
What’s the second most used search engine after Google? Bing? Yahoo? No. It’s YouTube. With over a billion subscribers watching hundreds of millions of hours of video every day, YouTube is massive and as a business, you really should consider it as a marketing channel. The statistics speak for themselves: the average internet user watches over 30 videos every month and 50% of users watch business related videos. Of these, 65% will visit the company’s website sometime after seeing a video. That’s an enormous click through rate.

仅次于Google的第二大搜索引擎是什么? ing 雅虎? 不,这是YouTube。 YouTube每天有超过十亿的订户观看数亿小时的视频,因此YouTube规模庞大,并且是一项业务,您确实应该将其视为营销渠道。 统计数据不言自明:平均每个互联网用户每月观看30多个视频,而50%的用户观看与业务相关的视频。 其中有65%的人会在观看视频后的某个时间访问公司的网站。 这是巨大的点击率。

When it comes to video advertising, users who watch video ads are 64% more likely to purchase a product online after seeing a video about it.


Video works on both intellectual and emotional levels, we are hooked by its storytelling, the use of voice, facial expressions and movement.  Rather than simply telling viewers about your products and services you can show them.

视频在智力和情感层面都可以工作,我们对视频的讲故事,声音,面部表情和动作的使用着迷。 与其简单地向观众介绍您的产品和服务,不如向他们展示。

So, here’s how to set up and make use of YouTube for your online business


规划您的YouTube频道 (Planning your YouTube channel)

The first thing you need is a plan of action. Just like a Facebook page or a Twitter account, your channel needs to have a purpose. You could just use it to upload your latest adverts. Alternatively, you may want to use it as an extension of your social media and show videos about the human side of your business. Many highly successful channels on YouTube tend to be educational, showing people how to do something. Garages, for example, upload videos about basic car maintenance with the aim of selling parts online. As an added benefit, this can also generate local business as people bring their cars in for repair.

您需要做的第一件事是制定行动计划。 就像Facebook页面或Twitter帐户一样,您的频道需要有一个目标。 您可以使用它来上传最新的广告。 另外,您可能希望将其用作社交媒体的扩展,并显示有关业务人性化的视频。 YouTube上许多非常成功的频道都具有教育意义,向人们展示了如何做某事。 例如,车库上传有关基本汽车保养的视频,目的是在线销售零件。 另外一个好处是,当人们将汽车送去维修时,这还可以促进当地业务的发展。

It is important, therefore, that you consider the possibilities and decide upon what videos you are going to make and what you want them to achieve to benefit your business the most.


注册一个Google帐户 (Sign up for a Google account)

As YouTube is now owned by Google, the first thing you need to do when setting up a YouTube channel is open a free Google account. This can be done directly from the Google homepage and clicking on the ‘Sign in’ link. You’ll be asked to create an account and all you need to do is fill in the relevant details and you’re ready to go.

由于YouTube现在归Google所有,因此设置YouTube频道时,您要做的第一件事就是开设一个免费的Google帐户。 您可以直接在Google主页上点击“登录”链接来完成此操作。 系统将要求您创建一个帐户,您需要做的就是填写相关详细信息,然后就可以开始了。

选择正确的频道名称 (Choose the right channel name)

When you create your YouTube channel you will be able to give it a name. The name you choose can have a very big impact on its success, so it’s important to give it careful consideration. You may simply want to use your business name, however, for improved SEO or for specific audiences it may be more advantageous to use something different. So, for example, if you own a company called Brad’s Bikes and are making videos on bike maintenance, a good channel name would be Brad’s Bike Maintenance – this way you include the business name and the keywords that you want to rank for.

创建YouTube频道后,您可以为其命名。 您选择的名称可能会对它的成功产生很大的影响,因此,认真考虑它很重要。 您可能只是想使用您的公司名称,但是,为了提高SEO或针对特定受众,使用其他名称可能更有利。 因此,例如,如果您拥有一家名为Brad's Bikes的公司并制作有关自行车维护的视频,那么一个很好的频道名称就是Brad's Bike Maintenance –这样,您就可以包含公司名称和要为其排名的关键字。

上传引人注目的频道标题图片 (Upload an eye-catching channel header image)

Besides uploading your company logo, YouTube will also let you upload a much bigger header image that goes at the top of your channel’s homepage. Make sure this image encapsulates the essence of what your channel is about and that it appeals to your target audience. You can include text in your image too which can help get your message across quickly –  however, make sure this is big enough to read when the header is shrunk to fit on a mobile screen.

除了上传公司徽标之外,YouTube还可以让您上传更大的标题图片,该图片位于您频道首页的顶部。 确保这张图片囊括了您频道的本质,并吸引了您的目标受众。 您也可以在图像中包含文本,这可以帮助您快速传达信息-但是,请确保当标题缩小以适合移动屏幕时,其大小足以阅读。

添加精心制作的频道说明 (Add a well-crafted channel description)

You can also add a text description that viewers can use to read about your channel. In reality, not many people will read it on YouTube, most are just interested in your videos. However, what you write in the first 100 characters is vital as it will be displayed on YouTube and search engine results and for this reason needs carefully crafting to contain the most important keywords that your channel wants to rank for as well as appealing to searchers to make them click through.

您还可以添加文字说明,观众可以用来阅读您的频道。 实际上,在YouTube上阅读的人并不多,大多数人只是对您的视频感兴趣。 但是,您用前100个字符写的内容至关重要,因为它会显示在YouTube和搜索引擎结果中,因此,需要精心制作包含频道要排名的最重要的关键字,并吸引搜索者让他们点击。

Note: this process is also important for each individual video you upload. However, with videos, you also get to choose specific keywords you want to rank for.

注意:此过程对于您上传的每个视频也很重要。 但是,对于视频,您还可以选择要为其排名的特定关键字。

吸引人们访问您的网站 (Get people to your website)

One of the primary functions of your YouTube channel will be to drive traffic from the videos to your website. To achieve this, you need to set up a link from your channel to your site so that potential customers can get from A to B quickly and without fuss.

YouTube频道的主要功能之一是将视频流量吸引到您的网站。 为此,您需要建立一个从您的频道到网站的链接,以便潜在客户可以快速地从A到B到达目的地。

In order to link to your website, you will first need to verify your YouTube account. This is done via the ‘Verify’ button in your channel settings where you will need to input a code that Google sends to you via text message.

为了链接到您的网站,您首先需要验证您的YouTube帐户。 这是通过频道设置中的“验证”按钮完成的,您需要输入Google通过短信发送给您的代码。

您的第一个视频,频道预告片 (Your first video, the channel trailer)

One of the most important videos you produce is your channel trailer. It works in a similar way to trailers used by film companies in that it is essentially an interesting summary of the best bits of your business and channel.

您制作的最重要的视频之一是频道预告片。 它的工作方式与电影公司使用的预告片类似,因为它本质上是对您的业务和渠道的最佳方面的有趣总结。

Channel trailers can help in a number of ways; if your audience like it, they are much more likely to watch your other videos. It also means they are more likely to subscribe to your channel so that they get informed every time you upload a new video.

频道预告片可以通过多种方式提供帮助; 如果您的观众喜欢,他们更有可能观看您的其他视频。 这也意味着他们更有可能订阅您的频道,以便您每次上传新视频时都会得到通知。

As this is a trailer, the best thing you can do is keep the video short – no more than one minute. This is especially important as the video will play automatically when an unsubscribed visitor lands on your channel page.

由于这是一部预告片,因此您最好的办法就是使视频短片-不超过一分钟。 这一点特别重要,因为当未订阅的访问者登陆您的频道页面时,视频将自动播放。

添加部分以便于导航 (Add sections for easier navigation)

As you begin to develop your channel and upload more videos, you may find that some can be grouped into different sections. You can improve the chances of getting these seen by creating sections for your channel – in a similar way to how you would arrange posts into categories on a blog.

在开始开发频道并上传更多视频时,您可能会发现一些视频可以分为不同的部分。 您可以通过为您的频道创建部分来提高获得这些机会的机会,这与您将帖子按博客类别进行分类的方式类似。

Brad’s Bikes Maintenance channel, for example, might have a section on road bike maintenance and another on mountain bike maintenance.


Besides sections, you can also include playlists on your channel featuring your own videos or other videos you’ve found which you think your audience might enjoy. If you promote a charity as part of your business outreach programme, you could include some of its videos in your playlists.

除了部分之外,您还可以在频道中添加播放列表,播放列表中包含您自己的视频或其他您认为观众可能会喜欢的视频。 如果您在业务推广计划中宣传慈善事业,则可以在播放列表中包含其一些视频。

建立您的订户列表 (Build your subscriber list)

You need to think of your YouTube subscriber list as you would an email marketing list. The more subscribers you have, the easier it is to market your products and services to them. One of your aims as a channel owner, therefore, should be to get as many people to subscribe as possible. The main ways many YouTubers do this is to ask viewers to subscribe at the end of the video. ‘And don’t forget to subscribe to our channel.’ This is often backed up by laying a subscribe button over your video, which you can do via YouTube itself.

您需要将YouTube订阅者列表与电子邮件营销列表一起考虑。 订阅者越多,向他们推销产品和服务就越容易。 因此,作为频道所有者的目标之一是吸引尽可能多的人订阅。 许多YouTuber这样做的主要方法是要求观众在视频结尾处进行订阅。 “而且别忘了订阅我们的频道。” 通常可以通过在视频上放置一个订阅按钮来进行备份,这可以通过YouTube本身来完成。

下一步 (Next steps)

Once your channel is set up, the next stage is to begin adding new videos. You don’t need to spend a fortune paying a professional video maker to do this for you. Many of YouTube’s viral video makers have made their reputations and fortunes with nothing more than their mobile phone, a cheap tripod and a basic online video editor. If video editing is not your forte, you can use online explainer video animation software that can help you create great videos very cheaply.

设置频道后,下一步就是开始添加新视频。 您无需花费大笔费用就可以聘请专业视频制作商。 YouTube的许多病毒式视频制作商都凭借手机,廉价的三脚架和基本的在线视频编辑器而赢得了声誉和财富。 如果视频编辑不是您的专长,则可以使用在线解释器视频动画软件,该软件可以帮助您非常廉价地创建出色的视频。

The key is to make things snappy, humorous and fun to watch and listen to. With YouTube, there are no golden rules and many viewers like it when you try something new or unusual. So, you can be as creative as you like, as long as you remember that you are working in a visual and audio-based medium.

关键是让事物生动有趣,幽默有趣,以备观看和聆听。 使用YouTube,没有黄金法则,当您尝试新事物或不寻常事物时,许多观众都会喜欢它。 因此,只要您记得自己在基于视觉和音频的媒体中工作,就可以随心所欲。

One thing viewers do like, however, is regular updates. So, once you start getting subscribers, try to post new videos at regular intervals.

观众喜欢的一件事是定期更新。 因此,一旦开始吸引订阅者,请尝试定期发布新视频。

Take a look at how successful video marketing works by watching our Brad’s Bikes story below:

观看下面的Brad's Bikes故事,看看成功的视频营销如何运作:


最后的话 (Final words)

Once you have made your videos, you can then share them yourself. You can post them on your social media accounts, send them in your email marketing and embed them on your business website. From here, they can be liked and shared by others.

制作完视频后,您就可以自己分享了。 您可以将它们发布在您的社交媒体帐户上,在电子邮件营销中发送它们,并将它们嵌入到您的企业网站中。 在这里,他们可以被他人喜欢和共享。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-set-up-and-use-youtube-for-your-online-business/

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