用于C ++,Xamarin和Azure工具体验的Visual Studio 2019版本16.5 Preview 2中的新增功能

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 Preview 2 was released, bringing many new features and improvements for developers in Visual Studio to help you build better software faster. Please read some highlights of new features and improved developer experiences in this page. Visual Studio 2019版本16.5 Preview 2 ,为Visual Studio中的开发人员带来了许多新功能和改进,以帮助您更快地构建更好的软件。 请在此页面上阅读一些新功能和改进的开发人员体验的重点内容。

Install this preview side-by-side with your Visual Studio release and try these highlighted features without replacing your current development environment.

与Visual Studio版本并排安装此预览,并尝试使用这些突出显示的功能,而不用替换当前的开发环境。

C ++ CMake开发 (C++ CMake Development)

This preview comes with several improvements specific to CMake development, including CMake language services and the ability to easily add, remove, and rename files in CMake projects. Our in-box support for Clang/LLVM in Visual Studio has also been updated to ship Clang 9.0.0.

此预览版针对CMake开发进行了一些改进,包括CMake语言服务以及在CMake项目中轻松添加,删除和重命名文件的功能。 我们对Visual Studio中对Clang / LLVM的内置支持也已更新,以附带Clang 9.0.0。

There are also improvements specific to Linux CMake development in this preview. Ability to leverage our native support for WSL when separating your build system from your remote deploy system. A command line utility to interact with the Connection Manager, and as well as performance improvements. For a full list of new CMake features in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 Preview 2, check out our post on CMake, Linux targeting, and IntelliSense improvements in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 Preview 2.

在此预览中,还针对Linux CMake开发进行了特定的改进。 在将构建系统与远程部署系统分离时,可以利用我们对WSL的本机支持。 与Connection Manager交互的命令行实用程序,以及性能改进。 有关Visual Studio 2019 16.5 Preview 2中CMake新功能的完整列表,请查看我们有关Visual Studio 2019 16.5 Preview 2中CMake,Linux定位和IntelliSense改进的文章

Xamarin开发 (Xamarin Development)

This preview brings new features and improvements for Xamarin developers to help you build better mobile apps, faster. Xamarin Hot Restart enables you to test changes made to your app, including multi-file code edits, resources, and references using a much faster build and deploy cycle. With Hot Restart, you can debug your iOS app built with Xamarin.Forms on a device connected to your Windows machine for a much faster inner development loop.

此预览为Xamarin开发人员带来了新功能和改进,可帮助您更快地构建更好的移动应用程序。 Xamarin Hot Restart使您可以使用更快的构建和部署周期来测试对应用程序所做的更改,包括多文件代码编辑,资源和引用。 通过热重启,您可以在与Windows计算机连接的设备上调试使用Xamarin.Forms构建的iOS应用,以更快地进行内部开发。

This release also adds support for Android Apply Changes. You can now apply Android resource changes at runtime. This allows you to quickly see changes made to your Android resource files (XML layouts, drawable, etc.) on an Android device or emulator without requiring the application to be restarted.

此版本还增加了对Android Apply Changes的支持。 现在,您可以在运行时应用Android资源更改。 这使您可以快速查看对Android设备或模拟器上的Android资源文件(XML布局,可绘制等)所做的更改,而无需重新启动应用程序。

Azure工具开发 (Azure Tooling Development)

现在可以普遍使用 Azure Functions 3.0 is now generally available, so it’s now possible to build and deploy functions with the 3.0 runtime version in production. This new version of the Functions runtime brings new capabilities including the ability to target .NET Core 3.1 and Node 12. It’s also highly backwards compatible, so most existing apps running on older language versions should be able to upgrade to the 3.0 version and run on it without any code changes. Running on this new version of the runtime in production will receive support for those apps. For details on creating or migrating to this production-ready 3.0 version, read the  Azure Functions 3.0 ,因此现在可以在生产环境中使用3.0运行时版本来构建和部署函数。 此功能运行时的新版本带来了新功能,包括以.NET Core 3.1和Node 12为目标的功能。它还具有向后兼容性,因此大多数运行在较旧语言版本上的现有应用应能够升级到3.0版本并在以下版本上运行它没有任何代码更改。 在生产环境中的新版本运行时上运行将获得对这些应用程序的支持。 有关创建或迁移到此可立即投入生产的3.0版本的详细信息,请阅读 Azure Functions documentation. Azure Functions文档

Applications running on earlier versions of the Azure Functions runtime will continue to be supported and we’re not deprecating either 1.0 or 2.0 at this time. Customers running Azure Functions targeting 1.0 or 2.0 will also continue to receive security updates and patches moving forward—to both the Azure Functions runtime and the underlying .NET runtime—for apps running in Azure. Whenever there’s a major version deprecation, we plan to provide notice at least a year in advance for users to migrate their apps to a newer version.

将继续支持在早期版本的Azure Functions运行时上运行的应用程序,并且我们目前不建议弃用1.0或2.0。 运行针对1.0或2.0的Azure Functions的客户还将继续收到针对Azure中运行的应用程序的安全更新和补丁,这些更新和补丁将同时转移到Azure Functions运行时和基础.NET运行时。 每当有主要版本弃用时,我们计划至少提前一年通知用户,以便用户将其应用程序迁移到较新版本。

In order to get the latest tooling for Azure functions VS, please install Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 Preview 2.

为了获取Azure函数VS的最新工具,请安装Visual Studio 2019 16.5 Preview 2版本。

C ++虚幻引擎开发 (C++ Unreal Engine Development)

In this preview, there have been many significant improvements to IDE productivity, as well as build throughput and code generation quality. Please see our team posts on Quick fixes, quick info, peek header, goto document, Enhanced Syntax Colorization, Template Argument Filtering, and IntelliCode, and C++ Toolset Game performance improvements.

在此预览中,对IDE生产力以及构建吞吐量和代码生成质量进行了许多重大改进。 请参阅有关快速修复,快速信息, 预览 标题,goto文档增强的语法着色,模板参数过滤和IntelliCode以及C ++ Toolset游戏性能改进的团队文章。

We would like your feedback on your C++ Unreal Engine development experience in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 Preview 2.

我们希望您对Visual Studio 2019版本16.5 Preview 2中的C ++虚幻引擎开发经验提供反馈。

Download Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 Preview 2 下载Visual Studio 2019版本16.5预览版2

Microsoft is directly driven by your feedback, which means Visual Studio 2019 is full of features that were inspired by YOU! Make your voice heard by filing bug reports or sharing feature suggestions on Developer Community.

Microsoft是直接由您的反馈驱动的,这意味着Visual Studio 2019充满了受您启发的功能! 通过提交错误报告或在Developer Community上共享功能建议来表达自己的声音。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/microsoft/blog/486434/





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