

Hi all! I lead antispam team and several machine learning teams at Mail.ru Group. The subject of this article is self-development for team leads/managers. But in reality many techniques and recipes do not depend on the role at all. This really concerns me because machine learning is developing extremely fast, and it takes a lot of time to stay up to date. So the question about what should be done for development and how is quite topical.

大家好! 我领导Mail.ru Group的反垃圾邮件团队和几个机器学习团队。 本文的主题是团队负责人/经理的自我发展。 但实际上,许多技术和配方根本不依赖于角色。 这真的让我感到担忧,因为机器学习的发展非常Swift,并且要花很多时间才能保持最新。 因此,关于应该做什么进行开发以及如何进行开发的问题非常具有话题性。

Of course, the content of this article is not the ultimate truth but just a description of the results of my continuing quest. It tells about approaches based on books and workshops, trials and errors, which have worked for me. It'll be good to have a discussion with you in comments.

当然,本文的内容不是最终的真理,而只是对我不断追求的结果的描述。 它讲述了对我有用的基于书籍和研讨会,试验和错误的方法。 在评论中与您讨论会很好。

As I have to make job interviews quite often, I ask all applicants a question: «What do you expect from your manager?» Apart from typical answers («being able to set objectives well», «giving feedback» and so on), in 95 % of instances they say that manager should be an expert. That is, people expect their manager to boost their professional skills. So we managers are partially under pressure from the environment trying to wear two hats all the time and split our time somehow between people management and our expert fields (dev and ML in my case).

由于我不得不经常进行面试,所以我问所有申请人一个问题:“您对经理的期望是什么?” 除了典型的答案(“能够很好地设定目标”,“给出反馈”等)外,在95%的情况下,他们说经理应该是专家。 也就是说,人们期望他们的经理提高他们的专业技能。 因此,我们的经理部分承受着来自环境的压力,试图一直戴两顶帽子,并在人员管理和我们的专家领域(在我的情况下为dev和ML)之间分配时间。

Indeed, our value for our companies depends on how we split our efforts between these two work areas. If one leads a team of five and commits 100 % of the time to dev, not paying attention to people management, then the team will work at random. Which means that such a leader's value for the company is very low. On the other hand, if one is doing not exactly what he or she wants to do, then the motivation in daily work may be not so high. One just doesn't feel happy on a daily basis. The answer to questions like «Am I happy?» or «Am I doing what I want to do» may be «No», and this can strongly undermine one's motivation.

确实,我们对公司的价值取决于我们如何在这两个工作领域之间进行努力。 如果一个人带领一支由五人组成的团队,并且100%的时间致力于开发,而不关注人员管理,那么该团队将随机工作。 这意味着这样的领导者对公司的价值非常低。 另一方面,如果一个人没有完全按照自己的意愿去做,那么日常工作的动力就不会那么高。 只是每天都不开心。 诸如“我开心吗?”之类的问题的答案 或“我正在做自己想做的事”可能是“否”,这会严重破坏一个人的动力。

Every good manager knows that time needs to be allocated to personal development. So, imagine that you are sitting at your desk after hours when there's nobody in the office and thinking what skill to train.

每个优秀的经理都知道,需要将时间分配给个人发展。 因此,想象一下,下班后没有人坐在办公室时坐在办公桌前,想着要训练什么技能。

Example: you lead a small backend team, and you all are about to face introduction of Kubernetes. You have a vague idea of what it really is. In addition, your distributed system designing skill is below average. There are two recommended books about Kubernetes and system design before you. Which one to read?

示例:您领导一个小型后端团队,并且所有人都将面对Kubernetes的介绍。 您对它的真正含义有一个模糊的想法。 另外,您的分布式系统设计技能低于平均水平。 在您开始之前,有两本推荐的有关Kubernetes和系统设计的书。 读哪一个?

Another example: you and your team had to redesign the system because of your last error in design, which means a doubling of effort. At the same time, you spent a half of your time budget procrastinating and were unable make yourself work effectively. So, you thought less about the design process, your team, control, and so on. What to spend your time on? A recommended two-day Time Management workshop or a book about System Design? The answers can be not obvious.

另一个例子:由于您最后的设计错误,您和您的团队不得不重新设计系统,这意味着需要加倍的努力。 同时,您花了一半的时间预算拖延时间,无法使自己有效地工作。 因此,您对设计过程,团队,控制等等的考虑较少。 花什么时间? 推荐的为期两天的时间管理研讨会或有关系统设计的书? 答案可能并不明显。

训练什么? (What to train?)

Let's figure out what really can be trained. To do this, let's build a pyramid where at the base are fundamental competencies, which are essentially responsibility, drive for results, communication paradigm (those well-known «win-win», «win-lose», and so on) and passion at work. They will be discussed here quite soon.

让我们找出真正可以训练的东西。 为此,让我们建立一个金字塔,其中基础能力基本能力 ,本质上是责任,追求结果,沟通范式(那些众所周知的“双赢”,“​​双输”等等)和热情工作中。 他们将很快在这里讨论。

Then goes personal effectiveness: how well and effectively you work during the working day, and how good are your time management, training, planning, self-fulfillment, and so on.


Above these are soft skills (which really include personal effectiveness, but I've put it on a separate tier due to its importance). The majority of those skills are related with communication. This is a rather broad subject. As an example, consider skills that are common to managers, such as people and project management, presentation skills, decision-making, negotiating, and so on.

这些之上是软技能 (实际上包括个人效率,但由于其重要性,我将其放在单独的层次上)。 这些技能大多数与沟通有关。 这是一个相当广泛的主题。 例如,请考虑经理所共有的技能,例如人员和项目管理,演示技能,决策制定,谈判等等。

Above these are primary professional skills (Hard Core Skills): databases, understanding of how distributed systems work, some fundamental machine learning processes in my case.

在这些之上,是主要的专业技能(“ 硬核技能” ):数据库,对分布式系统工作原理的理解,一些基本的机器学习过程。

Finally, on the top are «modern» professional skills (Hard Contemporary Skills) which change from time to time in our inventory: specific programming languages, knowledge of certain libraries, databases, and so on.

最后,最重要的是“现代”专业技能(现代硬技能 ),这些技能在我们的清单中会不时发生变化:特定的编程语言,某些库,数据库的知识等等。

个人发展重点 (Personal development priorities)

You can invest as much time as you want in learning specific languages, libraries and databases. The main thing is to understand where exactly to invest. At any point in time, you need to understand it clearly what you are doing and for what. I prioritize lower tiers of the pyramid because upper tiers depend on them. For example, development of personal effectiveness will free up time for learning a language or improving presentation skills.

您可以根据需要花费很多时间来学习特定的语言,库和数据库。 最主要的是要了解在何处进行准确的投资。 在任何时候,您都需要清楚地了解自己在做什么和做什么。 我优先考虑金字塔的较低层,因为较高层取决于它们。 例如,提高个人效能将腾出时间来学习语言或改善演讲技巧。

长期价值 (Long-term value)

Say, you develop your personal effectiveness. Consider two situations: you either work eight hours a day and perform well, or you spend only four hours a day (we all have been in both situations). In the first case, you really have twice more time for both personal development and work, so the lower is the tier the longer is the term of investments you make.

说,你发展自己的个人效能。 考虑两种情况:您要么每天工作8个小时并表现良好,要么每天只花费4个小时(我们都处于这两种情况下)。 在第一种情况下,您的个人发展和工作时间实际上要多出两倍,所以等级越低,您进行投资的时间就越长。

If you succeed in building your fundamental competencies such as responsibility and drive for results, they will remain with you all your life, you will never lose them. Communication skills and personal effectiveness will remain for tens of years because different paradigms change from time to time. Consider messengers and phones as an example. While 30 years ago one could work undisturbed, without distractions, now there are new difficulties due to notifications from messengers, Facebook and others. So we need to rearrange ourselves from time to time. Extensive use of VR or being connected can turn our lives around and dramatically change requirements for skills.

如果您成功建立起自己的基本能力,例如责任感和追求成果,那么它们将一生伴随着您,您将永远不会失去。 沟通技巧和个人效率将保持数十年,因为不同的范例会不时发生变化。 以Messenger和电话为例。 尽管30年前人们可以不受干扰地工作,而不会分散注意力,但由于来自Messenger,Facebook和其他人的通知,现在出现了新的困难。 因此,我们需要不时地重新安排自己。 广泛使用VR或建立连接可以改变我们的生活,并极大地改变对技能的要求。

Hard Core Skills will remain useful for around ten years. For example, the distributed system design skill was not required 15 or 20 years ago, but now it is in high demand. Some of today's dev methods will remain useful for several years. They will transform into core professional skills (neural networks, for example) from time to time. While around 5 or 10 years ago it was the domain of few researchers, today it is the cornerstone of machine learning.

核心技能将在大约十年内保持有用。 例如,15或20年前并不需要分布式系统设计技能,但现在需求很高。 当今的一些开发方法将在几年内仍然有用。 它们将不时转变为核心专业技能(例如,神经网络)。 大约在5或10年前,它是少数研究人员的领域,而今天,它是机器学习的基石。

It's obvious to me from this reasoning that it's better to dedicate time to learning Time Management rather System Design. In turn, learning System Design is preferable to Kubernetes. I'm going to tell you about the two lower tiers as the upper ones are more or less clear.

从这种推理对我来说显而易见的是,最好花时间学习时间管理而不是系统设计。 反过来,学习系统设计优于Kubernetes。 我将告诉您有关两个较低层的信息,因为较高层或多或少是清晰的。

基本技能 (Fundamental skills)

There are four fundamental skills (as I learned at Nina Afonina's workshops):

有四个基本技能(正如我在Nina Afonina的讲习班中学到的):

  • Responsibility

  • Drive for results

  • Communication paradigm

  • Passion at work


责任 (Responsibility)

A quick example: antispam and stark realities of working in such a team. Spammers keep attacking our email service all the time. Adapting to the protection system constantly, they create such a pressure that we have to make new features on a recurring basis. As soon as you make something, you have to devise something new. This looks pretty much like the eternal struggle of weapon and armor. Such powerful nonstop pressure once resulted in a huge technical debt because we didn't have enough time for all the required protection subsystems.

一个简单的例子:在这样一个团队中工作的反垃圾邮件和鲜明的现实。 垃圾邮件发送者一直在不断攻击我们的电子邮件服务。 它们不断适应保护系统,因此产生了巨大的压力,我们不得不不断地开发新功能。 一旦做点什么,就必须设计新的东西。 这看起来很像武器和盔甲的永恒斗争。 如此强大的不间断压力曾经导致巨大的技术负担,因为我们没有足够的时间来处理所有必需的保护子系统。

Let's review a generalized picture of team lead in our team who faces the challenges described above.


A person with a less developed sense of responsibility (whom we try to avoid) would hardly want to resolve issues when it comes to tackling challenges and breaking the system. «It's always been like this, the project's a mess, this can't be made good, we have 100 services, it'll always be like this, I can't change this.»

一个责任感较弱的人(我们试图避免这种责任感)在解决挑战和打破制度方面几乎不想解决问题。 «一直以来都是这样,项目很烂,不能做得好,我们有100项服务,永远都是这样,我无法改变。”

If a team lead has a moderate sense of responsibility, he or she will take responsibility understanding that situation can be changed. Perhaps, the team lead will try to convince the manager to allocate more time for that and will be able to do many things. But when such a team lead faces major issues (for example, mail service is down for an hour because of a bug in prod), he or she backs up and tries to shift responsibility to teammates: «We don't have enough testers, we don't allocate enough time, this is SRE’s fault.»

如果团队负责人具有中等责任感,则他或她将承担责任,了解情况可以改变。 也许,团队负责人将试图说服经理为此分配更多时间,并且能够做很多事情。 但是,当这样的团队负责人遇到重大问题(例如,由于产品中的错误导致邮件服务中断了一个小时)时,他或她会备份并尝试将责任转移给队友:“我们没有足够的测试人员,我们没有分配足够的时间,这是SRE的错。»

A highly responsible person will assume responsibility both for her own work and for the team. Such a person understands that an error made by someone in the team is her own mistake too. An indispensable element is proactive behavior: learn from mistakes and do your best to prevent recurrence. As a result, the issue goes away over time.

一个高度负责的人将为自己的工作和团队承担责任。 这样的人知道团队中某人犯的错误也是她自己的错误。 不可或缺的要素是积极的行为:从错误中学习并尽最大努力防止再次发生。 结果,问题随着时间的流逝而消失了。

追求结果 (Drive for results)

Consider the example of antispam again. Hundreds of millions of images come to our services. To process them, we introduce neural networks which are a high-load system. A team lead with low drive for results will not be able to make a sound action plan. Most probably, there will be approximate target dates and approximate goals. As a result, tasks will be almost never fulfilled when due.

再次考虑反垃圾邮件的示例。 数以亿计的图像为我们服务。 为了处理它们,我们引入了神经网络,它是一个高负载系统。 缺乏成果的团队领导将无法制定合理的行动计划。 最可能会有大概的目标日期和大概的目标。 结果,到期时任务几乎永远不会完成。

With moderate drive for results, there is already some plan and understanding of risks. If you come to agreement that a task will be fulfilled in a quarter, then it will most probably take 3 to 5 months. But the goal will change if there are major obstacles: «Our estimation of the service's capabilities was wrong, we don't have enough servers, there are no resources, so we will launch the feature only for a part of users or for specific images.»

适度地追求结果,已经有一些计划和对风险的理解。 如果您同意将在四分之一的时间内完成一项任务,则可能需要3到5个月的时间。 但是,如果存在主要障碍,目标将改变:“我们对服务功能的估计是错误的,我们没有足够的服务器,没有资源,因此我们将仅针对部分用户或特定图像启动此功能。»

With high drive for results, there is always Plan B. The main thing is that not goals but ways to achieve them change when major obstacles arise. At the moment, when we encounter this issue, we try to make steps that are non-trivial for us: ask to pay for servers from others' budget because ours is exhausted; or take servers from somebody's current cluster and add to ours, and write something or help in some other way in exchange.

在追求结果的过程中,总是有B计划。最主要的是,当出现主要障碍时,目标不是实现目标而是要改变实现目标的方法。 目前,当我们遇到此问题时,我们会尝试采取对我们来说不平凡的步骤:由于我们的精疲力尽,要求从他人的预算中购买服务器; 或从某人当前的集群中获取服务器并添加到我们的集群中,然后以交换的方式写点东西或提供帮助。

But no matter how great you are as a developer or a team lead, all your technical skills will be by an order of magnitude less effective unless you resolve issues in the project. In other words, you should take responsibility, follow up the task and do this when due and with appropriate quality. Any task that is not 100 % fulfilled remains with you. Tasks will pile up like a snowball.

但是,无论您作为开发人员还是团队领导多么出色,除非解决项目中的问题,否则所有技术技能的效率都会降低一个数量级。 换句话说,您应该承担责任,跟进任务,并在适当时以适当的质量执行此任务。 任何未100%完成的任务将留在您身边。 任务将像雪球一样堆积。

How to train skills of responsibility and drive for results?


The scale described earlier helped me a lot. Using it, I was able to define my current position and understand what I lacked. Since then, I've run retrospective analyses every month, every quarter and every year asking myself questions: «What risks I didn't consider in the project?», «Where I could have been more result-driven?», «Where I attempted to shift responsibility to others?», «Were there any conflict situations?», and so on. I always try to learn something new, and to train this skill as well.

前面描述的比例尺对我有很大帮助。 使用它,我可以定义我的当前职位并了解我所缺少的。 从那时起,我每个月,每个季度和每年进行回顾性分析,问自己以下问题:“我没有在项目中考虑哪些风险?”,“在哪里我可能更注重结果?”,“在哪里我试图将责任转移给其他人?»,«是否有任何冲突情况?»,依此类推。 我总是尝试学习一些新知识,同时也要训练这种技能。

沟通范式 (Communication paradigms)

We are talking about «win-win» and «win-lose», that is, about how focused you are on yourself and on others. It should be noted here that evolution of nature is based on some agents' combining to become something bigger. For example, cells combined in our bodies can do much more than each one acting separately. Genes combine into DNA, animals gather in groups, and so on. When a country makes war with another and captures its resources, the resources change hands. But when there is commerce instead of war, it is mutually beneficial cooperation, and everybody wins as a result.

我们谈论的是“双赢”和“双输”,即您如何专注于自己和他人。 这里应该注意的是,自然的进化是基于某些主体的结合而变得更大。 例如,结合在我们体内的细胞的作用远不止每个单独作用的细胞。 基因组合成DNA,动物成群聚集,依此类推。 当一个国家与另一个国家交战并夺取其资源时,资源易手。 但是,当有商业而不是战争时,这是互惠互利的合作,结果每个人都会获胜。

If you believe that «win-win» is not a very good strategy, then you should learn more about the evolution of life and survival of creatures. :)

如果您认为“双赢”不是一个很好的策略,那么您应该更多地了解生物的进化和生存。 :)

Helping others is more than just a good strategy in our world — it makes us better. Helping another person in good faith provides a sense of accomplishment because of sympathy. Ways to help others are common to all, so I'm going to focus on a non-trivial thing: spread of ideas.

帮助他人不仅仅是我们世界上的一项好策略,它还能使我们变得更好。 出于同情心,帮助他人可以提供成就感。 帮助他人的方法是所有人共同的,所以我将专注于一个不重要的事情:思想的传播。

Richard Dawkins suggested that ideas are like viruses. They infect people's minds and are spread from person to person. Ideas evolve, go through natural selection and so on. Successful ideas establish themselves in people's minds, unsuccessful ideas fade. «There are no bad people, there are people with bad ideas« Sam Harris.

理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins)认为,想法就像病毒。 它们感染人们的思想,并在人与人之间传播。 观念不断演变,经过自然选择等等。 成功的想法会在人们的思想中建立自己,失败的想法会逐渐消失。 « 没有坏人,有坏主意的人 «Sam Harris。

At the same time, good ideas do not spread by themselves. When you learn something good and valuable, you should project it to others. There is a lot of information noise and nonsense around us, so healthy information is like a sunbeam in darkness.

同时,好主意不会自行传播。 当您学习好的东西和有价值的东西时,应该将其投射给他人。 我们周围到处都是信息噪音和胡说八道,因此健康的信息就像黑暗中的阳光。

工作热情 (Passion at work)

Let's proceed to passion at work. To develop, one should firstly want to do that. Secondly, do that well. To want to do something, one needs resources of the body, including brain. There are four types of resources: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual (goals and values). If some of those resources are limited, then it will be hard enough to find motivation for development. For example, there can hardly be any development if you haven't slept two nights in a row. It is also hard to find motivation for changing something when you are exhausted by a workplace conflict. A common problem is lack of resources of several types at the same time. For example, conflict with manager and divergence of one's own goals and values from company's.

让我们继续对工作充满热情。 要发展,首先应该做到这一点。 其次,做得好。 要想做某事,一个人需要身体的资源,包括大脑。 资源有四种类型:物质,情感,智力和精神(目标和价值观)。 如果其中一些资源有限,那么将很难找到发展动力。 例如,如果您没有连续睡两晚,几乎没有任何发展。 当您因工作场所冲突而精疲力尽时,也很难找到改变某些事物的动力。 一个普遍的问题是同时缺乏几种类型的资源。 例如,与经理的冲突以及个人目标和公司价值观的差异。

You think: «I should go on vacation. I'll spend a couple of weeks in tropical paradise, and everything will work out when I'm back.» In reality, this doesn't work. Rest replenishes only physical resources and relieves emotional tension as a maximum. But as soon as you get back to work, the same things go round and round again. This is why you should strictly follow top bottom direction in replenishing your resources.

您认为:«我应该去度假。 我将在热带天堂度过几周,回来后一切都会正常。» 实际上,这是行不通的。 休息只能补充身体资源,最大程度地缓解情绪紧张。 但是,一旦您重新开始工作,同样的事情就会反复发生。 这就是为什么您应严格遵循自上而下的方向来补充资源。

补货 (Replenishment)

How to do this?


As to spiritual resources, it's important to define your values first of all. Note that it is essential to write them down as a priority list. Once I made such a list several years ago, I understood that my work was my first priority, although, ideally, my family, close ones and friends should be placed higher in the list. Then I concluded that I didn't devote enough time to them, so I set a goal for myself to communicate more with others — my friends and peers. But setting a goal is not enough. You need to understand how to pursue it. I began to plan this activity among others in ToDoist. For example, I defined a task: to meet up with my family or friends for a little poker game, for example, once in a month. It is important here that value-oriented goals are a plus both for me and for others (within the context of the «win-win» strategy I've described earlier). In this case, it is important that it is not only you who is happy about the event.

对于精神资源 ,首先定义您的价值观很重要。 请注意,将它们记为优先级列表是必不可少的。 几年前,一旦我列出了这份清单,我就知道我的工作是我的首要任务,尽管理想情况下,我的家人,亲戚和朋友应该放在清单上。 然后我得出结论,我没有为他们投入足够的时间,所以我为自己设定了一个目标,可以与他人(我的朋友和同伴)进行更多的交流。 但是设定目标还不够。 您需要了解如何进行。 我开始在ToDoist中计划这项活动。 例如,我定义了一个任务:与我的家人或朋友见面,例如每月一次的小型扑克游戏。 在这里重要的是,以价值为导向的目标对我和其他人都是有利的(在我先前描述的“双赢”战略的背景下)。 在这种情况下,重要的是不仅您对事件感到高兴。

To replenish your intellectual resources (learning new things or enjoying your hobby), you should do what you like to do. I decided that I should develop myself both at the workplace and at home. I read books and listen to podcasts. Even when I lack development in some way due to workload, I can always learn something new when I'm out of the office. Then I feel that I'm not stagnating. This way or another, many ideas I've learned find use both in my personal life and in work.

要补充您的智力资源 (学习新事物或享受自己的爱好),您应该做自己喜欢做的​​事情。 我决定我应该在工作场所和在家中自我发展。 我看书,听播客。 即使由于工作量而在某种程度上缺乏开发,当我不在办公室时,我总能学到新的东西。 然后我觉得我没有停滞。 通过这种方式,我学到的许多想法在我的个人生活和工作中都能找到用处。

Emotional resources are filled first of all with positive emotions. We in this country are not too good at celebrating our wins and successes, not to mention praising others. Once you've launched a new product or feature, it makes sense to buy a cake or pizza and celebrate with your team. When you see someone do something well, say something to give the person a credit. Apart from being pleased, people will begin to share such behavior. With time, members of your team will do the same, thus creating a positive atmosphere. 情绪资源首先充满积极情绪。 我们这个国家不太擅长庆祝我们的胜利和成功,更不用说赞扬别人了。 一旦推出新产品或功能,就可以购买蛋糕或比萨饼并与您的团队一起庆祝。 当您看到某人做得很好时,请说出一些话来赞美该人。 除了感到高兴之外,人们将开始分享这种行为。 随着时间的推移,您的团队成员将做同样的事情,从而营造一种积极的氛围。 Physical resources. Sleeping, eating and exercises. Nothing new. But I'd like to discuss two extremes in distribution of load. 物理资源。 睡眠,饮食和运动。 没什么新鲜的。 但是我想讨论负载分布的两个极端。
  • Daily schedule. Say, you get up at the same time every morning, eat healthy three times a day and exercise three times a week. You optimize yourself to this schedule and most of the time everything runs like clockwork. You perform quite well and are buoyant and cheerful as long as you stick to it. But there is a downside. When something is different from what you are used to (for example, you've slept a couple of hours less), this can make you feel bad all day. For 10 years, I was in a state where I could spend half of the day just to recover after having just an hour less of sleep.

    每日时间表 。 假设您每天早上在同一时间起床,一天要吃三顿健康的食物,一周要锻炼三遍。 您可以根据此计划优化自己,并且在大多数情况下,所有事情都像发条一样运转。 只要坚持下去,您的表现就会非常好,而且会很开朗。 但是有一个缺点。 如果您的习惯有所不同(例如,您的睡眠时间减少了几个小时),这可能会使您整天感到难受。 十年来,我一直处于睡眠不足一小时后可以花一半时间恢复的状态。

  • Stochastic loads. At some point, I decided to undergo a random load experiment. The idea was to do rather extreme things from time to time. For example, to sleep only two hours a day, to work without holidays, to go to a music festival on holidays, and so on. As a result of this, the body is subjected to a regular stress (the main thing is that it is moderate, not «fatal»). This way you can see how your body works in extreme circumstances. The underlying idea behind this can be that human body is designed for life in primitive conditions, like in prehistoric times, where there is no daily schedule. For example, you do nothing all day because you have food. Then a tiger shows up suddenly, so you run for 10 minutes as fast as you can, then rest again, then hunt a mammoth for two hours, eat mammoth meat for two days, then starve for three days, and so on. The idea is that your body is well suited to such unexpected and irregular loads. It's exactly due to the practice of random loads that I can sleep only two hours a day without feeling broke. Profit!

    随机负荷 。 在某个时候,我决定进行随机负载实验。 这个想法是不时做一些极端的事情。 例如,每天仅睡两个小时,不带假期工作,在假期参加音乐节等等。 结果,身体受到正常的压力(最主要的是它是适度的,而不是“致命的”)。 通过这种方式,您可以查看身体在极端情况下的工作情况。 其背后的基本思想可能是,人体是为原始条件下的生命而设计的,例如在史前时代,没有每日时间表。 例如,您整日无所事事,因为您有食物。 然后老虎突然出现,所以您要尽可能快地跑10分钟,然后再次休息,然后猎杀猛a象两个小时,吃猛eat象两天,然后饿三天,依此类推。 想法是,您的身体非常适合此类意外和不规则负荷。 正是由于随机负荷的练习,我一天只能睡两个小时而不会感到精神崩溃。 利润!

目标和动力 (Goals and motivation)

Let's proceed to goal-setting and review its downside.


Say, the goal is to improve KPI by 10 %. For us at antispam this means less spam complaints from users in mailbox.

说,目标是将KPI提高10%。 对于我们来说,这意味着减少邮箱用户对垃圾邮件的投诉。

As you progress to this goal in the course of a half-year to one year, you always refer to the final result. Essentially, you are constantly dissatisfied with the fact that you are still not at the final point. But when you achieve your goal, your joy is short-lived, and you set new goals.

在半年到一年的时间内实现此目标时,您总是参考最终结果。 本质上,您一直不满意您还没有到达终点的事实。 但是,当您实现自己的目标时,您的喜悦就会短暂,并会设定新的目标。

Another point: every goal must always be measurable. Such a goal is very difficult to set as people are not really good at planning in general (planning fallacy is that people think they can plan (с) E. Yudkowsky). And, indeed, it's hard to tell what will happen in the future. So the goal can turn out to be underestimated and easy. And then you have a feeling of fulfillment: you can stop working on your task and ask for an increase in pay for the success. Although you could have tried to do even better.

还有一点:每个目标都必须始终是可衡量的。 由于人们通常并不真正擅长规划,因此很难设定这样的目标( 规划谬误是人们认为自己可以规划 (?)E. Yudkowsky)。 而且,的确,很难说出将来会发生什么。 因此,目标可能被低估了并且很容易。 然后,您会感到满足感:您可以停止工作,而要求增加成功的报酬。 尽管您本可以尝试做得更好。

Or, otherwise, the goal can turn out to be unachievable. This causes a persistent lack of motivation since your brain discharges dopamine as you progress towards a goal that promises a good chance of success. It turns out that the result is poor no matter how hard you try.

或者,否则,目标可能无法实现。 这会导致持续缺乏动力,因为您在朝着有望获得成功机会的目标前进时会排出多巴胺。 事实证明,无论您多么努力,结果都是很糟糕的。

One is tempted to follow the motto: «Goals are for losers» (taken from «How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big» by Scott Adams which I highly recommend you to read. You can find it here). So what is for «successful» people then? They can use systems that will allow them to increase the chance of success with goals.

一个人倾向于遵循这样的座右铭:“目标是给失败者”(摘自斯科特·亚当斯的《如何在几乎所有事情上失败》和《如何赢得大局》,我强烈建议您阅读。可以在这里找到)。 那么“成功”的人又是什么呢? 他们可以使用允许他们增加实现目标的成功机会的系统。

Let's see the difference from examples. Say, you wish to earn more or have a career promotion. You can set a goal for yourself: get the position of your boss or a similar position elsewhere in the market. You live in the shadow of this goal, trying to do something, maybe set someone up, or you brokenly search for a similar job in the market. It turns out that you optimize a short-term goal which is in your way to a long-term goal instead of just choosing a much more promising strategy and job.

让我们看看与示例的区别。 假设您希望获得更多收入或获得职业晋升。 您可以为自己设定一个目标:获得老板的职位或在市场上其他地方的类似职位。 您生活在这个目标的阴影下,试图做某事,也许建立一个人,或者您在市场上寻找类似的工作。 事实证明,您优化了短期目标,而这恰恰是实现长期目标的方式,而不是仅仅选择更具前景的战略和工作。

Alternatively, you can adopt a system for yourself which will make you more valuable in the employment market. Your value for both your company and the market will increase as you gradually develop your skills and widen your knowledge. So, when an opportunity for promotion arises, you will be ready to get it. This approach is not related directly with time (this is a plus) since, I would remind, people tend to plan things extremely poorly, including the time to achieve a goal.

另外,您可以采用自己的系统,这将使您在就业市场上更具价值。 随着您逐渐发展技能并扩大知识面,您对公司和市场的价值都将增加。 因此,当提升机会出现时,您将准备好获得提升。 我要提醒的是,这种方法与时间没有直接关系(这是一个加号),因为人们往往会计划非常差的事情,包括实现目标的时间。

(Source: presentation of the book by Scott Adams) (来源:斯科特·亚当斯的书作介绍)

Concept of the system designates a feeling of progress (which maintains stable supply of dopamine to the brain and, consequently, feeling of satisfaction and happiness) as a counter to goals. You constantly learn something and understand that you do something to approach your goal everyday. This brings emotional comfort.

该系统的概念是指一种进步的感觉(保持对大脑多巴胺的稳定供应,因此保持满足感和幸福感),以此来对抗目标。 您会不断学习,并了解自己每天都在为实现自己的目标而努力。 这带来了情感上的安慰。

Another example: you can set a goal to lose 5 kilos, or you can follow a healthy diet which will lead you to the desired result and improve your health in general over time (not necessarily in the nearest future).


Consider public speaking as an example. For me, public speaking is a stress. I'm an introvert. I like to spend time with a book or playing a game. But there are motivators: some altruistic philosophy — to bring something useful, to project good ideas, good image, networking, and so on. So, instead of speaking N times in M months, I designed a system for myself: to speak in public whenever there is a chance to, and proactively create opportunities by registering for all suitable conferences. After that, I just follow the plan without thinking and tackle all the challenges as they arise. This can lead to a single speaking event in the whole year, or there may be ten events (as I had in 2019). None of the options will disappoint me, provided that I know that I've done all what is needed as part of the efforts planned.

以公开演讲为例。 对我来说,公开演讲是一种压力。 我性格内向。 我喜欢花时间读书或玩游戏。 但是,这里有激励因素:一些利他主义哲学–带来有用的东西,提出好的想法,好的形象,人际关系等等。 因此,我没有为自己在M个月内进行N次发言,而是为自己设计了一个系统:只要有机会就可以在公共场所发言,并通过注册所有合适的会议来积极创造机会。 在那之后,我只是按照计划去做,没有思考,而是解决所有出现的挑战。 这可能会导致全年举办一次演讲活动,或者可能会举办十场活动(就像我在2019年所做的那样)。 只要我知道我已经完成了计划中的所有工作,所有的选择都不会令我失望。

个人效能 (Personal effectiveness)

Motivation is now clear: we have reasonable goals and will. The only challenge remains to do it well. Let's proceed to personal effectiveness.

现在的动机很明确:我们有合理的目标和意愿。 唯一的挑战仍然是做好。 让我们继续提高个人效率。

I perceive personal effectiveness mostly as a struggle against procrastination.


It's important to understand here that any state of inventiveness and productivity can be managed. All it takes is to define factors that increase probability of getting into such states.

在此必须理解,可以控制任何状态的发明和生产力。 要做的只是定义增加进入这种状态的可能性的因素。

Here, again, we return to evolutionary psychology, to the fact that human brain is more suited to life in the wild rather than in the office. As Daniel Kahneman, author of «Thinking, Fast and Slow» (available here), figured out, people think totally irrationally. In 95 % of instances, they make decisions by instinct, on the basis of heuristics that were typical in ancestral environment. For example, people most often elect presidents according to the appearance: if he has a strong chin, then he is a good leader.

在这里,我们再次回到进化心理学,即人的大脑更适合野外生活而不是办公室生活。 正如《 思考,快和慢》 ( 在此处提供 )的作者丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)所指出的那样,人们的思考完全是非理性的。 在95%的情况下,他们会根据祖先环境中典型的启发式方法凭直觉做出决策。 例如,人们最经常根据外表选举总统:如果他下巴结实,那么他就是一个好领导者。

The part of the brain that is responsible for rational thinking is very lazy. It rarely gets involved and affects our decisions. If you set a goal for yourself to eat healthy, and your peers buy a pizza for a little birthday party, then your inherent reflexes will force you to reach out and have a piece. It may well be that the rational part of you will not be able to affect your actions. Indeed, it takes strong will to resist the temptation to act «spontaneously». Hence, it can be concluded that you should organize your environment in such a way that it would be quite easy for the ancient heuristic part of your brain to make the right decisions.

负责理性思考的大脑部分非常懒惰。 它很少涉及并影响我们的决定。 如果您为自己设定一个健康饮食的目标,而您的同龄人则购买了一个比萨饼参加一个小型的生日聚会,那么您内在的React将迫使您伸出手,吃一块。 您的理性部分很可能将无法影响您的行为。 确实,抵制“自发”行动的诱惑需要坚强的意志。 因此,可以得出结论,您应该以这样一种方式来组织您的环境:大脑的古老启发式部分很容易做出正确的决定。

What does it mean?


You are tempted to play a video game instead of preparation for a speech? In this case, choose a place for preparation where there is no console. One of my peers, for example, leases a PS4 for limited time.

您是否想玩电子游戏而不是准备演讲? 在这种情况下,请选择没有控制台的准备场所。 例如,我的一位同行在有限的时间内租借了PS4。

Want to browse through social media instead of working? Take care to block access to entertainment websites at /etc/hosts level, so that more time is required to restore access to them. During these seconds, you can change your mind and get back to the point. Try to perceive yourself as a robot, program yourself and your environment so as to make the right decisions.

想要浏览社交媒体而不是工作吗? 注意在/ etc / hosts级别禁止访问娱乐网站,以便需要更多时间来恢复对它们的访问。 在这几秒钟内,您可以改变主意并回到正题。 尝试将自己视为机器人,对自己和环境进行编程,以便做出正确的决定。

To make such decisions (to program the environment in the right way), you need to wait until the «moment of power» comes, that is, when you are well slept out, fed, healthy and ready to take on the day (many experience this state during New Year holidays, just when it's time to define new yearly goals). For me, Sunday evening is such a moment. I sit down and make a plan for the week ahead. If I start planning in the morning on Monday when I'm broke, then my plans will be alike.

要做出这样的决定(以正确的方式对环境进行编程),您需要等到“力量时刻”到来,也就是说,当您睡得很好,吃得饱,健康并且可以在一天中服用时(很多在新年假期期间(正好是确定新的年度目标的时候)体验这种状态。 对我来说,星期天晚上就是这样一个时刻。 我坐下来为未来一周制定计划。 如果我在周一早晨休息时开始计划,那么我的计划将会是一样的。

效率之道 (Way to efficiency)

It's important to understand what it is that you want to program yourself and your environment for. Trace your decisions to see which of them do work and which don't, and where you make mistakes. For example, on Mondays, I run retrospective analyses of how I procrastinated a week before, so as to find regularities.

重要的是要了解要为自己和环境编程的含义 。 跟踪您的决定,以查看哪些有效,哪些无效,以及在哪里出错。 例如,在星期一,我对我一周前的拖延进行回顾性分析,以发现规律性。

At some point I realized that the phone is very distracting for me while I'm at work. Whenever I sit down and start doing something, I start receiving messages at once and get distracted. For this reason, I set up my phone so that it asks me every time why I'm holding it in my hand. I got it clear for myself that the phone is made for me, not otherwise. On the first screen, there is nothing interesting, so I'm sure that nothing will catch my eye when I take the phone. Messengers are hidden in a separate folder on the third screen and never show up. In addition, I disabled all notifications. Display does not light up when I take the phone. I check all messengers only when it's convenient for me to do that, not when somebody writes to me. The only way to reach me at once is a call. My peers and close ones know that.

在某个时候,我意识到在我上班时电话对我来说很分散注意力。 每当我坐下来开始做某事时,我立即开始接收消息并分心。 因此,我将手机设置为每次都问我为什么握在手中。 我很清楚自己是为我而造的电话,不是这样。 在第一个屏幕上,没有什么有趣的,所以我确定当我拿起电话时,什么也不会引起我的注意。 信使隐藏在第三个屏幕上的单独文件夹中,永远不会显示。 此外,我禁用了所有通知。 拿电话时显示屏不亮。 我仅在方便的时候检查所有Messenger,而不是在有人给我写信时检查。 一次联系我的唯一方法是打电话。 我的同龄人和亲密的人都知道这一点。

Second example: information noise. Our memory is associative. What you consume and what you have on your mind strongly affects your thoughts. At some point, I realized that news is mostly information noise. I have no news services on my working laptop — they are blocked at /etc/hosts level. 第二个例子:信息噪声 。 我们的记忆是联想的。 您所消费的东西以及您的想法会极大地影响您的想法。 在某个时候,我意识到新闻主要是信息噪音。 我的笔记本电脑上没有新闻服务-它们在/ etc / hosts级别被阻止。

When I was preparing this article, I intentionally visited a news website. And what do I see on the first page? News about where food on presidential flights comes from. So insightful! Over time, I stopped reading news almost completely. I tend to get all relevant information from my friends and close ones, sponging on them in a sense. I don't call on anybody to lead a life like this, otherwise there will be nobody for me to hear the news from. But I recommend to limit news reading substantially. This will free up a lot of time. It's better to read a book than to skip through news and social media.

在准备本文时,我有意访问了一个新闻网站。 我在首页上看到了什么? 有关总统航班上食物的来源的新闻。 真有见地! 随着时间的流逝,我几乎完全停止阅读新闻。 我倾向于从我的朋友和亲密的朋友那里获得所有相关的信息,从某种意义上说,就是在不断摸索。 我不呼吁任何人过这样的生活,否则我将没人能听到这个消息。 但我建议大幅限制新闻阅读。 这将释放大量时间。 读书比跳过新闻和社交媒体要好。

In addition to regular retrospective analyses, it is very useful to watch how you react. Meditation, a trendy thing today, will help you enhance your observation, that is, eye for details. Many would imagine a Buddhist sitting in lotus pose when they hear that. In reality, meditation is just a focus exercise: sit down, your back straight, close your eyes and watch your breath, listen to your body and feelings. Inhale, exhale. If you get distracted and think about your work, say to yourself: «OK, enough of work, get back to breathing.» Keep doing this exercise for 5 to 20 minutes.

除了定期进行回顾性分析之外,观察您的React非常有用。 冥想是当今的一种流行趋势,它将帮助您增强观察力,即着眼细节。 许多人会想像佛教徒听到莲花后坐在莲花的姿势。 实际上,冥想只是一种重点锻炼:坐下,挺直腰背,闭上眼睛,看着呼吸,聆听身体和感受。 吸气呼气。 如果您分心并想着自己的工作,请对自己说:“好,做完足够的工作,重新呼吸。” 持续练习5至20分钟。

As it turns out, this is infinitely difficult to do because of various thoughts filling your head. Even those you don't want to have. Just try to remain seated for 60 seconds thinking about nothing. I guarantee that none of you would be able to do that, even if your life depended on that. Meditation is a sort of a gym exercise for your brain. It trains focus and understanding of what is happening in your head, what thoughts come to mind, so that you can manage them as soon as they appear before they capture 100 % of your attention.

事实证明,由于各种各样的想法充斥着您的脑海,这很难做到。 甚至那些您不想拥有的。 试着保持坐姿60秒钟,什么也不做。 我保证,即使您的生活依赖于此,也没有人能够做到这一点。 冥想是您大脑的一种体育锻炼。 它可以训练您对头脑中正在发生的事情,头脑中所发生的想法的关注和理解,以便您一想到这些想法,就可以在它们100%引起您的注意之前立即对其进行处理。

The practice of meditation improves concentration and ability to enter flow state. Now I tend to use headphones more rarely since irrelevant sounds are usually annoying and distracting. Every time I have thoughts that are not directly related with my current task, I notice them quickly and switch back to work.

冥想练习提高了注意力和进入血流状态的能力。 现在我倾向于很少使用耳机,因为无关的声音通常会令人烦恼和分散注意力。 每当我有与当前任务没有直接关系的想法时,我都会很快注意到它们并重新开始工作。

In addition, meditation perfectly trains emotional intelligence: the ability to recognize and manage your own and others' emotions. Emotions are very short-lived. For example, someone cuts you off when you drive, and you get angry. The anger itself will go away in a few seconds. But after that you start thinking: «That guy cut me off. Now it's payback time!» Such thoughts start and spin up the flywheel of emotions which, in turn, give rise to other thoughts. This cycle can continue for a pretty long time, but there is a significant difference in quality of life between experiencing negative emotions for 10 seconds or 10 minutes.

此外,冥想可以完美地训练情绪智力:识别和管理自己和他人情绪的能力。 情绪是短暂的。 例如,当您开车时有人将您切断,您就会生气。 愤怒本身会在几秒钟内消失。 但是之后,您开始思考:«那个家伙切断了我。 现在是投资回收期了!» 这样的思想开始并激起了情绪的飞轮,反过来又引发了其他思想。 这个周期可以持续相当长的时间,但是在经历负面情绪10秒钟或10分钟之间,生活质量存在显着差异。

The last example: stress and disturbance before and during public speaking. It appears that one can learn to recognize the moment of initiation of anxiety before it grows into disturbance leading to stress, and switch your attention to something else. This practice allows me to limit my inner turmoil on speech day to a couple of minutes.

最后一个例子:公众演讲之前和演讲期间的压力和干扰。 看来,人们可以学会在焦虑开始发展成导致压力的障碍之前识别出焦虑的时刻,然后将注意力转移到其他方面。 这种做法使我在演讲之日的内心混乱局限在几分钟之内。

As you train recognition of your own emotions, you learn to recognize emotions of others at the same time, because the same mirror neurons are responsible for that in both cases. This is surely a profit for communication.

在训练对自己情绪的识别时,您将学会同时识别他人的情绪,因为在这两种情况下,相同的镜像神经元对此负责。 这无疑是交流的利润。

You can begin to meditate using an app for meditation which introduces and leads you through the process (I recommend Headspace or Waking Up). After a year of using a meditation app, I joined Silence Retreat for two weeks of intense meditations, 18 hours a day, which affected me even more. Use links below to learn more about the trip (in Russian): part1, part2, part3, part4, part5.

您可以开始使用冥想应用程序进行冥想,该程序介绍并引导您进行冥想(我建议使用“顶空”或“醒来”)。 在使用冥想应用程序一年之后,我加入了Silence Retreat,进行了为期两周的密集冥想,每天进行18个小时,这对我的影响更大。 使用下面的链接了解更多有关行程(俄罗斯): 第一部分第2部分第三部分第四部分PART5

经理的效能 (Manager's effectiveness)

Manager's task is to maximize output of the team as a whole. If you are a team lead with five people in your team, but you don't manage them and don't enhance their performance, then your effectiveness is very low. On this subject, I recommend you to read «High output management» by Andrew Grove, CEO of Intel (you can find it here).

经理的任务是最大程度地提高整个团队的产出。 如果您是一个由五个人组成的团队负责人,但是您没有管理他们并且不提高他们的绩效,那么您的效率将非常低。 关于这个主题,我建议您阅读英特尔首席执行官安德鲁·格罗夫(Andrew Grove)的《高输出管理》(您可以在这里找到)。

Manager's task is to do the most valuable work which leads to the maximum increase in team's output at any point in time.


A manager’s output = his output + the output of his team


If there is a technical debt issue, it's your job to resolve it. If people are leaving the team, and you have to immerse in management for a month, then you should forget about self-development in machine learning for some time.

如果存在技术债务问题,解决该问题是您的工作。 如果人们离开了团队,而您必须投入一个月的管理时间,那么您应该在一段时间内忘记机器学习的自我发展。

Of great help is understanding that your task is to do work which is the most valuable for the whole business. This is the value you bring. You don't get nervous anymore when the time balance is not observed. For example, you have refined all processes within your team so that everything runs like clockwork, but your adding effect from supervising the team is close to zero. Perhaps, in this case it would make sense to hand the team over to someone else and focus on something that will bring more value.

很有帮助的是,您的任务就是做对整个企业最有价值的工作。 这就是您带来的价值。 不遵守时间平衡时,您就不会再紧张了。 例如,您已经优化了团队中的所有流程,以使一切都像发条一样运转,但是监督团队的增加效果几乎为零。 也许,在这种情况下,将团队移交给其他人并专注于将带来更多价值的事情将是有意义的。

The second part of the equation is that manager's effectiveness is composed of outputs of both his or her own team and other teams which the manager can affect:


A manager’s output = the output of his team + the output of the teams under his influence


when you see an issue in an adjacent team and you can resolve it, you should do that. Many wouldn't like this idea, at least because they tend to see helping others as a waste of their own time.

当您在相邻团队中发现问题并可以解决时,您应该这样做。 许多人不喜欢这个主意,至少是因为他们倾向于将帮助他人视为浪费自己的时间。

At some point I thought that my ceiling depends on those whom I can affect. They, in turn, affect others, and so on. If I develop members of my team to enhance their performance as an effective manager, then it makes sense for me to focus on those who prefer «win-win» strategy. I can project on them my ideas of developing other people. In turn, they will develop their people. That is, dedicating just a few hours to development of a «win-win» team member will allow me to put on my long-awaited third hat and watch the effect of my actions spread.

在某些时候,我认为我的上限取决于我可以影响的人。 反过来,它们会影响他人,依此类推。 如果我发展团队成员以提高他们作为高效管理者的表现,那么对我来说,专注于那些偏爱“双赢”战略的人是有意义的。 I can project on them my ideas of developing other people. In turn, they will develop their people. That is, dedicating just a few hours to development of a «win-win» team member will allow me to put on my long-awaited third hat and watch the effect of my actions spread.

Finally, I came to a conclusion that the priority in choice between self-development in the area of people management or dev shifts towards development of people since dedicating some time to development of your teammates can produce a much greater effect.

Finally, I came to a conclusion that the priority in choice between self-development in the area of people management or dev shifts towards development of people since dedicating some time to development of your teammates can produce a much greater effect.

Conclusions (Conclusions)

  • It makes sense to invest in longer-term skills because they will remain with you longer, and they affect all the rest.

    It makes sense to invest in longer-term skills because they will remain with you longer, and they affect all the rest.
  • It makes sense to build out a system for self-development rather than goals, because this is much more comfortable from a psychological point of view, and this allows you to optimize longer-term goals.

    It makes sense to build out a system for self-development rather than goals, because this is much more comfortable from a psychological point of view, and this allows you to optimize longer-term goals.
  • Program yourself and your environment. Perceive yourself as a robot. Keep in mind that we all are rational only at some rare moments and work to program your environment.

    Program yourself and your environment. Perceive yourself as a robot. Keep in mind that we all are rational only at some rare moments and work to program your environment.
  • You should maximize output of all those who you affect.

    You should maximize output of all those who you affect.

Hope I could project enough of my ideas on you. You will try some of them. I think, they will help you, and then you will spread them further.

Hope I could project enough of my ideas on you. You will try some of them. I think, they will help you, and then you will spread them further.

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/mailru/blog/492114/






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