


Working on a startup is always hard. Founders have to master multitasking skills and control everything. Very often, in such a situation, they can't correctly assess the technological development of their company. A couple of wrong tech-related decisions can lead to a massive fail.

在初创公司工作总是很困难。 创始人必须掌握多任务处理技能并控制一切。 在这种情况下,很多时候他们无法正确评估公司的技术发展。 与技术相关的错误决定可能会导致重大失败。

How to avoid this? Get some advice from an experienced engineer! I had an opportunity to talk to Serhii Korniushov, a programmer, and IT manager with more than 10 years of experience.

如何避免这种情况? 从经验丰富的工程师那里获得一些建议! 我有机会与拥有超过10年经验的程序员兼IT经理Serhii Korniushov进行了交谈。

Below, we will discuss his recommendations on building products that users need, and not wasting time and money.


什么是创业公司 (What is a startup )

Over the past years, the term «startup» has evolved. Before, it applied to all new companies or projects, but nowadays, it has a more specific meaning. Presently, the startup is a company, mostly technological, that is searching for a repeatable and scalable business model under extreme uncertainty. But what does it actually mean?

在过去的几年中,“启动”一词得到了发展。 以前,它适用于所有新公司或新项目,但如今,它具有更具体的含义。 目前,这家初创公司是一家主要是技术公司,正在极端不确定性下寻找可重复且可扩展的业务模型。 但这实际上是什么意思?

For business owners and management, working on a startup, means that you need to reduce the uncertainty and come to certainty. The best way to do this is to conduct a lot of small experiments and customer interviews, that will prove some hypothesis and rebut others.

对于企业主和管理层来说,在一家初创公司工作意味着您需要减少不确定性并确定性。 最好的方法是进行大量的小型实验和客户访谈,这将证明某些假设并反驳其他假设。

Also, this means they need to move fast to be able to run a lot of experiments and tests, which will increase the odds of overall success. Startups are highly dependent on a Pareto principle, which states that 20% of efforts (or product features) generate 80% of revenues. The «no market need» is a #1 reason for startup failure, according to CB Insights, so it is crucial to find that 20% ASAP. Therefore, the earlier you release your product and offer it to end-users and customers, the higher the chance.

同样,这意味着他们需要快速行动,才能进行大量实验和测试,这将增加整体成功的几率。 创业公司高度依赖帕累托原则 ,该原则指出20%的努力(或产品功能)产生了80%的收入。 根据 CB Insights的说法 ,“没有市场需求”是启动失败的第一大原因,因此,尽快找到20%至关重要。 因此,您越早发布产品并将其提供给最终用户和客户,机会就越大。

You can even start such tests before you write your first line of code. There are a lot of tools to prove your idea, such as Interviews and landing pages for lead capturing. Here is a nice example of such an approach implemented by Buffer social media sharing software founders (this project also heavily uses PHP). A “no-code startup” is a new approach to building products/MVPs/test ideas.

在编写第一行代码之前,您甚至可以启动此类测试。 有很多工具可以证明您的想法,例如面试和捕获潜在客户的登录页面。 这是由Buffer社交媒体共享软件创始人实施的这种方法的一个很好的例子(该项目也大量使用PHP)。 “无代码启动”是构建产品 / MVP /测试想法的新方法

Another perfect example of using such an approach is the case of Robinhood. The stock trading app announced a no-fee checking-and-savings account with a 3% yield. Very soon, officials forced the company to give these plans up. Media and observers thought this was a colossal fail. However, this was just a perfect test.

使用这种方法的另一个完美示例是Robinhood。 该股票交易应用宣布了一个免费的检查和储蓄账户,收益率为3%。 很快,官员就迫使该公司放弃了这些计划。 媒体和观察家认为这是一次巨大的失败。 但是,这只是一个完美的测试。

The company understood that there is a massive demand for such a service and grasped the problems that it might face from the government side. Later the Robinhood representatives announced that the company has pivoted to the idea of a «cash management account» which is technically not a bank account.

该公司了解到对此类服务的巨大需求,并从政府角度解决了它可能面临的问题。 后来,Robinhood代表宣布 ,该公司已转向“现金管理帐户”的概念,从技术上讲,该帐户不是银行帐户。

So, they were able to prove the hypothesis and tweak it to better fit the current conditions with almost zero costs. They’ve just posted a blog article and paid for its distribution. It would be much worse if they started with the actual product development and release to only find out that the state does not allow it in the current implementation.

因此,他们能够证明该假设并对其进行调整,从而以几乎为零的成本更好地适应当前条件。 他们刚刚发布了一篇博客文章,并为其发布付费。 如果他们从实际的产品开发和发布开始,仅仅发现状态在当前的实现中是不允许的,那就更糟了。

This ‘fail fast’ approach is the best to follow for a startup because it is better to know that your product won't work as early as you expected. In Silicon Valley failed startups are called “experienced” because founders will learn from failure and pivot to another business idea.

对于初创企业而言,这种“快速失败”方法是最佳的选择,因为最好知道您的产品无法按预期的那样工作。 在硅谷,失败的创业公司被称为“有经验的”,因为创始人将从失败中吸取教训,并转向另一个商业构想。

如何选择最好的工具来建立您的创业公司 (How to choose the best tools to build your startup)

According to CB Insights, the TOP 2 reason for startup failure is running out of cash (it kills 29% of companies). This means that any startup founder should carry about ROI of any tools and tech the company uses and implements.

根据CB Insights的说法,启动失败的前2个原因是现金用光了(杀死29%的公司)。 这意味着,任何初创公司创始人都应获得公司使用和实施的任何工具和技术的投资回报率。

From an engineering point of view, this means switching to following the hyping technologies to the ones that have really proven that they can be used by a startup. The perfect example to illustrate this is comparing two programming languages: Java and PHP.

从工程学的角度来看,这意味着切换到遵循炒作技术,再到真正证明可以被初创公司使用的技术。 演示这种情况的完美示例是比较两种编程语言:Java和PHP。

Java has long been viewed as an excellent solution for building enterprise-grade applications. It has a solid reputation, while PHP was always considered too simple, non-fancy at all. However, in real life, choosing Java over PHP can literally kill your startup.

长期以来,Java被视为构建企业级应用程序的出色解决方案。 它具有良好的声誉,而PHP一直被认为过于简单,完全没有花哨。 但是,在现实生活中,选择Java而不是PHP可能会扼杀您的启动。

Several facts:


  • PHP provides a better time to market, while Java apps are hard and long to code.

  • PHP has a more significant market share, a broader user base, and the number of programmers writing code using it.

    PHP具有更重要的市场份额 ,更广泛的用户基础以及使用它编写代码的程序员人数。

  • As there are more PHP programmers than those coding in Java, the former ones are cheaper.


And all those facts do not mean using PHP give you only resource and time savings, but the overall quality will be lower. Not at all, there are enterprise-level frameworks based on PHP, like Symfony, which has more than 3bn downloads. By using it, you can build a high-quality web application really fast.

所有这些事实并不意味着使用PHP只会为您节省资源和时间,但是总体质量会降低。 根本不存在基于PHP的企业级框架,例如Symfony ,其下载量超过30亿。 通过使用它,您可以真正快速地构建高质量的Web应用程序。

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

When you work on a startup, you have to be fast, and you need to fail fast, learn and iterate especially during the early startup stage. This is the only approach that leads to building a product that people really need and want to pay for. That said, you have to think about the technological development of the whole organization.

当您在启动公司工作时,必须快速,并且需要快速失败,学习和迭代,尤其是在启动初期。 这是导致人们真正需要并想要付费的产品的唯一途径。 也就是说,您必须考虑整个组织的技术发展。

Do not follow the hype. Instead, analyze each tool, technology, and solution at the right angle. Will it save your resources and time, while allowing building something that can be used for real-life tests? Then it can be used, if this is just something your programmers would like to add to their CV – avoid using such technologies.

不要遵循炒作。 相反,请以正确的角度分析每种工具,技术和解决方案。 它可以节省您的资源和时间,同时允许构建可用于实际测试的东西吗? 然后,可以使用它,如果这只是您的程序员想要添加到其简历中的内容–避免使用此类技术。

一些有用的链接,以获取有关构建产品的更多见解: (Some useful links to get more insights on building a product:)

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/477612/






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