
animal crossing new horizons hero

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has rolled out yet another seasonal event, and this time players can craft various DIY fall-themed recipes using acorns and pine cones. Here’s how to join the fun, happening between September and November 2020.

《动物穿越:新视野》又推出了另一个季节性活动,这次玩家可以使用橡子和松果制作各种以秋天为主题的DIY食谱。 这是参加2020年9月至11月之间的乐趣的方法。

查找橡子和松果 (Find Acorns and Pine Cones)

Isabelle will inform you of the new seasonal event in her morning announcement. She will allude to how you can participate in the new festivities—shaking trees. The event is available in September, October, and November in the Northern Hemisphere or March, April, and May for those in the Southern Hemisphere.

伊莎贝尔(Isabelle)会在早上的公告中告知您新的季节性活动。 她将暗示您如何参加新的庆祝活动-摇摇欲坠的树木。 该活动分别在北半球的9月,10月和11月或南半球的3月,4月和5月举行。

animal crossing new horizons isabelle

Normal hardwood trees and fruit trees will drop acorns, and the tall cedar trees that spawned in the unreachable part of your island at the beginning of the game will drop pine cones. Palm trees will not drop acorns or pine cones.

普通的硬木树和果树会掉落橡子,游戏开始时在岛上无法触及的地方产生的高大的雪松树会掉落松果。 棕榈树不会掉落橡子或松果。

animal crossing new horizons pine cone

Each tree will provide an unlimited amount of materials. However, there is a relatively low chance of finding an acorn or pine cone. If you’re just getting branches when shaking trees, don’t be discouraged—just keep shaking! There’s a limited area/space that items will land in, so be sure to stop and pick up the fallen branches in-between shakes.

每棵树将提供无限量的材料。 但是,发现橡子或松果的机会相对较低。 如果您在摇树时只是开树枝,请不要气—,只要继续摇! 物品会落入有限的区域/空间,因此请务必停下来拿起摇晃之间掉落的树枝。

Unlike the blue shells found in the summer event, there’s no need to wait for time to pass to spawn more of these crafting materials. Instead, you can shake trees as much as they’d like to reap the rewards.

夏季活动中发现的蓝色贝壳不同,无需等待时间就可以生成更多这些手Craft.io品。 取而代之的是,您可以随心所欲地摇树。

卖掉多余的橡子和松果 (Sell Your Excess Acorns and Pine Cones)

If you’re not interested in the fall-themed DIY recipes, or if you’ve crafted them all and you have too many materials left over, Timmy and Tommy will purchase acorns and pine cones at 200 Bells each.


animal crossing new horizons fall seasonal recipes

The complete DIY fall-themed seasonal set is neatly categorized under the “Seasonal Recipes” menu in the DIY Recipes Nook App. The fall-themed DIY recipes require around 35 acorns and 31 pine corns in total, and you have three months in which to collect all of the recipes. DIY recipes that you have an excess of can also be sold to Timmy and Tommy, or given to friends.

完整的DIY秋季主题季节性套装在DIY Recipes Nook应用程序的“ Seasonal Recipes”菜单下进行了整齐的分类。 以秋季为主题的DIY食谱总共需要35颗橡子和31颗松子,而您有三个月的时间来收集所有食谱。 您多余的DIY食谱也可以卖给Timmy和Tommy,或赠予朋友。

查找秋季主题的DIY食谱 (Find Fall-Themed DIY Recipes)

animal crossing new horizons tree bounty diy recipe

Isabelle will hand over a DIY recipe for a Free Tree’s Bounty Little Tree in her announcement of the day. After that, it is up to you to find the rest.

伊莎贝尔(Isabelle)在当天的宣布中将为自由树的赏金小树交出DIY食谱。 之后,剩下的就取决于您了。

Throughout the multi-month event, players can find fall-themed seasonal DIY recipes that use acorns and pine cones to craft furniture and accessories. These DIY recipes can only be found by shooting down balloons with your slingshot.

在整个为期一个月的活动中,玩家可以找到以秋天为主题的季节性DIY食谱,这些食谱使用橡子和松果来制作家具和配件。 这些DIY食谱只能通过用弹弓击落气球才能找到。

animal crossing new horizons fall diy recipes

Unfortunately, there’s no way to control exactly what a balloon will drop.


To make the balloon-popping process a little easier, look up at the sky by tilting up the analog stick on your right joy-con controller. Balloons will fly over your island in a right-to-left pattern. Then at 6 p.m. local time, the wind will reverse and balloons will fly over your island in the opposite direction. By standing on the beach with your camera tilted up, you can shoot the balloons down as soon as they fly in.

为了使气球弹出过程更容易一些,请倾斜右摇杆控制器上的模拟摇杆以抬头仰望天空。 气球将以从右到左的方式飞越您的岛屿。 然后在当地时间下午6点,风将逆转,气球将以相反的方向飞越您的岛屿。 通过将相机向上倾斜站立在沙滩上,您可以在气球飞入时立即将它们拍下来。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/688729/how-to-find-acorns-and-pine-cones-in-animal-crossing-new-horizons/

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