
Microsoft’s BitLocker encryption always forces you to create a recovery key when you set it up. You may have printed that recovery key, written it down, saved it to a file, or stored it online with a Microsoft account. If your BitLocker drive isn’t unlocking normally, the recovery key is your only option.

Microsoft的BitLocker加密始终会在您设置恢复密钥时强制您创建恢复密钥。 您可能已经打印了该恢复密钥,将其记录下来,将其保存到文件中,或者使用Microsoft帐户在线存储。 如果您的BitLocker驱动器无法正常解锁,则恢复密钥是您唯一的选择。

There are many reasons you may get locked out of your hard drive–maybe your computer’s TPM is no longer unlocking your drive automatically, or you forget a password or PIN. This will also be necessary if you want to remove a BitLocker-encrypted drive from a computer and unlock it on another computer. If the first computer’s TPM isn’t present, you’ll need the recovery key.

有许多原因可能会导致您无法锁定硬盘驱动器-可能是计算机的TPM不再自动解锁驱动器,或者您忘记了密码或PIN。 如果要从计算机上删除BitLocker加密的驱动器并在另一台计算机上将其解锁,这也将是必需的。 如果第一台计算机的TPM不存在,则需要恢复密钥。

首先,找到您的恢复密钥 (First, Find Your Recovery Key)

If you can’t find your recovery key, try to think back to when you set up BitLocker. You were asked to either write the key down, print it out to a piece of paper, or save it to a file on an external drive, such as a USB drive. You were also given the option to upload the BitLocker recovery key to your Microsoft account online.

如果找不到恢复密钥,请尝试回想一下设置BitLocker时的情况 。 要求您写下密钥,将其打印到一张纸上,或者将其保存到外部驱动器(例如USB驱动器)上的文件中。 您还可以选择将BitLocker恢复密钥在线上传到您的Microsoft帐户。

That key should hopefully be stored somewhere safe if you printed it to a piece of paper or saved it to an external drive.


To retrieve a recovery key you uploaded to Microsoft’s servers, visit the OneDrive Recovery Key page and sign in with the same Microsoft account you uploaded the recovery key with. You’ll see the key here if you uploaded it. If you don’t see the key, try signing in with another Microsoft account you might have used.

要检索上载到Microsoft服务器的恢复密钥 ,请访问OneDrive恢复密钥页面,并使用与上载恢复密钥相同的Microsoft帐户登录。 如果您上传了密钥,则会在这里看到它。 如果看不到密钥,请尝试使用您可能已使用的另一个Microsoft帐户登录。

If there are multiple accounts, you can use the “Key ID” displayed on the BitLocker screen on the computer and match it to the Key ID that appears on the web page. That will help you find the correct key.

如果有多个帐户,则可以使用计算机上BitLocker屏幕上显示的“密钥ID”,并将其与网页上显示的密钥ID相匹配。 这将帮助您找到正确的密钥。

If your computer is connected to a domain–often the case on computers owned by an organization and provided to employees or students–there’s a good chance the network administrator has the recovery key. Contact the domain administrator to get the recovery key.

如果您的计算机连接到域(通常是组织拥有的并提供给员工或学生的计算机),则网络管理员很有可能拥有恢复密钥。 请与域管理员联系以获取恢复密钥。

If you don’t have your recovery key, you may be out of luck–hopefully you have a backup of all your data! And next time, be sure to write down that recovery key and keep it in a safe place (or save it with your Microsoft Account).

如果您没有恢复密钥,则可能不走运– 希望您已备份所有数据 ! 下次,请务必记下该恢复密钥,并将其保存在安全的地方(或使用您的Microsoft帐户保存)。

情况一:如果您的计算机在启动时未解锁驱动器 (Situation One: If Your Computer Isn’t Unlocking the Drive at Boot)

Drives encrypted with BitLocker normally unlocked automatically with your computer’s built-in TPM every time you boot it. If the TPM unlock method fails, you’ll see a “BitLocker Recovery” error screen that asks you to “Enter the recovery key for this drive”. (If If you’ve set up your computer to require a password, PIN, USB drive, or smart card each time it boots, you’ll see the same unlock screen you normally use before getting the BitLocker Recovery screen–if you don’t know that password, press Esc to enter BitLocker Recovery.)

通常,每次启动计算机时,通常使用计算机的内置TPM自动将使用BitLocker加密的驱动器解锁。 如果TPM解锁方法失败,您将看到“ BitLocker Recovery”错误屏幕,要求您“输入此驱动器的恢复密钥”。 (如果您将计算机设置为每次启动时都要求输入密码,PIN,USB驱动器或智能卡,则在获得BitLocker恢复屏幕之前,您会看到通常使用的解锁屏幕,如果您不这样做, t不知道该密码,请按Esc键进入BitLocker恢复。)

Type your recovery key to continue. This will unlock the drive and your computer will boot normally.

输入您的恢复密钥以继续。 这将解锁驱动器,并且计算机将正常启动。

The ID displayed here will help you identify the correct recovery key if you have multiple recovery keys printed, saved, or uploaded online.


情况二:如果需要从Windows内部解锁驱动器 (Situation Two: If You Need to Unlock the Drive From Within Windows)

The above method will help you unlock your system drive and any other drives that are normally unlocked during the boot-up process.


However, you may need to unlock a BitLocker-encrypted drive from within Windows. Perhaps you have an external drive or USB stick with BitLocker encryption and it’s not unlocking normally, or perhaps you’ve taken a BitLocker-encrypted drive from another computer and connected it to your current computer.

但是,您可能需要从Windows内部解锁BitLocker加密的驱动器。 也许您有一个具有BitLocker加密的外部驱动器或USB记忆棒,并且无法正常解锁,或者您从另一台计算机上获取了一个经过BitLocker加密的驱动器,并将其连接到当前计算机。

To do this, first connect the drive to your computer. Open the Control Panel and head to System and Security > BitLocker Drive Encryption. You can only do this on Professional editions of Windows, as only they provide access to the BitLocker software.

为此,首先将驱动器连接到计算机。 打开控制面板,然后转到系统和安全性> BitLocker驱动器加密。 您只能在Windows专业版上执行此操作,因为只有它们才可以访问BitLocker软件。

Locate the drive in the BitLocker window and click the “Unlock Drive” option next to it.


You’ll be asked to enter the password, PIN, or whatever other details you need to provide to unlock the drive. If you don’t have the information, select More Options > Enter Recovery Key.

系统将要求您输入密码,PIN或解锁驱动器所需的其他详细信息。 如果您没有该信息,请选择更多选项>输入恢复密钥。

Enter the recovery key to unlock the drive. Once you enter the recovery key, the drive will unlock and you can access the files on it. The ID displayed here will help you find the correct recovery key if you have multiple saved keys to choose from.

输入恢复密钥以解锁驱动器。 输入恢复密钥后,驱动器将解锁,您可以访问其中的文件。 如果您有多个保存的密钥可供选择,则此处显示的ID将帮助您找到正确的恢复密钥。

If your computer is displaying a BitLocker error screen each time it boots and you don’t have any way of getting the recovery key, you can always use the “reset this PC” troubleshooting option to fully wipe your computer. You’ll be able to use the computer again, but you’ll lose all the files stored on it.

如果您的计算机在每次引导时都显示一个BitLocker错误屏幕,而您没有获取恢复密钥的任何方法,则可以始终使用“重置此PC”故障排除选项来完全擦除计算机。 您将可以再次使用计算机,但是会丢失存储在计算机上的所有文件。

If you have an external drive that’s encrypted with BitLocker and you don’t have the recovery key or any other way to unlock it, you may have to do the same thing. Format the drive and you’ll erase its contents, but at least you’ll be able to use the drive again.

如果您具有使用BitLocker加密的外部驱动器,但是没有恢复密钥或任何其他解锁方法,则可能必须执行相同的操作。 格式化驱动器,您将擦除其内容,但是至少您将能够再次使用该驱动器。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/263561/how-to-recover-your-files-from-a-bitlocker-encrypted-drive/

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