onenote2019导入_将OneNote 2007笔记本导入Evernote

这篇博客介绍了如何将OneNote 2007的笔记导入到Evernote中,包括详细步骤和注意事项。Evernote是一款跨平台的笔记应用,而OneNote虽然功能强大,但设备支持有限。导入过程简单,但不能一次性导入所有笔记本,需要逐个选择。完成导入后,笔记将以单独的Evernote条目显示,并按部分标记。


Would you like to import your notes from OneNote 2007 into Evernote?  Here’s how you can do it without losing any of your existing data in OneNote.

是否要将笔记从OneNote 2007导入Evernote? 这是在不丢失OneNote中任何现有数据的情况下可以做到的方式。

Evernote is an increasingly popular note taking application that helps you keep all of your notes, pictures, and even files together on all of your devices.  You can use Evernote on your Windows or Mac computer, with the Evernote Web app, or on a wide variety of mobile devices.  All notes are automatically synchronized between all of the devices, so it’s very easy to keep up with your information. 

Evernote是一个越来越流行的笔记应用程序,可帮助您将所有笔记,图片甚至文件保存在所有设备上。 您可以在Windows或Mac计算机上,通过Evernote Web应用程序或在各种移动设备上使用Evernote。 所有设备之间的所有笔记都会自动同步,因此很容易掌握您的信息。

OneNote is another great note taking application that contains many more editing and formatting options than Evernote, but sadly is not available on as many devices.  Additionally, syncing data between OneNote and the cloud is difficult, and only works with the latest 2010 version.  If you’ve used OneNote 2007 for years but are now considering switching to Evernote, here’s how you can make the switch easy and take your notes and memories with you!

OneNote是另一个出色的笔记记录应用程序,它包含的编辑和格式化选项比Evernote多,但遗憾的是,它在许多设备上均不可用。 此外,在OneNote和云之间同步数据非常困难,并且仅适用于最新的2010版本。 如果您已经使用OneNote 2007多年,但是现在正在考虑切换到Evernote,则可以通过以下方法轻松进行切换并随身携带笔记和回忆!

Import OneNote 2007 Notebooks

导入OneNote 2007笔记本

It’s fairly easy to import your OneNote 2007 notes into Evernote.  Open Evernote, click Import in the file menu, and the select Microsoft OneNote 2007.

将OneNote 2007笔记导入Evernote非常容易。 打开Evernote,在文件菜单中单击导入 ,然后选择Microsoft OneNote 2007


If you’re using a different version of OneNote, you won’t be able to import your files into Evernote.  However, there are workaround ways to import files from most programs into Evernote, so check back soon for an upcoming article on importing OneNote 2010 files into Evernote.

如果您使用的是其他版本的OneNote,将无法将文件导入Evernote。 但是,有一些解决方法可以将文件从大多数程序导入Evernote,因此请稍后再查看有关将OneNote 2010文件导入Evernote的文章。


If OneNote 2007 is installed, you should see a window as below.  Click Next to get started.

如果安装了OneNote 2007,则应该看到如下所示的窗口。 单击下一步开始。


The Import Wizard will show a list of your available OneNote notebooks from the top menu.  Select the notebook you wish to import, and then select the sections from the notebook you want to import below.  Unfortunately, there is not an option to import all of your notebooks at once; you have to select the notebooks and sections individually.  Once you’ve made your selections, click Next.

导入向导将从顶部菜单显示可用的OneNote笔记本列表。 选择要导入的笔记本,然后在下面从要导入的笔记本中选择部分。 不幸的是,无法一次导入所有笔记本。 您必须分别选择笔记本和分区。 做出选择后,点击下一步

Note: If you want to import all of your OneNote 2007 notebooks, simply repeat these steps when you’re done to import the other notebooks.

注意:如果要导入所有OneNote 2007笔记本,则在完成导入其他笔记本后,只需重复这些步骤。


Evernote will show you how many sections you’ve selected; click Finish to start the import process.

Evernote将显示您已选择的部分; 单击完成以开始导入过程。


Evernote may take a few minutes to import your notes, depending on how many notes you’ve imported.



Once it’s finished, you’ll see a confirmation letting you know the data was imported.  Note that by default, imported notebooks will be saved only on your local computer.  If you’d like your imported OneNote notebooks to be synced with Evernote Web and other computers or devices you own, click Yes to convert the notebook to a synced notebook.  You will likely want to do this, as synchronization is one of Evernote’s best features.

完成后,您将看到一个确认,告知您数据已导入。 请注意,默认情况下,导入的笔记本将仅保存在本地计算机上。 如果您希望将导入的OneNote笔记本与Evernote Web以及您拥有的其他计算机或设备同步,请单击“ 是”将笔记本转换为同步的笔记本。 您可能会想要这样做,因为同步是Evernote的最佳功能之一。


Evernote only lets you upload 40MB of data per month for free, or 500Mb per month if you’re on a pro account.  If you’re close to the limit on your monthly usage or want to import a large amount of data from OneNote, you may want to leave the notebook offline and sync next month.

Evernote仅允许您每月免费上载40MB数据,如果您是专业人士帐户,则每月只能上载500Mb。 如果您接近每月使用量的限制,或者想从OneNote导入大量数据,则可能要使笔记本脱机并在下个月进行同步。


Now, you’ll see your imported notebooks under their notebook name in the list on the left side.  Select it to view all of your imported notes.

现在,您将在左侧列表中的笔记本名称下看到导入的笔记本。 选择它可查看所有导入的笔记。


Each page in your notes will have been imported as an individual Evernote note, but it will be tagged with the section’s name.  Most items in your notes will be imported correctly, including images, outlines, and text notes.

笔记中的每个页面都将作为单独的Evernote笔记导入,但是将用该部分的名称进行标记。 笔记中的大多数项目都可以正确导入,包括图像,轮廓和文本笔记。


Usually your text notes will be kept separate from your image notes; however, if your OneNote note had images inline with your text, Evernote will import the entire note as an image.  You will still be able to search for text in the note using Evernote’s OCR capabilities, but you will not be able to edit or copy text from the note.  If you still need access to the original text and images, you may want to copy them manually from OneNote.

通常,您的文字注释将与图像注释分开存放; 但是,如果您的OneNote笔记的图像与文本内嵌,则Evernote会将整个笔记导入为图像。 您仍然可以使用Evernote的OCR功能在笔记中搜索文本,但是您将无法从笔记中编辑或复制文本。 如果仍然需要访问原始文本和图像,则可能需要从OneNote中手动复制它们。




No matter what application your prefer, you should always be able to take your notes and data wherever you want.  Now, even if you have years of notes stored in OneNote 2007, you can easily transfer them to Evernote.  Even if you prefer OneNote’s features and interface, this could be a way you could take your notes on your mobile device, as Evernote supports far more devices than OneNote.

无论您喜欢哪种应用程序,都应该始终可以在任何需要的地方记录笔记和数据。 现在,即使在OneNote 2007中存储了数年的笔记,也可以轻松地将它们转移到Evernote。 即使您更喜欢OneNote的功能和界面,这也可能是您在移动设备上做笔记的一种方式,因为Evernote支持的设备远远超过OneNote。

If you’d like more ways to use Evernote to organize your life and help you remember everything, check out our article on Remembering Everything You See Online With Evernote for Chrome.  Or, if you’re just getting started with Evernote, check out our article on How to Manage and Organize Notes With Evernote.

如果您想使用更多方式来使用Evernote来组织生活并帮助您记住所有事情,请查看我们的文章“ 使用Chrome浏览器使用Evernote记住您在网上看到的一切” 。 或者,如果您刚刚开始使用Evernote,请查看有关如何使用Evernote管理和组织Notes的文章。



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