

Firstly we had the mobile website, then we had the mobile app, now we have the progressive web app – a technology that brings together the best of both. The benefits offered by progressive web apps mean they are becoming increasingly popular among leading online businesses and, in this post, we’ll explain what the benefits are.

首先,我们拥有移动网站,然后有了移动应用程序,现在有了渐进式Web应用程序-一种将两者的优点融合在一起的技术。 渐进式Web应用程序提供的好处意味着它们在领先的在线企业中越来越受欢迎,在这篇文章中,我们将解释这些好处是什么。

什么是渐进式Web应用程序? (What are Progressive Web Apps?)

Essentially, a progressive web app (PWA) is a website that looks and works just like a mobile app. You can add it to your phone’s applications screen instead of having to search for the site in a browser, it will work whether you are online or offline, it can send notifications and it can even access the device’s hardware.

本质上,渐进式Web应用程序(PWA)是一个外观和工作方式类似于移动应用程序的网站。 您可以将其添加到手机的应用程序屏幕中,而不必在浏览器中搜索该站点,无论您处于在线还是离线状态,它都可以使用,它可以发送通知,甚至可以访问设备的硬件。

Six benefits of using a PWA


1. 单一资源 (1. A single resource)

The popularity of mobile apps has led to a situation where companies are spending a fortune on creating multiple communications channels: they need a website, an iOS app and an Android app. What’s more, as many users will jump from using the app on the phone to a website on a computer, companies need to find a way of syncing everything that happens in order to provide users with a seamless experience.

移动应用程序的普及导致了这样一种情况:公司在创建多个通信渠道上花费了巨资:他们需要一个网站,一个iOS应用程序和一个Android应用程序。 而且,随着许多用户从使用手机上的应用程序跳到计算机上的网站,公司需要找到一种同步发生的一切的方法,以便为用户提供无缝的体验。

When you use a PWA, there is no need to spend money developing separate apps as the website and the app are one and the same thing. This also means there is no need to sync data between two different channels.    

使用PWA时,无需花费金钱来开发单独的应用程序,因为网站和应用程序是一回事。 这也意味着无需在两个不同的通道之间同步数据。

2. 离线工作 (2. It works offline)

Despite all your efforts to provide a website with high availability, if a user is offline or has a poor network signal, they won’t be able to access it. This can be a significant problem if your customers are in situations where this can happen, such as when flying, using the underground or when they are in remote areas.

尽管您竭尽全力为网站提供高可用性,但是如果用户离线或网络信号较差,他们将无法访问它。 如果您的客户处在可能发生这种情况的情况下,例如在飞行,使用地下或在偏远地区时,这可能是一个严重的问题。

A PWA, however, works like a stand-alone mobile app, allowing your users to continue accessing the app when not online. Although information can’t be updated or synced with other devices until there is an internet connection, they can still access information cached on the phone’s hardware and this can help them to stay engaged with your brand. It is also possible for them to undertake activities offline that can be saved and then implemented once the device is reconnected – such as sending a message.

但是,PWA就像独立的移动应用程序一样工作,允许您的用户在不在线时继续访问该应用程序。 尽管只有在建立互联网连接后才能更新信息或与其他设备同步信息,但是他们仍然可以访问手机硬件上缓存的信息,这可以帮助他们与您的品牌保持联系。 他们还可以离线进行活动,这些活动可以保存下来,然后在重新连接设备后实施(例如发送消息)。

This feature can also be used by eCommerce sites which can store products on the phone for browsing offline. Shoppers can add items to their cart and the PWA can be programmed to send them a reminder notification once they are back online. Some PWAs can even enable sales to take place when offline, though the payments have to wait for an internet connection before being processed as verification is required.

电子商务站点也可以使用此功能,这些站点可以在电话上存储产品以供离线浏览。 购物者可以将物品添加到他们的购物车中,并且可以对PWA进行编程,以便在他们重新上线后向他们发送提醒通知。 某些PWA甚至可以使销售在离线状态下进行,尽管付款必须等待互联网连接才能进行验证。

3. 可索引的应用 (3. The indexable app)

While apps are generally much more user-friendly for phones than websites, one of their biggest downsides is that their content isn’t searchable online. You can’t find it on Google or Bing. A PWA, on the other hand, gives you both the user-friendly interface of a mobile app and the ability to be indexed by search engines. While it looks and works like an app, it is a website and this means it can be found by users looking for it online.

尽管与网站相比,应用程序通常在电话上对用户更加友好,但其最大的缺点之一是无法在线搜索其内容。 您无法在Google或Bing上找到它。 另一方面,PWA既为您提供了移动应用程序的用户友好界面,又使您能够被搜索引擎索引。 它的外观和工作方式类似于应用程序,但它是一个网站,这意味着用户可以在线查找它。

4. 一级方程式的表现 (4. Formula 1 performance)

In order to function offline, PWAs use caching to store data on a user’s device. This means they load exceptionally quickly on a mobile phone and the only data which needs transferring is any updated dynamic content. Indeed, the average PWA loads 2 to 3 times faster than standard mobile sites, leading to lower abandonment rates, improved customer engagement, higher conversion rates and better ranking on search engines. In addition, the reduced amount of data needing to be sent means your server load is significantly less and this helps your site perform better during periods of heavy traffic.

为了离线运行,PWA使用缓存将数据存储在用户设备上。 这意味着它们可以异常快速地加载到手机上,唯一需要传输的数据就是任何更新的动态内容。 实际上,平均PWA加载速度是标准移动网站的2到3倍,从而导致较低的放弃率,改善的客户参与度,更高的转化率和更好的搜索引擎排名。 此外,减少了需要发送的数据量,这意味着您的服务器负载大大减少,这有助于您的站点在流量繁忙时表现更好。

5. 没有安装-没有更新 (5. No install – no updates)

In the same way that long checkout processes cause people to abandon checkouts, long app installations also prevent people from downloading them. With most mobile apps, you’ll need to visit Google Play or Apple App Store, find the app and then wait for it to download. You may also be required to set up a login before you can use it. It’s a process that, for many, is too longwinded to bother.

与长时间的结帐流程会导致人们放弃结帐的方式相同,长时间的应用安装也会阻止人们下载它们。 对于大多数移动应用程序,您需要访问Google Play或Apple App Store,找到该应用程序,然后等待其下载。 您可能还需要先设置一个登录名,然后才能使用它。 对于许多人来说,这个过程太麻烦了。

This isn’t the case with a PWA. When a user ‘installs’ a PWA, it is downloaded instantly without them being redirected to a store – and as it’s a website, it won’t be constantly updating to the latest version.

PWA并非如此。 当用户“安装” PWA时,无需立即将其重定向到商店即可立即下载PWA;并且由于它是一个网站,因此不会一直更新到最新版本。

6. 避免应用商店问题 (6. Avoid app store issues)

The other benefit of not having to send your users to Google Play or the App store is that you won’t need to meet all the app regulations that Google and Apple impose on app developers before they give approval.

不必将用户引导到Google Play或App Store的另一个好处是,您无需满足Google和Apple对应用程序开发人员施加的所有应用程序法规的要求,即可获得批准。

While many of these regulations are important for protecting the privacy and security of users, as you have developed a specialised website rather than an actual app, you are not required to go through this process. Without having to go through Google or Apple, you can get your updates to market quicker than using a separate app. 

尽管其中许多法规对于保护用户的隐私和安全非常重要,但是由于您开发的是专用网站而不是实际的应用程序,因此无需执行此过程。 不必使用Google或Apple,您可以比使用单独的应用程序更快地将更新发布到市场。

结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see, progressive web apps offer the best of both types of technology – a website that looks and works as an app. It provides the ease of use, speed and offline functionality of the app while taking away the cost and complexity of managing multiple communication channels. If you are looking for high availability, high performance hosting for your website or PWA, visit our homepage to see our wide range of hosting solutions.

如您所见,渐进式Web应用程序提供了两种技术中的佼佼者–一个看起来像应用程序的网站。 它提供了应用程序的易用性,速度和脱机功能,同时消除了管理多个通信渠道的成本和复杂性。 如果您正在为网站或PWA寻找高可用性,高性能托管,请访问我们的主页以查看我们广泛的托管解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/6-benefits-of-progressive-web-apps/






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