团队负责人管理来自不同Jira实例的问题。 它充当一个单一的敏捷委员会,负责合并所有问题,不仅可以跟踪问题,还可以在必要时进行更新。 但是,可以将WatchTower的功能扩展到Jira生态系统之外。 它很可能与上述其他项目管理工具集成在一起。 由于公司经常使用各种工具来控制他们的公司流程,因此该解决方案在合并和收购期间非常有用。 在这种情况下,WatchTower充当不同项目管理系统之间的连接器。

保持员工敬业度 (Maintaining employee engagement)

One of the most significant issues the merged companies face is that employees often get unsatisfied with the changes. Team members need to adjust to the new workflow, accept new leaders and values, learn how to work with their new colleagues, etc. It’s quite hard, and the only solution here is to improve communication between the leadership and employees, as well as among team members.

合并后的公司面临的最重要问题之一是员工通常对变更不满意。 团队成员需要适应新的工作流程,接受新的领导者和价值观,学习如何与新同事合作等。这非常困难,这里唯一的解决方案是改善领导者与员工之间以及员工之间的沟通团队成员。

Therefore, you have to work on the following:


  • Organize HR management processes. At this point, it might be useful to create new jobs, rearrange the existing teams and take a fresh look at the current roles of employees.

    组织人力资源管理流程。 在这一点上,创建新工作,重新安排现有团队并重新审视员工的当前角色可能很有用。
  • Retain and motivate key talents. Every company has its star employees that should stay no matter what. Thus, you should come up with some reinforcements that will motivate these team members to continue working efficiently. Maybe, it’s time to promote them or grant with more benefits.

    留住并激励关键人才。 每个公司都有其明星员工,无论如何都要留下来。 因此,您应该提出一些增强措施,以激励这些团队成员继续有效地工作。 也许是时候推广或给予更多好处了。
  • Make sure the communication is on point. Often, employees get stressed during the merger. This is mostly because they don’t know what will come next. Will they stay or get fired? Will things change? That’s why you should keep the team updated and inform employees about future events.

    确保通讯正确。 在合并过程中,员工常常会感到压力。 这主要是因为他们不知道接下来会发生什么。 他们会留下还是被解雇? 事情会改变吗? 这就是为什么您应该让团队保持最新状态并通知员工未来的事件。
  • Reinvent your corporate culture. The company should have clear values. And once two firms with different corporate cultures merge, the board needs to establish a new uniform culture.

    重塑您的企业文化。 公司应该有明确的价值观。 一旦两家具有不同企业文化的公司合并,董事会就需要建立一种新的统一文化。

To improve communication in the company you should implement dedicated solutions in addition to collaboration ones. So, here are some tools you might use:

为了改善公司内部的沟通,除了协作解决方案之外,您还应该实施专用的解决方案。 因此,这是您可能会使用的一些工具:

  • Slack;

  • Stride;

  • Microsoft Teams;

  • Workplace;

  • Ryver;

  • Zoho Cliq;

    Zoho Cliq;
  • Fleep.

公司在并购过程中面临的其他挑战 (Other challenges companies face during M&A)

Most businesses struggle during the merger because they have different approaches and use different tools. Therefore, leaders have to come up with a uniform set of instruments and goals that will satisfy everyone.

大多数企业在合并过程中都会遇到困难,因为它们使用不同的方法和使用不同的工具。 因此,领导者必须提出一套统一的工具和目标,才能使每个人都满意。

But there is one more issue – clients’ reaction. You should remember that the merger affects customers as well. That’s why leaders should think of the appropriate branding after M&A. In the case of Sprint and Nextel, their customers had a hard time understanding which provider they were using and what to expect. So, you should enhance communication with clients and explain what happened, and where things will go in the future.

但是还有一个问题–客户的React。 您应该记住,合并也会影响客户。 因此,领导者应该在并购之后考虑合适的品牌。 对于Sprint和Nextel,他们的客户很难理解他们正在使用哪个提供商以及期望什么。 因此,您应该加强与客户的沟通,并说明发生了什么,以及将来的发展方向。

M&A is a difficult process that requires business owners to be as attentive as possible and consider every nuance that impacts success. Thus, it is critical to plan M&A in the smallest detail, and both companies have to take part in this planning. It sounds hard to execute, but the tools mentioned in this article will facilitate the process significantly.

并购是一个困难的过程,需要企业所有者尽可能地细心,并考虑影响成功的每一个细微差别。 因此,以最小的细节计划并购至关重要,两家公司都必须参与这一计划。 听起来很难执行,但是本文提到的工具将极大地简化该过程。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/456772/






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