notebooks_.NET Core与Jupyter Notebooks预览1


Try .NET has grown to support more interactive experiences across the web with runnable code snippets, interactive documentation generator for .NET core with dotnet try global tool, and now .NET in Jupyter Notebooks.

Try .NET的发展已开始支持可运行的代码段,使用dotnet try全局工具的.NET Core交互式文档生成器,以及现在在Jupyter Notebooks中的.NET,从而在网络上支持更多的交互式体验。

生成.NET Jupyter笔记本 (Build .NET Jupyter Notebooks)

To get started with .NET Notebooks, you will need the following:

要开始使用.NET Notebook,您将需要以下内容:

  • Install the .NET kernel


    dotnet try jupyter install
  • Check to see if the .NET kernel is installed 


    jupyter kernelspec list
  • To start a new notebook, you can either type jupyter lab Anaconda prompt or launch a notebook using the Anaconda Navigator.

    要启动新笔记本,您可以键入jupyter lab Anaconda提示符,也可以使用Anaconda Navigator启动笔记本。

  • Once Jupyter Lab has launched in your preferred browser, you have the option to create a C# or F# notebook.

    在首选浏览器中启动Jupyter Lab后,您可以选择创建C#或F#笔记本。

特征 (Features)

The initial set of features we released needed to be relevant to developers, with Notebook experience as well as give users new to the experience a useful set of tools they would be eager to try. Let’s have a look at some of the features we have enabled.

我们发布的最初的功能集需要与开发人员相关,并具有Notebook的经验,并为刚接触该体验的用户提供他们渴望尝试的一组有用的工具。 让我们看一下我们启用的一些功能。

The first thing you will need to be aware of is when writing C# or F# in a .NET Notebook, you will be using C# Scripting or F# interactive.

您需要了解的第一件事是在.NET Notebook中编写C#或F#时,将使用C#脚本或F#交互式。

You can either explore the features listed below locally on your machine or online using the dotnet/try binder image.

您可以在本地机器上或使用dotnet / try活页夹映像在线浏览以下列出的功能。

For the online documentation, please go to the Docs subfolder located in C# or F# folders.


功能清单 (List of features)

Display output : There are several ways to display output in notebooks. You can use any of the methods demonstrated in the image below.

显示输出:有几种在笔记本中显示输出的方法。 您可以使用下图中演示的任何方法。

Object formatters : By default, the .NET notebook experience enables users to display useful information about an object in table format.


HTML output : By default .NET notebooks ship with several helper methods for writing HTML. From basic helpers that enable users to write out a string as HTML or output Javascript to more complex HTML with PocketView.

HTML输出:默认情况下,.NET笔记本随附了一些用于编写HTML的辅助方法。 从基本的帮助程序开始,这些帮助程序使用户可以将字符串写为HTML或将Javascript输出到使用PocketView的更复杂HTML。

Importing packages : You can load NuGet packages using the following syntax:


#r "nuget:<package name>,<package version>"

For Example


# r "nuget:Octokit, 0.32.0"
# r "nuget:NodaTime, 2.4.6"
using Octokit; using NodaTime; 
using NodaTime.Extensions; 
using XPlot.Plotly;

XPlot的图表 (Charts with XPlot)

Charts are rendered using Xplot.Plotly. As soon as users import XPlot.Plotly namespace into their notebooks(using Xplot.Ploty;), they can begin creating rich data visualizations in .NET.

使用Xplot.Plotly呈现图表。 用户一旦将XPlot.Plotly命名空间导入其笔记本( using Xplot.Ploty; ),就可以开始在.NET中创建丰富的数据可视化。

Please check the .NET Notebook online for more documentation and samples.

请在线检查.NET Notebook,以获取更多文档和示例。

适用于ML .NET和.NET for Apache Spark的.NET Notebooks (.NET Notebooks perfect for ML .NET and .NET for Apache Spark)

.NET notebooks bring iterative, interactive experiences popular in the worlds of machine learning and big data to .NET.



ML.NET with Jupyter Notebooks

带有Jupyter Notebooks的ML.NET

.NET notebooks open up several compelling scenarios for ML.NET, like exploring and documenting model training experiments, data distribution exploration, data cleaning, plotting data charts, and learning.


For more details on how you can leverage ML.NET in Jupyter notebooks, check out this blog post on Using ML.NET in Jupyter notebooks. The ML.NET team has put together several online samples for you to get started with. 

有关如何在Jupyter笔记本中利用ML.NET的更多详细信息,请查看有关在Jupyter笔记本中使用ML.NET的博客文章。 ML.NET团队整理了几个在线示例,供您入门。

.NET for Apache Spark (.NET for Apache Spark)

Big Data for .NET


Having notebooks support is indispensable when you are dealing with Big data use cases. Notebooks allow data scientists, machine learning engineers, analysts, and anyone else interested in big data to prototype, run, and analyze queries rapidly.

处理大数据用例时,获得笔记本的支持是必不可少的。 笔记本使数据科学家,机器学习工程师,分析师以及对大数据感兴趣的其他任何人都能快速原型化,运行和分析查询。

So how can .NET developers and major .NET shops keep up with our data-oriented future? The answer is .NET for Apache Spark, which you can now use from within notebooks!

那么.NET开发人员和主要.NET商店如何跟上我们面向数据的未来? 答案是用于Apache Spark的.NET ,您现在可以在笔记本中使用它。

Today, .NET developers have two options for running .NET for Apache Spark queries in notebooks: Azure Synapse Analytics Notebooks and Azure HDInsight Spark + Jupyter Notebooks. Both experiences allow you to write and run quick ad-hoc queries in addition to developing complete, end-to-end big data scenarios, such as reading in data, transforming it, and visualizing it.

如今,.NET开发人员有两个选项可以在笔记本中运行用于Apache Spark查询的.NET: Azure Synapse Analytics笔记本和Azure HDInsight Spark + Jupyter笔记本 。 除了开发完整的,端到端的大数据方案(例如读入数据,对其进行转换和可视化)之外,这两种经验都可以使您编写和运行快速的即席查询。

Option 1: Azure Synapse Analytics ships with out-of-the-box .NET support for Apache Spark (C#).

选项1: Azure Synapse Analytics附带了对Apache Spark(C#)的现成的.NET支持。

Option 2: Checkout the guide on the .NET for Apache Spark GitHub repo to learn how to get started with .NET for Apache Spark in HDInsight + Jupyter notebooks. The experience will look like the image below.

选项2:查阅.NET for Apache Spark 的指南 GitHub存储库,以了解如何在HDInsight + Jupyter笔记本中开始使用.NET for Apache Spark。 体验如下图所示。

立即开始使用.NET Jupyter笔记本! (Get Started with the .NET Jupyter Notebooks Today!)

.NET kernel brings interactive developer experiences of Jupyter Notebooks to the .NET ecosystem. We hope you have fun creating .NET notebooks. Please checkout our repo to learn more and let us know what you build.

.NET内核将Jupyter Notebook的交互式开发人员体验带到了.NET生态系统。 我们希望您在创建.NET笔记本时玩得开心。 请查看我们的仓库以了解更多信息,并让我们知道您的构建。



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