macos 变成普通用户_如何在macOS上将照片变成“回忆”

macos 变成普通用户

macos 变成普通用户

Apple Photos will automatically scan your memorable events, places, and people, gathering them into curated collections called Memories. You can also create your own Memories, turning any Memory into a slideshow, which you can share with friends and family.

Apple Photos将自动扫描您难忘的事件,地点和人物,并将它们收集到精选的集合中,称为“回忆”。 您还可以创建自己的记忆, 将所有“记忆”转换为幻灯片显示 ,并与亲朋好友共享。

Memories are different from albums. Albums are just folders you put photos into. But you can create Memories from any album or group of photos in your collection. Photos will also create Memories automatically from photos you take, based on a time period or location, turning them into “best of” collections.

记忆与专辑不同。 相册只是您将照片放入其中的文件夹。 但是,您可以根据收藏夹中的任何相册或照片组创建回忆。 照片还会根据您拍摄的照片根据时间段或位置自动创建记忆,将它们变成“最佳”收藏。

You might think of Memories as a sort of day-by-day scrapbook collection. For example, if you go to a party and take a bunch of snaps of you and your friends, they’ll appear the next day as a Memory. It’s then up to you what you want to do with it, by saving it, creating a slideshow, sharing it, or just letting it fade away.

您可能会认为回忆是一种日常的剪贴簿收藏。 例如,如果您参加一个聚会并拍了一些您和您的朋友的快照,那么第二天他们就会以“记忆”的形式出现。 然后,由您决定要执行的操作,保存,创建幻灯片,共享或让它淡出。

To use Memories on your Mac, you must first at least be running macOS Sierra.

要在Mac上使用内存,首先必须至少运行macOS Sierra。

In order to make sure Memories works across all your Apple devices, you will need to set up iCloud, sign in with the same Apple ID, and turn on iCloud Photo LIbrary for each device on which you want to view your Memories. If you want to see your memories on a 4th generation Apple TV, then you need to make sure it is updated to tvOS 10 or later.

为了确保Memories可以在所有Apple设备上正常运行,您需要设置iCloud,使用相同的Apple ID登录,然后为要在其上查看Memories的每台设备打开iCloud Photo Library 。 如果要在第4代Apple TV上查看自己的记忆,则需要确保将其更新到tvOS 10或更高版本。

在Photos App中查看记忆 (Viewing Memories in the Photos App)

You can view Memories on your Mac by opening the Photos app and then clicking Memories in the sidebar and double-clicking on any Memory.


When you view a Memory in Photos, it will slowly cycle through the contents, allowing you to preview it before you save it, convert it to a slideshow, or share it. In the example below, we how Memories created a “Best of Last Month” collection.

当您查看“照片中的内存”时,它将缓慢地循环显示内容,使您可以在保存之前预览它,将其转换为幻灯片或共享它。 在下面的示例中,我们介绍了回忆如何创建“上个月最佳”集合。


创建自己的记忆 (Creating Your Own Memories)

The Photos app will automatically create Memories based on photos you’ve recently taken. You can create your own Memories, however, from any album. Simply open the album and click “Show as Memory” in the top-right corner.

“照片”应用程序将根据您最近拍摄的照片自动创建回忆。 您可以从任何专辑创建自己的记忆。 只需打开相册,然后单击右上角的“显示为内存”。

Alternatively, if you’re browsing from the All Photos tab, you can click the group title and it will automatically be converted to a Memory.


保存内存以供以后访问 (Save Memories for Access Later)

The Photos application is always creating new Memories based on new photos you add. In order to preserve Memories so that they’re not overwritten by new ones, scroll all the way to the bottom and click “Add to Memories”.

“照片”应用程序始终会根据您添加的新照片创建新的内存。 为了保留内存,以免被新的内存覆盖,请一直滚动到底部,然后单击“添加到内存”。

When you want to look at your Memories more closely, simply double-click to open one and then scroll down to check out a summary of photos contained within a particular Memory. Clicking “Show All” will display all the photos in a Memory.

当您想更仔细地查看您的记忆时,只需双击以打开一个记忆,然后向下滚动以查看特定内存中包含的照片摘要。 单击“全部显示”将显示内存中的所有照片。

Scroll all the way to the bottom of a Memory and you can select a person or group to see more photos like it, click on a place to view more photos taken nearby, or discover other related Memories, which are sorted by events, scenes, places, and people.


将任何内存转换成幻灯片以进行共享 (Turning Any Memory into a Slideshow for Sharing)

As we mentioned at the beginning, you can turn your Memories into slideshows, which you can share with your friends and family. Once you’re happy with the photos you’ve gathered into your Memory, click the slideshow arrow in the Photos’ toolbar. From there you can choose a theme and accompanying music (the iOS version has a few more options and calls them Movies).

正如我们在开始时提到的,您可以将“回忆”变成幻灯片,可以与您的朋友和家人分享。 对收集到内存中的照片感到满意后,单击“照片”工具栏中的幻灯片箭头。 在这里,您可以选择主题和伴奏音乐(iOS版本具有更多选项,并将其称为电影)。

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If you want to share a Memory you or the app has created, click the Share button in the top toolbar. As you can see, you can share your Memories through iCloud Photo Sharing, Facebook, Messages, and more.

如果要共享您或应用创建的内存,请单击顶部工具栏中的共享按钮。 如您所见,您可以通过iCloud照片共享,Facebook,消息等共享您的记忆。

The Memories feature is a great way to distill your photos into something accessible and meaningful. Whether it’s a day at the beach, a vacation to Europe, or just a barbeque with friends, it lets you rediscover photos that might have otherwise gotten lost in the crush of new photos.

记忆功能是将照片提取成易于访问且有意义的内容的好方法。 无论是在海滩上度过一天,去欧洲度假还是只是与朋友一起烧烤,它都可以让您重新发现原本可能在新照片迷恋中迷失的照片。


macos 变成普通用户





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