微软edge浏览器花屏_如何玩Microsoft Edge的秘密冲浪游戏



Surfing in Microsoft Edge's new hidden game.

Remember SkiFree? Microsoft is one-upping Google Chrome’s hidden dinosaur game. The new version of Microsoft Edge has a secret surfing game that works offline. It’s SkiFree with a fresh new coat of paint, swapping out yetis for the Kraken.

还记得SkiFree吗? 微软正在一次完善谷歌浏览器的隐藏恐龙游戏 。 新版本的Microsoft Edge拥有一个可离线运行的秘密冲浪游戏。 它是SkiFree,带有新的油漆涂层,可将雪人换成Kraken。

Update: The game is now available to everyone in Microsoft Edge 83, released in May 2020. Update your Edge browser if you can’t access it yet.

更新 :该游戏现已对2020年5月发布的Microsoft Edge 83的所有人开放。如果您尚无法访问它,请更新Edge浏览器

如何访问冲浪游戏 (How to Access the Surfing Game)

To access the game, type edge://surf into Edge’s address bar and press Enter. If you’re using a version of Edge that contains the game, it will load immediately. The “edge://” part of the address signifies this is an internal page that’s built into the Microsoft Edge application itself.

要访问游戏,请在Edge的地址栏中键入edge://surf ,然后按Enter。 如果您使用包含游戏的Edge版本,它将立即加载。 地址的“ edge://”部分表示这是Microsoft Edge应用程序本身内置的内部页面。

You’ll see the character select screen. Use the left and right arrow keys and space bar to select a character and start playing.

您会看到字符选择屏幕。 使用左右箭头键和空格键选择一个字符并开始播放。

Accessing Microsoft Edge's secret SkiFree-style game.

如何玩Edge的秘密冲浪游戏 (How to Play Edge’s Secret Surfing Game)

Use the arrow keys to control your character and the space bar to pause. The left and right keys move left and right, the up key stops your surfer, and the down key resumes surfing. Press the “f” key to use a speed boost power-up—you can get one near the start of the game. They look like green lightning bolts.

使用箭头键控制角色,并使用空格键暂停。 左右键可左右移动,向上键可停止冲浪,而向下键可继续冲浪。 按“ f”键使用加速加电功能-您可以在游戏开始前得到一个。 它们看起来像绿色的闪电。

As in the classic SkiFree game, your goal is to make it as far as you can. The game counts how far you’ve traveled in your current run at the top of the window. You start with three hearts. With every crash, you lose a heart. After you lose all your hearts, your run ends and the game shows you how far you made it.

与经典的SkiFree游戏一样,您的目标是尽可能做到最好。 游戏会在窗口顶部计算您在当前跑步中走了多远。 你从三颗心开始。 每次崩溃,您都会伤心。 当您全神贯注之后,您的奔跑就会结束,并且游戏会向您显示达到目标的程度。

Microsoft's secret surfing game gameplay

You can control the game with a mouse or touchpad, too. Move your mouse cursor to control your character and double-click to activate the speed boost.

您也可以使用鼠标或触摸板来控制游戏。 移动鼠标光标以控制角色,然后双击以激活速度提升。

The game even includes support for Xbox controllers. Plug in an Xbox 360 controller or pair an Xbox One controller wirelessly and you can control the game with the joysticks or d-pad, using the A button to pause and the right trigger to activate your speed boost. This game even supports the rumble feature on your controller!

该游戏甚至包括对Xbox控制器的支持。 插入Xbox 360控制器或无线配对Xbox One控制器 ,您就可以使用操纵杆或d-pad来控制游戏,使用A按钮暂停,使用正确的触发器激活速度提升功能。 该游戏甚至支持控制器上的隆隆声功能!

Using an Xbox controller in Microsoft Edge's surfing game.

You can select other game modes by clicking the menu button at the top-right corner of the game. Here are the available game modes:

您可以通过单击游戏右上角的菜单按钮来选择其他游戏模式。 以下是可用的游戏模式:

  • Let’s surf: The standard endless game mode. Try to get as far as you can.

    冲浪 :标准的无尽游戏模式。 尽力而为。

  • Time trial: There’s an end to this course. Try to get there as fast as possible.

    计时赛 :本课程已经结束。 尝试尽快到达那里。

  • Zig zag: The sea has gates you need to surf through. Try to get through as many gates you can in a row.

    之字形 :海中有您需要冲浪的大门。 尝试连续穿过尽可能多的门。

The game also includes other helpful accessibility features. There’s a “High visibility mode” toggle that makes obstacles easier to see and a “Reduced speed mode” that slows down the surfing speed.

游戏还包括其他有用的辅助功能。 有一个“高能见度模式”开关,它使障碍物更容易看到,而“减速模式”则降低了冲浪速度。

All the game’s controls are explained in the menu, too. Click the menu button and select “How to play” to see the control schemes for keyboard, mouse, touchpad, and game controller.

菜单中也说明了游戏的所有控件。 单击菜单按钮,然后选择“如何玩”以查看键盘,鼠标,触摸板和游戏控制器的控制方案。

Game settings in Edge's secret surfing game

2020年,SkiFree又回来了 (It’s 2020 and SkiFree Is Back)

This game is different from SkiFree, of course. Instead of skiing, you’re surfing. Instead of dodging yetis, you’re avoiding sea monsters. But the gameplay feels pretty familiar, and anyone who remembers playing Microsoft SkiFree in the 90s should get a dose of nostalgia from it.

当然,该游戏不同于SkiFree。 您不必冲浪,而是在冲浪。 避免躲避雪人,而是避开海怪。 但是游戏的玩法感觉非常熟悉,任何记得在90年代玩Microsoft SkiFree的人都应该从中怀旧。

This game may seem a little silly, but it’s much more fully-featured than Google Chrome’s dinosaur game. Like Chrome’s famous dino game, it works entirely offline. If your internet connection goes down and you want to kill a few minutes, you can always load the surfing game and play it entirely offline.

这个游戏看似有点傻,但是它比Google Chrome的恐龙游戏功能更全。 与Chrome著名的恐龙游戏一样,它完全可以离线使用。 如果您的互联网连接中断并且想消磨几分钟,您可以随时加载冲浪游戏,然后完全离线玩游戏。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/659743/how-to-play-microsoft-edges-secret-surfing-game/






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