谷歌adwords教程_6种增加Google AdWords转化率的方法


For many businesses, Google AdWords is a vital marketing tool. It’s a pay-per-click advertising platform that helps drive targeted traffic to your website. When advertising campaigns are set up and optimised correctly, they can boost your online sales dramatically. In this post, we’ll take a look at how to use Google AdWords effectively.

对于许多企业而言,Google AdWords是至关重要的营销工具。 这是一个按点击付费的广告平台,可帮助您将目标流量吸引到您的网站。 正确设置和优化广告系列后,它们可以极大地促进您的在线销售。 在本文中,我们将介绍如何有效使用Google AdWords


1.仔细计算预算 (1. Work out your budget carefully)

The cost of advertising on Google AdWords can vary from a few pence up to several pounds for each click. The amount you pay will depend upon the level of competition in your niche and the number of other advertisers bidding to have their adverts displayed for the same keywords and locations that you are.

在Google AdWords上刊登广告的费用从每次点击几便士到几英镑不等。 您支付的金额将取决于您的利基市场竞争水平以及竞标要显示与您相同的关键字和位置的广告的其他广告商的数量。

For this reason, it is important to think carefully about your budget. Pay too little and your adverts might not show at all or get poor placement. Pay too much and you might not get the ROI needed to make a reasonable profit. If you pay £1 per click and only 1% of click-throughs result in a sale, that’s £100 advertising costs per sale. There’s no point paying this if you are selling a £10 product.

因此,务必仔细考虑预算。 支付得太少,您的广告可能根本不会显示或位置不佳。 支付太多,您可能无法获得获得合理利润所需的ROI。 如果您为每次点击支付1英镑,而只有1%的点击率促成销售,那就是每次销售100英镑的广告费。 如果您要销售10英镑的产品,则无需为此付出任何代价。

Before you commence your ad campaign, there’s obviously some maths to be done to make sure you pay the optimum amount. Luckily, Google AdWords does give you lots of control over your spending, for example, you can set daily and monthly limits to stop you overspending.

在开始您的广告系列之前,显然需要做一些数学运算以确保您支付最佳金额。 幸运的是,Google AdWords确实为您提供了对支出的控制权,例如,您可以设置每日和每月限额以阻止您超支。


2.选择合适的网络 (2. Choose the right networks)

When advertising on Google AdWords you can choose to use search networks, display networks or both.

在Google AdWords上投放广告时,您可以选择使用搜索网络和/或展示广告网络。

Search networks


Search network advertising means your ads show up in Google’s search results. This is the most popular type of advertising and has the highest conversion rates. However, you are limited to displaying text only ads.

搜索网络广告意味着您的广告会显示在Google的搜索结果中。 这是最受欢迎的广告类型,转换率最高。 但是,您只能显示纯文字广告。

Display networks


Display networks show your ads on the sites of third party websites, such as blogs. They have lower conversion and click-through rates than search networks but do let you use images of varying shapes and sizes to create powerful banner ads.

展示广告网络在第三方网站(例如博客)上展示您的广告。 与搜索网络相比,它们的转化率和点击率更低,但是可以让您使用形状和大小各异的图像来制作功能强大的横幅广告。

Ideally, you should always use the search network as your primary channel, however, you can create other ads to be used on a display network to enhance your advertising campaign.



3.使用最佳关键字 (3. Use the best keywords)

When you use Google AdWords, you are paying for your advert to show up when someone has used specific keywords in their search query. You need to make sure, therefore, that the keywords you want to show up for are those which are most likely to result in both a click-through and conversion. You don’t want your ad to be irrelevant to the searcher, nor do you want to pay to have someone click through who isn’t interested in buying.  For more information on keyword research, check out our post: Best Keyword Research Techniques for SEO

当您使用Google AdWords时,您需要为广告付费,前提是有人在搜索查询中使用了特定的关键字。 因此,您需要确保要显示的关键字是最有可能导致点击型和转化型的关键字。 您既不想让广告与搜索者无关,也不想让没有兴趣购买的人点击来付费。 有关关键字研究的更多信息,请查看我们的文章: SEO的最佳关键字研究技术

Google AdWords lets you use four different types of keyword matches for your advertising campaign:

Google AdWords可让您为广告系列使用四种不同类型的关键字匹配:

Broad match type


Broad matches enable your ad to be displayed on searches which are broadly similar to the keywords you want to be found for. It means you are likely to get more traffic though it may be less focused on your target market.

广泛匹配使您的广告可以在与您要查找的关键字大致相似的搜索中展示。 这意味着您可能会获得更多流量,尽管它可能不太关注目标市场。

Broad match modified


This is similar to a broad match but you get to specify specific keywords or phrases that have to be included in the broader search query before your ad is shown. This helps target your ads more precisely.

这类似于广泛匹配,但是您需要指定在展示广告之前必须包含在广泛搜索查询中的特定关键字或词组。 这有助于更精确地定位您的广告。

Phrase match


A phrase match ensures your ads are displayed when a searcher types in a particular phrase, such as, ‘buy cheap furniture’ or ‘best golf clubs’. This not only ensures better targeting but increases the chance of conversion.

词组匹配可确保在搜索者输入特定词组(例如“购买便宜的家具”或“最佳高尔夫俱乐部”)时显示您的广告。 这不仅可以确保更好的定位,还可以增加转化的机会。

Exact match


Exact match type adverts will only display if the searcher types in a search query that is identical to the keywords you have chosen. This enables highly accurate targeting but also risks you losing out on those customers who have used similar but not exact searches.

仅当搜索者输入的搜索查询与您选择的关键字相同时,才会显示完全匹配类型的广告。 这样不仅可以实现高度精确的定位,还可能使您失去那些使用相似但不完全搜索的客户的机会。


4.优化您的广告 (4. Optimise your adverts)

Once your advert appears in the search results the next task is to make sure it gets clicked on. To do this, It has to offer searchers what they are looking for and give them an incentive to click on the link. To achieve this, the advert itself needs to do more than just use the keywords in its text. It should use catchy headlines, a concise well-written description and a clear call-to-action.

广告出现在搜索结果中后,下一个任务是确保广告被点击。 为此,它必须向搜索者提供他们想要的内容,并激励他们单击链接。 为此,广告本身需要做的不仅仅是在文本中使用关键字。 它应该使用醒目的标题,简洁明了的描述和清晰的号召性用语。

If you are going to make the most of your advertising campaign, you should consider using different variations of your ad and then split test them to see which are most effective. The more you do this, the more you can optimise your advertising for success. You should look at such factors as which versions produce the most click-throughs and which convert best.

如果要充分利用广告系列,则应考虑使用不同的广告变体,然后分别进行测试以查看哪个最有效。 您做得越多,您就越能优化广告以取得成功。 您应该考虑以下因素:哪个版本产生的点击次数最多,哪个版本产生的点击率最高。


5.为广告创建定制的目标网页 (5. Create bespoke landing pages for your ads)

To improve your chance of converting users who click on your ads, it makes good sense to send them to a specially created landing page on your website. That page should be completely focussed on selling to those visitors and catering for their specific needs. If you have different ads for different products or for different customer types, there should be a separate landing page for each.

为了增加转换点击广告的用户的机会,将他们发送到您网站上专门创建的目标网页是很有意义的。 该页面应完全集中于向那些访客销售并满足他们的特定需求。 如果您针对不同的产品或不同的客户类型使用不同的广告,则每个广告都应有单独的目标网页。

The landing page provides detailed information that those specific users want to know about in order to convince them to buy. For more detailed information read our post: 7 Tips for Writing a Landing Page That Converts

登陆页面提供了那些特定用户想知道的详细信息,以说服他们购买。 有关更多详细信息,请阅读我们的文章: 编写可转换目标网页的 7个技巧


6.监控您的广告活动 (6. Monitor your advertising campaign)

We’ve already mentioned split testing your adverts but you should also be monitoring and testing every element of your campaign. You can, for example, use AdWords to generate ‘Search Term Reports’ that tell you how well your current search terms are performing and what new search terms might improve your success.

我们已经提到过对广告进行拆分测试,但是您还应该监视和测试广告系列的每个元素。 例如,您可以使用AdWords生成“搜索字词报告”,以告诉您当前搜索字词的效果如何,以及哪些新的搜索字词可以提高您的成功率。

As you can integrate AdWords with your Google Analytics account, you are able you to track the performance of your advertising campaign all the way to conversion. This way you can measure your advertising ROI and see which parts of the selling pathway are most effective. This might show you that your landing page doesn’t do its job well enough or that there is something about your checkout page that turns customers off at the last minute.

由于您可以将AdWords与Google Analytics(分析)帐户集成在一起,因此可以跟踪广告系列的转化效果。 通过这种方式,您可以衡量广告的投资回报率,并查看销售途径中最有效的部分。 这可能表明您的目标网页无法很好地完成其工作,或者您的结帐页面上有某些内容会在最后一刻关闭客户。

Monitoring and testing can help you tweak your campaign so that it performs at its absolute best and provides the best possible return on investment.



结论 (Conclusion)

Used effectively, Google AdWords can transform the success of your online trading. From reading this post, you should now have a better idea of how to optimise your AdWords advertising campaigns to make them perform even better.

有效利用Google AdWords,可以改变您在线交易的成功。 通过阅读本文,您现在应该更好地了解如何优化AdWords广告系列,使其效果更好。

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