如何在Windows 10上将窗口移动到另一个虚拟桌面

Windows Desktop Hero

If you often use virtual desktops in Windows 10 to manage your workspaces, you might find that keeping track of windows between them can sometimes be a hassle. Luckily, Windows makes it easy to move windows between virtual desktops. Here’s how.

如果您经常在Windows 10中使用虚拟桌面来管理工作区,则可能会发现有时跟踪它们之间的窗口有时会很麻烦。 幸运的是,Windows使在虚拟桌面之间移动窗口变得容易。 这是如何做。

如何在虚拟桌面之间拖放Windows (How to Drag and Drop Windows Between Virtual Desktops)

Using your mouse or a touchscreen, you can easily drag windows between virtual desktops using the Task View sceen. To open “Task View,” click the “Task View” button on your taskbar or press Windows+Tab.

使用鼠标或触摸屏,您可以使用“任务视图”屏幕轻松在虚拟桌面之间拖动窗口。 要打开“任务视图”,请单击任务栏上的“任务视图”按钮或按Windows + Tab。

(If you don’t see a “Task View” button on the taskbar, right-click the taskbar and select “Show Task View button.”)


In Windows 10, click the "Task View" button on the taskbar.

Using the row of virtual desktop thumbnails across the top of the the Task View screen, click the desktop that contains the window you’d like to move.


The Windows 10 Task View Screen that displays virtual desktops

After clicking, the virtual desktop you selected will appear. Activate “Task View” again, then drag the thumbnail of the window you’d like to move onto the thumbnail of the virtual desktop you’d like to move it to.

单击后,将显示您选择的虚拟桌面。 再次激活“任务视图”,然后将要移动的窗口的缩略图拖到要移动到的虚拟桌面的缩略图上。

As you move it over the destination desktop, the thumbnail will reduce in size.


Dragging a window between virtual desktops on the Task View screen in Windows 10.

Once the window thumbnail is over the virtual desktop destination thumbnail, release the mouse button, and the window will be moved to that desktop.


In Windows 10 Task View, the window has been moved to another virtual desktop.

After that, you’re free to switch to whichever virtual desktop you like by clicking it or simply pressing “Escape” to close Task View.

之后,您可以通过单击或随意按“ Escape”关闭任务视图,自由切换到所需的任何虚拟桌面。

如何通过右键单击在虚拟桌面之间移动Windows (How to Move Windows Between Virtual Desktops by Right-Clicking)

You can also move windows between virtual desktops by using a pop-up menu that appears in Task View. First, open “Task View” and focus on the desktop that includes the window you’d like to move. In Task View, right-click on the window’s thumbnail and select “Move To,” then pick the destination desktop from the list.

您还可以通过使用“任务视图”中显示的弹出菜单在虚拟桌面之间移动窗口。 首先,打开“任务视图”,然后将焦点放在包含您要移动的窗口的桌面上。 在“任务视图”中,右键单击窗口的缩略图,然后选择“移至”,然后从列表中选择目标桌面。

In Task View on Windows 10, right-click on a window thumbnail and select "Move to."

After that, the window will appear on the virtual desktop you selected. You can also make the window appear on all virtual desktops at once if you right click on its thumbnail in Task View and select “Show this window on all desktops.” Very handy!

之后,该窗口将出现在您选择的虚拟桌面上。 如果在“任务视图”中右键单击其缩略图,然后选择“在所有桌面上显示此窗口”,则也可以使该窗口一次出现在所有虚拟桌面上。 非常便利!

Unfortunately, Windows 10 does not include a keyboard shortcut for moving windows between virtual desktops.

不幸的是,Windows 10不包括用于在虚拟桌面之间移动窗口的键盘快捷键。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/688224/how-to-move-a-window-to-another-virtual-desktop-on-windows-10/





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